The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 393: Explode the dreamland, everyone will stop living!

Ask me for Zhong Chen’s protection ability?

What does this dog want to do?

Several questions popped up in Yu Liang's mind, but when he saw Li Huachao's righteous and generous sacrifice, he couldn't help but nodded.

Faced with such a capable general who wanted to "warm the wine and kill the elders", he was naturally embarrassed to refuse, not to mention that Li Huachao's current identity was a "special outsider" - Li Yanshang.

It can be said that Li Huachao's current predicament was all caused by him. At first, it was quite satisfying to see Li Huachao, who was unlucky enough to break his defense, but after looking at it, he felt a little pitiful.

Of course, even if he felt a little pitiful, it was impossible for Yu Liang to directly tell the other party the truth. He really couldn't open his mouth.

We have just been fooled, is this a lie to Li Huachao?

I'm afraid this kind of small punishment will not make Li Huachao's memory long at all.

Yu Liang searched in his mind for the obscene images related to the "Big

Now my heart is as cold as RT-Mart's knife that has been killing fish for ten years.

"I formed a team with others and have the ability of group invisibility. Since you need Zhong Chen's protection ability, then I will hide again." Yu Liang said, with a sense of avoiding battle and preserving himself. After thinking about it carefully, I felt it was too inhumane, so I added, "We are hiding in the dark and can sneak attack on that guy at any time."

"Okay." Li Huachao nodded and agreed, as if to dispel Yu Liang's doubts, he said again, "Don't worry, I won't deliberately harm Zhong Chen. In my time and space, Zhong Chen and I We are also good brothers. If I can avoid getting hurt, I will never take the initiative to let her bear the harm for me. If you think that I have second thoughts and want to hurt Zhong Chen, you can ask her to change the target of her protection at any time."

"Okay." Yu Liang solemnly agreed to Li Huachao's request, then turned around and made a gesture to the void behind him, instructing Zhong Chen to follow suit and also instructing Xiao Hei to re-activate the invisibility buff for him.

Xiao Hei, who was in the invisible state, understood Yu Liang's gesture, so he once again pulled Yu Liang into the blessing of the Thief God, and disappeared in front of Li Huachao together with the flower girl.

"You guys..." Li Huachao looked at Yu Liang and Hua Niang who suddenly disappeared, and blinked, as if he didn't believe what he saw.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Yu Liang just appeared so suddenly. This is probably what Yu Liang said came from the ability of his new teammates.

If he hadn't really received Zhong Chen's protective ability, he would probably have thought that Yu Liang and Hua Niang who appeared and disappeared were just a dream, right?

Oh, it would be nice if it really was a dream.

Li Huachao lowered his head. He felt the strength he carried in his body and used real encouragement to regain his strength.

In any case, this stone tablet allowed me to see the great elder and a toad-like root ghost talk. They are very likely to be related to this stone tablet.

The great elder has already come here, and the source of the strange talk will probably not leave his lair. In this case, let's defeat the great elder first and interrogate what is going on.

Li Huachao prepared himself mentally and at the same time looked at his four columns to find out what he needed to use.

Strengthening Series ① A set of characters, all of which can be hit on the body. First, strengthen your physical fitness.

If you can find a suitable T1 monster creature if you can find a suitable T1 monster creature, you can use your stronger physical fitness to fight the great elder.

It's a pity that there are many source ghost stories in this village, but there are really not many T1 level monster creatures...

Wait a minute, Yu Liang should have it on his body, right?

The images of the human snake and the whistle beast mother suddenly appeared in Li Huachao's head.

You can try the human snake, but forget about the whistle beast mother body.

However, Li Huachao thought again and again and gave up on the human snake. As far as the actual situation is concerned, the physical fitness of the human snake is not particularly outstanding among the T1 level monster creatures. It is just the threshold of the T1 monster creature, plus the golden eyes The two-dimensional expansion it brings can be regarded as the official entry-level state of T1.

I won’t use it for the time being, what if I come across a better choice?

"Can you lend me the Holy Infant Singing Team?" Li Hua asked toward the void somewhere, "Add a buff."

At the same time, several grass babies appeared behind Li Huachao. As soon as they came out, they understood what they were going to do, so they opened their mouths and taunted Li Huachao.

"Yo yo yo, who is this? Isn't this our dear T2 warrior, Mr. Li Huachao? What's wrong, why are you here alone?"

"If you want strength but not strength, want merit but not merit, and still feel that you are as favored as before, and cause trouble everywhere, then you will be sent to the frontier if you cause trouble."

"My lord has nothing to worry about when his family loses its dog."

"Fortunately, I left early and quickly. Otherwise, it would have been really embarrassing to be driven away by the lord Yu Liang himself. But looking at this attitude, I don't think Yu Liang will notice that this guy has disappeared after this dungeon ends."

