The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 432 Yu Liang of Flat Country

Professional skills, locked.

Character bar, locked.

Stamp bar, locked.

Inventory, locked.

Monster bar, locked.

Five locks in a row made Yu Liang calm down a little, and he began to devote himself to exploring this copy.

Just like the flesh and blood planet, in the initial stage of this pioneering book, he couldn't use anything and could only rely on himself.

Well, you can only rely on yourself.

Correspondingly, you shouldn't encounter any too abnormal weird creatures at this stage.

Yu Liang looked around him. With this somewhat hazy vision, he saw a large number of black dots and lines, with no difference other than brightness.

At the same time, he felt that his hearing had become much more sensitive, and he could hear small sounds from far away, and he could even detect the flow of wind around him.

Is this the characteristic of two-dimensional people?

Vision is completely different from three-dimensional, and the compensation is hearing.

What about touch?

Yu Liang tried to "touch", but there seemed to be nothing around him, and he could not touch anything.


It's not that I can't touch it, it's that I have lost the "sense of distance".

Yu Liang realized this immediately and became more vigilant.

His vision has changed from a three-dimensional to a two-dimensional plane. During the dimensionality reduction of vision, he can only see one-dimensional "line segments" and cannot see planes, let alone three-dimensional figures.

To put it simply, he needs to "stand up" to have a panoramic view of Flatland. Unfortunately, he cannot stand up in this form.

Yu Liang stretched out his "hand" forward and slowly moved towards a line segment with black dots attached. Now he was separated from his teammates. He was unfamiliar with the place and was at his weakest stage. He was still in his heart. There is a vague sense of oppression.

Regardless of whether you are a player or not, it would be best to find a creature that can talk to communicate with you.

As he moved around, Yu Liang also sensed the existence of something.


Yes, there is still gravity here.

On the one hand, there is downward gravity, and on the other hand, there is a weaker forward gravity.

There seemed to be something attracting him in that direction, but this attraction was not strong and far less stable than gravity.

That direction...

where is it?

Yu Liang couldn't help but feel curious, and he walked in that direction.

He believed that the adventurer and Xu Cixi should be able to sense this gravitational force, so they should walk in that direction.

In this case, it will happen sooner or later.

"Pa." He felt that his hand seemed to have touched a rough surface and stopped immediately.

What appeared in front of him was a line segment. It was very long, much longer than expected, and brighter. There were two or three points with different light and dark on the line segment.

Wait, in this case...

Does light and dark represent distance?

Yu Liang felt the lines in front of him and suddenly understood one of the settings of Flatland.

The closer the distance, the brighter the line segment or point you see, and vice versa.

Then there are points with different brightness on this line segment, which means that the distance between these points and him is different.

Well, it's not a straight line.

Yu Liang quickly made a judgment in his mind, then started to touch it, walking around the entire shape, and he had an idea in his mind.

This is an equilateral triangle.

With the mutual contrast of touch and vision, Yu Liang can easily sense the actual appearance of the entire figure, but if he is thinking in a three-dimensional state, such a figure seems difficult to understand.

Yu Liang closed his eyes silently and built a model in his mind.

First, cut out an equilateral triangle on the paper, and then lift the paper to the same height as the eyes. Now what the three-dimensional person sees is what he sees at this time.

A line segment with a bright point in the center and slightly darker points on both sides, symmetrical with the bright point as the center.

"Is there a door?" Yu Liang touched something similar to a door lock, so he stepped forward and opened the door.

In an instant, the disgusting smell came to his face, making Yu Liang dizzy and he quickly moved away.

It was difficult for Yu Liang to describe this smell in human language. It was a bit like the skunk man Li Huachao suddenly had diarrhea when he was killing people in a secret room. He could only deal with it on the spot next to the half-stabbed body that was still alive. Afterwards, a person The police only discovered the secret room murder case around a month ago.

The taste of the two should have something in common.

He stood at the door and waited for a long time. When the smell had almost dissipated, he slowly walked into the equilateral triangle house, trying to find some clues.

