The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 431 Entering Flatland!

After reviewing the entire underground base, Yu Liang left here with a reluctant "Zhi". The original "Zhi" directly suggested that he settle here. Unfortunately, Yu Liang was not ready to move yet, so he could only Let "Zhi" follow him back holding the game console and CD.

If I move, what will happen to the single apartment I originally lived in?

What about the rent and deposit?

Oh, don’t worry about this, the crocodile landlord has been killed, and there is probably no chance of him collecting rent again.

But what makes Yu Liang a little strange is that even after the landlord died, no police officer came to investigate him. The death of the crocodile was as if nothing had happened, and a mysterious force smoothed away all the waves.

Finally, towards evening, Yu Liang chose to go home. After all, he still had to stockpile some manuscripts on the computer. In the next two months, his goals were quite clear.

On the other hand, due to the strong request of Li Huachao and Hua Niang, he did not take them into the universe, but placed them at home. Even Zhong Chen stayed on the grounds that he wanted to protect Yu Liang personally.

It seems that these created characters do not like to be stuck in the universe as simple characters, so Yu Liang does not force them to go back.

Standing at the door of the rental house, Yu Liang took out the keys and said to the three people behind him: "Go home and stay calm. Don't mess around. This is not a farmyard. This is a downtown area. What's going on? It’s not a good ending.”

"Of course, of course." Li Huachao smiled, "We are not ignorant children."

Yu Liang: "..."

Are children more sensible than you two?

He rolled his eyes while inserting the key into the keyhole, but he couldn't get it in after several attempts. He was stunned for a moment and lowered his body to take a closer look at the keyhole.

At some point, the keyhole was blocked with 502 glue.

"Ah?" Yu Liang was still in a daze. He never thought that this kind of thing would happen to him.

502 glue blocks the keyhole?

Have you offended anyone recently?

"The door can't be opened? Why can't the door be opened..." Li Huachao came up with a roar, saw the keyhole, and said angrily, "Who did it?"

A group of people gathered around and frowned. This inexplicable thing made them a little confused. Only "Zhi" silently walked to the window, took out a piece of paper sandwiched in the crack of the window, and walked over and handed it to Yu Liang: "Here."

"Huh?" Yu Liang opened the note. The handwriting on it was a bit graceful and unfamiliar.


You like taking naps, right?

Then just don't sleep at night.

Yu Liang: "..."

He didn't realize the origin of Aze's "born actor" title before. He even felt that this guy was easier to get along with than he thought. At least he was more aboveboard than a despicable villain, right?

Now it looks dead wrong.

This is really a birth thing.

Yu Liang looked at the keyhole blocked by 502 in front of him, feeling quite dumbfounded.

The "revenge" behavior of villains in movies and TV dramas is to conspire, send assassins to assassinate, or poison.

In reality, the villain's "revenge" is that after being angry at noon, he sneaks to someone else's door in the afternoon and blocks the keyhole with glue...

Don't Aze think that as a dignified T1 player, doing such a thing is a bit out of place?

Okay, you, Aze, know how to play. I will endure it for now and wait until Wangcheng to see how I punish you.

Yu Liang only felt that his heart was a little blocked. Faced with Aze's behavior, he couldn't directly break his face because it was more like a prank. He could only hold a grudge silently in his heart and prepare to find an opportunity to be disgusted next time. return.

Facing the blocked door lock, Yu Liang had no choice but to leave it to Li Huachao and Hua Niang to pull out the entire door lock with brute force, and a group of people poured into the room.

As for the door that can't be closed, just leave it ajar and it'll be fine.

What a joke, Miss "Zhi" just plays games in the living room all night long. What kind of thief can steal something?

Is there any source of ghost stories stealing things here?


He walked into the bedroom, ready to start coding, and "Zhi" naturally connected to the new console and started playing games. On the other side, Hua Niang, Li Huachao, Zhong Chen, and Lu Baoshen were sitting at the table in the living room, gathering around Playing silly games with a broken tablet.

Anyway, it seemed to be quite harmonious, so Yu Liang didn't care and just focused on coding. He had to solve his worries in these two months.

I don’t know how long it will take to enter Flat Country. According to previous experience, it is usually within ten days, but it will definitely take a long time to go to Forget City, so you must plan in advance.

Judging from the results, Yu Liang did it.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye. He wrote one and a half to two chapters almost every day as a manuscript, and he already had a "vacation" of one and a half months.

During this month and a half, he didn't have to worry too much about saving manuscripts, and he wouldn't be stuck updating every day or even getting late...

