The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 430: Open up new routes and gain wings like a dog

The normal combat power is two T2s. After the combination, the combat power is equivalent to that of a T1 junior body warrior. It is still far from the level of the body warrior of the coach, but it is much stronger than the normal T2 level body warrior.

And this is just the strength on the surface. If you can flexibly master this set of yin and yang mixed tactics, the combat effectiveness that bursts out may be far higher than imagined.

In the brief battle just now, Li Huachao and Li Huachao had not used seals yet. Yu Liang still remembered that the seal [Huwei] locking skill of these two people was still disgusting, and now it was even more disgusting.

"You two just play nearby, don't go too far." Yu Liang ordered the two people. He knew that they must be full of desire to explore new abilities now, so he was too lazy to take back the universe and let them study it on their own.

Yu Liang turned back to look at the adventurer: "Let's go to Cao Ying Base to have a look."

"Okay, I already had a prototype before entering the dungeon last time. This time, most areas can be put into use." The adventurer led Yu Liang to the basement of the farmhouse.

It is said to be a basement, but in fact the underground area is definitely not small. Far from being just a "room", it is almost the size of a playground, and some of the confidential areas are simply layered.

The underground base is mainly composed of four areas, namely the grass infant breeding area, scientific research area, test site area and residential area.

Due to the adventurer's personal interests, the first thing to build was of course a comfortable living area, with three bedrooms, a game room, a living room and a bathroom. The decoration style is relatively simple, but all kinds of equipment are available.

At least after visiting the game room, Yu Liang never saw "Zhi" come out again.

In addition, there are enough food and various snacks stored here for two months, sufficient water and electricity supply, and even a diesel generator in case of emergency.

It seems that the adventurers have transformed this place into a doomsday base. This has nothing to do with Yu Liang's purpose, it is simply because this guy has no money to spend.

After leaving the residential area, Yu Liang wanted to go to the Cao Ying breeding area, but he was directly stopped by "Zhi" who was addicted to the game.

"You are not allowed to go, he will go." He said coldly.

Once Yu Liang leaves her side, she will be forced to escape into his shadow. He is having fun now. How could she want to follow Yu Liang to visit those grass babies?

There are many more types of games here than what Yu Liang originally provided her, and the styles are completely different.

The style of those games used to be more cartoon-like, with good gameplay, and she loved playing them, but in comparison, now this type of realistic-style game full of blood and violence is her preferred type.

Electronic killing is not illegal, which is very friendly to her.

"That's okay." Seeing that "Zhi" was unwilling to move, the adventurer took out a tablet from the drawer in the game room, opened it and handed it to Yu Liang, "The monitoring system should have been installed, and it hasn't been used yet. You Wait here, I'll turn on the main monitoring switch over there, and then you can see the entire farmhouse situation from here."

"Okay." Yu Liang immediately felt the adventurer's attentiveness. He basically didn't participate too much in the creation of the entire underground base, leaving the space to the adventurous adventurer. It still looks very good now. Well.

The most important thing is of course that he does not need to pay for it. The adventurer directly takes care of it and bears all the expenses. Yu Liang himself feels embarrassed, so he evens out some strange resources and gives them to the adventurer.

For example, the bone machine gun and bullets, as well as heavy crossbow arrows and a large number of characters, there is no need to skimp on this point.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Yu Liang saw the surveillance screen appear on the tablet. There were about thirty surveillance points around the farmhouse, and there were almost no blind spots in some core areas.

[Available networks have been detected. Are they included in the monitoring scope? 】

A text frame came out of Claire's artificial eye. Yu Liang tapped his finger to connect Claire to the surveillance network, easily gaining control of the surveillance.

"Next, you can help me keep an eye on it. If there is any suspicious person, report it as soon as possible." Yu Liang ordered.

As a high-end AI intelligence, facial analysis is naturally not a problem. The Caoying Farm is very critical to him and he needs to keep an eye on it at all times.

The grass babies here did not enter the universe and become character cards, so they can exist without Yu Liang. Strictly speaking, they are considered "wild strange creatures", but no one will come to this place to capture them.

He clicked on the monitoring near the breeding farm. The breeding farm was carefully divided into several areas, mainly based on the age of the grass babies.

