The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 147 I am a princess!

Find it and wake it up.

Yu Liang formulated the basic problem-solving ideas in his mind.

This is a dream, so the mathematician's seemingly impossible conjecture is possible, and he successfully proved his conjecture here.

So the best way to break this unreasonable conjecture is to break his dream.

Wake up characters.

If you could use the "wake" character on a mathematician, you might be able to send the mathematician directly out of his dream, thereby breaking his mathematical conjecture.

It will also disappear.

So far, it is the only subject that has appeared in this strange story. If the awakening character is to be used, it is the only target.

Anyway, try to wake it up first.

Anyway, the "awake" character is not that rare. For him, it is just a matter of ordering another raw meat set meal.

The only problem now is that even if he finds "it", it will be useless because he can't lock his eyes on it.

If it has really become a four-dimensional creature as Yu Liang thought, then Yu Liang, who is a three-dimensional creature, cannot observe it.

The prerequisite for using characters is sight. This is common sense that has been instilled in every player a long time ago.

If you can't lock your eyes on it, you won't be able to do it even if you know what to do.

Yu Liang thought that he had faced "it" when he was in the mirror world, but he did not see anything at that time. He just hurriedly used the "awake" character on himself and escaped directly from the dream to a safer reality. middle.

He carefully recalled the whole process of meeting "it", and a possibility slowly emerged in his mind.


Can you "see" it using a cat's eye?

It's just that the original words of Maoyan's remarks are actually "can help you observe its traces" rather than "can help you observe it".

There is an essential difference between the two.

The former is to observe the traces it leaves in reality, thereby inferring its existence, while the latter is to directly observe it with eyes.

Obviously, from a semantic point of view, the cat's eyes don't seem to be able to help Yu Liang lock it with his eyes.

And this world of ghost stories has always attached great importance to this kind of rhetoric, so Yu Liang can only classify this method as an unrealistic conjecture. If he has the chance, he will try it like this. If he doesn't have the chance, forget it.

Still have to think of other methods.

Yu Liang thought for a while to no avail, and finally decided to go into the room to take a look. Maybe there were clues he missed last time, or maybe new clues appeared in these rooms during his absence.

The first is 4305.

The interior of the room is clean and tidy, and the bed, table, and cabinets are positioned the same as in other rooms. It seems that everything in the room is placed as it was before the original owner disappeared. The lotion in front of the dressing table even remains open.


Someone has tidied this room.

Yu Liang noticed some changes. The previous room was not so clean.

Besides him, he was the only one in the whole building who would enter this room.

So it sorted it out?

For the next resident (prey) to live comfortably?

Yu Liang decided to think about it from the beginning.

When he entered this dungeon of ghost stories, he immediately appeared on the upper floors of this apartment building. Judging from the situation on the upper floors, the residents of the entire building should be monsters and monsters, and there were no humans at all.

After finding his room, there were traces of the previous occupant in the room. At the same time, he noticed that it was in room 4305 next to his, but did not hear any noise.

He has not seen any other living person in this apartment. Could it be that there can only be one person in this apartment building?

The previous resident of 4306 died, then the resident of 4305, the resident of 4305 died, and then Yu Liang appeared in this apartment building.

This seems to be a seamless connection?

In order for it to have an object to "play with" at all times?


Is there something that is afraid that if no one attracts its attention, it will do something with a major impact?

Yu Liang suddenly realized that it seemed to be more than just a side story.

He looked down at the uncovered lotion, which was also questionable.

Where does lotion come from?

Are the tenants living here players or NPCs?

If it is an NPC, there should not be only one NPC in the whole building. Otherwise, no matter how stupid this NPC is, he knows that there are big problems in this apartment building, so how can he continue to live here?

If it were a player, the player would actually have the leisure to take care of his skin in a place like this...

Yu Liang really admired this player's brain circuit.

Moreover, players cannot bring anything into the Kaidan world except normal clothes, which means that this lotion is most likely obtained from the Kaidan copy. Do you dare to put it on your face?


