The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 392 What’s the use of having a dog’s head?

The words on the stele were a bit blurry. At first they looked like some kind of hieroglyphics. Then they went through some changes, gradually turning from small seal script into official script, then gradually into regular script, cursive script, running script, etc., and finally into Li Hua Chao. More familiar with the most commonly used Chinese character fonts on computers.

The words contained a series of words that were easy to understand for Li Huachao, and he easily understood the contents on the tablet.

[We are strange beings from around the world who are deeply concerned about injustice, violence, mass destruction, and environmental destruction. We believe that only by working together can we create a better future. Therefore, on behalf of all Kaidans who believe in peace and friendship, we formally establish the Kaidan Community of Destiny and hereby issue the "Peaceful Village Declaration". 】

Li Huachao: "..."


Why is the situation completely different from what he imagined?

Shouldn't this stone tablet read "The Temptation of Going Home"?

Why did it suddenly become this "Declaration of Peaceful Villages"...

The presence of this thing in this kind of place and this kind of situation seems weird no matter how you look at it, right?

And no matter how you talk about life, you don’t seem to be united, friendly, and peace-loving, right?

The big octopus just now was cut into pieces so cruelly by you, but I can see it clearly.

Li Huachao couldn't help complaining in his heart, while continuing to read these so-called "Peace Village Declaration".

[1. Oppose violence: Any form of violence is not allowed, including any malicious competition between ghosts, inciting wars, demonstrations of a violent nature, etc. Once violence is discovered, Peace Village will definitely bring it to justice! 】

[2. Oppose injustice: There is no unfair behavior in the village. Vicious behaviors such as bullying the weak and bullying the weak will never occur. Justice will prevail and justice will prevail in people's hearts. 】

[3. Protect the environment: Take all necessary and non-essential measures to ensure that the environment we live in will not be affected, damaged or abused by anyone, including but not limited to limiting the pollution of natural resources such as atmosphere, water sources and land. , promote the sustainable development of villages and reduce waste in all production and consumption. 】

"Huh?" Li Huachao blinked, feeling as if he had read a copy of the rules, but also as if he had not read anything and was a little confused.

What's the meaning?

At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with it. They are all commonly used official clichés, but when you think about it carefully, something seems a little strange.

His brain could only process one problem at the same time, so it shut down again at this time.

The solution to the downtime was to skip this problem, so Li Huachao skipped this part very calmly and continued to read the next rules of the peaceful village.

[4. Promote peace: Encourage the resolution of disputes and conflicts through all means, including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, etc. to resolve disputes and conflicts between ghost stories and ghost stories, and between ghost stories and ghost stories. Advocating a "5-minute peace agreement", any disputes and conflicts must be resolved within five minutes, and the effects of disputes must be controlled within the explosive yield of 1 ton. 】

[5. Mutual respect: Strictly respect the rights and dignity of all ghost creatures who abide by the rules, and do not discriminate or infringe on the rights, freedom and dignity of any ghost. We advocate the freedom of ghost creatures. There are no ghost creatures that are not free, nor absolutely free ghost creatures. All ghost creatures must act under the constraints of rules. 】

Li Huachao frowned deeply after reading this rule. He already had a dyslexia for this kind of official language. These rules were written in a simple way, but he couldn't find the key point in them.

Unity, friendship, peace and freedom?

What is this?

How could such a thing be written on this stone tablet?

Is it because he just kicked Brother Bei, so Brother Bei is teaching him how to deal calmly with other weird creatures?

Oppose violence, oppose injustice, protect the environment, promote peace, respect each other...

He doesn't object to these rules and has always followed them very well, but the question is, do all the other weird creatures in this village really do this?

The "Heroes of the Three Kingdoms" running around, the woman's hands tearing open the curtain in the void and cooking with the T1 octopus monster, and the endless books of sand...

Where do these guys have any sense of peace and unity?

Or are these rules only for ordinary people and ordinary ghost stories?

Can life forms at the level of the Root Monster be simply ignored?

This is normal. After all, there are almost no things that can restrain the source of ghost stories. But the problem is that there are root ghost stories everywhere here, so what use are these village rules?

