The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 149 Catching a beam of four-dimensional light

Seeing four-dimensional creatures.

This is a very science fiction concept, and Yu Liang has no scientific research skills, so he can only guess through his own methods.

The original resident of 4305 also thought of this, and she believed that she needed more eyes. More eyes could help her form a picture of the four-dimensional space in her mind.

Then she turned into the princess outside.

The matter of becoming a princess must have something to do with the rabbit-shaped god. After she learned rabbit language, she went to reality and met the rabbit-shaped god.

We can't tell from the notes what exactly happened between her and the rabbit-shaped god. In short, the result was that she eventually transformed into a hundred-eyed monster.

In fact, it is useless to have more eyes. These eyes cannot receive information from the four-dimensional space, and naturally cannot make the human brain see "it".

The road taken by the original residents was not feasible, which also eliminated an option for Yu Liang.

Therefore, try to avoid contact with the rabbit-shaped god.

Yu Liang looked at the black leather notebook belonging to the rabbit human in the inventory.

As for this rabbit language, the language of rabbit civilization was brought from the four-dimensional space. It has the ability to simply control dreams. It is no longer just a language for communication.

More like a spell with magical power.

It would be better if you can learn it. An additional ability can sometimes also provide an additional choice.

So how can he see the four-dimensional creature "it"?

Yu Liang looked at the shadow at his feet, and with a thought, four shadow attendants appeared next to the shadow at his feet.

These four shadow attendants should be regarded as two-dimensional creatures. They can only move on a plane such as the ground and wall. They have only two-dimensional images and no thickness.

Yu Liang tried to use characters on the page to lock the four shadow warriors, but he could only get the same content in the prompt box.

[Cannot be selected]

[Cannot be selected]

Characters cannot lock Shadow Warrior because Shadow Warrior belongs to the second dimension, and characters can only select objects belonging to the third dimension.

Three-dimensional people are not powerless against two-dimensional creatures. Yu Liang can also affect the shadow warriors in the second dimension. He only needs to raise his hand and wave his fist.

He raised his arm, and the shadow of his fist was reflected on the ground under the effect of the overhead lamp. Then the shadow of his fist slowly moved forward, hitting the body of the Shadow Server, and pushing one of the Shadow Servers aside.

The player's shadow will be affected by the Shadow Attendant, and similarly the Shadow Attendant will be affected by the players' shadows.

It's just that when Yu Liang's fist fell on Shadow Warrior, he didn't feel any obstruction, neither resistance nor reaction force.

Judging from the current situation, Shadow Warriors have natural magic immunity, and characters cannot cause harm to them. The only ones that can hit them are shadows of the same second dimension or other two-dimensional creatures.

However, they are not invincible. If there are special stamps or props that can affect the two-dimensional world, they may also be destroyed.

For example, Yu Liang's own Scavenger Seal has a miraculous effect on killing strange creatures with a low gradient but difficult to deal with.

Yu Liang looked at the shadow attendant on the ground and continued to think.

The existence of Shadow Warrior can provide some references and associations.

All normal creatures in this world are three-dimensional creatures, without exception.

In science fiction novels or movies, we often see people comparing ants and caterpillars to two-dimensional creatures, but this is just to make it easier for people to understand. In fact, both ants and caterpillars are three-dimensional creatures.

They live in three dimensions and have their own thickness.

So how do two-dimensional creatures "see" and "touch" three-dimensional creatures?

Yu Liang opened his hand, looked at the light in his hand, and then looked at the shadow of his hand projected on the ground.

The answer is already given by Shadow Warrior’s combat method and operating mechanism.


Light can project three-dimensional creatures onto a two-dimensional plane, and then Shadow Warrior can see and touch creatures from the three-dimensional world.

They cannot directly attack three-dimensional creatures, but they can block the shadows of three-dimensional creatures.

Three-dimensional creatures are in high-latitude space, covering and covering three dimensions, and shadows are the two-dimensional parts of three-dimensional creatures.

If someone had told Yu Liang before that shadow was part of the human body structure and a two-dimensional part of the human body, Yu Liang would definitely have thought that this guy was a lunatic.

Each person's shadow is just a dark area formed by blocking light. What does it have to do with two dimensions and three dimensions?

But now that the two-dimensional creatures Shadow Warriors have appeared, and coupled with the experiment just now, Yu Liang feels that this conjecture is completely reasonable.

