The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 395: Strange tales about the root of the mountains and plains

a minute ago.

Lu Baoshen was walking in the sewers. He had only entered An Buchen's Taoist mansion for less than a day, but as soon as he was safe, he immediately wanted to go out and see the situation, as if the people who were trapped in the Jiuyin Field were not at all. Same as him.

Naturally, Lu Baoshen's scar healed and he forgot about the pain. He had already saved up his luck points. He felt that nothing bad would happen to him again, so he walked out of the Taoist Mansion openly and ran out to see the situation.

At that time, the Jiuyin Field seemed to have been invaded by killers. Now he went out to see how the situation was, so that he could give An Buchen an explanation when he returned. Putting aside the facts of what the Great Elder had done, he still cared a little about the Great Elder.

Not to mention, he has now accumulated some luck points, but it is a pity that the great elder will never have the chance to absorb his luck.

It seems that fate ends here.

Lu Baoshen, who was thinking wildly in his mind, did not notice that the gambler's [Do Not Believe in Evil] ability on his page was constantly flashing a red light representing emergency.

The next second, a figure covered in mud sprang out from the rock wall of the sewer. When he saw Lu Baoshen's figure, he was overjoyed: "Lu Baoshen!"

"Don't kill me!" Lu Baoshen was frightened by the sudden appearance of the sludge monster. He held his head with his hands and backed away. Only when he retreated to the wall did he realize that he was no longer the weakling he used to be. A pinch gesture is to make a "thunder" character.

"What the hell!" When the mud figure saw Lu Baoshen, he launched his ultimate move and hit him with a "Thunder" character. His mind immediately trembled, and he rushed in a direction away from the "Thunder" character.

And Lu Baoshen also realized that the power of the "Thunder" character was too great. Even if his casting distance could be unlimited, the space in this sewer was too narrow. If he hit the sludge monster, he would also hit himself. Therefore, the "Thunder" character was temporarily replaced with the "Zhuo" character.

Upon seeing this, the sludge monster dived into the black turbid water without hesitation, avoiding the "burning" character before it suddenly emerged again, and rushed to Lu Baoshen and said: "It's me, I'm Li Huachao!"

"Second brother?" The character in Lu Baoshen's hand was ready to go. He looked at the figure in the sewage with some surprise. The stench on his body made him pinch his nose. The character in his hand changed into the character "Mu". He hit Li Huachao several times in succession, "Why do you look like this? It's really unbecoming. A member of our writer universe will not become so embarrassed."

He didn't blush at all when he said this, completely forgetting that he also looked stinky when he was picked up by An Buchen.

"Do you recognize me?" At first, Li Huachao just subconsciously announced his family name, but now he saw that Lu Baoshen actually recognized his male version of Li Huachao and called him his "second brother", and he was immediately overjoyed.

He has never felt that Lu Baoshen's "second brother" was so affectionate. It was "second brother" and not "second sister"!

"Why do I recognize you? Why don't I recognize you?" Lu Baoshen found it funny. How could Li Huachao talk so crazy after disappearing for so many days?

"Is the Li Huachao in your memory a boy? Not a girl?" Li Huachao asked. He needed to confirm the answer.

"Of course, otherwise? Did you bring me the female version of Li Huachao? Or have you become a woman?" Lu Baoshen was surprised by Li Huachao's question, but then he realized a more important thing, "You know A female version of Li Huachao?"

Good brother turned into a woman?

What interesting plot unfolds here?

"Hahaha, that's good, that's good, as long as you don't know that guy." Li Huachao laughed a little crazily and trembled all over.

Lu Baoshen didn't know the flower girl.

What does this mean?

It means he won!

This bunch of ghost talkers about the origins really won’t shed tears until they see the coffin. They must blow up the dream before they let him return to the original universe.

Hum hum, do you all know that you are wrong now?

The glory of mankind lasts forever!

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!

For a moment, Li Huachao was a little carried away, but he quickly reacted, looked behind him, and then climbed onto the bank of the sewer to pull Lu Baosheng away.

Lu Baoshen's eyes were fixed on Li Huachao. Although the other person had been cleaned by the "Mu" character, he still felt that there was a faint smell lingering, so he took a small step back.