Li Huachao glanced at the stone tablet, and a feeling of disdain arose spontaneously. He suddenly felt that the kick he just kicked seemed to be nothing wrong.

At this time, Yu Liang stepped forward and stopped Li Huachao: "Wait a minute, you can't see the things on this stone tablet. If your spiritual sense is high enough, you will see the words on the stone tablet, and your thinking will be the same as what was created at that time. The source of this stone tablet is connected with strange stories, and the spirit has been seriously polluted."

"Spiritual pollution?" Li Huachao looked puzzled, "I saw the words, there is no impact. Wait, I will read it to you."

"Did you see it? So soon?" Yu Liangliang took a deep breath, and was surprised by the result...

I think it's quite normal.

If there is something that is clearly forbidden to be done, then Li Huachao has a very high probability of giving it a try, and he has a special kind of luck when doing this kind of thing, and can easily accomplish it.

Amazing, right?

Very powerful, right?

You won't feel this way when he becomes your dog.

"What is it? Did you see the words? I didn't see it before... I'll give it a try." Hua Niang said in surprise, and at the same time she came to Li Huachao's side and scanned the stone tablet from top to bottom.

Yu Liang didn't stop him, so he could only listen to Li Huachao read the rules to him in full, one by one.

He had experienced a lot of similar rules and patterns, so he could quickly detect something amiss in the rules.

First of all, I oppose violence, but what I mentioned was "malicious competition, inciting wars, and violent demonstrations." This is indeed a kind of violence, but when it comes to violence, normal people should not think of it. A physical fight or something like that?

How did you think of war and demonstrations?

In other words, fights are allowed, but wars and demonstrations are not.


Because these types of violent behaviors are relatively loud?

Might it revive a sleeping source of ghost stories?

Or is it because this origin myth is actually the incarnation of concepts such as war or demonstrations, and related actions will make it active and thus awaken?

There was a faint guess in Yu Liang's mind. He could probably guess that this article was actually related to the source of the ghost story that was sleeping in the village.

Opposing injustice, but what was specifically mentioned was using the strong to bully the weak. The two were not the same, but Yu Liang could not figure out the underlying meaning for a while.

As for the third point of protecting the environment, the malice towards human beings is very obvious, because all the village rules mentioned are "weird stories" or "weird talk about life forms", but suddenly a rule restricting human beings came here.

"Take all necessary and non-essential measures to ensure that the environment we live in will not be affected, destroyed or abused by anyone." This sentence basically explains that all measures used to prevent humans from destroying the environment are allowed , and the scope of this influence can be very large.

As long as humans are alive, they are affecting the environment, so humans should die.

Obviously, this is a kind of bullying against humans. This village rule only protects the rights of Kaitan...

No, even the rights of Kaitan may not be protected. They just facilitate themselves without waking up the "dream" of the original Kaidan.

The "5-minute peace agreement" mentioned in Article 4 is also very interesting. Five minutes is the limit of time left for "conflict" in this village. Once this time is exceeded, there may be root ghost stories jumping out to "stop" the conflict.

The data given is also very interesting. The effect of any battle cannot exceed the explosive yield of one ton, which is equivalent to the explosive power of one ton of yellow explosive.

This is basically a warning to all monsters or other living beings not to make any noise that exceeds the explosive power of one ton of yellow explosives.

Otherwise, there is a chance that the source of this strange story will be awakened.

An explosion yield of one ton...

It might be possible to use the cumulative ability of chain goblin bombs.

The last one also has nothing to say, and Yu Liang can't see too many details.

All in all, this village rule gave him a very strange feeling. Logically speaking, a village rule that everyone wants to abide by should not secretly dig so many language loopholes, nor should it be so false and empty. On the contrary, this did not make him happy. Strange talk about the possibility of being convinced by creatures.

"This is the equivalent of one meal of explosives..." Hua Niang pointed to the words on the stone tablet and looked at Li Huachao beside her with curiosity, "If it really explodes, something will happen to this village, right?"

"Anyway, it's not the result that those weird rumors above us want to see." Li Huachao's eyes lit up, but then quickly dimmed again. He nudged the flower girl next to him with his elbow, "Why don't you tell Yu Liang and get it?" Click on that goblin chain bomb for fun?"