Looking over, there are still lines and points of different brightness in this house, but they are far more complicated than in the open space outside. Yu Liang doesn't want to bother to identify them at all.

He just noted down a specific brightness. When a line or point of this brightness appeared in front of him, it meant that something was very close to his position, and it would be dangerous to stick to it.

Yes, dangerous.

Yu Liang has noticed that in this flat country, danger comes from something sparse and ordinary.


The sharper the angle, the more dangerous it is, with a noticeable sting that will pierce through any creature that comes close.

By touching himself, Yu Liang knew that he felt like a soft thing at this moment, with a shape similar to that of a "human being" and a closed figure.

He didn't know what would happen after he was pierced by an acute angle, but it was obvious that it was not a good thing if it was no longer a "closed figure". The corpse in front of him could illustrate this.

Saying it was a corpse was actually just a guess. Yu Liang still didn't know what kind of creatures the citizens of this plane were, but the scene in front of him was too similar to the murder scene.

Chaotic lines, messy dots, and some liquid of unknown origin.

Two-dimensional liquid.

Yu Liang didn't know how to use words to describe this special state of things. Logically speaking, liquids cannot be used to describe any two-dimensional things, but judging from the touch, this is a viscous dispersed liquid. Fishy stuff.

Maybe this is "blood"?

Yu Liang looked at the line segment in front of him. It was also composed of three points, but the difference was that what appeared in front of him were two line segments with obvious signs of breakage in the middle.

A triangle has been pierced or cut off, and blood is gurgling from the broken line segment.

Except for the appearance of the victim, the entire scene seemed to tell that a murder had occurred here.

Yu Liang walked around the "triangular" body and began to explore the whole room.

The house was roughly divided into several areas, and the central area seemed to be the living room. Yu Liang felt something for "leaning on", which looked like a straight line, but was very soft.

Judging visually, this seemed to be just a soft wall. However, when Yu Liang had the idea of ​​leaning on it, he realized that it was actually a sofa.

For two-dimensional creatures, there is no sofa for them to sit on, and they cannot sit down. There are only sofas similar to walls for leaning on.

On one side of the living room are three wires, which separate the space and form small rooms similar to a honeycomb. As Yu Liang expected, there is a corpse in each room.

Through touch, he realized that the three corpses seemed to be in a young state, but they still did not escape the clutches of the devil and were killed by something in his home.

On the opposite side of the bedroom, Yu Liang felt that he had entered a warmer room. There were no living things here, only some twisted lines.

Through touch, Yu Liang knew that there was a gap in this line segment. He followed the gap and touched inside, and he touched a small oval-shaped soft object.

This twisted line resembles a bag, and the contents of the bag...

At this point, as a two-dimensional person for the first time, he was almost self-taught. He pressed the oval-shaped soft object into his body with gentle force.

Eating is the instinct of living things, and the two-dimensional him is no exception.

A feeling of fullness came from inside the body, and then Yu Liang felt that his body seemed to have regained some energy.

Is this two-dimensional food?

Is this how two-dimensional creatures eat?

Yu Liang tried to press the wall around him in the same way, but failed as expected. He could not "eat" the wall.

It seems that his body can automatically recognize "food" and cannot swallow non-food items.

But what made Yu Liang curious was that he really couldn't tell the difference between this oval-shaped food and other things.

They all look like lines, but they do feel different when touched, but there seems to be no difference in essence.

Yu Liang picked up the bag of food and took one last look at the entire room before leaving.

The lines are messy and overlapping, but it can be seen that the house is not big and the decoration is extremely simple. It is most likely that it belongs to a poor family.

Death came quietly at a certain moment, ruthlessly depriving this family of life.


"Alas." He tried to be sentimental, but failed.

Perhaps in the eyes of any two-dimensional creature, this is an infuriating, sad and shocking tragedy. The bloody murder scene is frightening and disturbing, but at this moment, Yu Liang is really hard to empathize with.

What fell to the ground was an equilateral triangle and three non-standard isosceles triangles, and this tragedy occurred in a standard equilateral triangle house.

He sighed, turned and walked out of the house.

Judging from the number and lightness of the surrounding line segments, it seems to be a village inhabited by some Flatland nationals.

