The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 365 Li Huachao takes revenge!

"You...what are you going to do?!" The architect looked at Yu Liang, whose face became more determined, and was filled with surprise.

The phone booth just now was sound-isolated, so he didn't hear what Yu Liang said to the operator, but now he could see what Yu Liang was writing -

Sex eats the brain!

Sex corrodes the bones!

Forbidden! Forbidden! Forbidden!

What the hell is this?

Is it possible that the only reliable animal trainer was mentally contaminated by the ghost story just now? !

Why do people who were so normal before suddenly act like they are possessed by some kind of rebooting sex demon? !

"Whatever the enemy wants to do is what we want to stop, and whatever the enemy doesn't want to see is what we want to do." Yu Liang gave instructions, which can be summarized in four words.

"It makes sense." The architect looked at the comments made by Yu Liangliu and felt that what he said seemed to make sense, so he sat next to Yu Liang and imitated his example and started spreading pornographic remarks.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, focused on conveying the classic sayings of the rebooter, and combined them with the popular Taoist culture of Cyber ​​City to make it even more unstoppable.

After all, this type of bad meme has never been popular on the Internet in Cyber ​​City. If it can get the favor of a large number of meme brats, it might be able to suppress the strange stories.


Your skin and hair is from your parents. Spreading semen at will makes oneself feel like a human being or a ghost, making him feel ashamed to God and his parents. I'm sorry for the pure self in my heart. I blinded my original innocence and happiness, wasted my wisdom, failed to make progress, wasted time, wasted my brain and body. There is a god three feet above my head, thinking that no one knows, but in fact, God knows that you know that I know, Consuming blessings is like cutting with a knife.


The ups and downs of heaven have their own number, and the essence of human nature is responsible for its own profits and losses. The human body is the condensation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the source of life comes from the energy of heaven and earth. Excessive indulgence will deplete the human body's Qi, damage the human essence, affect physical and mental health, and even lead to hopelessness of soul. Maintain abstinence, keep a pure mind and few desires, and accumulate more energy in order to pursue a higher realm of Tao. Going against the grain and falling into the sea of ​​desire will not only affect personal practice, but also lead more people to go astray and lose sense of proportion and reason. Road to Road, very Avenue. Only by following the way of heaven can we achieve the unity of nature and man and achieve true physical harmony.


Dizziness, abnormal appetite, poor sleep quality, physical fatigue, tinnitus, memory loss, do you have such troubles?

That’s right, stop indulging!

Rich people have healthy body organs that can be replaced at any time, but you will spend the rest of your life under a weak skin!

"Huh - that's almost it." Yu Liang imported these three templates into the artificial intelligence, and then asked it to imitate these three templates for batch generation.

The theory of blessing and caution, the theory of Taoism and the theory of intimidation are almost a collection of the three different directions of caution, which are enough to set off a wave on the Internet.

The next step is to add more fire to make this meme completely popular.

Yu Liang thought silently, and two words gradually emerged in his mind - "Navy Army".

Indeed, in the Internet age, if you want to be popular, you need to get more traffic, and if you want to get more traffic, you need money.

And now the money he has is still the income from selling those mechanical parts, which is enough to sustain his life for the past two days, but it is far from enough if he wants to hire a navy or buy traffic.

So what to do now?

Make money?

But the simplest and fastest way to make money that Yu Liang can think of now is written in the criminal law.

Uh, robbery?

In order to help the Cybermen recover from sex, they also go on a robbery to make money?

What kind of rebooting and lustful thieves are you talking about?

Isn’t this too great a sacrifice for the cause of abstinence?

"Is there any way to hire a navy, or a way to quickly make money to hire a navy?" Yu Liang turned to ask the architect while copying and pasting these quotes into some hot search news.

The architect was also doing similar work, so he thought about it and gave a definite answer: "If you try to rob those capitalists' money, you may be targeted by Cyber ​​Technology, but if you only rob it once, there should be no problem." Too big of a problem.”

"Okay, let's wait and see." Yu Liang nodded, but he was still a little resistant in his heart. It was not because of obeying the law. None of the capitalists in Cyber ​​City were good people. The reason for his resistance was of course Not enough time.

