The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 368 Li Huachao: I have never suffered such grievances in my life!

Area C can be regarded as the old part of Cyber ​​City.

The history here may not actually exist, but the memories of the residents do show it that way.

The old city was built several years ago. During the war, the sewers were temporarily built into air-raid shelters. They were rebuilt after the war, but only on some main roads. Some small branches and dark holes became underground organizations or where homeless people gathered. place.

Of course, An Buchen is also aware of this. She finally selected the location of her Taoist mansion after inspection. This dark cave is near the main road of the sewer and is an area often visited by patrol robots, so there are not many people here.

However, this dark hole leads to a deep maze, where there seems to be a large "non-patrolled area", and there are many Cybermen hidden in it.

There is a saying that has been circulating in Area C of Cyber ​​City: "Heaven and hell coexist here, but heaven is heaven and hell is hell."

Heaven refers to the central core area of ​​Area C, and the edge area is the human world, so hell naturally refers to this intricate underground space.

However, the little fairy has no interest in all this. She has been meditating for two and a half days, and her nervousness has long since calmed down.

Obviously, the female monk failed to escape from the hands of the Ghost Management Bureau in the end and has disappeared into this cyber city forever.

Then she only needs to wait for Yu Liang to leave, and she can return to the universe and escape from this copy safely.

Waving your sleeves will not take away a single cloud.

After all, she could vaguely sense that the sleeping thing in this city still hadn't woken up. In this case, everything was easy to say and nothing big would happen.


I can’t calm down while meditating.

When the Consciousness God separated from the Yuan Shen and was born, a sense of crisis appeared in her inspiration.

Somehow, there seems to be a fate line symbolizing "disaster" coming here.

An Buchen still couldn't judge the accuracy of this, but she was already ready to run away without hesitation.


There are so many sewers suitable for mice to survive, why do they have to fall in love with this one?

Although this Taoist palace has been warming up for two days and has accumulated a lot of energy, it would be a pity to give up, but so what?

Only by giving up can you gain. In the face of disasters that may endanger himself, An Buchen didn't care about this gain at all.

In just a few minutes, she packed her luggage and appeared at the door of the dark cave. She peeked her head out of the corner and looked towards the main sewer road.

Under the white light, the water in the channel paved with cement and tiles is calm, and the main road extends to both ends, seemingly leading to infinity without an end.

When it came time to really leave, An Buchen still felt a little reluctant to leave.

She likes comfortable days like these two days. Although she is poor, she is still comfortable.

"is it here?"

"It should be around here. Let's explore the front."

"This must be a big event in the Cyber ​​City dungeon. Maybe we will find a new origin of the ghost people."

"The new ghost origin has dismissed you? I guess this has something to do with the root ghost story. If the root ghost story can be solved..."

"Keep your voice down, there may be others here, and there are quite a few players who came here after hearing the news."

A group of people walked quickly from a distance. They must have used special props, so their bodies were translucent. When they were still, they were almost invisible. When they moved, a transparent shape would appear around their bodies. ripples.

Their footsteps were also very light, and An Buchen would not have noticed their presence if they hadn't started talking.


Sounds like something big is about to happen in this sewer?

An Buchen stopped and secretly retracted, then took out a few invisibility charms and prepared to sneak out.

"Turn on the infrared. Other players may also have this kind of prop. Optical camouflage is not uncommon in this cyber city."

The player's words immediately made An Buchen put away the invisibility talisman. She thought about it and retreated into the dark hole again.

Forget it, wait until these players leave before sneaking out.

With this thought, An Buchen waited for half an hour.

Very outrageous.

The sewers that were originally inaccessible were constantly flooded with players and Cybermen, including mercenaries, law enforcement bureaus, and even cybernetic troops.

An Buchen, on the other hand, perfectly exposed his character shortcomings. Once he encountered danger, he would become hesitant, and then procrastinate to find better opportunities. In this case, there were constantly sporadic players or players in the sewers. Cybermen come and go, they hide themselves in dark caves, waiting for opportunities to strike.

This caused An Buchen to be stuck in the dark cave until the prosthetic team appeared near the dark cave, hiding and stationed on the spot, ready for action at any time.

