The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 366 Yu Liang: Don’t let me catch you

"New information is coming."

While Yu Liang was squatting in the Arasaka office building, Yiyan received a message from the architect.

"On the Internet, the murderer issued a declaration of crime. He announced the location and target of the next crime." The architect's words came, along with the murderer's arrogant remarks on the Internet.

Yu Liang clicked on the short video sent by the architect. It was a short video with only text. The background music was dynamic disco music with a lot of drum beats, and was also mixed with some men's gasps and women's cries. , full of strong hints.

The text on the picture is also very simple, with white text on a black background and standard fonts.

"I am the one who did the assassination at the Golden Colosseum. I will do this kind of thing every day and every day, until Area B and Area C are bloody. I want to rob these plutocrats of their money and rob all the plutocrats." All the beauties and faces I have raised are shared with everyone to enjoy, this is my criminal declaration!"

"My next target is...Gus, the president of Terman Company in Area B. That's right, it's you. Wash your neck and wait for me!"

After Yu Liang watched the entire video, his first reaction was that he couldn't figure out what the author of this video wanted to do.

The entire video revealed a strong sense of uneducatedness, which even gave Yu Liang the illusion that the other party was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Who would really make such a criminal declaration? Does he feel that his assassination ability is too strong and he is ready to challenge all the officials in Cyber ​​City?

It is conceivable that after the appearance of such a video that blatantly slaps the government and high-tech companies in the face, the Terman Company in Area B will definitely be on standby and heavily protected. Even other prominent figures will also be cautious and strengthen security.

There is no doubt this is a stupid decision.

Or does this guy have other plans?

Yu Liang does not have the habit of treating his enemies as fools. He will guess the enemy's true thoughts in a more logical way.

Could it be that the other party's real intention was not assassination?

He frowned slightly and extended his steps toward the shadows under the trees on the roadside. He felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, which made him not want to expose himself to the sunshine of Cyber ​​City.

So far, his understanding of spreading this ghost story is that the main creator keeps making troubles, and then uses the news to help spread his white ghost ghost. So under normal circumstances, when the scale of the white ghost ghost is not large, of course Be more restrained and use your own mobility to hit here and there with a hammer and a stick to contain Cyber ​​City's law enforcement bureau and make them exhausted.

But it is extremely stupid to start declaring a crime so early and looking like a decisive battle. Since the other party can create such ghost stories, it shouldn't be so stupid.

The only possibility is that the other party's real purpose is not here, and he has a more secret plan, so he uses such a video to deceive others and disrupt the audience.

Could it be that the other party found out from the pornographic remarks circulating on the Internet that someone was exposed to the White Turbid Ghost Man's mission, so he wanted to arrange a place to eliminate the players who accepted the mission?

This guy's real target is him and the architect?


Thinking about it this way, this guy becomes even more stupid.

This video is not only visible to players, but also to the officials of Cyber ​​City. Wouldn’t that be completely messed up?

Not only is it unable to attract corresponding players, it also affects the spread of ghost stories. This approach is completely like a decision made on the spur of the moment, and there is no human rationality at all.

It's definitely not that simple, and it's not that stupid.

Yu Liang made what he thought was an accurate judgment in his mind, and at the same time began to think deeper.

However, at this time, his eyes received another message from the architect.

"The guy didn't check the IP address when he posted the video. He posted it from a company computer. Someone has already analyzed the specific location..."

"It's at No. 49, Boulevard C, Arasaka Company Branch!"

Yu Liang quickly read these two pieces of information, and a big "?" gradually appeared in his mind.

No, don't tell me that this guy really just posted this video out of curiosity and didn't even hide his address information?

Just tell everyone so carelessly that you are in Arasaka Company?

Yu Liang began to wonder if there was something missing in the murderer's head. Someone's trolls even knew how to use a domestic accelerator to change the IP address. You wouldn't think of this in a cyber city with more advanced technology. ?

Somewhat outrageous.

Moreover, it was such a coincidence that the Arasaka Company office building happened to be right next to him, which made Yu Liang involuntarily suspect that this was a targeted conspiracy, but no matter how he thought about it, he could not understand how he was attracted by the other party. found.

Could it be that he was noticed at the Colosseum?

Is this a special kind of ghost power?

Or is it that his body is being positioned by some kind of small monitor?

In the dark, Yu Liang seemed to feel that there was a big net opening towards him, just waiting for him to fall into the trap.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. The less clear you are about what the enemy is going to do, the more cautious you must be.

Yu Liang raised his head and looked at the office building next to him, the color in his eyes becoming more solemn.

If you guessed it right, the entire Cyber ​​City C District official and private forces are paying attention to Arasaka Company and just want to

At the same time, Li Huachao, who was in a high-rise independent office, was circling in front of his desk.

