The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 163 The road to fortune begins!

Bomb freedom?

Li Huachao fantasized about setting up a whole chain of bombs and then destroying the world, which made him feel uneasy.

This temptation...

Who can stop it?

However, based on previous shopping experiences with grocery store owners, the masked man should not allow players to make joint purchases.

Otherwise, this grocery store would never be deserted.

For example, the long sword we saw before requires a huge sum of eight stamps to win, which is not easy for most players.

However, if you form a team and each player contributes a stamp, it will not be that difficult to obtain this powerful item.

For these players, having a powerful prop is definitely helpful for further exploration of the map. As the team's combat power increases, it will be easier for players to solve strange stories and obtain other stamps, forming a virtuous cycle.

To a certain extent, the masked man is definitely to blame for the fact that these ordinary players are struggling so hard.

At least from Li Huachao's perspective, this is indeed the case.

Li Huachao looked at the shop, thoughtfully.

After he sent the princess into the rabbit game twice, players will generally have two stamps in their hands. He only needs to induce the players to use the stamps to exchange for goblin bombs next door, and then take the bombs to his shop to recharge them into Cao Ying coins. , used to buy Cao Ying or exchange for other things.

Yes, recharge.

This is also his refinement of Yu Liang's ideas.

The process for players to purchase things in this store is to first use characters or props to recharge into Cao Ying coins, and then exchange them with Cao Ying coins.

Currently, the items available for exchange seem to be only three levels of Cao Ying, but as long as the store is up and running, other items for trading will soon be available.

For example, for some special characters, as long as the store purchases enough characters from players, it won't take long for this place to become a trading hub for characters.

Some players may be lucky enough to obtain a large amount of resources somewhere and synthesize a large number of characters with the same name, but it is of no use if they have so many. It is better to exchange them for other characters in the store.

Just like Lao Du before, there are more than a hundred "broken" characters that can't be used up. If there had been a store like this earlier, Lao Du would never have only a few characters.

And for a store that plays the role of "pawn" and "transit", it's not too much to charge a small amount of Cao Ying coins as a service fee, right?

If it develops further, the store can also accept other supernatural props and even information.

Some information about monsters, some information obtained through seals, and information about the source of ghosts.

As long as the system is running, it will definitely be of great benefit to Yu Liang himself, and it will also be extremely beneficial to the entire player group of the Kaitan World.

Obviously, the circulation of resources can definitely enhance the strength of all players. Even Li Huachao can figure this out.

Li Huachao planned to create a currency, but the creation of currency also involved some economics, finance, market and so on. Just thinking about these things gave him a headache, so naturally he couldn't figure them out.

It would be great if Xiao Zhize hadn't died yet. He studied finance and might be able to provide some ideological guidance.

Li Huachao felt helpless, but fortunately, he had asked the money-grubber to study Capital before, and he might be able to cultivate an economics wizard.

Wait, is there something wrong with the book he chose?

But it won’t turn the incarnation of greed into dear Davarish, right?

"Forget it, let Yu Liang think about it then." Once it comes to specific areas of knowledge, Li Huachao doesn't want to think about it anymore.

The current store still looked very simple, but Li Huachao didn't pay much attention to it. He simply decorated it and prepared to leave. He also put the characters that Yu Liangduo had produced on the product shelves.

This was beyond his expectation. He had thought that intangible things like characters could not be placed in glass cabinets and sold directly.

Unexpectedly, this rabbit-shaped god also knows the player group very well.

The moment he looked up, Li Huachao saw a sneaky figure at the door.

As if he sensed that Li Huachao in the store had noticed him, the figure no longer hid and walked out from the door.

"Ahem." The masked man coughed twice and walked directly into the store, his eyes falling generously inside the store.

Whether it's the layout or the merchandise in the store, everything here gives off an air of poverty.

"Do you open this store?" After looking around, the masked man finally looked at Li Huachao.

"Of course not, I'm just a part-time worker." Li Huachao had a half-smile on his face.

