The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 364 Quit, brother, get out!

Uh, forbidden world.

Even if Yu Liang said this, he himself felt that this situation was somewhat outrageous.

If it was true as he thought, ordinary people in this copy would change into this kind of white ghost man just because they thought of the content related to astringent love, then it would be too scary.

Desire is the most basic human need, second only to the desire for survival, and is an extremely normal need for humans.

In this cyber city, this is a more common demand, and there is even a tendency to attack basic entertainment. In some areas, it cannot be called X liberation at all, but should be called X proliferation.

In this case, this kind of ghost talk is simply an unstoppable existence, because it is impossible for Yu Liang to really eliminate the desires in the minds of all Cybermen, and it will not be shown at all.

However, this is only a basic task, so it is not that difficult. They should not completely ban Se Se, but ban all traces of a certain person's existence.

For example, the murderer of the murder just now?

Yu Liang was thoughtful and had a more reasonable guess about the logic of the entire strange story.

Those words are the key. Once a Cyberman sees those words and thinks of something related to Sese, they will gradually begin to become ghosts. However, the efficiency of this process is neither fast nor slow. It should take a few minutes. It's done in less than 1 minute.

Whether players like them will be affected remains to be explored.

At that time, the first things he and the architect thought of were "Crazy Thursday" and "Ocereal Man" respectively. They did not accurately think of content related to astringent love, so the ghost transformation was not triggered.

What can be determined now is this. This kind of ghost talk is probably related to the murderer of the Colosseum murder case. He deliberately left such words at the scene and directly infected the three investigators with the ghost talk. law enforcer, and then get away with it.

It's a pity that I didn't have time to think of this in the Colosseum just now. It would be better to erase that line, otherwise the police will report it and the news media will exaggerate it, and there will be a lot more white turbidity in this cyber city. A ghost.


This is the goal of the murderer who left this sentence. He wants to use the officials of Cyber ​​City to help him spread this ghost story and use the media to spread it over a wide area.

It does seem like a good approach.

However, this also gave Yu Liang some headaches. He thought that he would just come to the Colosseum to find the primitive Chief Li and take him away. Unexpectedly, it also involved a murder case and a ghost story.

Before entering the Colosseum, he thought that this incident was most likely related to Li Huachao, but after seeing the murder scene, Yu Liang was not sure.

The phrase "A person is lonely at home and secretly watches" does seem to be written by Li Huachao, but this kind of ghost story...

Can Li Huachao have this ability?

Did it even affect the underlying logic of the entire dungeon and create a ghost?

Yu Liang thought about it carefully and finally felt that this had nothing to do with the primitive Chief Li.

What a joke, it’s only been such a short time. Didn’t Chief Li spend the past two days hunting mecha mammoths in the Colosseum?

How could it be possible that ghosts were created again in just one night?

Even a husky isn't that energetic, right?

And why did Li Huachao come to assassinate his immediate boss?

Judging from Chief Li's treatment, he has completed two exciting battles against mechas. He should be regarded by the boss of the Colosseum as a magic weapon to make money. Could it be that the boss of the Colosseum got the news and suspected that Li Huachao was for sale? Ghost person (player)?

Forget it, it shouldn't be Li Huachao. The entire Colosseum is now blocked. It seems that the guy can't be found for the time being. I can only hope that the guy won't be entangled by ghost stories. Now Yu Liang is still in trouble. Don't go looking for that guy.

The most important task at the moment is very simple, that is to help this city quit sex!

"Reduce the spread of this kind of ghost as much as possible, and then find the murderer. This kind of ghost story must be related to him." Yu Liang put forward the focus of the next major matter. He looked at the wooden man next to him. Architect of the Tengu Mask, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Since Yu Liang had shared some speculations with the architect before, the architect had a rough idea of ​​what the situation was now, and he also agreed with Yu Liang's judgments.

"Reduce the spread of ghosts..." The architect rubbed the long tengu nose on his mask. He always felt that this thing was a bit heavy. "You can report the relevant situation to the Ghost Management Bureau. Once you get along with the ghosts, With the relationship, the city will naturally start to take precautions.”

"Okay, can I report it directly via anonymous phone call?" Yu Liang asked.

"Yes, there will be anonymous phone booths on some sections of the road." The architect thought of something. He looked around the street and his eyes stopped on a phone booth. He turned back to give Yu Liang directions, "There is one there."

