The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 369 I am looking for you!

The invisible man just now was a ghost, but this director is not.

Li Huachao, who had his throat sealed with a knife, made a judgment in his heart. He came to the door of the room in a few steps and looked back.

Some of the clergymen had turned pale with fright, while others stepped forward to support the director's fallen body, while others stared blankly at Li Huachao at the door. The huge preaching room immediately became chaotic.

However, no one in the congregation dared to show angry lust in front of Li Huachao, and no one wanted to avenge the director, which made Li Huachao a little disappointed.

He's a little angry now and needs someone to step on the gun.

It's a pity that the people present were all handyman cultists, and the brainwashing time was not long enough, so there were no ghost-man fanatic cultists like Li Huachao expected.

And he didn't bother to say anything to these handymen. He knew that there were some people who were not from the Jiuyin Sect, but he didn't have time to bother with these guys now.

"I know some of you are not from this cult, and I don't care what you are going to do. You'd better stay in the room and don't move around, because I will kill everyone who appears in the corridor without hesitation. creature." Li Hua raised the knife in his hand and spoke in a cold tone.

He wasn't a threat, just a warning.

After saying these words, Li Huachao walked into the corridor, briefly identified the direction, and then rushed towards a location.

I just heard that the Taoist ancestor has been staying at the central altar. That place is probably the center of the entire dojo. After cleaning during this period, he can probably guess where the center of the dojo is.

Originally, he planned an Assassin's Creed-style assassination, but a perverted director showed up out of nowhere, completely disrupting his plan. Now he can only rush to the so-called central altar as quickly as possible and kill him before he can move. he.

As Li Huachao left, the miscellaneous believers in the room dispersed in twos and threes. They learned from the director that there were outsiders mixed in their ranks, and now naturally they did not dare to have casual contact with unknown believers, and among them Several believers exchanged glances and transmitted relevant information here to the outside world.

They were originally vanguards, or scouts. They came here to lurk and spy on intelligence. Now that they had found the real owner, they naturally reported it to the authorities as soon as possible.

"he is."

Just two simple words that they both sent for a full five minutes.

Since signal jammers are installed in some key areas of the underground dojo, which affects the signal of the entire dojo, only the periphery can connect to the network here, and the signal is extremely poor, and text messages can only be sent extremely slowly.

But even so, after the news was sent out, onlookers, speculators and busybodies throughout the suburbs of Area C took action after hearing the news.

Among them is Yu Liang.

"This street..." He looked at the deserted street with some surprise.

This suburb is an industrial area with its own business district and streets. The scene just now was barely crowded, but now suddenly the crowd dispersed, as if the extras had received the ending notice from the director.

Are these people attracted by those white ghosts?

Yu Liang was thoughtful, so they are all moving now, probably because there is new news on the Internet, right?

Just as he was thinking this, Yu Liang received a message from the architect.

"I'm about to arrive. The official agent sent new information. The guy is in the dojo, but there is no other information." The architect said.

"Okay, let's gather here. I found a relatively secret entrance where I can sneak into the dojo quietly." Yu Liang sent the message, then stood up from the outdoor seat at the door of the coffee shop and walked towards the sewer entrance he had found in advance.

This time the mission to wipe out the Jiuyin Sect can be regarded as a major event that has not happened in Cyber ​​City for a long time. Therefore, not only a small number of official troops, but also some large mercenary groups dispatched manpower, and even some illegal armed forces also coveted the Jiuyin Sect. hidden secretly.

This can be regarded as a characteristic of Cyber ​​City. When it comes to dealing with underground illegal organizations, it is always the authorities who take the lead, and a large number of civilian armed forces follow up.

If it is profitable, the official agencies will go all out to get the most benefits; if it is unprofitable, then it will be left to the civilian armed forces. The official will just deal with it afterwards and arrest some people who make too much noise. Guys who go too far should be sent to jail, and they should be compensated. This is another amount of money recorded in the account.

Once it is discovered that this underground organization is unprofitable and a bit troublesome, the entire operation will become a bit perfunctory. It will target some strongholds, cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and suppress it a little, but in the end it will just end.

This is probably the Jiuyin Sect's plan. They are preparing to resist these civilian armed forces head-on, give the government a show of strength, show that they are not easy to deal with, and then abandon some handymen and fanatics to protect themselves.

At this moment, some of the main entrances to the suburban sewers in Area C are occupied by the government or powerful underground organizations. On the one hand, they are guarding the exits, and on the other hand, they give priority to their own people.

