The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 496 The name of the born writer is becoming more and more international

If we swarm you, you may not be able to kill us all.

Listening to these words, Yu Liang couldn't tell for a moment whether the other party was speaking harshly.

But one thing the other party was indeed right about was that it was indeed impossible for him to kill everyone here.

The inventory and character columns of these players are locked. If they are killed directly, characters and supernatural items cannot be exploded. It is impossible for him to do anything without increasing the wealth value.

"Okay, then come out." Yu Liang waved to the guy who just spoke, with a gentle tone and a friendly attitude.

Beside him, two little snakes were eager to try. For them, so many players standing together in front of them was like a buffet feast. They just waited for Yu Liang's order and they went up to feast.

And Yu Liang's method of picking out players alone is really effective. The players who had just spoken out immediately felt that they had become alone and had no backer, so they immediately shut up, and the player group also changed. There was total silence.

Although these players were filled with indignation, they were looking at each other in confusion at this moment, not knowing what they should do.

If they were asked to hand over their wealth honestly, they would naturally refuse to do so, but if they had to take the initiative to stand up against Yu Liang...

That was also refused.

Who knows if there is help behind me?

We are all players, so we naturally know what others are thinking, so no one wants to stand out.

If Yu Liang was really beaten to death on the spot, would other players avenge themselves?

It's obviously impossible.

After going round and round, the task of being the first person finally fell to Kane, the swordsman in the center of the group of players. He is the most powerful T1 player among the group. He was originally the leader of Hexagonal City, and now he is the only one who can He spoke in front of Yu Liang.

"We are all players, and we have just ended the fight with the shadows. We should be more harmonious and united." Western swordsman Kane stood up, "Personally, I believe in you, because you are leading us together. Defeated the shadow. Maybe you really need to use all of our wealth to complete the root ghost story, but I think it can be explained more clearly what the root ghost story is like, how much wealth is needed, and how can we use our wealth to complete it? His mission..."

Kane's words were well-founded and logical. On the surface, he looked like he didn't want to break up with Yu Liang. People said they would not hit the smiling person. He felt that the other party would not do this. Take action under the circumstances.

This is Hexagonal City after all, and as long as you are a player, you still have to give him some face.

Yu Liang frowned slightly, glanced at Kane, and said nothing.

This guy is the leader of the Hexagonal City players. He can stand out among thirty or forty players, and there is no doubt about his personal strength.

Due to the characteristics of the two-dimensional world, his combat ability has been further enhanced and his strength has made great progress. He has won consecutive battles in the past battles, his self-confidence is extremely high, and his momentum is like a rainbow.

For such a physical warrior, a good state is very important. Now Kane is very energetic and can exert 120% of his personal strength, which feels very difficult to deal with.

At least now, the opponent's pressure can even approach Haicheng's founding coach, which is difficult to deal with.

It's a bit troublesome.

Yu Liang definitely cannot tell these players the information about the source of the ghost story according to Kane's words, because that is likely to cause these players to complete the second stage of the main mission and unlock the second level of abilities.

With so many players present, Yu Liang is sure to suppress these current players, but the player group whose strength is further unlocked...

Maybe I'm really not sure.

What's more, if these people unlock the character slot or inventory and squander characters and supernatural items, wouldn't they be beating him with his money?

How could such a loss happen in this world!

It may seem like a negotiation and an attempt to ease the conflict, but in reality it is laying the groundwork. If it is not explained clearly, it will not only cause him to be in the wrong, but may also create a more dangerous disaster.


This Kane really has something, and he is quite thoughtful. In this case, he can be tricked. He can just follow the opponent's ideas. Obviously he does not need to explain anything to these players.

"No, no, no, the source ghost story has the ability to perceive the entire copy. If I tell it, we will die immediately." Yu Liang did not answer Kane's words, and his attitude was firm, "No matter what the understanding of the source ghost story is, we will die immediately." In terms of level or strength, I am the strongest one here. If you have any doubts about this, then you can challenge me. There is no need for me to entrust my life to any of you, because you are much weaker than me. I will be responsible for my life, and I will also be responsible for yours."

He said leisurely: "Believe me, I will let you leave this copy safely. If you don't believe me, then I can only think... you don't want to be responsible for your own lives."

Yu Liang's meaning is very simple. It has evolved into a rogue logic. He is the strongest being here, so he is qualified to be responsible for everyone.

