The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 165 Is your first love so strange?

(Patch: I forgot to write it before. Yu Liang’s last rabbit game was rated as medium-level, so now the rabbit head has disappeared and appears in a normal appearance in reality.)

five minutes ago.

The woman stood in front of the window and stretched.

The sun was setting now, and she had just woken up from her nap, so she seemed a bit lazy.

This is Forgotten City, a city that has long since disappeared from the map.

I was a little nervous when I first entered Wangcheng. This is a city that doesn’t even have legends.

Everyone in reality has forgotten its existence, as if it had never appeared on earth.

Except for the players.

Only players can remember that Forget City exists.

Whether you are a former player or a current player.

This is a world of ghosts and ghosts, which accommodates almost all the monsters and monsters in this world. It is precisely because of this that the danger of Forget City is far beyond that of ordinary restricted areas in the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is the scariest place in the world.

However, this is only the outskirts of Forgotten City, and there are not so many strange creatures that cannot be fought against. Judging from their experience after entering Forget City today, they can still ensure their own safety.

So now she has relaxed wholeheartedly.

Anyway, with Silver Fox Sister here, you don’t have to run away when you meet a Kaitan who is weaker than her, and you don’t have to run away when you meet a Kaidan who is stronger than her...

There is no need to run, just wait to die.

The mission this time is mainly to confirm the location of Forgotten City. If possible, simply explore and collect some data outside Forget City. This is not difficult for the two people who have been partners for a long time.

Spend the night here and collect information on the density and general situation of monsters at night. They will evacuate here tomorrow.

"you're awake."

The questioning voice came from outside the room.

She turned around and saw Sister Yinhu standing at the door of the room.

Silver Fox's expression was as cold as ever, but she knew that this was the best expression under normal circumstances.

If it changes into another form and has just eaten a monster, it does not look indifferent, but cruel and ferocious, the kind of ferocity that can stop a child from crying at night.

The scene of the battle is even more cruel, with people tearing them alive at every turn, and then directly devouring the monster's corpse...

In comparison, this aloof look can be considered cute in contrast.

"Eat something, pack your equipment, we have a mission tonight." Silver Fox continued.

"I know, I don't have any equipment, I just need to hug Sister Silver Fox's thigh tightly." She giggled.

Silver Fox didn't say anything when he saw this. He just turned around and walked into his room and started to organize his equipment.

Because she was right. As an auxiliary player whose alienation profession is a perfumer, she really didn't need to prepare anything.

Her alienation ability is to use the texture of "qi" to synthesize different types of fragrance to assist in combat, and as for gas...

Need to prepare?

The world is full of air.

And suddenly, the perfumer's nose twitched slightly, and she faintly smelled a strange smell far away, which seemed to be the smell of a man.

If you judge carefully...

Is that smell a few hundred meters away from here?

How can it be!

Her alienated profession gave her a well-developed sense of smell, but it was not to the point where she could smell scents hundreds of meters away.

To her, the larger the creature, the farther its aura spreads.

But how is this possible?

If calculated in proportion, this man could be over a hundred meters tall?

Are you kidding me?

Then the perfumer saw a naked, hundred-meter-tall man walking through the street a hundred meters away, holding a hundred-meter-long, floating white-eyed paramecia.

Perfumer: "..."

There's something she doesn't understand.

Are all the strange creatures in Wangcheng so wild?


Why does the face of such a giant look familiar?


The perfumer looked at the face carefully and recognized it immediately.

"Sister, Sister Yinhu!" A strange color appeared on her face, and she immediately started calling Yinhu loudly.

"What?" Silver Fox quickly came to the perfumer's room and looked into the room with an alert expression.

Weird monsters may appear in this isolated city at any time. She had already warned her partner to be careful. Even on the outskirts of Forgotten City, there were source-level monsters, and source-level monsters were far from what she could deal with.

"You might not believe it if I tell you." The perfumer paused, swallowed, and continued, "Your first love was running naked outside. It was so big, more than a hundred meters tall, and it was leading a bird that was more than a hundred meters tall. Long monster.”

silver fox:"……"

"Don't look any further." Silver Fox stepped forward and covered the perfumer's eyes, then took out a bottle of perfume from his pocket and sprayed it in front of the perfumer.

This bottle of perfume was created by a perfumer and has a calming effect.

This perfumer must have been mentally contaminated in some way.

But why does the perfumer's hallucination include her first love?

