The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 495: The money-hungry enclosure movement

Looking at the smelly mud ball in front of him, Aze knew that his spring might be coming.

Regarding the copy of Flatland, he came in with a sense of fun, which he did not shy away from.

The original purpose was to keep in line with Yu Liang's schedule. Otherwise, if he was inexplicably pulled into the regular dungeon for adventure when Yu Liang entered Wangcheng, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Therefore, he basically regarded this current pioneering trip as tourism.

Of course, this does not mean that he will despise this copy, nor does it mean that he will make some mistakes of underestimating the enemy.

A great man whom he admired very much once said that we should despise our opponents strategically and value our opponents tactically.

That's what he's doing now.

I went through the dungeon as if I were on vacation, but I didn't let down my guard at all about the murderous intent lurking in the dungeon.

For him and most of the players who participated in the pioneering book, the most dangerous moment was definitely when no abilities were unlocked, so at that stage, he still maintained 100% concentration and completed the main mission of the first stage. solve.

By the way, he also helped Xu Cixi because he knew that as long as Xu Cixi unlocked it, Yu Liang and his adventurer friends could also unlock it.

For these three guys, it is basically unlikely that they will die unexpectedly after completing the first stage of the main mission.

Next, it’s time to play.

Actor Aze is not worried about whether there will be any super big crisis during this period. If there is such a crisis that even he cannot handle, it will only mean that the difficulty of this pioneering book is falsely reported.

All players in the dungeon will die from the crisis without any accidents.

This is life.

if that is the case……

Haha, I deserved to lose this one, no need to say anything.


He never expected that when he participated in the dungeon without any other purpose, the opportunity to conquer the source of ghost talk came to him.

Uh, so is this the true meaning of "loser"?

Every dungeon in the past was thinking about harvesting the source of Kaitan, but this could not be conquered. This dungeon came over for a vacation, but the source of Kaitan himself ran up in front of him, and he was still the kind of "everything is ready, all he needs is the east wind" status.

"Going into battle and then finding the source of the injury."

Unlike the uncle in the original work, Aze is not a god of pure love. He doesn't care at all how many people this root ghost story has hosted in the past. He only knows that he can enjoy it for one second.

A bus is just a bus, it’s a means of transportation after all, isn’t it?

And are buses cheap?

Buses are not cheap.

Aze learned what happened from the ghost talk, and even he thought it was a coincidence.

Because the financial planner overused the power of the cloud point, the origin of this copy was awakened.

In this case, there is actually no need to worry about the ghost story itself, because the source of the ghost story will eventually find its way to the financial planner.

The financial planner's ability is very special. He uses the cloud point in his own name, so his father's existence will not be exposed. If someone really comes to visit him, the cloud point's ghost story can just sneak away.

The bad thing is that the financial planner is too trusting and has played himself to death, so the ghost story has no players around, and the situation is very dangerous. It is necessary to find a suitable host quickly.

There are only two players in the circular city, the beast tamer and the sprinter. Both of them are under the control of Yu Liang, while the other players are all beside the writer, so this road is directly cut off.

There are only two options left, either Hexagonal City or Lingcheng.

Kudian Kaidan realized that the writer was going to Hexagonal City, and immediately rushed to Heijian City without stopping. However, other players in Heijian City had moved to the vicinity of Hexagonal City before...

Haha, you didn’t expect that Aze is the only player left in Ling City!

Yudian Kaitan found Aze immediately. He found out that Aze was a very powerful T1 player, and he did not have the aura of other source monsters, so he was a very suitable host.

Then Aze will be His "Father".

As the source of the ghost story, he is here to control this player. Naturally, he cannot pretend to be inferior and refuse categorically.

Not long after, the writer's hook was caught. Now the Kuodian Kaitan cannot use his abilities at will. Once used, he will be discovered by the local Root Kaidan.

Moreover, the writer seemed to have an unusual aura on his body, a powerful smell coming from the mysterious side, which made Guidian Kaitan a little frightened.

Although he didn't know whether those breaths could use the root rules at this point in time, he didn't dare to bet.

He is far from perfect now, and it is absolutely necessary to avoid fighting.

Then Aze will be His "Father".

Shame, really shame.