An Buchen constructed the situation around the Taoist mansion in her mind, and clearly realized that the current air-raid shelter had been infiltrated, and there were many official violent organizations. It was too dangerous, so she gave up the idea of ​​moving completely. .

He turned around and retreated into the deepest part of the dark cave, desperately reinforcing his Taoist palace with steel plates, and then used the energy collected during this period to shield everyone.

Forget it, I won’t go out.

In any case, there is no guarantee that the root ghost talk will be able to find her when he wakes up. Unless someone blows up the sewer, she must be very safe.

At this moment, this was not the case in An Buchen's area. Most of the manhole covers leading to the sewers in the suburbs of Area C were opened. Players, mercenaries who came for rewards, and law enforcers from the Law Enforcement Bureau poured into the sewers, or They are lurking on the streets in surrounding areas.

I heard that there are many rich people among the followers of Jiuyin Sect. In recent years, Jiuyin Sect has made a lot of money, so it is definitely a hot spot, and it attracted a lot of attention at this time.

In Gucheng, eradicating "underground gang organizations" is a business, a business presided over by the government.

If you can make money, continue; if you can't make money, stop.

The government will not dispatch a large number of troops at the beginning, but will call on people of insight and justice to act together to turn "bandit suppression" into a business in which the people participate.

Well, the robbers won't have any legal problems, as long as they pay taxes on their personal income.

It is precisely because of this that this seemingly lucrative operation has attracted all kinds of demons and ghosts, and they are all waiting for a signal and waiting for the opportunity.

Yu Liang was one of these people. He occupied a powerful position early and studied the sewer topography map sent by the architect.

At the same time, the architect is also rushing here. His abilities will be of great use in fighting in the sewers.


There are more “eyes”.

As a hunter, Li Huachao clearly knows that "hunter" and "prey" will change under some circumstances, so he is more sensitive to that kind of scrutinizing gaze.

I don’t know since when, there have been some changes in the believers working around me.

The original believers were all focused on doing their own thing, working neatly and not paying much attention to the surrounding environment, but now there are a very small number of believers who quietly observe the surroundings and work clumsily, just like Li Huachao himself.

has a problem.

There must be something wrong with those people. They sneaked in and pretended to be believers.

But what are they going to do?

Are they also eyeing the Nine Yin Sect?

Stealing business?

In an instant, Li Huachao gritted his teeth, as if protecting his food, and looked at those guys with angry eyes, secretly planning in his heart to report to the Nine Yin Ancestors later.


But having said that, where is this Nine-Yin Yin Ancestor hiding?

I have been lurking here for a while, and I have no idea what the cult here is.

He wanted to force his way in, but the interior of the dojo was connected in all directions, like an anthill maze.

Once he shows his power in this place, the Nine-Yin-Yin Ancestor will definitely slip away through the alleys. If the leader slips away, it means the mission has failed. Therefore, Li Huachao will not take action at will before finding the Nine-Yin-Yin Ancestor.

Li Huachao looked around. The cult's dojo was larger than he had imagined. The outer dojo he was in was made of hard concrete. There was a row of cement pipes extending from the top of the cave, probably for ventilation.

There is no musty smell in the air that is unique to underground passages. Instead, there is a thick fragrance, probably from the special Daomen incense burning somewhere.

The stone passage divides the ashram into several large and small rooms, some of which are used for meditation and practice, while others are used to preach and receive karma.

The more central areas were completely renovated using marble and other high-grade stones, showing the uniqueness of the underground dojo.

Just by looking at it, Li Huachao knew that a lot of money had been spent on the core area of ​​​​the dojo, and he didn't quite understand why this kind of cult could be so rich.

Probably because this cult has attracted some rich people as followers. After all, rich people have some evil feelings hidden in their hearts, so they have to believe in something and donate something in order to sleep peacefully.

Li Huachao's ears caught the sound, and he stopped the broom in his hand and turned to look at an empty area.

A pair of cloth shoes tapped lightly and moved quickly through the darkness. He could only hear the footsteps and see the footprints on the ground and the floating dust. He couldn't see who was coming here.

It wasn't until the man stood still under the light that his figure slowly emerged from the light.

