The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 164 Oh yeah, it’s the hamster girl!

Hearing Lu Baoshen's words, Li Huachao was also speechless for a moment.

"Okay, okay, now shut up and follow me honestly." He said to the two little ones, and then took the lead.

Li Huachao thought for a while, then turned back to the money guard and said, "Please refine what you just said. I think it can be used as the signboard and corporate motto of our store. I will record it for you later."

"Okay." The money-keeper nodded.

"As for you, I have very important things to do now. You must not activate your ability to reduce your luck value. Just keep the average value." Li Huachao looked at Lu Baoshen aside again and solemnly told him.

He was already familiar with catching the princess, so as long as Lu Baoshen didn't do anything wrong, there wouldn't be any surprises.

"Oh, okay." Lu Baoshen shut his mouth honestly when he saw this.

Li Huachao nodded with satisfaction.

From the current point of view, although Lu Baoshen does not have any special talents, he is at least obedient enough. He is also very good as a tool for triggering strange events. He can also provide some luck bonuses at critical moments.

Li Huachao is already planning to let him accumulate some fortune points, and then help create some grass babies with the best characteristics, which can be used as treasures in the store to attract some high-quality players.

With the son of destiny like Lu Baoshen, Cao Ying with such excellent characteristics can be easily extracted, which invisibly reduces their operating costs.

Of course, Li Huachao would not let too many Cao Ying with the best characteristics enter the market, which would reduce the value of the entire Cao Ying family. Naturally, he would not do this kind of thing of fishing for the best.

Li Huachao took the two little ones to the first floor and told them to hide in the tunnel until his instructions came out. Then he came to the corridor on the first floor and glanced at the sleeping players.

Repeat the old trick.

He needs to find a corpse to lure the princess's tentacles down, and then use the Five-Five Ring to subdue her with the same strength as the princess.

In this rabbit game, players would die every day, and players would also join the game, so Li Huachao didn't look for long and quickly found a suitable corpse.

Li Huachao opened the door of the cell, first confirmed that the player in the cell was dead, then dragged the body to the door of the prison and threw it directly out.

However, the expected scene did not appear. Li Huachao waited for a few seconds, but the princess in the sky did not stretch out her tentacles to eat the corpse.

"Huh?" Li Huachao was a little confused. He stuck his head out and glanced at the top of the prison. He saw that the princess was staring at the motionless body in front of the prison with almost all her eyes, and the tentacles on her body were constantly swaying in the air. It hovers, but never falls.


Why don't you eat?

Li Huachao blinked, feeling a little confused.

Could it be because of the last experience that the princess no longer eats such motionless corpses?

Li Huachao observed for a while and came up with an uncertain answer.

Is this princess so cowardly?

You were beaten once and now you don't even dare to eat the corpse?

He broke off a metal pole from the stair railing on the first floor, then stretched it out and poked the body, trying to hook the body back.

Since you can't seduce the princess in the sky through the corpse, you can only think differently.

Three seconds after Li Huachao poked the corpse, a tentacle fell from the sky and wrapped it around the corpse. The sharp teeth inside the tentacle instantly ground the corpse into blood and meat residue.

"Huh? So now you only dare to eat living flesh and blood?" Li Huachao judged what the princess meant. He took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts, and put the other clothes into the inventory, and then took out the cooled The Ring of Five and Five Openings should be used on the princess who is close at hand.

Since your clothes will be torn when you get bigger, it's better to take off your clothes beforehand. The shorts will stay anyway.

In just an instant, Li Huachao's body was filled with light, and in the blink of an eye he became a giant in shorts with a height of 100 meters.

"HiaHia!" Li Hua smiled strangely and reached out to grab the princess.

"Hey!" The princess was shocked. She didn't expect that even though she was so careful, she could still be targeted by this guy. She immediately turned around and ran away.

However, the huge body seemed a bit bloated at this moment. The princess had already tried her best to fly in the direction away from Li Huachao, but Li Huachao still grabbed the tentacles connected to the ground.

"Ugh——" The princess let out a scream of grievance. She looked like a female classmate who was grabbed by her ponytail by a bad boy in the class in elementary school. She was pitiful.