An unprecedented feeling of anger appeared in the heart of Kuodian Kaitan. He had never felt anything like this since the birth of intelligence and consciousness.

He knew that his current state was not very strong, but what flowed around him was the aura of a god, the power of the source of ghost talk, and he was the most noble existence in the world.

Then Aze will be His "Father".

"You still have about an hour to think about it. Please pay attention. It is you who need me now, not me who needs you." Aze calmed down, showing a kind of indifference in both his tone and psychology.

If you want the source ghost talk to be your help too much, you will follow their path instead.

These origin ghost stories are all old monsters. It is easy to see through the players' inner desires and contain them.

But this is of no use to Aze. To be honest, if he really wanted to get the root ghost talk boarding by recognizing his father, Aze had many opportunities in the past.

Each of the root ghost stories taken individually is more powerful than the current incomplete "father", but does he hesitate?


He, the actor Aze, wants to stand on the top of the Root Monster. The most he can do is accept the Root Monster to coexist with him as an equal, as a younger brother or a son, which is absolutely impossible.

"In this dungeon, I may be the only one who has the ability to protect you. Thinking about it, you are really lucky. If it were other players, they may not be able to hide you from the search for the source of the ghost story." Ah Ze walked out of the circular palace, "As you can see, I am going to send troops to Hexagon City next, and I will conquer the entire Flat Country, so if you want to make a decision, hurry up, I have more important things to do. "

The ghost story squirmed and fell silent for a while.

He admitted that the man in front of him was the brightest star among mankind, more dazzling than any human being he had ever seen in the past.

He had reached this point without relying on the power of any source monster. Compared with him, the T1 player he originally chose was like a waste.

To be able to lose to a T2 writer so cleanly, this financial planner is simply rubbish, a scum, a fool that he only likes when he is blind!

Thinking of this, Wu Dianguai Tan's heart suddenly filled with resentment, a kind of anger that "men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man."

In comparison, actor Aze is simply rich, handsome, and the kind of rich and handsome man who made his fortune from scratch.

Even if it’s a source of weird talk like not respecting Him that much...

It seems okay.

Anyway, he only thinks about the present for the time being, and what he needs most right now is the care from actor Aze.

"Ha." Aze couldn't help but sneered in his heart. He had already arranged his escape plan. As long as he made a special Kaidan contract, he could make the source Kaitan unable to regret at will.

Heaven and earth serve as a guide, he and Wudian Guitan are definitely truly married as father and son. If there is betrayal, the sky will strike like lightning!


"You didn't catch him?" Yu Liang looked at the empty grappling hook in Lu Baoshen's hand and was a little surprised.

The number of times the goblin's hook gun has been empty is not very high, and the rabbit-shaped god and the toad-shaped god have been hooked. How come you, the source of the incomplete body, have not been pulled over?

Yu Liang recalled the black light spots he saw used by the financial planner at that time, and made some vague guesses.

Those light spots seem to be the original tissue of the source monster, so the source monster should have escaped by using a method similar to the gecko's "tail cutting to survive", right?

It's pretty quick to hide.

Yu Liang told Lu Baoshen to pack away the goblin hook gun. He would need this gun later to catch the prophet.

The prophet is not a source of weird talk, and should not be able to escape, provided that the kind of bug that appeared in Li Geng's last time does not occur.

For example, the goods are wrong or something.

Lu Baoshen's use of this goblin hook gun is not without any restrictions. In the final analysis, he is relying on his strong luck to enable the hook gun to catch the creature he wants to capture.

When the creature is not in the current space, or when he is not so familiar with the creature, the probability of hitting the hook will decrease.

Lu Baoshen now saw the back of the prophet in the character creation animation. With this information, he should be able to catch the prophet.

Unless the appearance of the prophet is the same as that of Li Geng, and the character appearing in the appearance animation is not the person who descended on this copy, then there is a risk of empty hook.

But Yu Liang didn't quite believe it. How could such bugs appear one after another?

Is there no reward for fixing bugs in Kaitan World?

The profession of writer is really on the sidelines and no one cares.

Originally, he wanted to use the goblin hook to catch the real Yu Liang directly, but after a brief try, he realized that this was nonsense.

