The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 367 Actor’s Ability and Confined World Line

The curtains were still tightly drawn, leaving the office shrouded in darkness.

On the sofa, a man sat stiffly, staring blankly at the coffee table in front of him. He would occasionally move his body, but his movements were very mechanical, like a robot.

Suddenly, his eyes regained their radiance, as if consciousness had descended upon this body.

Aze stood up from the sofa, relaxed his numb muscles, and then restarted his brain to start thinking.

The personality avatar located in Arasaka Technology Company is the "Forger". This is the avatar that is relatively least capable of frontal combat, so it sits in the rear.

As for such personality clones, he has a total of twelve. They exist at the same time and can perform his tasks at the same time. They all have their own personalities and personalities, and can switch consciousness when needed.

Since the "Blacksmith" has a rebellious personality and an uncontrollable personality, he usually doesn't let the Blacksmith do things alone. He just needs to disconnect from his mind and sit on the sofa honestly.

In a way, he has thirteen lives.

This is a value that can surprise any player, except the actors, because every time an actor appears, he or she will die. Thirteen lives have no meaning.

Actor is a profession that is so extreme that it can make anyone despair.

This profession is undoubtedly a very unique one in the world of Kaitan. When fully developed, it will possess powers that are almost incomprehensible to ordinary people.

However, in this world of ghost stories, "very distinctive" means dancing on the edge of a cliff.

Crisis and opportunity coexist, which is the common feature of this type of profession. Secondly, the extremely low survival rate is also a common feature of this type of occupation.

Just like the types of professions commonly seen in some games, they are weak in the early stage and strong in the later stage, and have strong development potential...

This is a lie.

The more T1 professions he saw, the more Aze realized that the profession theory spread in the world of ghost stories was wrong.

T1 means strong and perverted.

For example, as a physical warrior, the coach has a good physical fitness bonus in the early stage. It is definitely easier to survive if you run fast. After being promoted to T1, the upper limit of physical fitness is simply cancelled...

When it has developed to this point, it is basically "below the root, one person can attack it", and you must rely on some rule-level abilities to deal with it.

For example, "sleepy" characters, and some special ghost story abilities.

There are seven players at the level of coach in Haicheng, and they all have a bad impression of him. This is why Aze still dares not show up casually even after his development.

The coach's slap will really kill the player.

The alienated profession of actor is a very special category among developmental professions. Its promotion is very fast and it reaches the T1 stage in a very short period of time.

For example, Aze was promoted to T1 after only playing three dungeons, and then began to really risk his life.

Because the actor's development period starts from T1, it is only at the T1 gradient that he truly has the ability to shape his personality.

Before that, the alienated career of actors was almost pure waste.

Actors at the T4 stage have only one ability.

[This is my script]: Only one copy per round, select a player target and obtain the opponent's script (updated on the hour, only scripts within one hour are provided).

A script that changes in real time can provide some information, but it does not have much significance in improving combat effectiveness.

If the target player dies unexpectedly, the actors in this copy will be equivalent to losing any ability.

When he was extremely weak, Aze obtained the scripts of powerful players to predict the subsequent time and space to a certain extent, and then avoided some risks and survived until a player completed the source of the ghost story.

At T3, two abilities were acquired.

[Playing on occasion]: After reading the script, there is a probability of triggering the same weird event recorded in the script. You can play the role within the specified time and randomly obtain 1~2 professional abilities of the character.

·In the Kaidan incident, 1 deduction point will be gained if the action is in line with the psychology of the original character, and 5 deduction points will be deducted if the action violates the original character's personality.

[Personality]: After the copy is completed, consumption of deduction points will be able to exchange for the personality clone of the corresponding character (valid only five minutes before returning to reality). When you need it, you can switch the perspective to the personality clone.

·50 deduction points = corresponding role (including personality, character, professional and technical level)

·10 deduction points = add 1 alienated professional ability to the personality clone

·10 deduction points = add 1 stamp to the personality clone

At this stage, the deductive ability begins to show, but the side effects of [playing tricks] are too strong. Every time it is used, it will trigger a strange incident, and things will easily become more difficult.

And [Personality Incarnation] is even more useless. After a copy, he can only gain twenty or thirty deduction points. If you want to build a personality, you need at least 50 points. This is just a blank slate character without the ability to tell stories, so in Before the T1 stage, he had never built a "personality clone".

At T2, an auxiliary ability is added again.