The perfumer pushed Silver Fox's hand away, shook his head and said, "I'm a perfumer. I'm confident about maintaining mental stability. I think you really need to come and take a look."

The silver fox walked to the window sill doubtfully and looked at the huge figure strolling under the sunset.

This sight made her also fall silent.

She suddenly couldn't understand this city of forgetfulness.

But she didn't hesitate. She jumped out of the window and jumped downstairs. At the same time, she said to the perfumer behind her: "Bring your things and drive up."

The silver fox's body changed rapidly in the air, and when it landed, it had turned into a giant hamster beast over three meters tall, running with all four limbs together towards the giant in the distance.

She wanted to see what had happened to her to see such outrageous things.


She said nothing.

This giant is real.


Time returned to the present, Li Huachao looked at her and said warily: "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

Silver Fox glanced at him and blurted out the words: "This kind of reason for striking up a conversation is very old-fashioned."

"Oh." Li Huachao nodded in agreement, and then looked at Silver Fox from head to toe, "Judging from your cold behavior just now, it doesn't seem like you would say, 'This kind of reason for striking up a conversation is very old-fashioned.'" You man, you should be too lazy to say another word to me, instead of deliberately misinterpreting my meaning in such words to imply that you have never met me."

He touched his chin again: "You panicked."

Silver Fox frowned: "Shut up and just follow me."

"Haha!" Li Huachao clapped his hands, beaming, "You're still in a hurry!"

silver fox:"……"

She was certain that the person in front of her was not that guy. Although they had the same face and body, they could never be the same person.

That guy is definitely not that cheap.

But such a mean person...

Another figure vaguely appeared in her mind, a guy she had only met a few times a long time ago but who left a deep impression on her.

"Okay, in this case I'll let you go." Li Huachao saw that this woman didn't tease her, so he generously expressed that he would let her go, and then continued, "But I can't leave with you now, I want to Go back to prison."

"Prison?" Silver Fox didn't understand.

"Huh?" Li Huachao is very sharp. When facing women, he is always more sharp than usual. He continued, "Are you not a player?"

And as soon as he asked the question, he realized that this woman must be a native of Wangcheng, right?

The kind of human beings written in Rabbit Human Notes.

When she mentioned the rabbit-shaped god before, Li Huachao subconsciously thought of her as a player with a special seal, but now she naturally reacted.

A "broken" character appeared on Silver Fox's hand, and then said: "No, I am a player."

She originally didn't want to explain because it would be too troublesome, but she was also afraid that Li Huachao would treat her as some weird creature, and it would be terrible if someone attacked her from behind.

"Then why don't you know about the prison?" Li Huachao asked, "Also, you don't know me?"

As he spoke, he puffed up his chest proudly.

It's not his boast, he saved the lives of all the players in the prison.

Silver Fox hesitated for a moment, but decided to make it clear. After all, she had nothing to hide.

Of course, the main reason is because this guy is not stupid, and cheating will only be counterproductive.

"I found Wangcheng, and your dungeon happens to be in Wangcheng." Silver Fox said concisely.

"How can it be like this? Then tell me, how can I find Wangcheng?" Li Huachao asked curiously, and at the same time he started walking towards the prison.

It's dusk now and it will be dark soon.

Gotta get back to jail soon.

If the tide of monsters attacks again like last time, something will definitely happen without him.

"No comment." Yinhu said coldly, but seeing Li Huachao walking so decisively and looking determined not to go with her, she had no choice but to follow him.

"Tsk, you stingy one." Li Huachao muttered in a low voice, "I will ask Sister Zhi when I get back. She will definitely know."

"Huh?" Silver Fox frowned slightly. Li Huachao's voice was very low. Even with her well-developed hearing, she couldn't hear clearly, but she still heard some key words.

"It's nothing." Li Huachao said, "Anyway, I can't leave with you now. I have to go back to save other players."

These words sounded righteous, but what Li Huachao said was not righteous at all.

To him, those players are precious resources.

A player is equal to a goblin bomb. He will be sad if any player dies, okay?

When he thought of this, Li Huachao couldn't help but move a little faster.

"You may have been marked by the rabbit-shaped god." Silver Fox reminded aloud. Judging from his words, he didn't look like a villain, so whether he was that guy or not, she had to try her best to help. "Wait for me. Your companion is here, and her abilities can help you eliminate possible negative states."