Sure enough, the owner of the grocery store didn't say anything, but he was still very concerned about the new grocery store opened next door.

"Oh, oh." The masked man felt something was wrong with the atmosphere in this store, so he didn't stay long and immediately seemed to want to leave.

"Hey, wait." Li Huachao stopped him and asked, "Let me ask you something, is your grocery store included in all copies of Ghost Story?"

"Well, what's the matter?" The masked man nodded and responded, "Including me, I also exist in all copies of ghost stories at the same time, whether it is a mirror, a dream, or somewhere else."

"Okay, then can I put the things on consignment in your shop? I can pay a certain amount of remuneration." Li Huachao greeted him with a smile, walked to the masked man, and patted the masked man affectionately on the shoulder.

"Consignment? What are you selling? These...monsters?" The masked man was surprised by Li Huachao's idea, but looking carefully, Li Huachao's face didn't look like he was joking. He immediately shook his head and refused, "No, this kind of thing This has never happened before.”

Indeed, would a normal person think of selling things on consignment in his store?

It's obviously impossible.

"Since it hasn't happened, then it means there is no express provision that this is illegal? Then why not?" Li Huachao said directly, "Believe me, this business will definitely make you a lot of money."

"Let me think about it." The masked man observed the grass babies that Li Huachao kept in the glass cabinet.

From the current situation, it seems that apart from being ugly, the grass babies don't have any major problems. They don't have any body odor and they don't make much noise. They just stay quietly in the glass cabinet in a daze, just like a grass. .

"What are you still thinking about? Think about it, your store is a grocery store, right? Should a grocery store have everything? But you don't seem to have sold live pets, right? So can it be called having everything? Can it still be called a grocery store?" Li Huachao did not hesitate to add fuel to the masked man's heart.

The previous rhetoric was of no use, and the masked man didn't really care about his inexplicable friendship with Li Huachao, but now Li Huachao's words spoke to his heart.

Indeed, he has not yet entered into the pet business.

His grocery store claims to have everything, but it really doesn't sell any living creatures.

On the one hand, the habits of those strange creatures are too strange, and on the other hand, it is difficult to guarantee that these strange creatures can be completely tamed.

If the strange creature sold from the store goes crazy and bites the owner, it will definitely be a blow to his reputation.

There is also a universal collar in his shop that can make the monsters become docile and obedient, but the quantity is rare and cannot be packaged and sold together with the monsters.

Not many people can afford this kind of pet suit.

The masked man's eyes fell on those grass babies again. These were very low-end monster creatures, T5-level little trash, the kind of existence that ordinary people could handle with a little effort.

It's not dangerous, but will anyone really buy it?

It doesn't seem to be of any use.

"Then how much remuneration are you willing to pay for the consignment?" the masked man asked tentatively.

"Each grass baby...a character." Li Huachao said seriously.

The masked man turned and walked away.

One character?

What a joke.

In his grocery store, stamps are valuable items, and income from characters can only be regarded as a supplement.

Selling a monster for only one character?

Pet business?

I thought the pattern was huge.

Think about it carefully and forget it.

"Hey, wait, believe it or not, I can make your business boom." Li Huachao quickly stopped the masked man.

The masked man also stopped when he heard this. What Li Huachao said made him feel unbelievable.

"How much transaction volume can your store have every month?" Li Huachao continued to ask.

"In a month, you can trade seven or eight times." The masked man replied.

Since the prices of items in grocery stores are relatively high, and players in this lower-end dungeon are generally poor, he only needs to drink tea and read books most of the time.

"Believe it or not, the transaction volume of your store has doubled in the past two days, and if you observe it, you will find that it is all because my store is opened next door to you." Li Huachao said confidently.

He has always been so confident.

Of course, even if he is slapped in the face, there will be no loss, and it is not his face that is embarrassed.

"How many times? Are you sure it's my shop?" The masked man felt incredible.