This kind of rule is equal, and you can oppose it if you want. That is to challenge his authority and become the strongest existence here.

However, what he needs at this moment is rogue logic. He is already better than everyone, so why should he reason with these players and present the facts?

"But if you can't provide any information, we won't be able to unlock the character slot or inventory, and we won't be able to give you what you want." Kane continued.

"You don't need to worry about it. All I need is the 'wealth' itself." Yu Liang did not elaborate, "I am in a hurry. If you have decided to resist, hurry up. I just need your wealth. , your life or death is really not important to me."

Faced with such a rogue side of the Chinese, Kane had no idea. He personally did not want to conflict with the opponent. Now it seemed that the players behind him could hardly help.

"Be wise. If you complete the task by then, if there is anything left, I can give it to you." Yu Liang approached Kane and whispered calmly.

That's right, the squire's money will be returned as appropriate, and the common people's money will be divided into ten cents. This is Yu Liang's way of life.

These guns, bullets and bullets all cost money, so just save some if you can. Anyway, judging from the final profit, he won't lose much.

Kane is a foreign server player, and Yu Liang can't use his characters. When the time comes, the supernatural items will be left behind. After purchasing the female writer, it doesn't matter if these extra foreign server characters are returned to this guy.

Don't say that I, the writer, are disrespectful to the corporal. This is the treatment that only T1 players can get. Don't say that your standards are not high. This is the same standard as the born actor Aze~

Hearing Yu Liang's lowered words, Kane was instantly moved. The entanglement deep in his heart disappeared and he completely fell to Yu Liang's side.

People are like this, if you give them some sunshine, they will shine.

"Okay." Kane has no reason to refuse. He didn't want to offend Yu Liang in the first place, so this result is the best.

As for what will happen to other players...

What does it have to do with him?

If you are not convinced, go up and talk to the writer.

The brief agreement between the two was not discovered by any player. With Kane temporarily entering Yu Liang's camp, the remaining players had no intention of resisting and were just at the mercy of Yu Liang.

Through the cooperation of the money-keeper and Zhong Chen, Yu Liang deprived the players of their wealth at super high speed.

Five players form a group, and every three groups take a break, because Zhong Chen's body needs recovery time and cannot be beaten all the time.

Even though she was very resistant and had a slight tendency to tremble, Yu Liang still couldn't bear it.

When Xu Cixi saw this, he used hypnosis to add a "human bridge" state to Zhong Chen. The effect was to reduce pain and improve muscle defense, but it would also cause some damage to the muscles over time.

Zhong Chen disagreed with this at first. She firmly stated that pain is the best reward for a warrior.

Until Yu Liang told her that the weaker the pain, the higher the damage that can be tolerated. The higher the damage, the stronger the pain. The stronger the pain, the stronger the pain. Therefore, the weaker the pain, the stronger the pain...

Zhong Chen thought for a while, solemnly expressed that he understood, and then ran to receive hypnotic reinforcement.

In this process of "getting beaten - exploding characters (items) - picking up characters (items) - recovering", Yu Liang gained more and more wealth, and every player who completed this set of processes received something from Yu Liang. Good "wave" character rewards.

This mysterious character from the East makes every player feel at home and makes every player feel grateful.

Of course, there are also some daring ones among these players who choose Yu Liang as their target at the right moment and want to launch a beheading operation.

However, such a decapitation action was of no use. Yu Liang didn't even bother to hide, and allowed the opponent's attack to fall on him, and then transferred to Zhong Chen.

Zhong Chen cried out happily, while the assassin watched blankly as all the wealth on his body exploded to the ground, and then he was dragged to the other side by the hunter.

The Scrooge quickly collected all the wealth on this guy, and then looked at the treasure inside and exclaimed in surprise: "Good stuff! The lamp-shaped root item seems to be a spiritual object created by the root ghost story."

Although it can't directly know what this thing does, judging from the aura of root ghost stories lingering on it, it must be something good.

Let’s put it into the piggy storage tank first.

Yu Liang glanced at the fortune-keeper and saw that the fortune-keeper collected it quickly, so he didn't bother to look at it. By then, he would have collected all the players' wealth and counted it. Anyway, the fortune-keeper could only watch and had no need to go out.