"What won't be discovered? You obviously don't want to find out, just like if you don't want to keep a dog, you won't take it out on a leash, and it will be 'lost' without anyone noticing. You don't have to bear the stigma. How comfortable. "

Li Huachao: "..."

In fact, the previous sarcasm was okay. When I was mentally prepared, I didn't feel too angry when I heard these words. However, Li Huachao still underestimated the skills of these grass infant singing teams.

The first sentence of "Qingqing" is all foreshadowing, and the last sentence is the final sentence.

If you don’t want to keep a dog, just don’t take it out on a leash, and it will be “lost” without anyone noticing. Then you will pretend to look for it and then go home with peace of mind, pretending that nothing happened...

This is such an apt description.

For a moment, anger born out of some kind of panic brewed in Li Huachao's heart. He silently clenched his fists and turned his sharp eyes in one direction of the village.

There was a familiar atmosphere there.

The other party did not conceal his aura, the great elder came directly towards him!

Li Huachao subconsciously felt that something was wrong, because the hidden meaning of the stone tablet was very strange.

First, he summoned a clone of him, and then let him "see" the deal between the great elder and the toad-shaped root monster, causing the great elder to rush over to hunt him down.

This is……

It always feels like a fire.

However, Li Huachao never liked to think, and it was even more impossible to think calmly when he was being angered by the Cao Ying Singing Team.

No matter what the origin of the story is, let’s fight the Great Elder first.

Li Huachao let out a long sigh of relief and prepared to display his usual reckless attributes next time.

Only if you are reckless enough can you deceive everyone!

In a corner of the village, the elder revealed his aura without hesitation. This was also a necessary step, because now she had the blessing from the "Undertaker". Without the aura of the Undertaker, she would probably He was abducted by a passing source ghost story and easily killed.

And Li Huachao finally saw the appearance of his opponent. The great elder was still wrapped in the Taoist robe, but it was no longer the same way as before. It only covered the key parts of the body, and a lump grew on his shoulders. A black toad-shaped sarcoma with three half-closed eyes.

"I found you." The great elder said in a sinister tone. She lightly kicked the ground, her body became light, and she floated slowly towards Li Huachao.

And Li Huachao also sneered: "I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

"I thought you would die here soon, but I didn't expect you to be quite capable." The elder, who had been blessed by the undertaker, felt that her body was in a state of continuous fever, which made her very excited, so she The number of words he said was far greater than before, "But that's it. Thanks to your blessing, I have received a new blessing from the undertaker, and the Nine Yin Sect will be fully developed in my hands!"

The blessing this time was also beyond her expectation. The undertaker rarely transmitted such a large amount of "information" to humans, and she smelled some strange meanings in it.

The Undertaker, who had never had any desire for humans, actually had an intention to expand. He did not tell the Great Elder explicitly, but the information he gave hinted at this matter.

Of course, this is definitely a good thing for the great elder, because it means that the undertaker will personally participate in the development of Jiuyin Sect, and the attention of an ancient god will naturally greatly promote the development of Jiuyin Sect.

According to this trend, the Jiuyin Sect will sooner or later become the most powerful ghost organization in the entire Cyber ​​City, and the most powerful ghost organization means that the Jiuyin Sect will have more authority. She, the great elder, will He will truly become a being who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

The premise is to kill this scourge here.

Only by killing the founder of the perverted trash ghost can we stop the ghost's erosion of the ghosts of the Jiuyin Sect.

Thinking of this, the great elder raised his hand and shot a black divine light at Li Huachao as a prelude.

Black divine light, this is a very strange concept, because darkness inherently represents the absence of light.

However, in Li Huachao's field of vision at this time, this black color was undoubtedly the divine light method used by the Great Elder, so he repeated his old trick and fired out the five-color light from the Shiquan Great Replenishing Ring to confront the Great Elder.

This time, the confrontation could be said to be on the verge of collapse. Li Huachao noticed this as soon as the two rays of light came into contact, so he hurriedly ran away.

At the moment when he was rolling, the great elder had arrived at his original position at some point, and the black fly whisk in his hand fell straight down.


A simple blow shattered gold and stone, causing the stone slabs on the square to crack inch by inch.

Li Huachao evaded in embarrassment, and the great elder just now quietly rushed to his vicinity by virtue of the black divine light's ability to absorb light. If he hadn't sensed that he couldn't resist the divine light and rolled over, he might have been struck by the divine light. Fu Chen's two consecutive attacks were immediately killed.

Oh, no, it was Zhong Chen who would be instantly killed by the second consecutive attack.

This guy has been blessed, and his physical fitness is much stronger than before, far surpassing me!

Li Huachao made a judgment in his heart, so he took out the "Fifty-Five Rings" without hesitation and divided the great elder's physical fitness equally with his own.