If Cao Ying’s price is low enough, it’s normal to sell more.

Although the masked man focuses on the high-end market, he can still understand the twists and turns.

But when it comes to driving up the transaction volume in his store...

How can this be?

Poor players are just poor players, and they won’t become rich even if they buy Cao Ying. What do they use to spend at the grocery store?

"Yes, just tell me whether to gamble or not. If I do it, you will agree to let me sell it on consignment." Li Huachao continued, and then habitually provoked, "Don't you even have this power to make the decision? This is a win-win situation. business. Believe me, my store will definitely boost your business."

"Okay, if you can do it, I will promise you." The masked man no longer hesitated.

On the one hand, he didn't think Li Huachao could do such a thing, on the other hand, he also had a vague expectation.

If the live pet business can drive sales growth in his store, that would indeed be good.

Moreover, Kaitan World does not prohibit players from engaging in a consignment model in his grocery store. In this case, why can't he do this business?

It's really boring to stay in the grocery store every day, but it's also very interesting to have someone come out to help him.

After the agreement was reached, Li Huachao sent the masked man out of his shop. His plan had been initially achieved.

It was even much faster than Yu Liang expected.

According to Yu Liang's idea, it would be quite difficult to convince the masked man to agree to the consignment sale.

I didn’t expect it to be possible with such a simple bet.

Sure enough, Li Huachao is indeed a genius.

The two walked to the front of the Yumei grocery store. The masked man didn't notice it when he first came out, but now he naturally saw it when he came back.

I saw the overturned wooden sign——

"The shop owner is out. If you have any shopping needs, please go to the small shop on the left."

For a moment, the two fell into silence at the same time.

The masked man turned to look at Li Huachao and asked calmly: "Is this what you said, to drive my store business to improve?"

Li Huachao: "... wake up."

He typed "wake up" directly at himself and left the underground mall.

Now it’s time to get down to business.

Li Huachao opened his eyes and sat up from the prison cell. He could vaguely hear the sounds of communication in the corridor outside.

He got out of bed and walked outside to the corridor.

I saw the money-keeping ghost explaining something to Lu Baoshen, and he even danced when he was so excited.

"When capital comes to the world, every pore is dripping with dirty blood!" The Scrooge slapped the railing beside him with his hand, and the metal railing made a dull sound of "Puff, Puff, Puff".

Li Huachao: "..."

What is this and what?

Scrooge, did you take fake medicine?

And you, Lu Baoshen, don’t look so thoughtful. Are you sure you understand?

"But we are different. Our capital accumulation is not conquest, slavery, plunder, and killing!" the Scrooge said generously, "We want to sell the most cost-effective props and pets to provide our customers with Comprehensive protection is both our corporate goal and our mission. Remember, repeat customers are the best customers. They will spontaneously promote us and buy our products repeatedly, but only surviving customers can become Repeat customers, so we need to provide better quality products to make more customers become repeat customers!”

Li Huachao: "..."


Why does he think what the Scrooge said is so good?

Didn’t the image of a company that has the courage to shoulder social responsibilities be established all of a sudden?

The Scrooge continued: "So our company is not for exploitation, it is for saving lives, it is glorious, and it carries the hopes of all players!"

"Well said." Li Huachao came out and commented, then looked at Lu Baoshen, who was still looking blank, "Just listen, don't think too much, it's easy to do bad things."

"Why?" Lu Baoshen didn't understand.

"Do you think you have any capital? Isn't it mean for someone who has no assets at all to speak for 'those people'?" Li Huachao curled his lips, indicating something.

"I do!" Lu Baoshen suddenly became emotional and said impassionedly, imitating a money-grubber, "Youth is capital, and we are all capitalists!"

Li Huachao: "..."

Are you taking fake medicine too?

Ahem, I don’t dare to write more about this chapter. Although I’m still looking for fun in essence, I’m afraid someone will take it out of context and report it, so I changed some words so that I can understand the meaning.

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