The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 394 Are you the one who brought back the source of all evil?

At this moment, Li Huachao's chest was surrounded by a series of goblin chain bombs. It was obvious that he had snatched most of the goblin chain bombs in one go while Yu Liang was not paying attention. Now he looked like a terrorist, looking around with vigilant eyes. All around you are waiting to attack a possible target.

And Yu Liang was also shocked. He didn't expect that he would be deceived by Li Huachao. It turned out that the other party wanted Zhong Chen's protective ability for this reason!

To explode his gold coins!

He never expected that Li Huachao would have such a severe stress reaction due to his sudden flash of deception. Why was this guy about to overturn the table?

You are not Li Huachao, you are Li Huowang, right?

However, if you think about it carefully, it is actually normal to make such a choice from Li Huachao's perspective. After all, he is just a stranger in this world, and this world is not important to him.

After getting the goblin bomb, using the entire dream as a threat in exchange for a way to return to his own world is very reasonable. Even Yu Liang himself would make such a choice.

"Stop, stop, wait!" Yu Liang tried to stop Li Huachao in this state, "You didn't go to other universes at all. You are still in the original universe. Get rid of the great elder first, and then I will give you to him. Explain!"

"Haha, you are fooling me." Li Huachao glanced at Yu Liang and snorted coldly, "You people may be controlled by the source of ghost stories. I will not believe you. I only believe in the bomb in my hand!"

Yu Liang: "..."

It started with Li Huachao's unique arrogance.

Yu Liang tried to explain to Li Huachao in a more rational way, but was interrupted by Li Huachao as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I guess your next sentence is - if we are all controlled by the source ghost talk, wouldn't it be great if the source ghost talk directly controls you to throw away the bomb?" Li Huachao put his hand on the button of the goblin bomb, and he gently Shaking his head, the vigilance on his face expressed the unreachable wall in his heart: "No, you want to lie to me. This is the reason why you want to stabilize me first. I have already predicted what you will do." Next sentence!”

Yu Liang: "..."

It's unreasonable. In this state, Li Huachao has such superb acting skills and is so thoughtful. He is as comfortable as a fish in water in the world view he has woven, and his logic is natural. He can be called a husky in polar state.

I have long heard that when the temperature is low, the water in a husky's head can be frozen, thereby improving its IQ, but the temperature is not low now, right?

Is it because Li Huachao's heart has become cold?

At the same time, the Great Elder had just recovered from the attacks of these players, and saw Li Huachao holding thunder in his hands as if he was about to die together. She had a vague guess in her heart, and was suddenly shocked: "What are you going to do? !”

This village is the place where those ghost stories rely on to survive. If the dreams of the "villagers" are awakened, everything will be over!

Several other players also felt something was wrong, and they had been confused from the beginning:

How does this animal trainer know the Cyber ​​City killer?

Why are these Cyber ​​City killers twins?

Now I am even more confused. Why did this Cyber ​​City killer suddenly look like he was going to commit suicide?

"Wait, this..." Xiao Hei was stunned.

"Shut up, you have no business talking." Li Huachao turned his head and hurled nasty words at the great elder and the players. He had no time to tangle with these people.

He has only one goal, and that is to go home!

"I'll count to three. If you don't send me back to my original universe, I'll blow it up!" Li Huachao no longer cared about Yu Liang, but said loudly to the void, while counting two quickly Next, "Three two——"

The final sound of "two" was stretched out very long, as if Li Huachao was giving an ultimatum to the stone tablet or some strange creature.

At this moment, a kind of handwriting formed by the black mist appeared in front of Li Huachao's eyes. It seemed that a creature hidden in the netherworld finally couldn't help but come out to explain to him what was going on.

"You have always been here. The original universe you think does not exist."

After Li Huachao finished reading this line of words, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"I finally believe it." Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief. Li Huachao would not believe the words of his "parallel universe" Yu Liang now, so he should believe the explanation of this strange creature hidden in the dark, right?

After all, this female version of Li Huachao was originally created by him.

Li Huachao looked at the words formed by the black mist and couldn't help but clenched his fists. He felt that he was still being slighted.

all fake?

How can it be?

Are you still using this trick to expect him to drop the bomb in his hand?

Even at this time of life and death, this creature in the dark still refused to show up and tell him the truth.

why is that?

Are you betting that he won't die together?