If you know this guy well enough, you will understand that Li Huachao is a little panicked now.

Well, he is the one who posted a video to challenge Cyber ​​City and forgot to hide his IP address.

I sent the video as soon as my mind got hot, and I didn’t even notice the hidden IP address in the settings, so that’s what happened.

If you guessed it right, the people from the Law Enforcement Bureau should be rushing here now. Some mecha troops are also ready to be dispatched at any time. Once their location is confirmed, they will kill him directly.

However, Li Huachao is not worried about these mecha soldiers. He can run away even if he cannot defeat them.

The personal strength of the primitive Chief Li is no joke to you.

Li Huachao was worried about the situation with the actors.

The actor's vest is the person behind the Arasaka Company, but Li Huachao brought the fire to this company.

The current Arasaka Company cannot withstand scrutiny. Talking about ghosts and ghosts is not bad. After all, there are not a few technology companies that do this, and the current research direction is to turn ghosts into controllable ghosts. It's a great achievement.

It’s this actor’s identity…

Careful investigation will definitely expose the secret, and if the secret is exposed, everything will be over.

The actor was both giving away knives and sharing information. He hired him to help with the assassination and paid him a lot of money. In the end, he gave Aze a pair of silver bracelets and squatted in a small dark room to look at the bars.

Although it was interesting to think about it this way, Li Huachao felt that it was definitely not in line with his character of being entrusted with loyal people, so he did not consider it for the time being.

We still have to deal with the Aze matter, at least to get the actor and Arasaka Company away from the suspicion of the "Colosseum Murder Case".

After going around in circles for two or three times, Li Huachao opened the mobile phone given by actor Aze at the table. This is an old-style mobile phone with very simple functions. It can only send messages and calls, but it is absolutely encrypted and the information in it will be deleted regularly.

A message from actor Aze came from this secret mobile phone, which was only a dozen short words.

"Settlement at all costs, otherwise I can only give up my car to save my handsome man."

Li Huachao put away his phone and frowned slightly. He didn't mind the actor Aze's ruthlessness. After all, this was an innocent disaster that he had caused, and he wanted to deal with it in the first place.

Since Aze said that this matter should be settled at all costs, it would be easy to solve.

Li Huachao shrugged, and then began to decorate the office, using some gadgets in the inventory.

Among them were the goblin bombs secretly taken from Yu Liang, and the high-tech cyber bombs that Aze asked for. These bombs were either not the product of this copy, or they were circulated through underground black market channels, and it was impossible to find accurate information in the first place.

As a hunter, is it normal for me to make explosive traps?

Li Huachao quickly arranged the office while humming. After completing the layout of the current office, he casually made a mask out of paper and put it on his head, and began to wander around the office and on the two floors above.

Regardless of the cost, it is easy to solve this matter.

Just explode on the spot.

Why did the murderer happen to appear in Arasaka's office?

Because he was planning to carry out a terrorist act of bombing here, it was normal for him to use the computer here to post a short video to provoke the law enforcement bureau, basically clearing up the relationship with Arasaka Company.

However, Li Huachao didn't have many bombs in his hands, so he could only create a relatively small explosion, which would only affect the entire floor plus the two floors below. He didn't want to affect normal people on these floors, so he put on Paper hoods began to drive away employees from both floors.

While driving away, they also activated their own skunk stamps, emitting a strong odor that could not be dissipated into the air. Now these employees had no choice, and they would follow the large army to evacuate.

"Poisonous gas, poisonous gas!"

"There's a bomb upstairs and it's about to explode!"

"Run, run!"

For a time, all the employees on the three or four floors tried their best to evacuate downstairs and went down the stairs of the safety passage. This panic atmosphere aroused the employees in the whole building, and they hurriedly left through multiple safety passages. , and at this time, Li Huachao had already put on the clothes of a normal employee and mingled with the large army of employees, spreading the news in panic while fleeing downwards.

Soon, these employees ran downstairs and happened to meet the law enforcement bureau who was on the scene. The law enforcement bureau immediately stopped them to ask about the situation. At this time, Li Huachao in the crowd secretly detonated a bomb.


A huge explosion came from high up in the office building, shattering the glass of three or four floors nearby and sending out thick black smoke.


As a result, the scene on the first floor became even more chaotic. Employees were escaping from the upper floors through the safe passages everywhere. Under the threat of explosion, every Cyberman employee seemed extremely excited, and the scene was temporarily uncontrollable.

In terms of the impact of the explosion, these explosives were not very powerful and only affected those floors. Employees who evacuated early were basically fine. However, the odor before the explosion was mistaken for neurotoxins, which intensified the problem. fear among these employees.