In the same way, four-dimensional creatures can cover four dimensions, and they should also have three-dimensional parts.

The Shadow Warrior cannot see Yu Liang, but it can see the two-dimensional part of Yu Liang's body - the shadow.

Yu Liang couldn't see it either, but he could see the three-dimensional part of it.

As long as you can find the light.

A beam of "light" from the four-dimensional world.

Use this beam of light to project it into the three-dimensional world at this moment.

Yu Liang looked at the "awake" character in his character column. If he could see the three-dimensional part of its body, he could use the "awake" character on it.


How to find the "light" in the four-dimensional world?

He cannot see the four-dimensional world, so he cannot find it with his eyes.

Yu Liang frowned slightly and denied his suspicion.

Maybe instead of searching, create.

Create a beam of light.

On his hands is the learning process of rabbit language, and rabbit language can construct and modify dreams.

At this time, he was in a dream.

Because it is a dream, it can be done.

A channel in four-dimensional space can exist here, and a beam of light in four-dimensional space can also be created.

The rabbit-shaped god and it are the masters of dreams, so it is impossible for Yu Liang to reconstruct the dream through rabbit language, and it is impossible to directly and roughly correct the existence of "it".

In such a short period of time, he could not achieve such profound attainments.

But perhaps such a beam of light can be created.

A beam of light from the four-dimensional space shines on it, projecting it into the dream at this moment, and then uses the "wake" character to wake it up.

Mathematicians who wake up will naturally understand that the conjecture about the existence of zero is as false as the conjecture about the existence of bleem.

The four-dimensional channel will be closed, and the entire dream will collapse.

The task content of the source ghost talk triggered by Yu Liang was to destroy the dream. After being reasonably misled by Li Huachao, Yu Liang at that time also felt that destroying the dream required the snake to devour the dream and eat the entire dream.

But if that snake-eating snake really feeds on dreams and has the ability to eat rabbit games, then it should have finished eating it long ago.

After all, Snake-Eating Snake has been staying in that prison, and it is full of players participating in dreams. It has a long time to eat players' dreams.

That means it can work, but more conditions are needed.

If it doesn't wake up, the dream will always exist, and the rabbit-shaped god will help it constantly maintain the dream and prevent it from being completely swallowed by the Snake.

It is also possible that a snake-eating snake is not enough to swallow such a large volume of dreams. After all, there are hundreds of human players participating in the rabbit game, not to mention the paradise dream, the rabbits, humans and monsters in the paradise dream. The number is even greater.

Yu Liang sat by the bed and opened the notebook, found the system page, and ordered a normal breakfast for himself.

There were only some ordinary pasta and porridge in the breakfast. He didn't see the raw meat set meal he ordered last night.

Those things seemed to be served until dinner and night.

However, Yu Liang was not in a hurry. He still had a wake-up symbol on his body, which was barely enough.

After participating in the rabbit game in the evening, order a raw meat set meal, all of which will be used to synthesize the "awake" character. This should be enough for this period of time.

As for today's daytime, since it has received a response and agreed to meet the princess at eight o'clock tomorrow, at least it will not disturb him again today.

You can live comfortably throughout the day.

So Yu Liang decided to study this rabbit language and try to master it in the next few days.

According to the notes, the original residents of 4305 learned rabbit language from the sixth day until the thirty-second day, which took about twenty-six days.

However, she is definitely not proficient in it. She probably only learned some relatively daily spoken language to use for simple communication with the rabbit-shaped god.

If you only need to reach this level, it really doesn't take much time.

For some people with excellent language foundation, this kind of thing is not difficult.

Yu Liang opened the first part of the notes and started reading the rabbit language tutorial from the beginning.

Through the summary and summary of the original author of the notes, Yu Liang can start to learn this language from a relatively easy-to-understand perspective.

The journey of Rabbit Language did not happen overnight, so the characters of Rabbit Language also have pictographs, ideographic characters, pictophonetic characters, etc. From this, we can see a relatively complete evolution process, with pictographs as the root and gradual development.

They are somewhat similar to Chinese in that they do not use letters to spell words like the Indo-European peoples, but use different characters to represent the syllables of the words.

In the process of development, pictographic and ideographic characters gradually decreased, and were replaced by "official characters" with the same structure, which were circulated among the upper class as the official language.