Haha, should I say it or not, you think of human beings too cowardly!

Even if human beings are like ants in front of you, they never lack the consciousness and belief in sacrifice!

"Are you still thinking of lying to me and betting that I won't dare to blow up the dream? Or do you think I'm a mere human being who can be manipulated?" Li Huachao gritted his teeth. He had always hated evil and became furious when he saw these weird creatures who played with human beings at will, especially The root of the mystery is that having such a powerful power but not wanting to do some good things is simply...

Root of all evil!

In this case, no one should live anymore.

Li Hua raised her eyebrows, accumulated the goblin chain bombs in her hand, and then quickly activated them. At the same time, she ran away and hid behind the stone monument.

Yu Liang: "Li Huachao!"

He wanted to step forward to stop it, but the best way to stop it now was to let Lu Baoshen replace the bomb by switching the position of the item, and then turn off the bomb.

Unfortunately, it is still unknown where Lu Baoshen is.

The flower girl on the side suddenly heard the master calling her, immediately turned her head and looked over, and responded: "Here we come!"

The situation changed too quickly, and she was not disappointed, so she did not inherit the IQ bonus. She did not understand what Li Huachao was going to do for a while. Instead, she cheered for the male version of Li Huachao in her heart.

He is indeed the most handsome and masculine man in the world. He did something that no one in the world would dare to do. He directly blew up this village and let these ghost stories see the invincible backbone of human beings!

Hearing this, the text formed by the black mist also slowly typed "???". He never thought that this matter would develop to such a point.

Does this human being not understand Chinese?

I've obviously explained it to him, I've explained it all, why do I have to go through this whole thing?


They bomb villages at every turn. Aren’t all your relatives and friends here?

What do you think?

What kind of dog brain?

Do you humans all have this self-destructive tendency?

For a moment, the black mist's body was also messy and abnormal. He didn't know where the problem was, but he knew very well that if he didn't leave this area, he would have problems.

The pure black hole spread out on the edge of the stone monument, slowly enlarging, then shrinking sharply, slowly enlarging again, and shrinking again, beating like a human heart. In just two seconds, the goblin chain bombs The rule ability contained in it suddenly exploded, turning everything within an extremely narrow range into powder and dissipating into nothingness.

Fortunately, the explosion of the goblin bomb will only be limited to a certain area and will not spread on a large scale. Therefore, for most people present, if they feel something is wrong, they can still stay safe by running back immediately. own.

However, just the wind blade produced when the bomb exploded had a devastating destructive power, knocking down the houses around the square like a strong wind sweeping away residual clouds.

The new house, the old house, and the paper house were all torn down, revealing the monsters and monsters hiding inside. However, these strange creatures seemed to have sensed something and fled here together, without any nostalgia for their past home.

The second before Li Huachao activated the bomb, Yu Liang felt something was wrong in his heart, so he immediately picked up the characters and items that had just fallen on the ground, and also picked up the characters that Zhong Chen dropped on the ground. Then he hurriedly rushed away from the bomb.

The silent explosion ended quickly, and the exponential accumulation of goblin bombs blasted a deep pit of one square meter in the center of the village square.

If you look in the direction of this deep pit, you can notice that there is a faint blur in the air above the pit. This blur is constantly cracking, like a broken mirror, and the lenses are constantly falling off. Come down, hit the ground, and break into smaller pieces.

In the dark, Yu Liang seemed to hear an unconscious murmur, which seemed to be the murmur of someone who had just woken up, or the displeasure of being disturbed from his sweet dream.

Then the world collapsed, and the buildings in the dream continued to collapse, making it look like the end of the world.

He is awake!

The source monster in Cyber ​​City has woken up!

Pitch darkness enveloped all living beings present, and the sky was constantly peeling off, like a cracked eggshell, falling to the ground at will, leaking out of the world outside the egg.

It was a piece of empty nothingness, and Yu Liang saw nothing. While looking outside the territory, only the concepts of "empty" and "nothing" were born in his mind.

The next second, the egg completely collapsed, and the consciousness of those trapped in the egg and the strange creatures returned to the same starting point.

At this moment, people who had grudges, hatred, love and hatred for each other all looked at the cracked hole in the egg, and looked at the vaster void beyond the dream.

There was a sudden "ding" in the Great Elder's mind, and she seemed to understand why the Undertaker was interested in the forces in Cyber ​​City.