It is conceivable that the mastermind behind the white ghost man will still commit crimes, one after another. The more violent the crime, the more the ghost story will spread through the Internet media.

The best way for Yu Liang to stop him is to catch him before he commits the crime. This requires continuous tracking and tracking of the murderer.

Even if the murderer can't be caught, all he needs to do is erase all the bloody words left by the murderer to prevent these ghost mantras from spreading.

At this time, Yu Liang also found that the private message column of his anonymous account was exploding. When he clicked on it, there were dozens of replies, many of them laughing and cursing, all of which were affirmations of the rebooting remarks.

"Why are you everywhere? You are really good at quitting sex."

"Dude is awesome."

"Quit, from today on, quit fucking."

"What about abstinence? In what age are you still practicing abstinence? Even Taoism has Huanxi Dao. If you are still abstaining from sex here, will you start to bind your cerebellum next?"

Yu Liang took a look at these comments. Since he received a large number of likes and comments, his remarks about abstinence were placed in a very high position, almost at the beginning of the comment area, where he could see them at a glance.

Most of the likes are not praise for Yu Liang, but a heckle mentality similar to "it's embarrassing to support you".

Among them, the one who started cursing directly was pushed to the first floor of the building.

Yu Liang looked at the comment that accused him of cerebellum wrapping, and replied directly without thinking: "Urgent."

After doing this, Yu Liang continued to spread corresponding remarks, and did not continue to read the responses in the comment area until ten minutes later.

"I'm sorry, mother, you are just insulting Taoist ancestors. Is the Taoist class in primary school taught by a physical education teacher?"

"Ha." Yu Liang laughed dumbly. This cyber city netizen's psychological endurance is not very good, so he is scolded?

He thought for a while, and he only knew two words: "filial piety."

Next, he ignored this guy again, and at the same time went to the comment section of other popular news to provoke some netizens with different attitudes. Supplemented by the six arts of the gentleman, he made all the netizens scream in anger.

In the following hours, Yu Liang's moves and routines spread rapidly on the Internet, along with the abstinence talk, and even occupied a place in the hot searches.

Sure enough, gold always shines. This kind of Internet culture will never become outdated no matter where it is placed. It has the advantage of dimensionality reduction, but does it have any impact on the entire Internet environment?

Yu Liang felt that the network environment in Cyber ​​City couldn't get any worse, so why not make it worse?

However, what made him feel funny was that in his comment section, netizens also imitated the Six Arts of the Gentleman, but Yu Liang perfectly suppressed them with his Five Elements Theory of Mutual Restraint.

Clam overcomes anxiety, anxiety overcomes filial piety, filial piety overcomes Dian, Dian overcomes Ying, Ying overcomes Clam...

Or a set of combo punches and classic remarks such as "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious first, let me be anxious first."

With the support of such behind-the-scenes promoters, now every piece of news or article, regardless of whether it contains pornographic content, will contain some or two abstinence remarks at the bottom, and the overall environment of the Internet has been completely changed.

It is no longer filled with a lot of surnames and violence, but a kind of online violence mixed with yin and yang.

This development is faster than Yu Liang imagined. To some extent, it saves some effort to buy navy troops.

Although the effect of buying a navy army would be better, he is quite satisfied with it now.

"I've spent three or four hours here. Are we still waiting for that guy to commit the crime? Could it be that he felt something and gave up on committing the crime?" The architect's hands were numb after copying and pasting, so he turned his attention to Yu Liang.

Yu Liang replied subconsciously: "It's urgent."


"But you can keep an eye on the Central Law Enforcement Bureau. Once a large number of law enforcement officers are dispatched, there will probably be a big case." The architect said, but his tone was a little pity, "But we don't have professional hackers here. If we can hack into the official network , we can rush to the scene as soon as possible.”


Yu Liang's mind immediately thought of the T1 programmer in Haicheng. That woman should be able to do such a thing, but it is a pity that if only the three of them are relied on, the manpower is still too small.

ABCF alone has four districts, and each district has a law enforcement bureau. They are independent of each other. Even four people cannot keep an eye on them. They are really passive in waiting for each other to commit crimes.

At present, there is no good way.