"Haven't such backward things been eliminated in this era?" Yu Liang complained as he followed the architect to the phone booth.

"Maybe it's because this city pays more attention to things like privacy, so there is a certain market for anonymous phone booths like this." The architect answered. The three of them came to the phone booth. Yu Liang took a game from Zhong Chen. Bo coins, opened the phone booth and walked in.

There was only one telephone in the phone booth, without a screen or any video recording device. There was also a phone book hanging on the stand, which recorded the customer service numbers of various government agencies and hundreds of companies, large and small. Yu Liang searched for a phone number on it. After a while, I quickly found the clue reporting phone number of the "Ghost Management Bureau".

"Hello? I want to report." Yu Liang pressed the voice change button on the phone, and after the call was connected, he quickly said the information he wanted to share with the administration, "New species appeared in the Golden Colosseum Ghost man, there is a curse next to the corpse at the murder scene. After seeing that sentence and having an association with sexual desire, he will turn into a ghost man and secrete a large amount of white filthy liquid. Three law enforcement officers have become new because of this. Ghost people, please prohibit the spread of this curse, and provide psychological suggestions for law enforcement officers to reduce unwarranted yellow associations."

"Wait a minute, sir, do you mean that new evil spirits and ghosts have appeared?" The operator on the other end of the phone quickly recorded Yu Liang's words, but she did not report it directly. Instead, she began to test Yu Liang. , trying to talk, "That's right, this clue is very important. We need to verify this gentleman's identity information. After confirmation, we will give you generous advanced rewards and the title of 'Honorary Citizen'."

"Uh." Yu Liang was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that the other party was trying to trick him, so he pondered for two seconds and asked the other party to write down what he said next, "Be careful, if necessary, you must absolutely prohibit desires and indulgence. +Stay up late+Sitting for long periods of time=Damn!”

"Huh?" The operator was stunned.

Yu Liang continued unceremoniously, exporting the "special culture" from reality to the world unscrupulously:

"Fornication is the first of all evils, and the key to ending it is two words: quick and ruthless!"

"Successful rebooting = high awareness + strong vigilance!"

"In the face of temptation, the first awareness is extremely important. The first awareness is anti-virus software, and the first awareness is firewall."

"The most precious organ of the human body is the kidney, and the rarest substance is kidney water! But you treat it as garbage! How sad! How stupid!"

"In your eyes, they are beauties and handsome men. In my eyes, they are bullets shooting at me and knives cutting at me. I am afraid that I will avoid them!"


After three crisp sounds came, Yu Liang knew that the other party had hung up the phone. He couldn't help but touch his head, feeling that what he just said was a bit outrageous.

Uh, but if you think about it carefully, you will actually feel awkward and happy when you do this kind of thing. It feels like you are pretending to be a man who defies nature and releases your true nature.

No, it's not a prank, he is really saving the lives of the Cybermen!

Sese will cause chaos in the world, and demons will run rampant, so in troubled times, heavy scriptures should be used, which can be used to spread some unfaithful remarks!

"Is there a place nearby where you can surf the Internet anonymously? I can try to spread some words to prevent the spread of ghost stories. Maybe it will save some trouble in the future." Yu Liang walked out of the phone booth and asked the architect.

The architect opened his prosthetic eyes and connected to the Internet by scanning the QR code on the phone booth. He quickly obtained information about surrounding shops and found a more efficient anonymous Internet service.

However, the terrain here is a bit like a city in Sichuan and Sichuan. It is not flat land. The streets sometimes go underground and sometimes reach higher levels through overpasses. The route is not that easy to find, and Yu Liang and the others are also in this bustling and dilapidated cyberspace. After searching around the city, I found an underground Internet cafe.

The walls around the Internet cafe are covered with graffiti, and the entrance is underground. You need to go down the stairs to truly enter the Internet cafe.

The people who come and go at the entrance of the Internet cafe are basically trend-setters in the fashion industry, with ever-changing hairstyles and flexible bodies. Their bodies are composed of machines and bodies, and they move on the streets driven by their souls.

The three of them quickly walked into the Internet cafe. After paying the cyber coins, they occupied a separate room. The room could probably accommodate two people, but there was no absolute requirement. The boss watched Yu Liang and the three of them walk into the same small room. The black room didn't stop him, he just showed a somewhat ambiguous smile, seemingly not surprised.