"Is this so?" Li Huachao accepted this level of help.

If the rabbit-shaped god was caught off guard when he sent the princess into a dream for the first time, it would be reasonable for him to arrange corresponding countermeasures for the second time.

Although he could wait for Yu Liang to wake up and directly use the seal to remove all negative effects, after all, it was a skill that needed to cool down for a day, so he could save as much as he could.

At this time, an off-road vehicle came quickly from the corner of the street and stopped next to Li Huachao and Yin Hu.

The person sitting in the driver's seat was also a beautiful woman. She opened the window, looked at Yinhu and Li Huachao, and felt that the atmosphere between the two was a bit strange.

She is a perfumer, and her sense of smell can not only smell various scents, but can even smell some emotions.

The emotion that permeated the two of them now was very strange. She couldn't tell what it was, but it didn't feel like what first love should feel like when meeting someone for the first time.

It's neither sweet nor sad, just like two strangers meeting for the first time.

But Sister Yinhu obviously cares about this guy. Why?

The perfumer can smell the scent of emotions, coupled with her natural quick thinking and ability to read micro-expressions, combined, she almost has the ability to read minds.

However, at this moment, she really couldn't understand the relationship between the two people. She only felt that they were not as simple as first love.

"Make a bottle of 'Makino Incense' for him." Yinhu said to the perfumer in the driver's seat. At the same time, he walked to the passenger seat and got in the car, and then said to Li Huachao, "Get in the car, you want to Wherever you go, we will take you there.”

"'Makino Fragrance'?" The perfumer grabbed a small bottle of fragrance out of thin air and threw it to Li Huachao, "Here, just spray a little."

"What's the use of this? Is your alienated profession a perfumer?" Li Huachao took the perfume and smelled it. It had a relatively fresh smell, "Is this perfume freshly made?"

Just now he heard the silver fox say "make a bottle" instead of "get a bottle", so he judged that the perfume was freshly made.

But he didn't see any synthesis process, which was a bit strange.

Like his animal trap, it still needs to consume metal materials to synthesize it. This perfume shouldn't be created out of thin air, right?

"Eliminate the negative state." The perfumer said, "Well, you guessed it right, I only need to extract the 'qi' texture to make the fragrance."

"Is it the texture of 'air'?" Li Huachao thought for a moment and became interested instantly, "In other words, can the surrounding air also be used?"

"...What?" The perfumer was surprised to see him so excited.

"How many meters can you use the surrounding air to synthesize fragrance?" Li Huachao asked, having a bold guess in his mind.

"Ten meters, what's wrong?" The perfumer was still puzzled, and Silver Fox also cast doubtful eyes on Li Huachao.

If it's ten meters...

It seems possible!

Li Huachao was overjoyed. There was no cooling time for him to synthesize the bear trap. As long as he operated quickly enough on the page and had enough metal texture, he could continuously and quickly make the bear trap.

Then the same should be true for perfumers.

In this case……

"Wouldn't the air you used to synthesize disappear? Doesn't this create a pressure difference? The air will flow from high-density areas to low-density areas. Isn't this wind?" Li Huachao talked eloquently, "As long as you operate fast enough Faster, won’t the wind speed get faster?”

The perfumer was stunned.

Li Huachao continued: "In this case, you should follow the path of a wind magician. No matter how bad you are, you can drain the air around the enemy and achieve the effect of suffocation. Being a perfumer is too unambitious. ?”

There was a hint of hatred in Li Huachao's eyes.

This perfumer is a complete waste of natural resources!

With such a good ability, shouldn't it be used only for support?

He developed Alpha Strike and Blade Storm with just one shot speed. If the ability of wind magic was given to him, wouldn't he be able to study and develop it in depth?

The perfumer was lost in thought, and she actually felt that this was indeed feasible.

Because when the texture consumed is liquid or gas, each texture is 1x1x1 in size, and 3 cubic decimeters of air will be extracted in one synthesis.

As long as your hand speed is fast enough, you can indeed create a significant air pressure difference.


The perfumer turned his attention to the silver fox in the passenger seat.

First there was the 100-meter giant holding the 100-meter monster, and now he has such a strange way of thinking...

Sister, did you have such weird taste before?

A reminder, Li Huachao didn't know about Yu Liang and Xu Cixi. He thought they looked familiar because he saw them at the convenience store at the end of the first volume, but he didn't have a deep impression.

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