The player who dared to attack Yu Liang was thrown in front of two little biting snakes. At this time, he was still very hard-headed and looked at Yu Liang angrily: "Sure enough, none of your players in China are. Good thing, that actor was born, and so are you. You are a bully and just made up any excuse to rob us. The funny thing is that I am the only one who dares to stand up to you. Are the others all two-legged sheep and cowards? "

He tried to anger Yu Liang because he had made a wish to the genie and gained an extra life. After being killed, he would be resurrected in another safe place.

Unfortunately, the restriction on resurrection is that he cannot commit suicide, so he suddenly attacked Yu Liang, but unexpectedly all the characters and items were taken away.

Now, he has lost a lot, so naturally he doesn't care about anything anymore. He can scold him whenever he wants. At least he still feels like a hero who sacrifices himself for justice and is not afraid of cruelty. Anyway, he can be resurrected after death. At worst, he can just hide.

However, such irritation is of no use. With Yu Liang's temperament, naturally he will not be the same as him.

"Death? Why do I want to kill you? In addition to characters and items, there are many valuable things waiting to be mined on your body." Yu Liang chuckled and handed him over to the little biting snakes. Three little biting snakes swarmed up. Eat everything on the assassin's body.

The four-space inventory and the three-step casting distance disappear completely in the blink of an eye. The seven-space inventory and the two-step casting distance are the player's bottom line. Once the bottom line is exceeded, these two values ​​will be locked, and even the little snake can't. Eat again.

Of course, this kind of punishment is enough, at least it will make the assassin in front of him collapse again.

"Ahhhhhhhh what did you do to me?! Why is my inventory locked? Why is my casting distance only two steps away? What on earth did you do?" The player was immediately confused. If the character If there are no more supernatural items, they can be synthesized again. If the supernatural items are gone, they can be collected again. Then the inventory and the character's casting range are gone...

any idea?

He worked so hard to get an extra inventory slot, and now he actually lost four slots in one go?

It's still locked. What does locked mean?

If I don't unlock it, I can't use the inventory?

It's over, this number is useless.

At this time, the player's mind is full of this idea, and it is more appropriate to describe him as if his heart is as gray as death.

Regarding the collected inventory and character casting distance, the two little snakes were full again as expected. What they obtained last time had not been fully digested, so this time they vomited it to Yu Liang and Lu without hesitation. Protect yourself.

There are no other characters in Yu Liang's universe, so he can only reluctantly bear the increase in his inventory. Snake Eater spit out three slots to him, so now his inventory has become 15 slots.

Naturally, Lu Baoshen did not run away. He was controlled by Li Huachao and forcefully swallowed the two-step casting distance from Little Snake-Eating Snake, greatly increasing his strength.

The improvement in these two steps may be greater than the improvement from the three-talisman realm to the four-talisman realm, but the expanded [Thousand Techniques] range requires more time to adapt. Lu Baoshen will gain in the next period of time after returning to reality. busy.

With such an improvement, he may really have the possibility to surpass Lu Mingzhe (based on Lu Mingzhe's combat power at that time).

At least……

There must be one thing that is stronger than the original Lu Mingzhe, right?

In this case, Lu Mingzhe will have more confidence and face when he wakes up.

Lu Baoshen secretly made up his mind.

The tragic situation of the assassin made all the players present change their expressions. They did not expect that the born writer in front of them could even rob the inventory and character casting distance.

It seems that he really robbed the wealth in order to complete the root ghost story, otherwise he should have taken it away with the inventory.

In any case, the players have completely lost the courage to resist. In comparison, losing characters and items is not so difficult to accept.

After a day-long plunder, Yu Liang's wealth value had reached a terrifying value of "85847".


"10000": own camp's ability +30%, fighting spirit -40%

Sure enough, directly clearing the player's wealth will increase the wealth value more.

You know, there are still a few people he has not robbed, such as Aze and the adventurer who are very rich at first glance, as well as Xu Cixi, the animal trainer and the sprinter. These five people can be regarded as raising the average player. Wealth prevented Yu Liang from making such a last resort.

While Yu Liang was calculating the wealth of several other people, his reputation as a "born writer" had already spread among the player community.

And unlike Aze, whose reputation was mainly gained by players near Haicheng and the Chinese server, Yu Liang is quite international and made his reputation among a large number of players in the foreign server at the first stop.

Ness, fortunately there is no international player exchange competition that requires participation, otherwise it would be really difficult.

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