The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 494 Maybe, you can call me

A clear plan was formed in Yu Liang's mind step by step, and he had realized what he needed to do.

Wanting to complete the mission assigned by the root ghost story, Yu Liang had two options:

The backup plan is very simple, but the feasibility is not very high.

The difficulty of this task is how to use the state of the two-dimensional person to influence the three-dimensional person, and it is also necessary to control the three-dimensional person to send "Yu Liang" to the computer desk.

You might as well change your thinking. Since it is difficult to achieve it with the power of a two-dimensional person, then increase it by one dimension.

Using the stamp [Dimensional Man] to transform himself into a three-dimensional person, maybe he can get away from the computer and enter the real town as a three-dimensional person, and then just find the "Yu Liang" hidden in the mirror world and bring him back. .

The idea is very clear, but if you think about it carefully, it is not easy.

The first is that there may be a "mirror spirit" in this real town. Yu Liang is not sure whether he can still have the permissions of the "mirror god" after entering the mirror world. He suspects that his permissions will be taken away by the mirror spirit, which will lead to trouble. A big disaster.

The second is that Yu Liang has not unlocked the stamp column.

There are two unlocking opportunities, one for unlocking the alienated profession and one for unlocking the inventory. If he wants to unlock the stamp slot next time, he must complete the third stage of the main mission.

Then the question arises. After the third stage of the main mission is completed, shouldn’t he just take the pioneer book to end the mission?

After completing the third stage, the stamp bar was indeed unlocked, and then he only had the last few minutes left to move freely.

Want to enter the real world in a few minutes, travel to the mirror world, find another Yu Liang, and then bring the other Yu Liang to the computer...

Anyway, Yu Liang felt that it was impossible for him to do this.

A few minutes is too short, and when you think about it, you know it's too late.

Therefore, I can only try the second plan.

Yu Liang recalled the entire process of his arrival in Flatland, synthesized all the information and gains, and formed a larger plan. The feasibility of this plan was actually higher than the backup plan.

Prior to this, Li Huachao had created a silver square in Ling City and used reflection to see the situation in the room, and then triggered the zombie graphic crisis. This means that the computer screen is actually on, and what is at the "top" of the computer screen is the Flat Country layer.

Specular reflection is possible.

According to this idea, Yu Liang can write corresponding words on the land of Flatland, and use these words to give instructions to people who may be in front of the computer screen, thereby achieving his goal.

The person existing in front of the computer is probably a female writer.

Apart from female writers, it was hard for Yu Liang to imagine anyone else who could pull Li Geng's God's perspective out of thin air.

However, this requires Flat Country to provide a large amount of space. According to the results of previous observations, Yu Liang needs to free up a large blank area in Flat Country for writing, and he must clearly tell the female writer the current situation. , so that it is possible to solve all this.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, in order to achieve this, Yu Liang really needs the help of actor A Ze.

Aze has completely unified Lingcheng. At least he has absolute say in Lingcheng's three-thirds of land, and only then can he have the power to clear the site.

Not only did it clear the site, the project also required a lot of graphic assistance, and the paint used for writing was also essential, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to convey the message to the female writer.

Aze, who had always only cared about playing for himself, was actually able to come in handy. That guy had obviously been wandering outside the main dungeon and had never explored the source of the ghost story at all. It was really unpleasant to think about it.

After conveying the message, Yu Liang still needs to ensure that the female writer will really follow his ideas, which requires the use of another thing.

The personality of the created character is uncertain. If the female writer is extremely hostile to him, she will probably not help Yu Liang.


It is also possible to sit in front of the computer and directly delete all the players on the computer, killing Yu Liang completely.

So Yu Liang needs a trump card, a secret weapon to tie down female writers.


Although it was just a guess, Yu Liang probably understood that the female writer seemed unable to leave the prison mirror copy.

The prison mirror copy is said to be reality, but it is still within the scope of the copy, and she has not solved the source of the copy, the ghost story, so she cannot escape from the copy, leave the world of ghost stories, and enter the real reality.

And Yu Liang has this ability.

As long as he enters the universe, Yu Liang can use the teleportation of the ghost story world to take the female writer to the real world.

For a "half-step root ghost story" trapped in a small town, this kind of freedom must be very attractive.

This is not abduction of women. If the female writer strongly demands to leave the universe, Yu Liang will not stop her. He can ask the adventurer to help pick the female writer out and give the female writer her true freedom.

