The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 150 Are you a poisonous animal trainer? !

Yu Liang put on a new set of clothes, checked his inventory again, and quickly walked out after confirming that nothing was missing.

He glanced at the grass babies raised in the ground in the corridor, and told the two grass babies not to run around when he left, and not to fight in groups. If they had anything to say, they could talk to them.

If you are fighting an alienated professional player like Lu Xing, T5 and T4.5 weird creatures like Cao Ying and Paper Man will not be there to join in the fun.

They basically can't help much and can easily be killed by Lu Xing or the Wine Master. Yu Liang doesn't want the strange creatures in his universe to die because of this.

Moreover, Yu Liang also discovered that among the strange creatures in his universe, it seems that only these paper men are infected with rabbit disease, and only they have rabbit ears growing on their heads.

Maybe it's because they're so malleable, or maybe they're just too weak.

Two paper figures with rabbit ears stood on Yu Liang's left and right shoulders, jumping up and down with excitement. They seemed to know that they were going to kill someone this time, so they shouted "Waijila" while waving their paper fists and surrounded Yu. Liang's head was singing and dancing, as if he were performing some kind of pre-war cheering ceremony.

[You receive encouragement from the Papermen, and your mental endurance increases when you encounter difficulties]

Suddenly, Yu Liang saw an additional item in his prompt box. After reading it carefully, he couldn't help but be filled with questions.

It's normal to get a buff when you're inspired, but why does this buff improve your mental endurance?

Just outrageous.

If you just add some physical fitness bonus, it will be fine.

Yu Liang was speechless for a moment, but when he thought about it carefully, these two paper men were just T4.5 level monster creatures. This encouragement ability was not their racial ability shown on the page. It was probably just a priming skill with no effect. Very normal.

It's just that before starting the war, you need to improve your mental endurance for difficult situations...

Is this really an inspiration rather than a curse in disguise?

Yu Liang came to the window at the end of the corridor and patted the paper figures on his shoulders to stop them. "Okay, hold on to me and keep quiet."

The two rabbit-eared paper figures immediately calmed down and grabbed Yu Liang's clothes.

Yu Liang switched to Li Huachao and jumped down from the window.

The rabbit game has just started now, and the players in Building 3 have not come out yet, so no one noticed that Yu Liang jumped from the window on the third floor.

"Search the area first," Yu Liang said, "I guess they are looking for me too."

"Okay, let me get something first." Li Huachao agreed, looking through the apartment door and landing on a large cardboard box in the corner under the stairs of the apartment.

That cardboard box was probably originally used to hold a refrigerator or a vertical air conditioner. It seemed to be quite big, with enough space for a person to fit inside.

He rushed into the building, grabbed the cardboard box and left. Even Li Huachao didn't want to stay on the first floor of this apartment for too long.

However, when he grabbed the cardboard box, a force came from inside the box to prevent Li Huachao from taking away the cardboard box.

At the same time, black hair grew crazily in the cardboard box. It seemed that Li Huachao's act of stealing the house angered some kind of monster living in the cardboard box.

"Yo?" Li Huachao made a surprised and confused sound, picked up the entire cardboard box with one force, then shook it from side to side, and dumped the contents of the cardboard box directly.

It seemed to be a head entangled with long hair, but the face could not be seen clearly, so Li Huachao had no idea of ​​​​training him. He kicked the head along the trajectory of the falling head and cursed: "Where did the monkey come from?" Son, get out of the way!"

The head rolled gurglingly along the corridor on the first floor, and soon reached the end of the corridor. Li Huachao also took its cardboard box and quickly left the apartment building.

Before kicking him out, he threw a "check" at the monster in the cardboard box. Coupled with the perception of its supernatural aura, this is just a T4-level little monster. You can bully it as much as you want. Bully.

Li Huachao got a new item, a cardboard box, and put it into his inventory. He then took a look at the ropes, brooms and other debris in the corner. It seemed that he only needed the cardboard box now, so he started searching boldly. surrounding area.

"What did you do to steal the cardboard box?" Yu Liang was puzzled, "You stopped being a hunter and turned to collecting scraps?"

"Shh-" Li Huachao just shushed mysteriously, as if he had already made a plan in his heart.

Seeing him like this, Yu Liang didn't ask any more questions. After all, Li Huachao still had a lot of creativity in fighting.

For example, Bitch Storm and Alpha Strike are both clever uses of the same branch of ability.

"Eh?" Li Huachao slowed down and took a deep breath, "Do you still remember the light spots I placed on more than 20 bunny people before?"

"Well, what happened?" Yu Liang responded, "Then all these light spots came to my body."