It was at this step that Li Huachao thought of something bad and immediately hit Lu Baoshen on the head: "You still dare to dislike me?!"

"Ouch!" Lu Baoshen screamed, then turned around with a groan, preparing to stay away from his violent second brother.

"Yes, do you have any place here? I seem to have provoked some people who shouldn't be provoked, so they are chasing me." Li Huachao whispered, "But starting a minute ago, probably because of me Hiding in the sludge of the sewer, they won't be able to sense my presence, and then I can run out."

"It shouldn't be a matter of sludge." Lu Baoshen thought for a while and continued to answer, "An Buchen has now opened a space that blocks perception. In this space, the perception ability of the root ghost story cannot be used, so you Only then can we hide from their pursuit.”

"In this way, then I'm really lucky." Li Huachao nodded, and then he reacted, with more surprise in his voice, "The little fairy is here too?"

"Of course, where else do you think I'm hiding?" Lu Baoshen glanced at him, as if you don't want to make a fuss.

"Okay, take me there quickly, hide for a while first." Li Huachao urgently urged Lu Lu to save himself. There was nothing he could do about it, because he was really frightened by those strange rumors about the origin.

Although he had the mentality of a dead man, he successfully lit the bomb and returned to his original time and space, but at the same time he offended a lot of root ghosts, some of whom even noticed him, but due to the chaos of the broken dream scene at the time, there was no Come to him directly.

After the dream of the village was shattered, almost all the source ghost stories appeared in the Jiuyin Field and nearby areas. This area is the area controlled by the great elder, and it should also be the control area of ​​the toad-shaped root ghost story behind the great elder. Therefore, those root ghost stories were expelled from the toad-shaped root ghost stories as a matter of course.

On the one hand, time is tight, and on the other hand, it is not sure what the dream master's situation is. There are still many powerful forces in the Jiuyin field, not to mention how chaotic the entire sewer is.

Taking advantage of this chaos, Li Huachao also quietly escaped, getting rid of the sight of some root ghost stories. Fortunately, most of the root ghost stories did not directly know who did the explosion at that time. They were basically different people. Showing his magical powers and using special rule abilities to detect what happened in the past timeline, this delayed his revenge on Li Huachao.

There are also some root ghost stories who don't care at all about what Li Huachao has done. Instead, they express dissatisfaction with other root ghost stories that take action at will. There are even guys who secretly assist Li Huachao. They are just watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal.

"Okay." Lu Baoshen could see from Li Huachao that the situation was urgent, so he did not delay, but led Li Huachao and ran quickly towards An Buchen Taoist Mansion.

In just one minute, Lu Baoshen completed the process of "picking up the man who stumbled when he went out for a walk" and brought him back to An Buchen's Taoist mansion.

For him, this was indeed a good thing, because Lu Baoshen had been secretly angry for a long time. He had to take revenge on the damn tight-fitting killer who was chasing him.

Now that the invincible second brother is back, Lu Baoshen is naturally prepared to make a proper complaint, and then take his second brother and the little fairy (unlikely) to deal with the killer.

In the Taoist mansion.

An Buchen looked at the sunny boy who had followed Lu Baoshen back, and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

She had made a lot of preparations, but if she thought about it carefully, it was Lu Baoshen who controlled her destiny, so nothing bad would happen. Only after thinking about this did she allow Lu Baoshen to go out.

But this was the only thing she missed.

Is it possible that something is a good thing for Lu Baoshen and a bad thing for her?

The less you want something to happen, the more likely it is to happen. The little fairy An Buchen really felt the deep malice from heaven.

Now that things had happened, An Buchen could not drive these two people away. He could only sit back on the small bed he had built and began to meditate, immersing his mind in the understanding of the destiny of heaven.

As far as today's matter is concerned, she has some thoughts.

The biggest realization is...

Heaven and earth are unkind!

On the other side, Li Huachao looked at Lu Baoshen curiously and asked, "How did you get here?"

In fact, he could have asked more directly.

How could An Buchen let you in a place like this?