Inexplicable power appeared, absorbing the great elder's power, and then passed it into Li Huachao's body.

"What did you do?" The great elder frowned slightly. She felt that she seemed to have become weaker, and the other party had become stronger. As one went, the gap between the two actually narrowed.

Li Huachao ignored the elder's doubts and just tightened the knife in his hand.

At this critical moment of life and death, he had no more words to say and simply immersed himself completely in the hunting activity.

There is only a thin line between hunter and prey.

"Forget it, this doesn't make any sense." The great elder snorted and didn't care.

According to the classification in the game, she should be considered a mage. Now a guy who looks like a warrior is finally close to a mage in terms of physical fitness...

Is this worth worrying about?

The Great Elder fired several rays of divine light again, and the eyes with toad-shaped sarcoma on his shoulders suddenly opened and looked directly at Li Huachao.


Li Huachao's eyes also widened, and when he looked into the sarcoma's eyes, he found that he couldn't divert his gaze from the sarcoma, and he couldn't even control his body freely. He could only watch the divine light attack fall on his body.

He really didn't expect that the blessed elder would be able to kill him in one glance. The combination of the control ability of the toad-shaped sarcoma and the powerful attack power of the divine light was simply invincible.

If [Huwei] were there, he could still block the Great Elder's ability, but unfortunately he can't do anything now.

It's over. With this hit, something might happen to him!

No, no, something might happen to Zhong Chen!

The divine light fell on Li Huachao, triggering the blue light that represented injury avoidance, and then the damage from the divine light was transferred to Zhong Chen, who was in the invisible state.

Yu Liang immediately looked at Zhong Chen nervously, and the invisible shield of imaginary numbers on Zhong Chen's body broke. She waved her hand to indicate that she was fine.

"It's okay, it's just that the protective shield is broken." Zhong Chen shook his head to indicate that it was okay, and then silently typed a "royal" character on his body to increase his defense.

In this case, when Shenguang's attack falls on Li Huachao, he will be slashed by the "imperial" character, and then when it is transferred to Zhong Chen, he will be slashed by the "imperial" character again.

With the double damage reduction and the bodyguard's own defense, she felt that she should be able to barely withstand the next blow.

It was enough to resist one blow. The Great Elder didn't know that she was here. Once she attacked Li Huachao with all her strength, she would suffer backlash with the same amount of damage. A mage might not be able to withstand his own attack.

"You are also ready. Let's sneak attack her together. This cannot be delayed. The Great Elder's offensive ability is too strong, and they are all large-scale attacks. They may accidentally hurt us." Yu Liang turned to everyone and said.

"Okay." Each player responded solemnly.

The one who faced the greatest pressure on the battlefield was undoubtedly Li Huachao. He no longer dared to look directly at the Great Elder. Instead, he lowered his head and kept approaching the Great Elder, while simultaneously tempting the Great Elder to reveal his flaws.

Now it is obvious that he can only be regarded as a feint attack, and the main attacker can only look forward to Yu Liang and the others.

Finally, after Li Huachao narrowly avoided a ray of divine light, the Great Elder's attack paused. At the same time, Yu Liang and others broke out of their invisibility and poured out their strongest attacks.

Xiao Hei played a direct damage character, and the thunder brewed on the elder's head and struck straight down; the female athlete also kicked out a wave of light, sweeping towards the elder like a wind blade; the psychological counselor added an excitement buff to everyone , enhanced attack power.

Yu Liang opened his hand, and the Cao Ying mecha, which was ready to go, activated its heavy machine gun, and at the same time, the "split" character in his hand was strengthened and thrown out.

If Lu Bao were here, he would probably have the "Thunder" character this time, but unfortunately his strongest character attack is this now.

"Well done!" Li Huachao's eyes lit up as Yu Liang typed the characters. Everything was under his control and he finally reached this point.

"Hey, Yu Liang!" A loud shout made Yu Liang subconsciously shift his gaze and look at the person who made the sound.

Li Huachao? !

The "Hai" character came out of his hand and shot straight towards Li Huachao, but Li Huachao faced him forward without retreating, letting the "Hai" character fall on him.

"To go home! I'm sorry, brother Zhong Chen!" Li Huachao laughed wildly. He knew that this was very unfriendly to Zhong Chen, but now he had no choice.

I want to go home.

I want to go home!

In the lightning flash, the damage was transferred to Zhong Chen's body, and hundreds of Zhong Chen's characters exploded. At the same time, based on the determination of the source of the damage, Yu Liang's characters and the items in his inventory fell to the ground.

Li Huachao had already expected it. He sprang out straight like a hound and accurately found the chain goblin bomb inside.

"No matter who you are, if you don't let me go home, I will blow him up and everyone will die!"

He held a number of goblin bombs and tied them to his chest, looking like a generous sacrifice.

If you don’t succeed, you will succeed!

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