During this period, he also gradually got used to releasing the creative characters in the universe. At most, the house was a lot crowded, but from a humanistic point of view, it was better not to lock them in the universe.

And An Buchen and Li Geng came back from Cyber ​​City and brought a lot of good things.

The first is the news about the two source ghost stories. The white humanoid and the villagers are now in a deep sleep. An Buchen tried to tell them that "Yu Liang is the entity you are looking for", but he did not get it. Obvious response.

It seems that if you want to awaken these two source ghost stories, you have to send Li Huachao to take action and let him destroy the village again.

Of course, this is just a joke. Yu Liang is not yet ready to face the white humanoid and the villagers.

These two strange tales, the source of cause and effect chaos, would bring endless benefits if handled properly, but they would also bring endless disasters if handled improperly. He still planned to make preparations and wake them up when nothing was wrong.

Secondly, An Buchen and Li Geng discovered the mystery of "flying" in Cyber ​​City.

Using technology and high-end materials from Cyber ​​City, the two personally manufactured a set of helicopter propellers, an oversized propeller, two small propellers on the side and a small propeller on the tail.

In addition, there are matching wings and connectors to help No. 225 better control its flight capabilities.

As for energy, it was natural to use the previous "Shirui" reactor. Due to actual combat requirements, An Buchen greatly reduced energy consumption, focusing on energy conservation.

The longer you can stay in the air, the better.

At the same time, influenced by Li Huachao, she also made a special trip to the zoo and used the "emulsion" of various mammals in the zoo to make a large number of "floating" characters. While taking off, she used them everywhere in Room 225, which can be extremely The earth takes off faster and saves energy.

Since this flying device cannot be regularly assembled in Room 225, An Buchen usually has to carry it in person. This takes up five slots in her inventory, but she doesn't care at all, just and Room 225 provides training on how to assemble and take off in the shortest possible time.

The final data was two minutes and ten seconds. As long as they were given two and a half minutes during the battle, An Buchen could lead Yu Liang and all his belongings to take off and escape into the air for bombing.

In the air, there are not only Li Geng's character bombs, but also weapons such as bone machine guns and goblin bombs, which are truly an era ahead of other players in terms of combat.

In addition to the "flight" modifications, An Buchen also designed a simpler transmission device for use with the meat machine, which enhanced the speed and endurance of Room 225 on the ground and greatly improved the flexibility of ground combat.

It just looks a little weird.

The current appearance of Tank No. 225 in the land combat state is somewhat similar to that of a giant turtle. The main room is the torso of the giant turtle. The six flexible feet are the masterpieces of the meat machine and can help it travel quickly through complex terrain.

On the other hand, the posture of the six legs is also particular. They can be bent quickly and folded to both sides of the body. This design is naturally considered for another way of action for the Tank Mansion.

There are two rows of wheel hubs installed under the shell of the "Giant Turtle", which are also driven by engines, and the energy source is the "Wet Sharp Reactor", which allows the No. 225 Tank to move forward like a skateboard.

The six legs take two steps, then contract to the side, and use the tires on the abdomen to move forward, saving energy while also maintaining speed and flexibility.

In addition, An Buchen also developed a stabilizer modeled after a chicken neck and head to help the bone machine gun and other long-range weapons on the No. 225 tank remain stable during movement and have good accuracy.

In short, Yu Liang was inexplicably moved when he saw the nearly completed No. 225 tank. This was the scientific research result of Daguo Heavy Industry.

Our writer universe finally has its own armored vehicle!

Ahem, anyway, Yu Liang is looking forward to the performance of this tank. It can be a product of Taoist weapon refining, flesh and blood technology, cyber technology and earth technology, giving the little weird world a little technological shock, isn't it too much?

The two-dimensional world of Flatland may not be useful, but it can definitely be used in Forget City. Tank No. 225 can carry many people, and it can save the lives of a team at critical moments.

Moreover, Yu Liang estimated that today's tanks should be able to easily suppress T1 monsters with full firepower. Even behemoths like the princess would be at a loss against such a thing that can fight, resist and run away.

Bullying and bullying of flesh and blood monster creatures is even easier.

After mastering the soul fusion technique, Li Huachao and Hua Niang became more confident. Not only did they claim to be the most powerful force in the universe, they even tried to challenge An Buchen.

Well, An Buchen, who leads the Taoist government.

Needless to say, the result was that the two men simply failed to catch up with Tank No. 225...