"It's a long story. I'll scare you when I tell you my name." Lu Baoshen stopped and a look appeared on his face. He was about to say that he was the number one sect in Cyber ​​City (the self-proclaimed ), the Taoist ancestor of the Jiuyin Sect, suddenly thought of the fact that he was in captivity, making him neither human nor ghost. In addition, those madmen used him to perform various inexplicable rituals all day long. It seemed that in addition to being able to hold him every day Apart from the beautiful elder, there was nothing that Li Huachao could envy, so he sighed again, "Let's keep the story short."

Li Huachao blinked, not understanding what Lu Baoshen meant by his sudden change of subject.

"To put it simply, I was captured by the Nine Yin Sect. When I escaped, I was chased by a birth killer. I ran all the way before crashing into An Buchen's Taoist mansion and living here temporarily." Lu Baoshen Said directly.

"Born a killer?!" Li Huachao suddenly frowned, slammed the table hard, and threatened, "What the hell, in this three-acre land of Cyber ​​City, there is still someone in the entire killer world who dares to insult my face? Bullying my brother ? No, I have to deal with him!"

"Yes, that's right." Lu Baoshen's two big eyes flashed, full of hope.

An Buchen, who was meditating beside her, still had her eyes closed, but her eyelids could be seen visibly twitching, with unknown meaning.

"But it's best to wait for a while." Li Huachao changed his tone and said with a smile, "Now there are all the source ghost stories outside. I was chased by a source ghost talk. You also know that they should all be thinking about it now. Kill me."

However, his expectation was still somewhat wrong, because the source monsters did not want to kill him.

Death, as the ending of a creature, is still too easy.

"Okay." Lu Baoshen had no choice but to agree. He asked curiously, "What about you? Why are you here?"

"Well... it's a long story." Li Huachao was stunned, and then thought of some embarrassing things about himself.

It was smooth sailing in the early days, as they continued to collect ghosts from other ghost organizations, and even created a kind of ghost story.

"Forget it, it's okay to tell you." Li Huachao knew that he had asked Lu Baoshen about the "female version of Li Huachao" and couldn't hide it, so he said directly, "There is nothing to say in front of me. Anyway, I went to the village. Then It’s a place full of ghost stories about the origin. I fell into one of the ghost stories, and it sent me to another parallel universe, where there was a female version of Li Huachao, but then I blew up the village and then came back here.”

"There is a female version of you! There really is!" Lu Baoshen's eyes lit up. He was full of curiosity about the female version of Li Huachao. If he could find some interesting clues, wouldn't he be able to get hold of his second brother Li Huachao?

"Almost, but I guess you won't be able to see it. That's a matter in another universe." Li Huachao shook his head, as if he didn't want to say more, "Anyway, it took a lot of effort and a lot of determination before I could return. here."

Thinking of this, Li Huachao felt inexplicably moved in his heart. He couldn't help but hugged Lu Baoshen: "It was only after I came back that I realized that it's great to have familiar friends here."

After saying this, he came to the small bed again, as if he wanted to hug the little fairy again, but the little fairy still closed her eyes tightly, as if she was meditating silently and didn't want to move.

Li Huachao shrugged and returned to Lu Bao.

"Hey -" Lu Baoshen hugged himself and felt the emotion that Li Huachao had just felt. His face suddenly twisted in disgust, with a look of disgust on his face.

What a mess, the hug from the female version of Li Huachao is a bit interesting, how old are you, are you still like this?

However, from Li Huachao's words, he could also tell how chaotic the situation outside was now. For him, the best result was of course to hide in the Taoist mansion and wait for the "big guys" outside to solve the problem.

In the past, Yu Liang and other created characters in the writer's universe had to solve these root-cause ghost stories, and there was no need for him to take action at all.



Lu Baoshen looked around and suddenly noticed a shocking fact.

There are now three created characters in the Taoist mansion, which means that the only created character outside is bodyguard Zhong Chen.




There don’t seem to be too many big guys outside the Taoist mansion?

Lu Baoshen swallowed his saliva and had a bad feeling, but now he could only pray for Yu Liang devoutly.

Blessings from the Master of Destiny will definitely work!

If Yu Liang could enjoy this blessing, that might be a good thing.

Unfortunately not.

Yu Liang sighed, feeling that all that was left in his life was despair.

Have you ever seen the sight of soldiers all over the mountains charging after the sound of a charge?

Yes, the situation is almost the same now.

It's just that instead of soldiers, the mountains and plains are filled with ghost stories.


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