The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 148 You never saw it


The one flying in the sky in the real world?

Yu Liang instantly thought of the princess, and combined it with the contents recorded in the notebook on the last night.

The original residents needed eyes, more eyes.

And the princess in the sky happens to have so many eyes.

But according to the notes of the original residents, people with two eyes can see three-dimensional objects, and three eyes can see four-dimensional objects. So with hundreds of eyes of the princess, wouldn’t it be possible to directly see hundreds of dimensions and thousands of dimensions? object?

Of course, the premise is that there are objects of this dimension.

However, he could also learn from Li Huachao that the princess was just a T1-level monster creature of the blood type, and did not have any supernatural abilities.

So the original residents simply turned into monsters?

A female player turned into the princess in the sky in reality?

It's impossible for the princess in the sky to enter the dreamland of the rabbit game and then become a female player, right?

Li Huachao also learned from other players that the princess still maintained the appearance of a monster and flew in the sky after being inserted into a catheter and entering the dreamland.

I always feel like something is wrong.

Yu Liang pondered and continued to read backwards.

In the darkened wardrobe, each page of the diary has new fluorescent words.

【the next day】

Remember what I'm here for.

eat human.

There are cannibals here, there are people who are eaten, and there are people who are eaten but still intend to eat people.

Cannibals don't want to admit it or be exposed.

Once anyone questions, they will stare at you fiercely.

Cannot be eaten.

Therefore, I want to eat people, eat the most people, and be the most cannibal among cannibals.

【Day 3】

Remember where I am.

I'm right behind you.

always there.


"Huh?" When he turned to this page, Yu Liang quickly looked back, but just like what he saw in the mathematician's room, there was nothing behind him.

So why do these people always do this shit?

As a result, he now has PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and is always worried about it...or some other monster suddenly appearing behind him.

Seeing that there was no one behind him, Yu Liang relaxed and continued reading his notes.

【Day 4】

Ways to destroy it.

Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

Kill those that don’t exist

【Day 5】

wake up.

Can't wake up, can't leave.

I would be bored.

【Day 6】

I want to learn.

Don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up.

Sleep all the time.

go to sleep now.

Go to bed quickly.

Go to bed quickly.

【Day 7】



【Day 8】



On almost every page of the notebook after that, there was a big "X" written in highlighter, which seemed to express a negative attitude.

Until the last two pages of notes from the last two days.

【Day 32】

I learned.

you will never forget

【Day 33】

The brain is a calculator. If you can see, you can see.

No, you never saw it.


Yu Liang was thoughtful after reading these fluorescent characters.

These fluorescent words were not difficult to spot. The original resident hid in the dark closet every day, so it was obviously easier to spot these words, but she just couldn't see them.

Can three-dimensional people not see the handwriting of four-dimensional creatures?

How did he see it?

Does it take a while for those fluorescent characters to appear?

"Do you think the handwriting of this highlighter is strange? This tone...she is already crazy in this state?" Li Huachao and Yu Liang finished reading the highlighter part together. The content of these narrations is very strange, and can even be said to be... Somewhat inexplicable.

"Human Rabbit has mentioned before that the reality is the Forgotten City, so don't forget." Yu Liang said, "The first sentence of these diaries is basically a warning to yourself not to forget. The original residents in this state have been affected. arrive."

Whatever a madman writes in his notebook is normal, isn't it?

However, Yu Liang just frowned. From the moment he opened the notebook, he had always had a special feeling.

It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle and suddenly discovering that a piece is missing, but for the sake of efficiency and progress, you have to give up the search and put together the subsequent pieces first.

But obviously, if you can't find that piece of the puzzle, you'll never be able to piece together the complete picture.

The narrative perspective of this fluorescent handwriting is very strange, sometimes crazy and sometimes calm, sometimes with a little prayer or helplessness.

The narrative subject's perspective seems to have changed.

Yu Liang took out the stack of draft paper he had found in the mathematician's room again, and carefully compared the handwriting on the notebook, highlighter pen and draft paper.

The three handwritings are not the same, but if you look carefully...

It seems that the fluorescent scrawls are more similar to the handwriting on the scratch paper?

A guess immediately came to his mind.

This fluorescent handwriting was not written by the original resident, but by it? !