There were quite a few people from the Law Enforcement Bureau, dozens in total, but in this chaotic scene, employees were pouring down from all directions, and it was impossible for these dozens of Law Enforcement Bureau employees to stop them.

Li Huachao, on the other hand, mingled with the crowd, found an opportunity to break away from the large group, left the lobby on the first floor of the office building, and disappeared quietly into the crowd of onlookers on the street.

"Fortunately, fortunately, Mr. Huachao is smart enough." Li Huachao disappeared into the crowd, then looked back at the Arasaka Building behind him with billowing black smoke, and felt inexplicably unhappy.

The bomb belt was short and only two floors were destroyed, but the building was not even collapsed.

He secretly made up his mind to create a big scene next time, just blowing up two floors like this. It could only be considered a trailer, right?

Wouldn't this teach Cyber ​​City a good lesson?

As for the electronic syphilis ghost talk, Li Huachao temporarily gave up using Internet media to spread it quickly. He planned to carry out a large number of assassination missions first, and then transform all the ghosts controlled by those organizations into specific syphilis ghosts.

Wait until the syphilis ghosts have accumulated a certain scale before spreading on the Internet. By that time, the syphilis ghosts cannot be eliminated by playing rebooting memes online.

Internet media spreads quickly, but it does not take effect quickly. It is easier to spread face-to-face, just like some of the law enforcers in the Colosseum who quickly turned into syphilis ghosts after seeing the bloody words he left.

As for that guy who has been spreading pornographic remarks on the Internet and staring at him, you have won this round, but don’t be too happy too early. If you dare to chase me again, you will have good juice to eat next.

Li Hua made a sound through her nostrils, hummed twice, and then continued to open Aze's secret phone to read the latest news.

News spread quickly, and Aze had already received the news and knew that he had basically settled the matter.

Now Aze was probably a little worried that Li Huachao would do something inexplicable again, so he quickly sent him the information on the three assassination targets and asked Li Huachao to take care of it. After the assassinations were completed, he would come back to ask for the next wave of target information.

"Underground gang - Mechanical Caesar, leader: Mechanical Caesar, number of ghosts under control: 30-70."

"Sahara Mental Sanatorium, leader: Dean, number of ghosts under control: 99-199."

"Illegal sect - Jiuyin Sect, leader: Jiuyin Ancestor, number of ghosts under his control: about 500."

"Why are they all underground organizations? Didn't you say that the main targets are those technology companies?" Li Huachao didn't think twice and directly sent a message to ask Aze.

Aze replied very quickly: "Your criminal declaration has caused those company presidents to tighten security. Let's deal with the scattered underground organizations first and expand the scale of the ghosts."

Li Huachao nodded, put away his cell phone for secret communication, and walked into the alley on the roadside.

Okay, let’s take action on these gangsters, cults, psychopaths, etc. first, and we’ll talk about the rest later.

But when it comes to Sese Ghost Man, I unexpectedly miss Yu Liang a little. He has so many ghost brides and ghost grooms in him, wouldn’t it be just right to use him as a Sese Ghost Man?

At this moment, Yu Liang, who was being talked about by Li Huachao, was standing among the crowd of onlookers under the office building. He looked up at the building with billowing black smoke, thoughtfully.

After receiving the news, he originally wanted to see if he had a chance to sneak into the building and find out the murderer, but only twenty minutes later there was such a big commotion in the office building, so he was glad that he did not rush in foolishly. Enter the zone.

It seems that the IP address was leaked intentionally by the murderer. He was waiting upstairs for the law enforcement bureau to arrive, and then used explosives to make a big news.

Yu Liang suspected that the murderer already knew his location, so he selected an office building near him as the location of the terrorist attack.

This is a naked provocation!

There may be a trap set by the murderer. For example, after sneaking into the building, he was trapped in the trap and happened to run into the advance force of the law enforcers, becoming the "terrorist" who took the blame for the murderer.

Fortunately, he was cautious enough and did not sneak into the office building to investigate, so he escaped a disaster.

If the guess is correct, there should be some words about ghosts and ghosts left at the scene, and they may spread further. Just stay here and take a look. Maybe some law enforcers will mutate into white ghosts.

If that doesn't work, he can only clean it up. Then there will inevitably be another scene, and he might even be targeted by the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Yu Liang sighed in his heart. The current situation was still too passive, and it was impossible to find out the secret murderer.

Now he can only be led by the nose, and this feeling makes him feel a little irritable.

There is a feeling of being played, even if you know it is the other party's provocation, you can't do anything about it.

Wait, it's best not to let me catch you, or you will be tortured severely.

If it is a monster creature, after the torture, it will be locked up in the universe and the torture will continue.

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