Back outside again, facing the relatively clean wind, Yu Liang felt a long-lost refreshing feeling.

The surrounding environment was still quiet, so quiet that it made people feel a little depressed. At this time, he had already realized the tragedy that had happened to the entire village.

Massacre the village.

Something had slaughtered the entire village, that's why it was so quiet here, and that's why there was no one to clean up the corpses.

Now he is a two-dimensional creature with extremely strong hearing, so the reason why this village is quiet cannot be that the villagers are unable to communicate vocally. It can only be that they all died or moved away.

No, it shouldn't be eviction.

The corpse was still bleeding. Common sense judged that its death time was not too long. If the evacuation was to be completed in such a short period of time, the roads between the houses should not be so tidy. They should be scattered with the things that the villagers hurriedly took away when they moved. Food or property is the right thing.

Based on the above judgment, this village should have been massacred.

Next, Yu Liang briefly inspected some of these triangular houses. Just as he expected, a massacre seemed to have occurred here. Something killed all the triangular villagers here, and then walked away without a trace. .

Except for a large amount of food, Yu Liang didn't get anything more from this village, and he got absolutely nothing about Flat Country.

There are no books, no words, no symbols, and no art.

Empty and simple, from the perspective of living environment, their lives seem to have no activities other than eating. It is like looking down on the plane from a three-dimensional high altitude, and everything here is clear at a glance.

This made Yu Liang feel a little strange. Even the orangutans who had just finished their ignorance stage still had basic entertainment. They also knew how to sing and dance around the campfire and worship gods, but the creatures in this village did not seem to have any other activities.

It would be fine if they were not intelligent, but it can be easily seen from these triangular houses that they possess architectural craftsmanship.

The house is an almost perfect equilateral triangle with consistent angles and consistent side lengths. It is as if a three-dimensional person accurately drew these line segments. In a two-dimensional state, it is difficult for Yu Liang to imagine how this was done. .

The building itself is a symbol of civilization.

If this is a natural existence, then Yu Liang definitely doesn't believe it. Everywhere else is empty, but only this village has naturally formed triangular houses?

The interior also has bedrooms, living rooms and other layouts, which are obviously made the day after tomorrow.

Just as Yu Liang was lost in thought, a sudden change occurred.

In just a moment, darkness enveloped the entire world. Just like Yu Liang didn't know where the light in Flatland came from, he also didn't know the reason why the place fell into darkness.

Day and night?

Or something else?

However, the darkness did not last long. As soon as Yu Liang adapted to the endless darkness, light became bright again in front of him, followed by a hurried roar.

The roar came from the direction of gravity. He knew that he couldn't really see what was happening there, but he couldn't help but focus on the source of the sound.

At the end of his field of vision, he saw extremely light-colored line segments, which showed that these line segments were extremely far away from him.

Yu Liang looked around blankly. Originally, the end of his field of vision was blank, but now no matter which direction he looked, he could only see the extremely light-colored line segments.

What does this mean?

A picture appeared in his mind:

One hand frames the entire plane with a paintbrush, sealing off the world.

Is he surrounded by an extremely huge figure?

Immediately afterwards, Yu Liang heard a thunderous sound.

"Oh my God, Regiel, your 'triangles' have all finished molting..." said the voice, "They seem to be able to 'upgrade'."

"Yes, don't touch them, Mom. I will bring these specimens to show to the teacher in class tomorrow." A voice replied from further away.

"Huh? No." The voice nearby said with some confusion, "There are still people alive, could it be such a chaotic and irregular shape? How could a triangle be upgraded to this kind of thing? Let me help you adjust it. one time?"

Then, Yu Liang saw the end of the direction of gravity, and the "wall" surrounding the entire world suddenly opened, revealing a gap.

In the void, a dark line segment quickly became brighter and longer, with a point in the center and at both ends of the line segment.

This is……?

Yu Liang's eyes widened (if he really had eyes now). This line reminded him of something unfriendly.

That's not a line segment.

It was a sharp horn, and it was piercing me quickly! (End of chapter)

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