The original resident hid in the closet and lived carefully every day, thinking that it had not discovered any trace of her, but in fact it knew about it from the beginning.

It had been watching her secretly.

When she hid in the closet and wrote a diary, warning herself not to forget, it had been watching her quietly by her side.

Yu Liang glanced at the dark and narrow closet, and felt as if his side was being wrapped, which seemed to give people a sense of security.

But if it is hiding in the closet with you, no matter what you are doing, it can be seen clearly.

That unrealistic sense of security will instantly turn into an unspeakable terror.

Yu Liang looked at the fluorescent handwriting on the first day again.

[I am a princess, I am the princess of the Rabbit Kingdom! 】

The princess has the image of a monster after entering the dream, so it is not the princess, but the original resident is the princess.

This sentence should be imitating the tone of the original residents.

It was this first sentence that gave Yu Liang a preconceived notion, mistakenly believing that the fluorescent handwriting was left by the original residents.

This is not the case.

If you use the perspective of "it" to substitute the fluorescent handwriting, you will find that all this is more reasonable.

On the first day, she knew she would become a princess.

The next day, it knew exactly what the princess would do.

On the third day, it told her that it was behind her.

On the fourth day, faced with her attempt to destroy it, it became angry and used a highlighter to write "kill" repeatedly to vent its anger, wanting to kill everything that existed or did not exist.

On the fifth day, she wanted to "wake up" and go to reality to find answers, but it didn't want her to do so because it felt lonely.

On the sixth day, it wanted her to sleep.

On the seventh day, she expressed "×" to her study, which seemed to express a negative attitude.

It was the same for the next few days.

Until the last two days.

【You will never forget】

[No, you never saw it. 】

When he read these sentences from the perspective of "it", Yu Liang also had some strange feelings in his heart.

At this time, it doesn't seem to want her to wake up and become a hundred-eyed monster princess?

Unfortunately, she only felt that she had found the right path. After learning rabbit language, she woke up without hesitation and went to find the rabbit-shaped god.

The end result is to become a hundred-eyed monster suspended above the prison.

I always feel that there seems to be a strange bond between the original residents and this monster.

So the original occupant of this room was not wiped out by it at all?

Based on this idea, Yu Liang also knew why he didn't see "it" when he entered the dream this time.

Probably the princess was sent into this dreamland by Li Huachao before, and it felt her breath and went to look for it, but it has not come back yet.

So the original resident is really the princess outside?

Yu Liang always felt that the timeline didn't match up.

According to the records in the Rabbit Human's book, the princess should have existed in reality for a long time, but the original residents seemed to have disappeared just yesterday...

No, no.

He never saw the original resident from beginning to end, only saw it breaking into 4305.

So the original resident may have left the room earlier, gone to reality and become a princess.

Then its purpose of entering this room yesterday was not to commit violence...

But to remember? !

If it was to commemorate her, it would most likely return to this room after following the princess' scent to no avail.

Leave this room first.

Yu Liang reacted and quickly left the closet. When passing by the mirror, he glanced in the mirror.

There was no figure of him in the mirror, so he could easily see what was happening behind him.

I don't know when a slight dent appeared on the bed that was supposed to be flat.

Apart from this, Yu Liang could not see anything.

It was like there was a completely invisible person sitting on that bed.


At this moment, the chirping of grass babies finally sounded on the lawn outside the door. They belatedly warned Yu Liang in the room, but the warning at this time had no meaning.

It was here a long time ago.

Just like what was recorded in a fluorescent pen one day.

【I'm right behind you. 】

【always there. 】

The warning sound of Cao Ying only appeared after Yu Liang discovered it, which means that it has the ability to change positions instantly.

That is the ability of four-dimensional creatures.

Distance in space seems to have no meaning to it.

A true superhuman monster.

At this moment, Yu Liang clearly realized this.

If he still had the will to compete with him before, then Yu Liang understands now.

This is simply not a monster that humans can fight against.

He selected the character "awake" on the page, but as expected, Yu Liang's page did not have any goals.

The vision and brain of three-dimensional players cannot directly capture the figure of a four-dimensional creature, and traces of its existence can only be seen when it wants to be discovered.

It's just that in such a long time, it had many opportunities to kill Yu Liang, but it didn't take action.