It's simple. He "saw" the future when the "villagers" woke up from their dreams. The village was destined to be destroyed, and she and the killer were the driving forces.

The "Undertaker" did not intend to change this result. He chose to go with the fate, or in other words, this was the result that he had contributed to, because he was encouraging her to come here to fight the killer. Once the scale of the battle became larger, When the time reaches 5 minutes, the "villagers" here may wake up.

Now, as "Undertaker" expected, the village was shattered, and all humans, monsters and ancient gods returned to Cyber ​​City, so he needed to regain control of his own power in order to reduce the trouble of settling in Cyber ​​City.

Undertakers hate trouble.

But what makes the great elder curious is, is all this the undertaker's own plan?

Destroying a village was definitely an outrageous thing among the ancient gods. Once discovered, they would most likely be besieged.

Or does the undertaker have other ancient gods to help him?

However, the personalities and behavior patterns of the ancient gods are fixed. Ancient gods who could choose to enter the village before eternity all wanted to stay in the village, and generally there would not be such sudden changes.

In other words, the ancient gods are all guys who never forget their original intentions. Since they choose to stay in the village, they will not change their minds at will, and they will not violate the contract they have made at will.

Could it be the newly born ancient god?

An ancient god who was born in a backwater village, and he was extremely eager to go to a wider world, so he contacted the undertaker?

The Great Elder used all her knowledge about the "Undertaker" and those ancient gods to guess the secrets. She obtained part of the "Undertaker's" thinking about the world and the universe, so she could not help but imitate it in her thinking mode. "Undertaker".

The ancient god who did such a thing was the "Undertaker", so this guess has a very high accuracy.

A new ancient god appears in the village.

What will be the incarnation of the new ancient god born in the place where the gods gather?


"So boring, so boring, so boring!"

Lu Baoshen began to act like a demon for the third time today. Being bored, he began to toss another heavyweight in the Dwarf Alliance - An Buchen.

At this time, An Buchen was meditating. She was calm and could completely ignore Lu Baoshen's harassment and immerse herself in her own world.

However, when Lu Baoshen turned his attention to the Taoist mechanism she had just studied, An Buchen still reminded him coldly: "If you are really bored, you can go out and play."

"Can I come back if I go out?" Lu Baoshen blinked and asked subconsciously.

"No, I will block all the aura of the Taoist government." An Buchen replied.

"It's okay, I can find it. I saved a lot of luck points today." Lu Baoshen immediately said cheerfully.

An Buchen: "..."

The fairy girl who followed God's will was simply manipulated by the gambler who could control God's will, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to go out for a while, because I have a hunch that if I go out now, I'm very likely to run into something good." Lu Baoshen felt it, and his inspiration indeed told him so. This is what he said today. The reason why he was restless all day long was that he kept harassing An Buchen.

"Really?" An Buchen was surprised. She already had an inexplicable "reverence" for Lu Baoshen, so she had no doubts about his feelings.

"Of course." Lu Baoshen nodded solemnly, "It must be a good thing."

"So far, the energy collected by the Taoist government can probably block the perception of root ghosts within a three-kilometer radius for five minutes. I will give you three minutes, and you must come back after three minutes." An Buchen said seriously, giving Lu Baoshen a safety line warning.

"Okay, I'll be right back." Lu Baoshen agreed quickly, and he would soon be able to verify his feeling.

I said something good happened, and that’s right!

So An Buchen injected energy into the Taoist mansion and developed the function of "reversing the yin and yang shielding the secret of heaven", and then opened the door of the Taoist mansion and released Lu Baoshen.

The moment he left the Taoist mansion, Lu Baoshen did not hesitate to increase his luck value to the maximum, and then randomly chose a direction to stroll.

An Buchen looked nervously at the open door of the Taoist mansion, saying that she trusted Lu Baoshen, but she still felt a little guilty. After all, this was the first time the door had been opened in a few days, and she didn't know if Lu Baoshen would come out. whats the matter.

However, what she didn't expect was that Lu Baoshen came back only a minute later, followed by a panicked man.

"Quick, little fairy girl, close the door, something is following us!" Li Huachao broke into the Taoist mansion.

Lu Baoshen said out of breath as well: "This wave is coming big!"

An Buchen: "..."

Is this what you call a good thing?

Is it you who brought back the source of all evil? !

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