Each character is shaped like a seal, a pyramid-like three-dimensional character. It is generally composed of two layers. The main layer is divided into four parts. It is necessary to use correct reading methods and statistics to process and analyze the meaning of the character, while the sub-body layer Then there is only one part for supplementary explanation and distinction between similar characters.

It is precisely because of this that each word in rabbit language contains much richer meanings than Chinese, and a sentence often only requires three or two words to describe it.

Therefore, this three-dimensional structure also makes the rabbit language not suitable for viewing with the eyes, but more suitable for touching with the hands, which requires certain sensitivity of the fingertips.

There are a lot of rabbit language words in this notebook for Yu Liang to refer to and caress, but they are all written very small and need to be felt more carefully with fingertips.

For example, two characters with similar shapes have only a slight difference in the depth of the subbody layer, but the meanings of the characters are completely opposite, which makes Yu Liangxue very confused.

This kind of writing is definitely more complicated and cumbersome than any writing learned in the past.

But in order to completely solve the root cause of the ghost story, Yu Liang had to learn it.

Soon, a whole day passed, and Yu Liang's initial result was that he could recognize a little bit of rabbit writing, but without a special pen, he would definitely not be able to write this kind of writing.

He also flipped through the entire notebook and found a section on how to use rabbit words to change dreams.

First of all, you must have a relatively comprehensive understanding of rabbit characters. The deeper the understanding, the easier it is to perceive the essential level of dreams.

By resonating with the words, he can enter a psychic state.

In this state, everything he sees and touches is rabbit text, and he has transcended into the bottom of the dream world. At this time, he can also modify and add text to achieve the purpose of changing the dream and complete the creation of the fourth dimension. The task of light.

It's just that the human rabbit who wrote the note seriously warned any human who tried to change the dream that the bottom layer of the dream is extremely dangerous. Once there is a mistake in human modification, the dream will undergo irreversible changes, and all those who are still in the dream will All living things will be negatively affected.

With the exception of lagomorphs and certain bunnymen in the ruling class, any creature is restricted from entering the lower levels of the dreamland.

This is probably the reason why the Rabbit people’s writing has not been widely circulated within their own civilization.

The civilization of rabbit people is rooted in dreams, and rabbit people who master writing have the ability to modify dreams. If they are not careful, it will cause catastrophe. It is obvious that the rabbit-shaped god will certainly restrict the spread of this kind of writing.

In the same way, the rabbit-shaped god should also restrict any creature from entering the bottom layer of the dream.

No wonder I haven't seen the final BOSS of this copy until now. I dare to wait at the deepest part.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang felt that this task was very difficult. It was not easy to successfully create light.

He glanced out the window. At this time, the sky outside the window was already dark, and the night was spreading inside the community, wandering around in the tense atmosphere.

Before he knew it, he had been in the room all day, without paying any attention to what was going on in the community outside.

Yu Liang stood up from his position, then moved his muscles and bones, feeling his increased physical strength.

After hiding in this apartment building between 3 and 4 for a day, most of the negative state caused by "heavy drunkenness" has disappeared.

Nearly 75% has been recovered. Although there is still an impact, it is much better than when I first drank the vodka base.

If he gives control of his body to Li Huachao, he can probably exert 75% of his normal strength.

Coupled with Yu Liang's own characters and the strange creatures he controls, his combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

No, as for characters, don’t use them if you can. The bartender’s ability restrains the use of characters.

Using characters in front of the bartender will most likely result in negative returns.

Then it depends on Li Huachao's own combat power and some strange creatures.

Coupled with the prison mirror and some props in the inventory, Yu Liang still has the strength to crush other players at this time.

There was no escaping the daily bunny game, he had to go downstairs to participate.

He didn't want to be killed by Lu Xing when he was interfering with the rabbit game, so he could either quickly complete the rabbit game and then go to Lu Xing, or kill Lu Xing first and then slowly complete the rabbit game.

Everything has to be as fast as possible.

He believed that Lu Xing thought so too, because if it dragged on any longer, the "relapse" effect would be completely over.

Anyway, Yu Liang was already preparing to maximize his combat power. Now it was just a matter of seeing how abnormal Lu Xing's professional ability was.

Unlimited expansion of fortune?

Let’s give it a try.

[Today’s rabbit game has been started. Players are requested to complete the rabbit game before dawn. Thank you for your cooperation. 】

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