"Yes, I did it. I was the one who sent the princess back to the dreamland just now." Yu Liang quickly realized what it was thinking, so he followed its meaning and spoke out loud, proposing terms for negotiation, "Maybe I can Send her into this dream again. Trust me, if you prepare in advance this time, you will have time to see her. If it is in a dream, maybe you can communicate with her."

There was no response from the room.

There was no response, but there was no attack or damage.

So Yu Liang continued: "But I need a day. I can't send the princess in until this time tomorrow. You can record the time, which is at this moment tomorrow."

Yu Liang glanced at the clock on the wall. It was now eight fifteen in the morning, dream time.

Lu Jie of Li Hua Dynasty has one day of cooldown, so he will be able to send the princess in at this time tomorrow.

As for whether Li Huachao can do the same thing again...

Now I can only trust his ability to make trouble.

After Yu Liang said these words, the dents on the bed slowly recovered, and it seemed as if a hand was smoothing out the wrinkles on the sheets.

After waiting for a minute, Yu Liang understood.

It's gone.

Yu Liang breathed a sigh of relief and put the notebook back into the secret compartment of the closet before leaving the room.

This thing might be the memories between it and her. He didn't dare to take it away. He had already seen it all, so why not just leave it here.

He returned to his room next door, lay down on his bed and began to think.

During the exploration just now, he was able to basically figure out the story background of this copy of the ghost story.

The mathematician verified his conjecture in the dream, opened the passage to the four-dimensional space, and attracted the rabbit-shaped god.

The Rabbit God built this dream based on his dream, and then spread his rabbit game into the real world. However, Yu Liang guessed that in the entire rabbit civilization, only the Rabbit God was a four-dimensional creature.

A divine creature that does not exist in this world, but can affect this world through various means and leave traces on this world.

At the same time, it also became a four-dimensional creature like the rabbit-shaped god in this dream.

But it's lonely.

Yu Liang didn't know what purpose it had for harming the other tenants, especially the female tenants. Perhaps its original intention was not to harm or invade, but the final result was to cause them to disappear.

Until now.

He could even vaguely guess the connection between the Kaitan World and the Rabbit-shaped God. There was a strange check and balance between them.

After the first dungeon, Yu Liang felt that the world of ghost stories seemed to be on the side of humans, and the role of the player was to solve the root causes of these ghost stories.

However, the design of this copy is very cunning, and this cunning comes from the source of the Kaitan Rabbit-shaped God.

The conditions for leaving the Kaidan dungeon are not that difficult, you just need to become a game master.

Comparatively speaking, it is ridiculously difficult to solve the root cause of ghost stories and destroy dreams, so most capable players will not encounter this bad luck and just choose to become game masters and leave the dungeon.

Normal players can't even find this apartment building between 3 and 4. If they can't see it, they obviously can't solve the root cause of the ghost story.

In this case, some selected high-level players came directly to this apartment building and were directly assigned here to eradicate the strange stories.

From the first page of the notebook, we can know that the original resident of 4305 is definitely not weak. The previous resident of 4306 was able to summarize so much information about it, and it took so long before disappearing. His strength should not be underestimated.

Yu Liang also came here the same way.

He guessed that this was also related to his performance in completing the ghost story dungeons the previous two times.

The first ghost story in the zoo solved the root ghost story, and the second copy was done step by step without any danger.

His outstanding performance earned him the mark of a high-level player in Kaitan World, so it was no surprise that he was sent to this building.

At first, Yu Liang thought it was just a side story of this dungeon, but the "side story" prompt was never triggered.

So if you want to completely solve the entire root cause of the mystery——

It's the key.

Still have to wake it up.

So what method can be used to observe a four-dimensional creature in a dream?

There was a supplementary explanation in the previous chapter, but I didn’t pay attention to it when I wrote it, and I didn’t explain it clearly.

There is no tenth day in the notebook because there is no "0" in the original resident's mind, and "ten" has the concept of zero, so she cannot write the tenth day, but she can write the eleventh day because "ten" The extra "one" is 1, and the meaning of 1 is existence. The two kinds of "ten" have different concepts in the minds of the original residents.

The same was true for the previous resident of 4306. She also skipped item 10 and wrote item 11. If she just couldn't write "0", she would have written items 1█ and 11.

I don’t know if I can explain it clearly...

Anyway, that’s it ^_^

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