"Now they appear around this community again." Li Huachao continued, "Have the locations of these bunny people been refreshed?"

"I don't know, but the prompt box did not indicate that I have entered the rabbit game." Yu Liang followed Li Huachao's gaze and looked at Building 4 behind Building 3.

According to normal circumstances, if you want to find traces of Lu Xing, it is best to go to a high place, where the field of vision is wide.

However, whether it is the building he is in or other apartment buildings, there are a large number of Kaitan creatures. If he breaks into the territory of Kaidan creatures at will, it may cause him some difficulties.

The head that was kicked away just now was fine, it was only T4, but if it got into T2 or even T1, it would still be quite troublesome.

Li Huachao turned to look at these apartment buildings. Players with serious expressions were walking out of the apartment buildings one after another. Some players also chose to complete the rabbit hunting game inside their own apartment buildings.

From this point on, some human screams and monster roars gradually came from the community, mixed with various strange sounds.

The darkness seems to have completely woken up the community and is ready to take action.

Li Huachao looked at a player approaching a nearby bunny man, and then the player's expression became startled and became serious.

The rabbit man tilted his head, showed a strange bright red smile, and pointed at his feet with his finger.

Before long, two white lines appeared under its feet. The two white lines were parallel, about an arm's length apart.

"He was dragged into the rabbit game." Li Huachao made a judgment.

Yu Liang recalled what he had just seen and followed Li Huachao's words, "The player will trigger the rabbit game if he approaches the rabbit man. He should know this and take the initiative to walk towards the rabbit man."

"The rabbit man is the condition that triggers the rabbit game. I put bear traps on more than twenty rabbit dummies yesterday, and now they are randomly distributed in this community, so I know the locations of these more than twenty rabbit dummies. Li Huachao thought thoughtfully, "Then why did so many rabbit people participate in the rabbit game you completed yesterday?"

"Probably because I came late, I should be the last player in the entire community to participate in the rabbit game, so my game mission is to send these rabbit dummies back to the underground shopping mall." Yu Liang thought about this and added, "The one just now Players need to be two meters away from the Bunny Man to trigger the game."

Yu Liang continued to look at the bunny and the player, keeping these two new discoveries in mind.

First, bunnymen can trigger bunny games.

Second, bunnymen who don't trigger the bunny game don't seem to move.

Second, the game can be triggered when approaching the rabbit man by two meters.

However, when he saw the Bunny Man in the corridor yesterday and triggered the game, there was more than two meters between him and the Bunny Man.

It may be that he was the only person in the whole community who had not participated in the rabbit game at that time, so the rabbit man came to him in that game, not him to the rabbit man.

A rabbit man and a player stood on the left and right sides of the two white lines. There seemed to be a referee watching them, and they started the game after giving a non-existent order.

Test each other with your palms, then push.

Yu Liang watched for a while and soon understood what kind of game this was.

When I was a child, I often played a game during assembly and parade - palm pushing.

The two are about an arm's length apart and attack each other with their palms. Whichever party moves their feet will lose.

"These games seem to be replicas of the games he played when he was a child." Li Huachao touched his chin and said, "The one you played before was the one-two-three wooden man, and now it's the push palm."

He had watched Xiao Lao Du grow up and was familiar with the childhood games that Xiao Lao Du had played.

"For players, this game is still a bit shameless." Yu Liang looked at Yitu who was playing the game and made a judgment, "If this player doesn't use some means, he will lose sooner or later."

The normal gameplay of this game is to lure the opponent to attack, then create an opening and counterattack, causing the opponent to lose control of his balance and move his feet.

However, the feet of this plastic rabbit...

That's quite stable.

This player had obviously done a good job, but seizing the opportunity to push hard only resulted in the bunny man's motionless footsteps and a slightly mocking smile.

The rabbit man did not counterattack at this time, but just raised his finger towards the player.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see." Yu Liang said to Li Huachao.

From this player's perspective, we must now seize the opportunity to use some characters to find opportunities to break the game.

The Rabbit Man is not taking advantage of the victory, but is giving the players a chance.

After a search, Li Huachao was able to confirm that there were no Lu Xing and others in the area around him. At the same time, he also noticed some players participating in the rabbit game, which repeatedly verified the correctness of Yu Liang's three findings just now.

"Wait a minute, there was a rope there before, I figured out how to use it." Li Huachao slapped his forehead, excitement faintly revealed in his voice.

He has a plan to defeat Lu Xing without a fight.

Li Huachao returned to the first floor of the apartment building just now, found the dark place under the stairs again, first kicked the head and then hid it in the dark place again, and then took away the bundle of hemp rope there.