[Actor's self-cultivation]: You can play any role better, gain a lot of proficiency in that profession when playing, and temporarily obtain a stamp of the role you play (prioritized based on the opponent's usage rate)

The actor's core abilities are officially acquired at T1.

[Life is like a play] After obtaining the script, you can open up a parallel universe line that develops in parallel. The target exists in "Universe 1", and the actors exist in "Universe 2" and perform role-playing. They can temporarily acquire the ability of the corresponding target, a parallel parallel universe. cannot influence each other.

When the copy ends (or the actor dies), the interpretation will be judged based on three results in the parallel universe: ·The target survives, the actor survives, "Universe 2" will become the main universe line, the target will obtain all the income of the actor during the interpretation, and the actor will The state of no profit returns to reality.

·If the target dies but the actor survives, "Universe 2" will become the main universe line, the target returns to reality with no profit, and the actor's deduction points will be replenished to the upper limit.

·The target dies, the actor dies, "Universe 1" becomes the main universe line, the actor dies and dissipates, the target carries all the scripts in the hands of the actors back to the time node where the scripts were obtained, and restarts the time when no actors exist.

If you want to obtain a new personality clone, you must gamble your life, but only when "target death" and "actor survival" are met at the same time can you obtain a large amount of deduction value.

If both parties survive, all the actor's profits will be transferred to the target, and the result of the efforts is to make wedding clothes for others.

Both parties die, the actor dies, and becomes a "resurrection armor" of the target.

This is acting, a developmental profession, but it is not until you are promoted to T1 that you really start to develop, and you really have the opportunity to build a personality clone.

Due to professional limitations, actors are born to have fun.

If you have a bad mentality, you won't be able to be an actor. After making wedding dresses for others a few times, Aze looked away and just wanted to be happy.

This copy has the value of opening up the "deduction line", but he is thinking about who he needs to choose for a duel with him.

If you win, you will simulate the opponent's personality clone; if you lose, the actor will die permanently on the spiritual level and cannot use the personality clone to prevent disasters, nor can he be resurrected with a "living" character.

But I haven't seen enough interesting scripts yet, which makes Aze a little bored.

With the ability of "Confessor (Clergy)", he can change "Each copy is limited to once" to "Multiple times" to obtain more players' scripts, but he can only read one script at a time and cannot choose. Players who have obtained the script.

With the ability of "Hypnotist", he can blur his own cognition and cannot distinguish the boundaries between NPCs and players. He changes the "select a player target" in the script ability to "select a human target".

Let's try reading the killer's script. After all, this guy did something he didn't expect. Maybe it will be interesting.

This requires overwriting the script of the President of Arasaka Company first, which means that he will no longer be able to obtain the President's script. In the future, he will have to act on the spot when interacting with Arasaka Company employees.

Forget it, I have gotten to know the president well enough during this period, and then the plan will be on track, and those employees can just fool around.

With this thought, Aze activated his script ability and tried to watch the other party's script.

When the actor's consciousness switches to the personality clone, the alienated professional abilities belonging to the actor will also be superimposed on the personality clone. In other words, the current "blacksmith" has both the blacksmith ability and the actor ability.

[Acquisition failed, the other party is not a valid target]


Invalid target?

What's the meaning?

Isn't that guy a player?

The actor was shocked and quickly switched to the "confessor" personality. The current confessor happened to be next to the hypnotist, so he could use his ability to hypnotize the confessor so that he could not distinguish the "player" and obtain the killer's script again.

[Acquisition failed, the other party is not a valid target]

If the first acquisition fails, it means that the other party is not a player; if the second acquisition fails, it means that the other party is not a human.

Aze's heart immediately became excited. He didn't expect that a casually hired killer would have such interesting things hidden in him.

Not a player or a human being, there are two possibilities.

1. Strange creatures.

2. Conceptual person.

The opponent's behavior is too similar to the player's, and it is unlikely to be a strange creature.

That is most likely a concept person, a concept person like the actor's personality clone.

There is also an actor in this copy, and he is a T1-level actor. He is an actor who has obtained a personality clone!

This is the first time that actor Aze cares so much about a "player".

If another actor's "interpretation line" is started, will four parallel universes appear?

That would be so interesting.

Wait, a warning bell suddenly sounded in Aze's heart, and he thought of something.

If the other party is also an actor, he also has the ability to obtain the script.

When the killer met him, before he even discovered the existence of the other actor, the other actor might have obtained his script.

The opportunity has been missed and may become passive in the future.