The sewer entrance Yu Liang was looking for was just a small manhole cover. It was located in an abandoned industrial area with overgrown weeds and bushes. The location was relatively remote, so he only had to queue up to enter.

Uh, line up.

He looked at the long line of forty or fifty people in front of him, and not only did a speechless black line appear on his forehead.

Isn't this place very remote?

Why are so many people eyeing this place?

Are you sick? !

Dozens of people were crowded in front of the secret passage. There were mercenaries, players, and some money-obsessed gangsters. Most of them were scattered and unorganized individuals. At this moment, they all seemed very qualified and honest. Line up to jump in from the sewer manhole cover.

After Yu Liang arrived, he naturally moved to the end of the queue and did not jump in line in a high-profile manner.

However, his low profile still attracted the attention of some people in the team. A thin man walked out of the team and came to Yu Liang's side.

The thin man wore a red half-face mask on his face. The style was a bit like the one worn by "Azu" in the movie.

"Brother, the king of heaven overshadows the tigers of earth?" The thin man walked up to Yu Liang and asked in a low voice.

"...The pagoda suppresses the river demon?" Yu Liang replied hesitantly. He still knew this classic answer.

"Okay, you're a gamer, right?" The thin man smiled, and then asked Yu Liangdao, "They all call me 'Xiao Hei', you can also call me that. In terms of profession... I am a T2 level 'game player'. "

After saying this, he looked at the tall and mighty Zhong Chen next to Yu Liang: "Is he also your friend?"

"Well, almost, we are almost the same as you. My profession is an animal trainer, and she is an individual warrior." Yu Liang just introduced briefly. He did not understand the other party's true thoughts, so he did not directly reveal his gradient level. , just use "almost" to fool around.

What naturally made Yu Liang feel a little curious was the other party's alienated profession.

game player?

Is this a career?

Are you the kind of person who doesn't go out to work and plays games at home full-time?

What alienated professional abilities would such a person have?

"You are all T2 level, right? Beast Tamer... This profession sounds good. In this case -" Xiao Hei smiled again, patted Yu Liang's shoulder pretending to be affectionate, and then said to him He received the invitation, "Would you like to come with us? We already have four people there, including physical warriors, assistants, and nannies for treatment. They are well-equipped and powerful, and will not trick you."

"Uh." Yu Liang was stunned when he heard this. These words reminded him of the kind of wild team that squatted at the door of the dungeon and waited for everyone to be short of two. If he related this situation again, it seemed that this was really the case.

Seeing that Yu Liang was hesitant, Xiao Hei tried to seduce the other party with an offer he couldn't refuse: "Our team definitely distributes income according to work, and you will get a reward for your efforts. Also, I am a 'game player', After the career features are turned on, it will be easier for me to trigger some side quests, and these quests have prompts and guidance, and there is even an 'automatic rush'. If you join our team, you will be one step ahead..."

"Automatically rush on the road?" Yu Liang heard it a little funny, which reminded him of some domestic games, which have this kind of "automatic driving" design, or there are big yellow arrows on the ground as a guide.

As an old game, he does not like this design. After all, this will greatly reduce the immersive experience of the game, simplify the game process into a mechanical "brush", which reduces the fun of many games.

Of course, only for playing games.

It would be really great if Kaitan World had this function. It would save a lot of time in finding the way, and it would be better to go straight to Huanglong.

As for whether it will reduce the immersive experience of the game...

Have you ever seen a game more immersive than Kaidan World?

It immerses you completely, what kind of immersive experience do you need?

And this ability alone made Yu Liang a little tempted. If this little black guy could be allowed to trigger tasks related to the murderer, wouldn't it be easy to find the murderer with automatic path finding and some guidance tips?

Just when he was worried about how to find the murderer, someone gave him a pillow when he fell asleep. It was so considerate.

So Yu Liang nodded and made his request: "I have another player coming here, a T2 level engineer. If you add him, we will join together."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei was stunned for a moment, then smiled even more happily: "Okay, this is better."

Next, Xiao Hei brought three of his teammates to Yu Liang. They were "athletes", "surgeons" and "psychological counselors". They were all dressed simply and wore masks. They were with Yu Liang Zhongchen. The two are almost the same.

The core of a female high jumper's ability is "leg explosive power". She can basically be regarded as a rabbit Jing Xiaowu.