There is not only a dimensional gap between the space where Yu Liang is and the real Yu Liang, but also a mirror, which makes it impossible to hit him with eight poles. Moreover, Lu Baoshen has never seen the real Yu Liang. After setting the hook, there is a 99% chance that he will directly catch the Yu Liang in front of him. , just like trying to capture Aze in a suit before, but ended up capturing Aze himself.

On this detail issue, luck is not handled very well.

"No matter, let's go to the city first." Yu Liang waved his hand and temporarily put these strange creatures into the universe, and led Room 225 into the Hexagonal City from the Octagon.

With the round elder's badge, they slipped in easily.

This time the situation is better than last time, because there are players from Lingcheng in this city to support him, so Yu Liang does not need to worry too much about the shadows here colluding with the players in Hexagonal City to ambush him .

It is not difficult to find from God's perspective that the remaining ten shadows have escaped from the Hexagonal City in advance and headed towards the far north.

When Yu Liang wakes up, the shadows can get the news in advance, so it is not difficult to avoid Yu Liang.

Of course, waiting for Yu Liang to free up his hands and use the goblin hook gun to capture the shadows one by one and execute them is also a good way to eliminate future troubles.

After entering the Hexagonal City, Yu Liang did not communicate too much with these players. He had completely taken the initiative and did not need to explain too much to the players.

In order to achieve the 100,000 wealth value required for purchase, every player must search it again.

None of the gathered players agreed to Yu Liang's excessive and outrageous request, and most of them clearly expressed their resistance.

Make them hand over all the items and characters they have on them?

How could you possibly accept this kind of thing?

"I know you have a lot of doubts in your hearts, but that's the fact." Yu Liang did not look helpless. He did not need to gain the understanding of these players, "This dungeon scene is in a computer. We They are all programs in the computer, and the source ghost story only gives us a very short time, and His wishes must be fulfilled before the end of time, otherwise all of us will be wiped out."

"But what does this have to do with collecting our wealth?" Someone in the player group was indignant, and his words immediately attracted a series of echoes.

This is also because Yu Liang and his team have shown their strength, otherwise the current situation would not be that the players listen to him, but instead attack in groups.

T2 writer, T1 adventurer, T4 hypnotist, T1 hunter, T2 gambler, T2 bodyguard, T2 architect, T1 fairy.

They are all high-quality players, and the strength of each cannot be underestimated.

Coupled with the large group of high-gradient strange creatures around the writer, as well as the cannon squad...

The strength shown here can definitely compete with other current players, and even among the players, there are people with ambiguous attitudes.

For example, the vast majority of players disagree with the proposal just made. Why is it the vast majority?

Because there are players from Lingcheng among the players, and among them is Zhuang Wu, the T2 martial arts coach.

Zhuang Wu has been staying with the Lingcheng players. Yu Liang forcefully asked them to communicate about the progress of the mission, which attracted two or three of the players to develop a good impression of him. In addition, during this period, Zhuang Wu often boasted to them about the legendary How great and powerful the beast tamer is...

Anyway, these three or four people are the only ones who support Yu Liang's decision.

If it weren't for Yu Liang, the situation facing players now would be even worse.

"If you want to complete the mission of the root ghost story, a large number of characters and supernatural items are indispensable. Not only you, but all the players in the circular city have these things with me." Yu Liang did not explain further, but said impatiently Said, "You may have made a mistake. I am just informing you, not discussing with you."

What a joke, my next target is Aze. Even Aze will be exploited by the money-grubbers, let alone you guys.

Only the "wave" character must be left in every player's hand, so that it is possible to reach a wealth value of 100,000.

"That's right." The money-keeping ghost agreed from the side. With the help of Iron Fist, its desire expanded rapidly.

The accumulation of wealth is the accumulation of strength. Relying on this wave of bonuses, it can continue to become stronger!

Even the legendary realm seems to be just around the corner.

Yu Liang noticed the excitement of the money saver and couldn't help but speculate in his heart.

Is this the stage where capitalists are mischievous?

Rodeo movement?

Or something else?

Forget it, it is a necessary stage for the development of capital anyway. If these people are not deprived of all their wealth, how can they accumulate original capital and purchase the source of ghost stories?

"You!" These rude remarks naturally made the players even more angry, and some even encouraged him, "If we all swarmed up, this guy might not be able to kill all the players in the two cities."

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