"Follow this line for now." Yu Liang stood up from the computer, "Zhong Chen and I will go to the Arasaka company to check on the situation. You can keep an eye on the Internet here. If anything happens, use your prosthetic eyes to find me at any time."

"Okay." The architect did not refuse such a request. According to the distribution of combat power, he is not suitable for frontal combat. It is normal to stay in the rear. "I will tell you some branch information. Just accept it with your eyes."

Yu Liang took Zhong Chen out of the Internet cafe, found a self-service driverless car, and went to Arasaka Company's branch in Area C.

In his prosthetic eyes, the architect's information was accompanied by the introduction of Arasaka Company on the Internet.

This is a high-tech company under the Huangpo Group. Its main research direction is human-computer interaction and human body mechanics. It has made great achievements in the field of human-computer and enjoys many patents.

However, Yu Liang knows that the inside of this company is not as glamorous as it appears. These technology companies that include "people" do not treat people as human beings. Some human experiments are repeatedly banned, and some fines are even more itchy. , completely unable to stop them.

This kind of company is very smart and chooses to conduct experiments on some criminals in Cyber ​​City Prison. These criminals are often full of crimes and are enthusiasts of prosthetic transformation. This kind of experiment can not only obtain more accurate ergonomics. Data, the disadvantage in public opinion will not be too obvious.

Once punished, the scapegoat will be forced to bow and apologize, then make compensation and attend some public welfare activities. The government has nothing to do with it, and the people are even more helpless.

And now, Yu Liang appeared downstairs at Arasaka Company's Area C branch. The magnificent office building in front of him was the property of Arasaka Technology Company, including the underground test area and the above-ground office area, etc.

The architect has a deep understanding of these buildings, so the schematic diagram sent is easy to understand, clearly dividing some areas within the Arasaka Company, and some blank areas are places that he has not explored, and the security measures are too strict.

Yu Liang stood at the door of the office building, thinking about how to sneak into the company.

The security personnel at the door will conduct a triple search, prohibit bringing any weapons into the company, and will interrogate those who enter. This is only the first security procedure.

People who have passed the first security procedure can only move in the public area. In the office area upstairs, employee cards need to be swiped, while the experimental area underground is even stricter. Each exit is guarded by two fully armed security personnel and robots. Guard.

It may not be that simple to rescue the players trapped in this company.

It may be possible to break in by force, but it will definitely attract a large number of mecha troops, not only the government's mecha troops, but also some experimental models developed internally by the company.

If they can't break through the defense line and find those players in a short time, I'm afraid they will be entangled. And to say the least, even if these players are taken away, this matter will be considered a big deal. Yu Liang can't hide so many. Players can catch him by launching a simple search in Area C.

From this point of view, whether it is the main mission or other aspects, we are in a dilemma. At this time, someone may need to break the situation.

Yu Liang suddenly missed the three generals in his universe, but he didn't know what they were doing, or even...

At this time, Li Huachao was on the top floor of the office building in front of him.


"I'm so angry!"

Li Huachao slammed his keyboard twice.

He didn't expect that his perfect plan to spread the word "Secret Ghost People" would be ruined by these idiots on the Internet. Now when he mentioned the line "Watching secretly when alone at home", all the words underneath were copied and pasted. The comments, accompanied by the classic Six Arts of the Gentleman, brought the building to grandma's house in the blink of an eye.

If this trend continues, his astringent tales of ghosts, humans, and ghosts will almost die before they begin, and will be stillborn before they can spread on a large scale.


Li Huachao narrowed his eyes slightly.

These sexual abstinence remarks and the Six Arts of Gentleman are obviously only understood by experienced netizens in real life, so the first person to publish them must be a player, and a very smart player at that.

If you think about it further, these players may have triggered a special mission to counter his ghost stories, otherwise they would not have done so many inexplicable things.

That is to say...

Is this a method used by the enemy?

They have probably guessed the general content of their ghost stories and are investigating.

If you look at it this way, you can arrange a trap to fish out these people and catch them all.

A cold light flashed in Li Huachao's eyes. He had a bad temper. He would not let go of someone who ruined his plan.

Don't let me catch you. If you catch me, you have to kneel down and sing "conquer" for me!

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