Yu Liang felt something was wrong, and immediately threw a "check" on the milky milk.



Name: water

Texture: None

Quantifier: bottle

Remarks: Skin care water made from special biological blood can strengthen the skin in a short time and improve its ability to resist blows. It lasts for 5 minutes.


skin care lotion

Name: Milk

Texture: 乚

Quantifier: bottle

Note: The skin care lotion made of special biological latex can offset an attack of destroying characters on the applied area for 5 minutes.

[Please note that the skin care lotion and lotion set cannot be effective at the same time. When you use the lotion and lotion in sequence on the same skin, the subsequent use will overwrite the effect of the previous use. 】

Sure enough, this lotion can be regarded as two treasures, which is why the original residents of 4305 still choose to apply skin lotion first when encountering it.

They do protect the skin, and not just the skin.

Unfortunately, the original resident didn't seem to know much about it.

Its damage mechanism is not at the physical level, so there is no need to worry about the effect of this skin care lotion.

Yu Liang closed the cap of the skin care lotion, and then looked at the skin care lotion. There were only about half of the bottles left in the two bottles. They could be used for a while, but this time was probably not very long.

He put it in his inventory along with the skin care lotion. They definitely deserved their spot in the inventory. Instead, he took out a small crossbow and steel balls and took them with him.

One of this set of lotions can enhance the physical resistance of the skin, and the other can avoid a character attack. It can be said to have physical and legal resistance.

However, it should be noted that water and emulsion cannot work at the same time. That is to say, after applying water and emulsion at the same time, only the last applied thing will work.

Only areas where skin care lotion is applied are immune to character attacks, and they are destructive characters. Characters such as "prison" and "trap" do not fall into the category of destructive characters.

Next, he cleaned the entire room again, and this time he was no longer careless. He scanned every special item with "check" and never missed any special item that might have been missed.

The quilt on the bed was neatly folded and the sheets were flat. From this point of view, the owner of the room must have been attacked just after returning to the room.

No, Yu Liang took a closer look at the sheets and quilt and found that they were a little too flat, with no wrinkles at all, as if they had just been taken out of the vacuum packaging.

This resident has never slept in this bed?

Or was it because I encountered "it" not long after being assigned to the room?

Yu Liang was confused and looked elsewhere.

Apart from the set of lotions, there are no valuable props here.

Also, under normal circumstances, players would not place valuable props in the room. It is naturally more convenient to put them directly into the inventory.

He stood in front of the closet, tensed his muscles and alerted himself, then opened the closet.

He briefly looked through this closet yesterday, but at that time he was worried that it would come back, so he didn't dare to rummage too much here.

There is no problem now.

There are not many clothes in the closet. After all, this is just a temporary place to stay, not a real residence.

He opened a few pieces of clothing and carefully checked the pockets of the clothes and the internal structure of the wardrobe, and he really found a hidden compartment.

There is a small notebook, a pen and a small flashlight in the secret compartment.


Yu Liang closed the closet door again, and this time he could clearly see that the gap in the closet door seemed to have been specially treated.

He turned on the flashlight in the closet and closed the closet door again.

Sure enough, no light could shine through at all through the gaps in the wardrobe.

Flashlights, notebooks, and pens are all prepared for this wardrobe.

She once hid in this closet, shined a flashlight on her notebook, and wrote down something.

Why do you have to write it in the closet?

Are the gaps in the wardrobe made opaque?


It's just outside?

Yu Liang opened the notebook. If the original residents had made records in this notebook, they should have given hints in the notes.

Title page:

Stop using dates to calculate days. Without █, dates will only become more and more complicated and weird.

The greater the deviation, the easier it is to die.

There is only this sentence on the title page, which seems to be a warning left to himself by the owner of the notebook.

So Yu Liang turned to the first page of the official record in the notebook and read the words left by the owner of the notebook one by one.


【first day】

Remember who I am.

I have successfully completed three dungeons of kaidan, so there will be no surprises in this dungeon, I am sure of it.