In the alternating bursts and long shots of the bone machine gun, suppressed by the heavy firepower of the Caoying cannon, and the paralyzing fire of the talisman machine gun, Li Huachao was defeated within a few minutes.

And this is just the result of An Buchen's manipulation. She still has a lot of secret methods that she has not used. It's not that she can't use them, but that she doesn't want to use them.

If used, it would probably really hurt the dog.

For example, the camouflage is completely invisible, and a large number of invisibility symbols are used to make it suddenly disappear. It can indeed be seen if you look closely, but with the speed of the tank Tao Mansion, it is difficult for the human eye to quickly lock the invisible Tao Mansion, not to mention the need to guard against the Tao Mansion above. A bone machine gun that suddenly fires.

For example, the flash talisman all over the tank can suddenly release a flash of light at a predetermined time by An Buchen, usually when the enemy is close to the tank...

Think about it, how desperate the enemy would be at this time?

But An Buchen was not affected at all in the Tank Road Mansion. Anyway, with the panoramic simulation, she could fully see the situation outside, and could even shoot without stopping.

Another example is that Cao Ying's cannon only uses ten kilograms of iron balls. There is no need to use goblin bombs to deal with Li Huachao, let alone launch whistle beasts...

After this battle, Li Huachao and Hua Niang were successfully incorporated into the combat system of the Tank Daofu and became a special operations force under the armored division commander An Buchen.

Well, you don't need to think too much. It's not a collaboration between infantry and tanks. An Buchen can't afford to use these two guys as infantry.

Whistle Beast and Cao Ying Mecha are much easier to use.

Li Huachao and Hua Niang belong to the "biochemical warfare module" of the Tank Daofu combat system. To put it simply...

The one who squatted near the back of the car and released skunk gas.

Not only can it block the pursuer's field of vision, but it can also make the pursuer so miserable that they would rather die than die. It's not too disgusting.

Seeing this scene, Yu Liang couldn't help but laugh in his heart. He wanted to see how Aze, who had more than ten personality clones, could fight against this tank.

An infantry-tank coordinated force with multiple systems such as biological and chemical warfare, air combat, etc., judging from Aze's current strength, it should be easily crushable.

Don't you love playing chess?

Don't you like to use your knife hand as a "car"?

Then come and have a try with the tanks.

In the past two months, Aze came to see him frequently. Sometimes it was for business, sometimes just to disgust him. However, Yu Liang was not used to this guy at all. He often coded words until midnight, and then took advantage of the silence of the night. When the time came, he asked Lu Baoshen to pull over the sleeping Aze...

Because of a certain man's competitiveness, the two of them were temporarily at odds with each other. One came over at five or six o'clock during the day and knocked on the door to wake up the writer who had just finished the night. The other stayed up most of the night and dragged the actor over, just to Eat a fresh large yellow croaker freshly brewed from a goblin fishing rod...

Euphemistically called: for your own good.

Finally, one day two months later, Yu Liang triggered the plan to open up Flatland.

As his body turned into blue light, his consciousness sank into darkness.

In a black space, he saw his mission statement.

[Main mission: source]

·Explore the dungeon scene, conduct basic analysis and record of the scene.

·Find the source of the ghost stories and record the characteristics as much as possible.

·Explore the existence logic of the root ghost story and leave instructions in the dungeon scene for subsequent players.

[Side Mission: Border]

·Explore the boundaries of the four directions of the copy and record them.

[Ghost Story: Specimen]

·Explore the types of residents in the flat country and prepare specimens for submission.

[Ghost Story: Business]

·Choose a suitable store location for the "Meet" grocery store.

Requirements: Safe and reliable, try to avoid too much contact with the source of ghost stories; have a certain degree of concealment.

(After each stage of the main mission is completed, Guaitan World intervenes in the copy to protect it, and the player's abilities will be gradually unlocked in stages and restrictions will be lifted. The same applies after the side mission is completed.)

(After completing all the main tasks, you can choose to return to reality. The rewards for the side tasks are generous. Players can choose whether to complete the tasks.)

Yu Liang slowly opened his eyes. There was only the difference between light and darkness in front of him.

The whole world has become very different, only "dots" and "lines" remain.

Bright dots, dark dots, light lines, dark lines.

There is no longer "up and down", only "front, back, left and right".

For Yu Liang, who was once a three-dimensional person...

This is a different kind of blindness.

[You have entered Flatland, please proceed with caution in unknown areas. 】

Okay, I’ll start a new volume tomorrow

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