There are two computers side by side in the small black room. In addition, there are two holographic helmets and a small bed with some special-purpose toys placed on the bed.

Yu Liang logged into the Internet anonymously. He did not rush to search for the content he was interested in, but simply looked at some sections of the Internet.

As the architect said, almost all the Internet is filled with entertainment information, accompanied by a small amount of eye-catching news, and there are no professional knowledge websites. Even some "online libraries" can only find some fancy magazines, at most There are only textbooks from elementary school to high school, and the content taught in them is extremely simple.

Knowledge is accumulated here, and the people at the bottom and the upper class have been completely separated from each other. However, they have no way to break through this barrier. They can only indulge in the beautiful life built by the upper class and cannot extricate themselves.

It is precisely because of this that the entire Internet environment is very frivolous. People abuse and have fun at will, attack everyone indiscriminately, or turn into repeaters and copy and paste some bad memes crazily to conquer the Internet.

However, in Yu Liang's opinion, the level of these bad memes is not high, probably because the nature of these cybermen is still derivatives of ghost stories, and the subconscious level of the root ghost stories is far from being comparable to that of netizens in reality.

After a brief understanding, Yu Liang searched for "Golden Colosseum". This Colosseum is quite famous in Cyber ​​City, not to mention that the recent Colosseum also showed a scene of primitive people fighting laser mammoths. Wonderful showdown.

Now, the number one related search is for the original Chief Lee, and the second number is a piece of news with no accurate source, related to the dead boss in the Golden Colosseum.

Levin Alfonso, the man behind multiple technology companies and entertainment companies, was found dead in his office at the Golden Colosseum early this morning. The murderer's blood was left next to his body. written handwriting.

This was a premeditated murder. The murderer had very strange abilities. He was not caught by the cameras in the Colosseum, nor was he found by the security guards and patrols of the Colosseum. This shows that he is very capable. You may be familiar with this Colosseum, know the patrol time, and know that Levin Alfonso will appear in this place at this time.

Yu Liang flipped through several pieces of news. Some of the secretly taken pictures included blood letters next to Levin's body, while others did not.

The images are blurry and look like they were taken by law enforcement using prosthetic eyes, and some people in the comments pointed out this.

Some law enforcement officers secretly use prosthetic eyes to take photos of murder scenes and sell them to entertainment tabloid media in exchange for some money. This is not news in the law enforcement bureau. There are people who do this in almost every case. , and almost every year there are law enforcement officers who are triggered for doing this, but this happens repeatedly.

"It's bad, this sentence has been spread on the Internet." Yu Liang said damn it. He still underestimated the speed of information dissemination in this world. If you look at it this way, I am afraid that many people have noticed this news.

Due to the Golden Colosseum's vigorous promotion of the primitive Chief Li, more people will pay attention to this Colosseum. As a result, the second search term is news related to the death of the Colosseum owner.

The effect of this spread was more terrifying than Yu Liang imagined.

Could it be that the boss died because of this?

Does the other party just want to create news to spread this ghost story?

A shadow cast over Yu Liang's heart, and he felt the difficulty of this matter even more.

My enemy wants to use the media and the Internet to spread weird rumors on a large scale!

This is an electronic ghost that is wreaking havoc on the entire Internet with lust, and now it is only in its birth stage, its weakest stage.

It must be strangled in infancy!

Yu Liang thought for a while, with a lot of thoughts in his mind, and immediately began to post some comments anonymously.

It is necessary to reduce the spread of this ghost talk as much as possible, and if that is not possible, at least let the cyber citizens who see these slanderous talk immediately think not of the erotic content, but other messy things.

Compared with the bad memes he just saw, Yu Liang is very confident in his ability to create memes. For a cyber city that has long been accustomed to the proliferation of X, these pornographic quotations may cause a much greater sensation.

In this case, it may be possible to prevent the people from turning into ghosts to some extent!

We need to quickly create a trend and use those boring netizens to suppress these ghost stories!

In the eyes of outsiders, this may be a prank, but Yu Liang thought seriously and decided to do it.

It doesn't take much energy anyway, and it's very likely to be effective.

So why not?

Internet memes, please lend me your power!

Arasaka Company is not wrong. It has been written before. Arasaka Technology Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Arasaka Group. The actor replaced the CEO of Arasaka Technology Company.

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