Li Huachao, however, had absolutely no thoughts of pity for her. He reached out and pulled the princess to him, and then touched her head with his palm.

In fact, he didn't know which position was the head, so he just randomly found a place with the fewest eyes and touched it to comfort the princess.

The last time I fought with the princess was just to torment it and destroy the rabbit-shaped god's dream, but this time it was different. This time, in order to complete the task, I had to send the princess into the rabbit game.

The princess had already wrapped her body with all the tentacles and covered her eyes tightly, not daring to resist Li Huachao at all. But after waiting for a while, the expected iron fist did not arrive, but instead a warm hand came. Caress its head gently.

"Huh?" Its simple brain was suddenly stunned, not understanding why it would be like this.

"Hey, I won't hit you today, so why don't you just follow me honestly, okay?" Li Huachao was always good at being polite before attacking, so he spoke with reason and emotion.

"Huh?" The princess seemed not to understand what Li Huachao meant, so she stayed where she was.

It didn't understand why Li Huachao, who had such powerful power, didn't kill it, even though he could easily defeat it.

Just like last time, the situation last time also made it a little difficult to understand.

After subduing it with force, he did nothing. He didn't eat it or force it to do anything. He just inserted an inexplicable tube into its body and left.

This time it was even more surprised. Why were you treating it so gently?

"Forget it, come here." Seeing how stubborn it was, Li Huachao immediately pulled the princess's hand and said sternly, "Follow me."

"Hmm." This time the princess understood, so she followed Li Huachao's footsteps.

Li Huachao curled his lips and was speechless.

Why are all the weird creatures he meets sick?

It won't work if you co-write it and speak it nicely. You have to be fierce yourself to understand it, right?

Shake M?

Soon, Li Huachao led his new dog through the ruins of the Forgotten City. Similar to the previous scene, the Forgotten City was also shrouded in the glory of the setting sun, exuding an aura of decadence and death.

He came near the rabbit hole. This time he had enough time, so he did not plan to connect the princess to the silver ball after becoming smaller, but directly used violence to make her fall asleep quickly.

After the last incident, these rabbit dummies should also be more vigilant, so if they become smaller and sneak in to steal the pipe, the difficulty will definitely increase.

So Li Huachao leaned down and tapped the ground with his knuckles while listening to the sounds coming from the ground.

In this way, he could easily determine the location of underground cavities.

The largest underground cavity is where the huge silver sphere is located.

Li Huachao found the location of the underground cavity, but he did not open the cavity immediately. Instead, he found a cement wall nearby, smashed the wall and took out the steel bars.

The two sections of steel bars were about ten meters each. Li Huachao tried using them as chopsticks, and it was quite easy.

So he then stretched out a finger to poke the top soil of the hole and watched a trace of silver leak out from the hole.

The location of the silver sphere was right here. He looked closely and found one of the pipes. He clamped the pipe to the ground with the steel chopsticks he had just taken out from the cement wall.

It would be difficult for Li Huachao to grasp such a thin pipe with his hands, given his current height of 100 meters, but he could easily pick up the pipe with these chopsticks.

Li Huachao pulled the princess's tentacle with her other hand and said, "Come here."

The princess floated over obediently and let Li Huachao connect the tube to its body.

After the tube was inserted, the princess slowly fell to the ground, and her eyes gradually closed, as if she was asleep.

Okay, it went quite smoothly.

Li Huachao breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation was similar to what he expected, even smoother.

After doing all this, he noticed the figure of a rabbit dummy emerging from the hole in the ground, and suddenly frowned.

The princess has just gone in to meet "it". It has been so long since she met her old lover, so she must give them more time to talk to each other, right?

At this moment, Li Huachao suddenly felt a special sense of mission. He felt that he was the magpie bridge at the feet of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl every Chinese Valentine's Day. He was also like the knight guarding the princess, and he was bound to hand the princess over to the prince intact. in hand.

So he covered his face with his left hand, and stretched out his fingers with his right hand to flick away the rabbit dummy that came up from the hole in the ground.