Many people like to put some miscellaneous items in the space under the stairs on the first floor. Li Huachao had noticed that there were a lot of ropes here before.

"What are you going to do?" So far, Yu Liang has not understood Li Huachao's thoughts.


Who do you want to be bound by tortoise shells?

Could it be Lu Xing?

Yu Liang felt a chill in his heart. Could Li Huachao's taste be more unique?

But as he looked at it, he realized that this was not the case. Li Huachao lowered his body excitedly and cut the bundle of hemp rope into four-meter-long pieces with a knife. There were probably six four-meter-long hemp ropes. Then make six lassoes.


"Shh-" Li Huachao shushed mysteriously again.

Anyway, there is no trace of Lu Xing now, so Yu Liang doesn't bother to care about him.

Although Li Huachao seems clumsy in solving puzzles, his thinking in battle is very sharp and his combat IQ is also very high.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a character born purely for fighting.

According to the light spot position map in his mind, Li Huachao quietly approached a rabbit man from behind. He held a lasso in his hand and walked slowly over on tiptoes.

At the same time, this rabbit man was also seen by another female player. She originally wanted to approach this rabbit man to participate in the rabbit game, but now she was stunned when she saw Li Huachao's sneaky appearance, and stopped in place in confusion.

Li Hua was seen approaching the rabbit man, and when he was three or four meters away from the rabbit man, he suddenly threw the lasso.

The noose landed precisely on the Rabbit Man's neck.

Li Huachao tightened the noose, then pulled the bunny man to the ground, dragging the bunny dummy and quickly fled the scene.

Female player: "???"

What the hell?

Why did you take away the bunny dummy?

Is there something wrong with you?

The female player was left alone and messy. She never thought that someone would stare at the rabbit dummy and capture it.

Isn't this bunny dummy part of the bunny game?

What's the use of taking it away?

And Li Huachao was running in the wind, so naturally he couldn't hear the female player's voice.

The rope connecting the lasso is nearly four meters long, so you don’t have to worry about the rabbit dummy coming within two meters of him when dragging it.

As long as he does not come within two meters, these rabbit dummies will neither move nor pull him into the rabbit game.

Repeating his old tricks, Li Huachao soon captured five more rabbit dummies. He pulled six ropes and ran wildly in the community. The six rabbit dummies dragged on the ground behind him bumped against each other on their faces, causing a large area of ​​the ground to rise. of dust.

This scene was also noticed by many players, but there was only doubt and confusion. No one could understand what Li Huachao was doing. They only felt that a mentally ill person seemed to be mixed into the player group.

A very few players recognized it after thinking for a moment. The guy running with six rabbit dummies seemed to have been seen last night. At that time, he was also leading many rabbit dummies to run around the community at night. …

Okay, that's okay, it seems like this isn't the first time this has been done.

Li Huachao typed the word "endurance" on himself to improve his endurance. He didn't know how long he ran in the community. It was probably a quarter of an hour, or maybe two quarters of an hour. In short, he finally found his goal. .

At the apartment door ahead, a group of four people was walking out of the apartment door.

So Li Huachao stopped and started to windmill in place, swinging up the six rabbit dummies in his hand like a hammer thrower.


"There isn't one in this building either," the bartender said, frowning slightly.

After recruiting two players, they had been searching the Peace Community for a long time. They wanted to take advantage of the situation when the animal trainer was in a "heavy drunk" state, but unexpectedly they could not find any trace of him.

Lu Xing walked at the end of the team, thinking as he followed several others out of the apartment door.

He heard the wind.

The whistling wind.

He turned to look at the source of the wind, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

An unfamiliar face grabbed six ropes and rotated them vigorously, pulling up the six ends of the ropes...

Rabbit dummy?

This strange scene was beyond Lu Xing's expectation, so even he was stunned on the spot.

The strange man finished spinning and sprinted forward with a few steps. Soon he was within five meters of Lu Xing and others. He threw the rabbit dummy in his hand towards Lu Xing and others.

Lu Xing instinctively wanted to avoid it, but the prompt box in the next second made him realize that it was no longer necessary.

[Joined the rabbit game...]

Coincidentally, the three people around him were also approached by the rabbit dummy and forced into the rabbit game.

[Joined the rabbit game...]



Lu Xing looked at the man watching the fun not far away. The mocking smile on the man's face made him extremely unhappy.

So is this guy the trainer?

Caught six rabbits and threw them all into the rabbit game?

He only felt a surge of anger, and it was difficult for him to keep litchi in this situation.

How about lychee?

Are you so toxic? !

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