As a half-step root-level existence, and as a female writer who might have mastered the Seven Deadly Sins, Yu Liang had no confidence in being able to control the other party.

Just make good friends. Anyway, they have a unique bond, which female writers cannot give up.

In the real world, if a female writer wants to murder Yu Liang, she has to ask her sister if she agrees.

The first level of official high school can kill people, but the root ghost talk in the growth stage is much better than the half-step root ghost talk.

If he is willing to live in peace, Yu Liang doesn't mind if the well is not in conflict with the river. He is indeed a little greedy for the help of the root cause, but he will never force it. He just needs to maintain a relatively good relationship.

What's more, he now has a lot of strange stories about his origins...

He didn't know how to control it when it kept getting messy after cutting.

Those who can be named include "Zhi", the toad-shaped god, the white humanoid and the "villager". The relationship between the four root ghost stories and him is ambiguous. At some point, perhaps these root ghost stories will also help Yu Liang. Take action.

In this way, the whole plan becomes much clearer.

Use Azer to write messages on the land of Flatland to inform the female writer of the current situation.

If the female writer enters Yu Liang's room in the real world, then she will know what is happening here. If she never enters the room, then Yu Liang in the copy will need to use some off-screen tricks to break this "dimensional wall".

For example, purchasing female writers.

In this case, the female writer should be able to realize something. As long as her character is more biased towards Yu Liang than Li Huachao, she will definitely try her best to find doubts. It is only a matter of time before she finds the room where Yu Liang is.

As a two-dimensional creature, Yu Liang does not have many good ways to make female writers aware of his existence.

If he can't afford such a half-step ghost talk about a female writer, then Yu Liang can only try to buy the female writer's "broken" characters (if there are any left), for example, spending "995" characters to buy it "Broken" characters...

The female writer must have expected something when she discovered that the character was missing. Adding that "995" is homophonic to "save me", and she happened to be in Yu Liang's room in the real world two days ago, she should be able to find something.

Of course, this kind of problem-solving idea is a bit like the kind of "detective stories" published in elementary school extracurricular magazines. It feels childish, but it is not necessarily useless.

Yu Liang also didn't expect that at this moment, three seemingly unrelated lines would be connected in series.

Aze who is busy conquering Flatland, Yu Liang who is busy collecting players' wealth, and adventurers who are busy taking risks and exploring.

The most outrageous thing is that all three are indispensable.

If one is missing, the goal of completing the root ghost talk will be missing, and it will be difficult to achieve.

After explaining their thoughts, neither the adventurer nor Xu Cixi had any objections. They were not Yu Liang and did not understand the copy of Prison Mirror. Now that the three-dimensional world was involved, they naturally had nothing to say.

The adventurer also helped Yu Liang take out all the created characters in the universe and quickly expanded the team.

They have arrived at Hexagonal City, where Yu Liang's last battle will take place. After collecting the wealth of the players here, his wealth will skyrocket again.

The war between the shadow and the player is no longer suspenseful, and now Yu Liang is just like cleaning the battlefield, clearing out the remaining forces one by one.

With the adventurer's opening of the box, Yu Liang's strength has been strengthened again, and now he has an almost complete team.

A team that can crush the entire Hexagon City players and shadows.

Logistics is quite sufficient, guns and bullets are fully sufficient, and Li Geng reports and observes from a God's perspective. There is no need for resistance in this kind of war.

At least Yu Liang is confident enough.

He is only T2, but his own strength is no longer something that just a few T1 players can suppress.

It's not that he's crazy, he really feels that only T1 like Haicheng Founder or Aze can "eat" an army like his.

"By the way, did you two arrive near Lingcheng? Do you know what happened in Lingcheng? I saw a large number of triangles gathering in Lingcheng from a bird's eye view earlier, as if they were about to go on an expedition?" Adventurer Thinking of what he had discovered at that time, he raised it with some doubts.

"Lingcheng? That's what Aze did. Did he gather enough troops in such a short period of time?" Yu Liang really didn't pay attention to what Aze was doing.

No, the zombie graphic crisis hasn’t passed for long, right?

Are you ready to send troops to other cities?

Is it really the King of Qin who wants to conquer Liuhe?

But it’s not stable enough to go on an expedition at this time, right?

Well, okay, what Aze wants is "not stable enough". What he enjoys is the feeling of being evenly matched. Complete crushing cannot give him a thrilling feeling.

Aze once told Li Huachao that he wanted to play Lu Bu and the First Emperor. This seemed to be no joke.