I was invited to stay in this apartment building and room that shouldn't exist. I was the only one in the building, but it wasn't deserted.

And there it is.

I became aware of its existence on the first day I moved in. I found a memo on this floor from a previous resident who informed me about "it".

Fortunately, I knew it before it knew me.

It seems to "not see" me. It judges whether there is anyone by observing traces of life.

That's why I decided not to go out again.

This closet is my hiding place.

【the next day】

Remember what I'm here for.

Aside from the daily bunny play, I was all about "it" stuff.

Becoming a game master is easy, but that only gives you the power to leave here, without any reward at all.

I was invited to join this instance and enter this apartment building with the intention of not leaving here easily.

I can solve all the mysteries of the rabbit god, yes, that's right.

431█ has new clues.

A mathematician is studying █, and bleem.

I've seen that movie, and I'm glad I've seen that movie.

Bleem is a passage to the four-dimensional world and has the ability to turn people into four-dimensional creatures.

It is a four-dimensional creature.

To destroy it, along with this false dream.

【Day 3】

Remember where I live.


Can't go out, can't reveal my hiding place.

If it finds me, I will die.

Will definitely die.

【Day 4】

Ways to destroy it.

The way to eliminate it is actually to observe it.

It saw me through the traces I left behind, and I saw it only through feeling, not vision.

I can't see it.

But there must be a method.

The eyes are collectors and the brain is calculator.

I have two eyes.

Each eye sees different sides of the same object, and what it sees is a flat two-dimensional image, but after integration and calculation by the brain, it becomes a three-dimensional image.

So it's the same now.

As long as the information of the four-dimensional space can be collected, the brain can calculate the picture of the four-dimensional space.

However, a large number of cases, templates, and draft data are still needed to help the brain establish a program for computing four-dimensional images.

This way I can see it the moment I see it.

【Day 5】

wake up.

I came to Wangcheng, and I met a special rabbit man. He was transformed from a human. He was not a player, but a local indigenous human in Wangcheng.

3D people use 2D text.

Four-dimensional people use three-dimensional text.

The language of the rabbit people is three-dimensional text.

【Day 6】

I want to learn.

The language of the Rabbit people must be learned.

After learning it, I can communicate with dreams and the rabbit-shaped god.

The rabbit-shaped god is a fourth-dimensional being.

As long as I can get His help, I can destroy it!

【Day 7】


【Day 8】


【ninth day】


【the eleventh day】


Over the next month, the players hiding in the closet seemed to be learning the bunny man's language.

According to the diary of the original resident, on the fifth day she lived here, the well-meaning rabbits in the prison still existed.

But before the eleventh day notes were written, the original residents had already been affected by it, because the number "ten" was also skipped in the notebook.

Not only cannot "0" appear, but even the Chinese character "十" cannot be written.

Even if "ten" only has the concept "0".

However, "Eleven" can be written, because "Eleven" no longer has the concept of "0", but becomes "1", and "1" symbolizes "being".

Yu Liang quickly flipped through the notebook and quickly found content other than "study".

【Day 32】

I learned.

By mastering rabbit language, I can enter heaven.

Rabbit-shaped god...

Rabbit-shaped god.

Rabbit-shaped god!

It is He who created it.

It brought Him!

It opens the passage and here comes the Bunny Man!

The rabbit-shaped god is here!

【Day 33】

What the two eyes see is a flat surface, which is combined to form a three-dimensional surface.

So I still need an eye to collect three-dimensional surfaces, and I want to see more three-dimensional surfaces.

The brain is a calculator. If you can see, you can see.

More eyes.

More eyes.



That's it for the notebook.

Yu Liang was thoughtful.

He turned to the first page again and looked carefully. This time he noticed that there seemed to be something light green on the first page.

So Yu Liang laid the notebook flat and put it in the dark place of the closet.

As he expected, there was something else written on this first page in a hard-to-find highlighter.

【first day】

Remember who I am.

(highlighter part)

(scrawled in large characters)

I am a princess, I am the princess of the Rabbit Kingdom!

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