The newly born grass babies stay with their parents and live in a collective sports nursery with relatively better conditions. After a week or so, these grass babies grow into teenagers and are sent to the teaching room to be taught by alienated children. Highly intelligent grass babies impart basic knowledge and principles.

Most of the grass babies had relatively low IQs before being irrigated by the demon blood, so they didn't know many words, but there was one thing they remembered firmly.

Yu Liang!

The ancestor of Cao Ying!

The Lord of all things, the source of strange stories, the Lord of the universe!

How majestic I am, Saint Yu!

The specific situation is probably like this. Yu Liang thinks these things sound a bit awkward, but he can't bear it and Cao Ying and the others just do this.

The current Cao Yings are like the primitive society of mankind. The remaining wisdom has helped them shape their awe, and Yu Liang has become their traditional belief, an alien god who leads the Cao Ying tribe to prosperity.

In this regard, even those grass babies who possess advanced wisdom think so, because they are also unable to explain their own wisdom and the power of demon blood.

Wisdom was given to them by Saint Yu, so they must be grateful to Yu Liang from generation to generation.

On the production line of Cao Ying, the senior and wise Cao Ying elders will select the same kind with higher IQ and give them to Yu Sheng, who will bless these talented Cao Ying so that they can acquire higher intelligence. , to enter the ranks of managers or researchers.

Nowadays, the number of elders has reached twelve infants, and the scientific research team has grown to forty-seven infants. They are the absolute backbone of the Cao Ying tribe. They are high-quality grass infants that cannot be exchanged for a lot of money. They need to help Yu Liang. Technology that conquers flesh-and-blood civilization.

Now, the priority is to conquer the manufacturing process of machine gun bullets. The scientific research team has been able to manually manufacture machine gun bullets and replaced some of the previously difficult-to-obtain bone materials with metal materials, making the entire process more convenient and material-saving.

Of course, these bullets made in reality cannot be brought into the world of Kaitan for use. At present, they are not of much use, but the process must still be advanced in an orderly manner, and it is best to quickly enter the assembly line military factory system.

These bullets cannot be brought directly into the Kaitan world, but they can be used in reality. For example, these bullets can be consumed in the Forgotten City.

In addition, there is a grocery store owned by the masked man in Wangcheng. When Yu Liang finds a market, he can sell these bullets to the masked man and then buy them back after entering the world of ghost stories.

This is equivalent to giving this batch of ammunition a pass to be used in the world of ghost stories.

As a reward, it is normal for the masked man to earn some agency fees. This is a win-win cooperation.

Precisely for this reason, Yu Liang also had a very crucial purpose in entering Wangcheng.

Open up new economic routes!

This road will be called the "Grass Infant Road". He will carry a large number of flesh and blood technology and cyber technology products along this road, and eventually flow into the world of ghost stories through the masked man's shop for dumping.

Using products from industrial civilization to crush local supernatural items from the world of ghost stories is the second step in the development of capital.

As long as the plan goes well, Yu Liang estimates that the wealth of the rich man will increase exponentially. It would be too much to use some real metals and cultured bones and tooth tissues to exchange for seals and character resources in the world of ghost stories. made money.

It's just that the transformation process is a little complicated. In fact, Yu Liang originally wanted to directly buy a real-life air gun and put it into the masked man's shop, but this was obviously against the rules.

Before that, he had asked the masked man if he could bring real-life chess, dictionaries and the like to synthesize characters. This was a hugely profitable business, but needless to say, this was definitely stopped by the masked man.

Those things are the products of human civilization. They are fundamentally incompatible with the attributes of the Kaitan world. They have no legal pass. Moreover, they are not tainted with any Kaitan atmosphere, and there is no way to synthesize characters.

In the same way, in reality, human air guns should not be brought into the Kaitan world for normal use. If it could, maybe someone would have done so last season.

Furthermore, even if air guns can be brought into the world of Kaidan and sold, it will be useless. Think about it, if you buy air guns in large quantities in China and "disappear" them, what are you going to do?

Founding the country in Wangcheng?

Yu Liang didn't want to be targeted by the state machinery, so he naturally wouldn't use such crooked ideas.

Let’s build the Caoying military factory honestly.

Development takes time, but the costs after development can certainly be suppressed to maximize benefits.

Looking at the flourishing Cao Ying clan, Yu Liang is also very satisfied. According to this posture, the Cao Ying factory will soon be able to develop bone air guns and bone machine guns. The next step is assembly line production, and the next step is to continuously produce Convert into wealth.