At least in different copies of Kaidan, he does have the ability to stir up troubles, and he can have fun playing every game.

Thinking about his purpose of entering the dungeon this time, this feeling becomes even more obvious.

The reason why Aze entered Flat Country was simply to keep up with Yu Liang's "schedule", so that he could follow Yu Liang and participate in the major incident in Forget City.

In other words, Aze entered Flatland with the intention of taking a vacation. He wanted to do whatever he wanted with the main quests and so on. Anyway, the things in this pioneer book couldn't kill him, so he just had to play around.

Yu Liang already had a relatively complete understanding of Aze, but he still protested against this guy's complete disregard of the main mission.

Haha, it turns out there was no wrong nickname.

"Aze..." The adventurer secretly gasped. He almost forgot that this guy also followed him into the Flatland copy. He recalled the scene he saw at that time and was shocked by it.

It seems that he is not the only one in this dungeon who has done great things?

Needless to say, Yu Liang almost single-handedly dealt with the major incident involving the "Shadow" and nipped in the bud a disaster that could kill all players.

Aze also occupied an entire city, pointing his sword at the world.

"Don't worry about that guy. After I clean up the shadows and players in this city, I will go back to find him naturally." Yu Liang waved his hand and didn't care.

Originally, he wanted to cause some damage to Aze, but now he must forget it. The cooperation between the two can directly solve the root cause of this strange story.

Why not?

Then incorporating the pioneer book into the scene card of your own universe is simply too cool.

By the way, one more thing.

Now that the inventory is unlocked, the prophet can be captured.

Yu Liang thought of this and looked around. He was still on the outskirts of Hexagonal City. There were no figures nearby, so he ordered Lu Baoshen to use the goblin hook gun.

At this moment, he was still a little hesitant because he still had another target he wanted to hook.

Strange stories about the origins of financial planners.

Yu Liang regretted not being able to kill the financial planner with his own hands, but if he thought about it carefully, he might not need such a T1 grade career.

Apart from recognizing the big daddy, the financial planner has never shown any outstanding ability, and the ability to recognize the big daddy...

Do you still need professional skills?

Yu Liang said that he just fell in love with four legs casually. What is the use of such a rubbish career?

But I'm quite concerned about the source of the ghost story. I don't know where the financial master went after he died.


Catch the source of the ghost talk first?

Prophet, you have something in your pocket.

Yu Liang immediately ordered Lu Baoshen, who was spinning in circles, to switch targets, and then received a lot of glares from Lu Baoshen.

"Did you know that if you change the target temporarily, you have to circle again? You will be very dizzy, okay!" Lu Baoshen protested, but unfortunately the protest was ineffective.

The hook aimed at the source of the ghost story shot straight out, pointing directly in the direction of Lingcheng.

Xu Cixi looked at the direction in which the hook rope disappeared, feeling helpless.

Even if it weren't for this hook, she wouldn't have met Yu Liang so early.

Obviously I wasn't ready yet.

"Lingcheng? That thing ran so fast? Has it all gone to Lingcheng?" Yu Liang was a little surprised, and then he had some bad expectations in his heart.


Facing the lock of the hook, the large cloud point showed absolute resistance. He quickly divided himself into two pieces, then placed his main consciousness on the left half and allowed the hook to take away the right half.

Only in this way could He avoid the fate of being taken away by the claws.

The most disgusting thing is that he must separate at least half of the cloud point to make the hook misjudge, otherwise the hook will still grab a larger part.

It was okay this time, but if he comes a few more times, won't he become smaller and weaker?

As a source of monsters, he was rarely in such a mess, so this damn rule-level hook made him very anxious.

Of course, another reason for the anxiety was the slight fear deep in his heart.


The owner of Hookclaw is truly capable of wiping out the nearly immortal Him.

"Hey, isn't this a strange story about the origin?" At this time, a paper man came to Him cheerfully. He naturally recognized the origin of this hook, "I'm familiar with this thing. Every hour You can use it again. If he doesn’t capture your body this time, he will definitely not give up. How many tissues do you have for him to capture?”

"Mr. Smelly Mud, it seems you don't have much time left to think."

"If you don't find a new host, the local snake root of this copy will soon find you. Coupled with that guy's claws, you don't have much time to waste."

"Why don't we modify the conditions?"

"I want to play Lu Bu, but it's impossible to call you 'father'. If it's the other way around..."

"It's not impossible."

The paper man said with a smile.

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