A male surgeon has surgical abilities and can quickly treat some skin injuries. The temporary operating room can also perform in-depth treatment and heal some seriously injured patients.

To put it simply, a male psychological counselor can stimulate "emotions" and improve physical functions.

When he was introduced to the psychological counselor, Zhong Chen heard that his ability was to "stimulate emotions", so he looked up at him.

About five minutes later, the architect arrived at the abandoned factory. He quickly found Yu Liang in the crowd and asked, "Is this the secret entrance you said?"

"It is indeed secretive, but what does it have to do with the number of people?" Yu Liang replied with a smile, and then pointed to the four people beside him: "I found a team, the professional ratio is not bad, there are people It can help find the murderer."

"That's great." The architect smiled and walked towards the players and had a friendly exchange with them.

Afterwards, the seven-member team entered the sewers one after another without saying anything else. They entered so late and had already lost the opportunity. They just trusted Xiao Hei's ability, so they were not in a hurry.

This sewer is in an abandoned state. The ditch is filled with silt and has been completely blocked. It is now emitting a faint stench, and the surrounding environment is extremely dark and full of forks.

"I have received a side mission. The target of the mission is the murderer. His current location should be in the middle area of ​​the dojo. Follow me. There are probably other weird stories in this place. I don't care if you get involved. ." Xiao Hei walked at the front. He seemed to be used to leading the way, so he didn't mind taking the lead at all. "Also, don't use the 'burn' character for lighting. There is probably a lot of methane in here. We will all get it if it's a fire. Heaven!"

"I know, stop talking nonsense." The surgeon seemed to be familiar with him, so he urged him directly.

Xiao Hei smiled and said, "Just follow along."


After leaving the room, the first thing Li Huachao did was to put on his mask and black tights again, transforming himself into a hunter in the dark night.

This is the "pretender" suit he specially asked for from Aze. It has a powerful hiding effect in dim situations. The precise infrared function in the mask can help him determine the location of the place. There is also a matching voice-changing device at the mouth of the mask. , you can change Li Huachao's voice in real time without revealing your true identity.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether he is exposed or not. His face has been clearly seen by those handyman cultists, so the main reason for changing into this set of equipment is——


Speeding all the way, the powerful infrared function helped Li Huachao avoid those believers, but probably because he had been noticed by the surveillance camera, he still encountered a large number of fanatic believers blocking the road in the subsequent forks in the road. However, Li Huachao's flexible positioning and With the word "trapped" occasionally typed in, these fanatics couldn't stop him.

However, these fanatics were indeed crazy and rushed to stop them regardless. This made Li Huachao change his weapon to a long knife. The dinner knife was too short and was not easy to use in such a crowded passage.

After approaching the central dojo, Li Huachao looked around again to confirm that there were no hidden cameras and no one was chasing after him. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down and hid in a cave on the side.

He was not stupid. This route of action had been exposed to surveillance. The people on the other side could probably guess which route he took to get to the central altar. It must have been heavily guarded, and the more critical the place, the more people there were. He rushed up. Isn’t it asking for trouble?

Why not find a place to squat for a while and take a look at the situation. There seem to be other people sneaking into this underground dojo. He will muddy the water first, and then the assassination will be easily accessible?



Suddenly, a hoarse scream of pain came from the depths of the grotto.

Li Huachao frowned and looked back, then noticed that the grotto seemed to be connected in both directions. At this time, a thin guy was sneaking over from the opposite side.

It seemed to be a little girl with short hair, covered in blood, and the brown blood even formed hard scabs, forming a terrifying mask on her face.

There was a unique fishy smell all over her body, and she was holding up her bloody robe, like a female ghost who had escaped from marriage, trying to sneak through the grotto.

"Who?!" Li Huachao raised the long knife he snatched in his hand. He also saw that the other person was a little girl, so he didn't attack directly, otherwise he would have killed her with one knife.

The little girl was holding her robe, and her eyes suddenly shrank when she looked at Li Huachao. She took two timid steps back, and then, as if she remembered something, she straightened her chest and yelled: "I am the ancestor of the Nine Vaginals! Come back soon!" Don’t retreat quickly and make way for me!”

"You? Dao Ancestor?" Listening to her extremely hoarse voice, Li Huachao felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart, but his mind couldn't hold too many things. He immediately thought of the director who touched his abdominal muscles just now, and he suddenly became excited. angry.

"You are the one I am looking for!"

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