This person was wearing the same robe as Li Huachao, with a big hood that covered half of his face. He spoke in a stiff tone and said quickly: "Some people have sneaked in. There are a lot of confusing news on the Internet, but someone is probably trying to assassinate Jiu Jiu." The ancestor of the vagina.”

A director came out from among the believers present. He raised his head and pulled up his hood, frowning: "Just let the believers who have eliminated the sins deal with them. Daozu is always on the altar, what can happen?"

"There may not be enough manpower." The invisible man shook his head, "And those people may be among the handymen on the periphery. You ask them to take off their clothes, check them, and then bring them to the central altar, and let Daozu do it for them. Clear out evil."

"What?" The director was confused. He seemed to have not learned about the situation on the Internet, and was surprised that so many ghosts were needed this time.

"Follow it." The invisible man's tone was still stiff. He seemed to be just a messenger. After delivering the order, he immediately went to the next gathering place of the handyman cultists.

The director turned around, looked at the dozens of handyman disciples in front of him with a bright smile, and said loudly: "You are very lucky. You have been able to meet the Taoist ancestors after only three months of practice. Opportunity! Next, Dao Ancestor will remove the sins from your body!"

Hearing this, the clergymen in the entire room took off their hoods and saluted the director to express their gratitude.

Li Huachao naturally followed the example of others and couldn't help but cheer in his heart.

It seemed that these guys who were snatching food were not useless. At least they provided him with a chance to find Dao Ancestor. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for Li Huachao to get in touch with Dao Ancestor by himself.

Moreover, the inference given by Aze is that there may be up to 500 ghosts in this dojo. This is not an easy number to deal with, and it is impossible to escape even if you want to.

Well, let's take one step at a time. It will be easy to tell when we see Daozu. With his level, he should be able to hunt Daozu quietly and then escape.

Well, it must be quiet.

Li Huachao made a simple plan in his mind, and then looked at the director again.

"But I have just received information that there are some Xiaoxiao disciples who have sneaked into the ranks of the handymen, and they may be among you people, so I need to conduct some necessary inspections before I can bring you to meet Dao Ancestor." The director licked the corner of his mouth, and then randomly selected a refined-looking disciple from among the handymen, "Come, stand in front of me, take off all your clothes, and let me check."

Since these handyman cultists are usually very mobile and wear hoods most of the time, the director is not familiar with the faces of these handyman cultists, so he simply selected a man whose appearance matched his aesthetics.

"Me?" Li Huachao was stunned. He didn't expect that so many people would hit him casually, but now was the critical moment before meeting Dao Ancestor. He didn't say anything more and walked up to the director. He took off the robe he was wearing, revealing his muscular body.

It's okay to just wear shorts in front of so many people. After all, everyone present is a man, and men can be more honest with each other.

Then Li Huachao felt the director's hand touching his abdominal muscles.


"What are you doing?" Li Huachao's face suddenly darkened, and he moved his waist back to avoid the director's hand.

"Of course I'm doing an inspection." The director said with a smile, and then pointed to the other two believers behind Li Huachao, "Come on, it seems that this new handyman is a little shy, please help me hold him down."

The two people he pointed out this time were originally handymen. They obeyed the director's request and stepped forward and held down Li Huachao's arms.

"I suggest you not to do this." Li Huachao tried to take the overall situation into consideration, but then he saw the director's hand reaching for his underwear.

"You look very nervous. Such a state is not acceptable to Daozu." The director stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

"Alas." Li Huachao sighed, "So this is still related to Dao Ancestor, right?"

I originally wanted to complete the hunt by quietly sneaking in and assassinating.

However, now I have changed my mind. I want to relax your muscles and bones!

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and you raise such a dead gay subordinate...

He even touched me!

You wait!

When Li Huachao first started to take off her clothes, she was very carefree and didn't care. After all, everyone was male. However, if she was careless, someone would really take advantage of her.

He has never suffered such injustice in his life!

Hot blood rushed to his brain, and a knife appeared in his hand. He reached out and struck out.

The blade was cold and sharp, but after sealing the throat, there was no trace of blood on it.

Li Huachao ducked down to avoid the blood spurting from the director's throat, and picked up the robe on one side. When he stood up straight again, he had already turned sideways and came behind the director, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

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