Now Li Huachao still has two minutes to transform, and he will protect the two-minute meeting.

Dozens of rabbit dummies emerged from the ground. They came from multiple directions with neat steps and attacked the princess lying on the ground.

Li Huachao controlled a pair of chopsticks and swiped them widely in the crowd of rabbit dummies, seven in and seven out. Each swipe would cause a large number of rabbit dummies to take off and fall heavily to the ground.

Destroying the enemy's formation with force is like looking at the sky breaking through the clouds.

It's just that these rabbit dummies will not be injured by this attack, nor will they die. They get up from the ground and charge again like undead souls, but they are still knocked away by the giant in front of them.

Li Huachao used steel chopsticks to poke one of the rabbit dummies hard, but found that the body of the rabbit dummy was very tough. With his current strength, he could not destroy it. The most he could do was to poke it into the soil.

One hundred seconds passed quickly, and Li Huachao also realized that he should leave here, otherwise he would not be able to leave if he changed back to his original state later and the rabbit dummies surrounded him again.

So he put down his chopsticks and ran towards the prison, immediately leaving the princess and the rabbit dummies behind.

As he ran, Li Huachao gradually returned to his original state. He quickly looked back and saw a quiet street behind him. At the end of his field of vision, there were several rabbit dummies chasing him.

Damn it, don't these guys care about the princess?

They even divided their troops to chase me.

Li Huachao scolded her in her heart, but she quickly ran away.

This time he didn't run towards the prison again. After all, the rabbit dummies were the people of the rabbit-shaped god. If they found out that he was a player in the rabbit game, they might give him some shoes.

And the body structure of these rabbit dummies is very strong. Even in the state of a hundred-meter giant, he can't kill them, let alone now?

Therefore, Li Huachao didn't have any intention of fighting. He just wanted to get rid of them quickly. He didn't insist on killing these rabbit dummies, which would not do any good.

He still had this awareness, so he changed his pace and ran towards another place.

Suddenly, he noticed a huge black shadow emerging from the alley beside him.

Li Huachao was startled, rolled forward and quickly got out of the way, and at the same time switched out his knife weapon.

But the target of the black shadow didn't seem to be him, but the rabbit dummies behind him.

I saw the black shadow rushing towards the rabbit dummies, opening its bloody mouth, and stuffing the rabbit dummies directly into his mouth.

Three or two rabbit dummies entered its belly in an instant.


After devouring the three rabbit dummies, the black shadow also turned around and looked at Li Huachao.

Only then did Li Huachao see the true face of the black shadow.

It was a hamster with silver-white hair and a silver-gray stripe on its head.

It's just that the hamster at this time is definitely not cute. It is nearly three meters tall, with angry eyes and hair standing on end. Through the thick hair, Li Huachao can still see the faint outline of muscles. It looks impressive. The appearance of a devil muscle rat.

This thing...

The level is not low.

Li Huachao felt the aura on the hamster's body, and couldn't help but take a step back under the hamster's gaze, seemingly frightened by the momentum.

But when he thought about it again, he felt something was wrong.

He is a hunter, hamsters are animals, and they should be under his control.

Is there a problem?

no problem.

So Li Huachao straightened his back and took a step forward.

The hamster glanced at Li Huachao from head to toe with a surprised look, and then a very human look of disgust appeared on his face.

Li Huachao followed its gaze and noticed that he still seemed to be wearing only a pair of shorts, so he looked embarrassed and quickly took out clothes and pants from the inventory and put them on.

As Li Huachao put on his clothes, black liquid also appeared on the hamster's body. The black liquid wrapped around the hamster's body, shrinking its size.

The black liquid flowed on its body and transformed into clothes. When it appeared again, it had changed from a hamster over three meters tall to a woman over one meter tall.

Her long hair fell down to her shoulders, and she looked dashing in black clothes.

"Follow me." The woman's voice was cold, with no extraneous emotion. "The Rabbit-shaped God may be targeting you."

Li Huachao frowned and touched his chin. He also looked at the woman from head to toe, thinking about something.

After a long while, he said alertly: "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

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