The ontological consciousness of the "actor" must first be brought out to meet him, so that he can obtain the other party's script and both parties stand on the same starting line.

The other party doesn't know that he has the ability of "Confessor" and that he can obtain other people's scripts multiple times, so he most likely won't take precautions.

Aze was thinking a lot in his mind, and he thought of a countermeasure in an instant, using the personality clone of the other party as bait.

The script is refreshed and changed only on the hour. The current time is 3:10 in the afternoon, and there are still fifty minutes before the script is refreshed.

During this half hour, what the other party saw was still the "old script", and he would not be able to detect his trap until the next script was refreshed.

The killer's next target is the Jiuyin Ancestor, and the trap is placed there.

With these thoughts in mind, Aze posted the news anonymously on the Internet, and at the same time ordered the three avatars to stop their current work and go to the underground dojo of Jiuyin Ancestor to be on standby.


"Underground gang - Mechanical Caesar...√"

"Sahara Mental Sanatorium...√"

Li Huachao held a small notebook in his hand and walked on the street while ticking boxes while muttering to himself.

In just five hours, he completed two major cases one after another, assassinated two leaders, and harvested a total of 273 ghosts.

The cause of ghost talk lies in the founder, that is, the leader, so only the leader needs to be killed to completely cut off the spread of this source.

Of course, the ghosts that have been generated will still exist, unless a large amount of fragrant silver is used to clean up the ghost stories on them, or change the ghost stories on them.

The actor provided him with fragrant silver to help him turn all the ghosts into Sese ghosts.

However, Li Huachao is not allowed to be released yet, and he is ready to do a good job at the critical moment.

Ghosts without a creator cannot infect other humans. Just like the ghosts Yu Liang met in the corridor of that old building, they cannot spread, but they still exist.

Oh, Yu Liang.

Li Huachao blinked his eyes. He suddenly felt that the name was a bit old. If he hadn't contacted the ghost man he had seen before, he would not have been able to remember it.

After experiencing so many things in just two or three days, he indeed forgot about Yu Liang.

But it’s okay to think about it, right?

The Yu Liang now is not the Yu Liang in the zoo back then. His body is full of strange creatures, and he must be living a much better life than him.

Li Huachao walked towards the designated place while humming a song.

This so-called Jiuyin Ancestor's dojo is located underground on the outskirts of Area C. It used to be an air-raid shelter and the routes are intricate.

This place also intersects with the sewer system of Area C. The sewers are usually cleaned by robots, and few people come there. This gives this cult an opportunity to develop secretly.

Li Huachao was wearing a black windbreaker and a clown mask. With his back stooped, he opened the sewer manhole cover carelessly, threw it into the inventory, and then jumped in.

Next, he needs to find this cult first, and then infiltrate among the believers.

According to the intelligence, these believers all wear robes and have oversized hoods. They usually lower their heads and do not reveal their true appearance easily, so it should not be difficult to sneak in.

That's exactly what he did.

In just ten minutes, Li Huachao successfully replaced a believer and worked with other believers to maintain the operation of the entire dojo.

However, Li Huachao, who did not have prosthetic eyes, could not see the news in time. He could not see a secret news in time - someone announced his next stop.


"This time it may be true." Yu Liang learned the news from the architect.

"It is said that the revelation was made within the ghost gang. It was probably due to differences of opinion that led to the uproar." The architect quickly replied, "He announced some details that can only be known by going to the crime scene, which is consistent with your previous findings."

"Well, it can't be a law enforcer. It would be unnecessary. Then it is most likely true. I'm going to go there." Yu Liang nodded and called a car to the suburbs of Area C.


Inside the Nine Vagina Field.

Lu Baoshen, who was covered in blood, turned into wax on the spot.

Can't run away, really can't run away.

These cultists were guarding him too tightly and he had given up.

The blood on his body was from the cultists. The thick blood scab had completely covered his body, making it impossible to see his appearance or even his body shape, and his nose had long been accustomed to the stench of this blood. taste.

Come on, what else can you do besides posing?


Three personality clones from Aze were hiding in the darkness of the sewer, waiting for another actor to appear.


An Buchen, who had been meditating in the sewer on the outskirts of Area C, suddenly opened her eyes. In order to avoid trouble, she specially chose this inaccessible sewer.

How stable.

However, she didn't know why, but she had a bad feeling.

It's just like……

There is a force in the dark that gathers all the branch lines representing "disaster" to her side.

It shouldn't be so unlucky, right?

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