Originally, when he thought of this thing, he could ask Yu Liang for it himself, but now he can't. He is already an "outsider" and can only ask Hua Niang to ask Yu Liang for some goblin chain bombs.

If he had the power to overturn an entire village, he might be able to negotiate with the stone tablet and find a way back home.

At this moment, the hope in Li Huachao's heart was revived, and a strong desire supported him to use his brain to solve the strange story for the first time.

No matter what, he has to return to his own world!

"Let's talk about it later. I committed some suicides in Cyber ​​City, and Yu Liang is very angry right now, so he probably won't agree." Hua Niang said helplessly. She didn't know Li Huachao's inner thoughts, but the plan was indeed She was similar to Li Huachao, so she encouraged Li Huachao, "Why don't you try to get some goblin bombs? You are in a sad and melancholy mood now. Even if it is in a humanitarian spirit, he shouldn't refuse you, right?"

"Come on." Li Huachao curled his lips, feeling embarrassed.

Yu Liang on the other side obviously didn't notice the ambition in Li Huachao's heart at this time. He looked back at the non-existent void behind him. He knew that his teammates were behind him.

Although they cannot be seen or sensed, they must exist under the invisibility buff, and they must have heard the village rules that Li Huachao just read out.

The mind-stealing monster said that anyone who sees the rules on the stone tablet will have a mental connection with the source of the strange stories that signed the rules, so there is a possibility of being "discovered".

This is not necessarily a good thing, but it is not necessarily a bad thing for them now.

The Little Black Stamp only lasts for one hour, leaving them little time. The relevant tasks must be triggered within the specified time. Otherwise, without this layer of invisibility buff, it will be more difficult to deal with these root causes of strange stories.

"Hiss - wait." Li Huachao suddenly took a breath of cold air. A special force attracted him to look at the stone tablet, and the type of text on the stone tablet changed again.

Now it is no longer the ordinary printed Chinese characters, but a more advanced writing...

It was a deep frame structure. As long as you stretched out your hand to touch it, you could touch the words. He gradually had a guess in his mind.

This is rabbit language.

It’s three-dimensional text bunny language!

But he couldn't understand this language either. Why did he suddenly switch to this language?

Li Huachao subconsciously wanted to turn around and let Yu Liang take a look, but when he turned around, he found that he seemed to be in a completely unfamiliar area.


This is an underground palace. In the center of the underground palace is a huge chaos monster. His body is shrouded in a black substance, making it difficult to see clearly.

Those black, bloated gelatinous objects are dotted with eyes, which are half-open and half-closed, revealing a kind of laziness.

This is a strange creature that looks like a toad. Li Huachao can tell just from the first glance that this is a strange creature with a root level, and the underground palace is his dormitory.

In front of the toad-shaped monster, a woman with a deep heart and soul was half-kneeling in the center of the underground palace. Her clothes were half-covered, her face was flushed, and her eyes revealed an almost fanatical admiration.

Great elder?

Li Huachao couldn't help but take a step back. He saw the imprint of the toad-shaped creature on the half-clothed back of the great elder, and a similar half-open eye appeared on her shoulder. A black toad-shaped tattoo surrounds the eye.

The great elder saw a source of ghost stories and received his blessing?

Suddenly, the toad-shaped ghost talk opened half of his eyes, and his eyes fell on Li Huachao across time and space, and the eye on the elder's back also widened and looked at Li Huachao.

"Who?!" The great elder shouted sharply.


Li Huachao's heart beat violently, and then he found himself back at the edge of the stone monument. The look from the toad-shaped creature made him terrified and unable to calm down.

"I saw it. The Great Elder is also here. She came to us. She was blessed by the source of ghost stories..." Li Huachao quickly said everything he saw in that space.

At the same time, an idea suddenly popped into his mind, and the trembling of fear instantly turned into a trembling of excitement.

Wait, he seems to understand how to travel back to his own world!

This is the only chance!

"Yu Liang, ask the bodyguard to change the protection target to me. I will fight the great elder!"

Li Huachao looked resolute and solemnly knelt down to Yu Liang to ask for his order. At the same time, he issued a military order: "If this fails, please behead me!"

Yu Liang: "..."

What's the use of a dog's head?

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