Everything is moving in a good direction!

After seeing the Cao Ying Breeding Farm and the scientific research area, Yu Liang watched the adventurers under surveillance arrive at the test site area. This area was mainly used to test the power of some Cao Ying creations. There was also a large open space for them to fight and train. , there are some customized targets and the like, which look quite satisfactory.

After completing the inspection of the entire underground base, Yu Liang looked at the surveillance in other places while waiting for the adventurer to return.

Turning his attention to the back mountain area, he saw Li Huachao and Hua Niang discussing something, and immediately zoomed in on the surveillance screen to observe carefully.

It seemed that because the surveillance camera was relatively close to the two people, Yu Liang could still hear the conversation between the two Erha.

I saw Li Huachao type two characters on the table knife respectively, then holding a table knife in his left and right hands, he solemnly nodded to the flower girl beside him and said: "Okay, then I'm going to give it a try."

"Come on." Hua Niang was equally serious and patted Li Huachao on the shoulder, "You will be a pioneer in human history! You will be as famous as the world's first aerospace person, 'Wan Hu'!"

"That's right!" Li Huachao took two deep breaths, as if to cheer himself up, "As the strongest fighter in the universe, how can he not defeat that guy playing in the mud?"

"That's right!" Hua Niang immediately agreed.

"It's imperative!" The two shouted at the same time, and then launched their premeditated plan.

Yu Liang: "..."

No, what are these two people doing?

What kind of mess are you doing again?

You really can’t stop for a moment, right?

The next second, a scene that shocked Yu Liang appeared. Li Huachao made a somewhat strange posture, and then activated Blade Storm.

Under normal conditions, Blade Storm turns him into a high-speed spinning top, but now Li Huachao has turned into a helicopter.

Yes, helicopters.

Li Huachao's feet quickly left the ground and gradually flew about five meters into the air. As he fine-tuned his arm swing, Li Huachao made awkward left-right movements in the air.

With a little more control over the start and pause of Blade Storm, he can also fly up and down, but this posture is not very beautiful and extremely unstable, and he may fall down at any time.

"It's done, it's done!" Li Hua, who was spinning, shouted excitedly towards the helicopter, but then he lost his balance because he took in too much wind and fell down. Fortunately, Hua Niang acted as a human cushion for him, and he was able to survive. How to get hurt.

"It's done!" Hua Niang caught Li Huachao. Li Huachao's plan to go to heaven had just worked perfectly, which made her so happy that she couldn't help but hugged Li Huachao so hard that she just barely managed to break Li Huachao's ribs.

"Wait!" Li Huachao quickly pushed Hua Niang away and couldn't help but lean against the tree next to him and vomit twice. He was already dizzy spinning in the air, but Hua Niang gave him such a strong bear hug, and he couldn't help but feel dizzy. alright.

"Have you fainted now? Can you do it, little dog?" Hua Niang suddenly looked contemptuous. She went up to snatch Li Huachao's knife and prepared to try it herself. "With this thing, we will have the ability to fight in the air." , as long as you get into the air and rush along the generated soil, wouldn’t it be casual to clean up Li Geng?”

"That's right." Li Huachao agreed while retching, but then he added, "It seems that the character 'floating' has become invalid, and new characters are needed."

"Tch, it's all your fault for being too stupid. It took so many attempts to succeed." Hua Niang curled her lips and picked up the empty milk bottle on the ground. "There is no 'milk' now. How to make characters? You just wasted There are many characters, you can go back and ask Yu Liang for them."

"If you don't want to move, don't want to move." Li Huachao waved his hand and his eyes fell on Hua Niang's chest, "If you really want to try it, you can try it yourself."

"Wouldn't it be better to use your crime to make meritorious service?" Hua Niang would not just look at her eyes like Li Huachao did. She directly grabbed Li Huachao's chest muscles, which made Li Huachao scream in pain, but she was limited by the dizziness. The mind is unable to counterattack quickly.

"Floating" characters?

Is it made from "milk"?

Mounted on a table knife, Blade Storm can actually take off on the spot?

Yu Liang looked at the two people in the surveillance camera silently, not knowing what to say.

In short, just like a dog with wings.

Li Geng probably won't be able to restrain Li Huachao in the future. (End of chapter)

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