The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 146 Because this is a dream

"I suggest you give up this idea."

In the corridor on the fourth floor of a certain apartment building, the architect put down the cigarette in his hand, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and then said slowly.

This corridor was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and the doorways of every house were hung with red lanterns. The weak red light in the lanterns refracted on the smooth tile glaze, rendering the entire corridor a blood-red color.

In the blood, Lu Xing and the architect were talking about something.

"Why?" Lu Xing frowned. He came here to invite architects to work together, not to listen to suggestions.

"You weren't here at the time." The architect continued. When he convened a meeting with the rabbit heads in the prison, he also went to see Lu Xing. Because Lu Xing is also a special high-level player in this prison, it is natural to listen to Lu Xing's opinions. It's a very important thing.

It's just that I didn't find it, so I had to give up.

"What happened?" Lu Xing asked.

"All the players in the prison just woke up. The excessive vitality attracted nearby monsters. Hundreds of monsters chased them near the prison, and they were all killed by him alone." The architect continued, with a look on his face. There was also a sigh about that kind of powerful power, "Although they were only some T4 and T3 level monsters, there were still three blood-type T2s that were killed by him easily. If we all got power from the Kaidan World, So obviously what he gained was the strength to fight.”

"Are you sure it's him?" Lu Xing was a little puzzled. "He has been hit by a debuff. He shouldn't have any physical strength to fight, let alone such a high-intensity battle."

"Really?" The architect was surprised when he heard this, but then he thought about it, "That should be the ability of the judge. He can provide a state for others, and he can recover his physical strength every time he kills a monster. But they look like I’m not familiar with him, it seems I just added a status skill to him on a temporary basis.”

"Although there are status skills, that skill does not improve the real-time combat effectiveness. He basically relies on his original strength to fight." The architect said helplessly, "I don't understand why a beast tamer can be so powerful. For his fighting ability, he didn’t even rely on the strange creatures he had tamed.”

Lu Xing nodded silently. Although this was not common sense, it was actually quite common sense.

After all, he had seen that guy summon a shadow monster that could move on the ground before. If it was a beast tamer profession, this would make sense.

The judge's state skill...

A "vodka" base that looks like it could break the bartender?

Lu Xing had only heard about the judge's ability, but did not know it comprehensively, so he asked further, "So how long does this state skill last?"

"It's not long, and it can only be used once a day." The architect said, "In short, his reputation among players is very high now, and after the underground mall opens in the early morning of the day after tomorrow, if he doesn't deceive players, it should be even higher. . He plans to sell the domesticated monsters. Although they are only very weak monsters, they will be sold very cheaply and should be able to help a group of ordinary players."

His tone was serious, and his expression was rarely so solemn: "So I don't recommend you to have a conflict with him, no matter what angle you stand on."

"I understand what you mean." Lu Xing didn't say anything more, but took a deep look at the architect, "In this case, I don't ask you to help me, as long as you can remain neutral."

"Of course." The architect agreed, and then watched Lu Xing walk into the stairwell and leave this floor.

And he also walked back to his room and looked at the huge sand table in the center of the room.

There are various shapes of soil blocks on the sand table. They seem to have special models. There are several soil blocks of each model, and the soil blocks of the same model are also exactly the same.

On the sand table, several different soil blocks were piled up to form a hemispherical bunker, and there were two people in the room testing the strength of the bunker.

When an architect uses civil construction characters, the buildings formed by each character are the same.

For example, the character "bi", after being used, becomes an earthen wall three meters long, three meters high and thirty centimeters thick. The same is true for the characters "po" and "dam".

The construction of characters is not random. They are like Lego blocks and require architects to build them properly.

Just like what is happening on the sandbox now, architects use scaled-down earth blocks to build bunkers one after another. Through continuous testing, they get the most reasonable bunker structure, so that they can instantly build such bunkers to take refuge when encountering danger.

If you do not build models in advance, you will often only be able to build some strange defensive buildings when you encounter monsters. Maybe the monster will give you a slight push, and the structure of the building will completely collapse and collapse on its own, directly destroying the architect hiding inside. Crushed to death.

This is obviously not in line with the aesthetics of the building, nor in line with the architect's level of knowledge.

Architecture is solid music, and each character is a note. Only by letting the notes appear in the right place can the architect's ideal building be built.

The two people in the room noticed that the architect was back, and they did not speak. They just completed the testing work at hand first, and later compiled the data for analysis by the architect.

This is not difficult, and these two people are not majoring in civil engineering, but they have been following architects for so long, so they can help with some work.

At this time, the architect's mind also recalled the special beast tamer player just now. The tornado-like battle scene destroyed hundreds of monsters.

Naturally, he would not want to be an enemy of such a person.

At his level, the desire to fight with other players has become weaker.

The reason is also very simple. After alienated professional abilities are added to the combat system, there are many more uncontrollable factors in the battle. Who knows what kind of abnormal abilities the enemy on the opposite side has?

In this case, if it is not an absolute irreversible conflict of interest, he will naturally try to avoid conflict with any player with an alienated profession.

It was precisely because of this that he and Lu Xing had an irreversible ideological conflict, which eventually led to their group parting ways.

He didn't want to die in revenge of some secret and special ability.

Lu Xing relies too much on and believes too much in his professional abilities. He does have a very high combat IQ and the ability to seemingly solve all problems, but it is obvious that he will not be invincible.

Being too gambling is both Lu Xing's strength and weakness.

So far, Lu Xing has won every time he gambled, and thus gained a lot of profits, but it also made his gambling habit out of control.

"He wants to hunt that animal trainer?" Another person in the room walked up to the architect. He was wearing a black gown and asked the architect.

When that battle took place, he stood beside the Architect, and also witnessed the Tamer's power and unstoppability.

The man in the black gown is a seal engraver. He has the ability to quickly copy characters and can create a large number of character resources out of thin air.

It is a pity that the seal carver has a large number of characters but does not have good character usage ability. Any characters he uses can only achieve half the effect.

However, the architect can get twice the result with half the effort when using civil construction characters, and the casting range is extremely wide. The only drawback is that there are not so many characters for him to waste.

When the two are combined, the architect and the seal carver become the best combination. When the two work together, they can burst out with fairy-like creativity.

"Yeah." The architect did not deny it. "He wanted to ask for our help, but I refused. I didn't want to wade into troubled waters."

"Indeed, that beast tamer... is terrifying." The seal carver also agreed, "If we can't keep enough distance, even we won't be able to get it."

"Oh?" Another burly man came from the corner, his voice was like a bell, "Don't worry, I will protect you. After all, he is just a person, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

"We subconsciously felt that when he could handle a team of three people alone, we were already at a disadvantage." The architect laughed. "In this case, we have no conflict of interest with him, so why do we have to confront him?"

"Then tell me, do you favor Lu Xing or the beast tamer? One of them must die." The strong man said with great interest. He had never cooperated with Lu Xing and did not know the details of Lu Xing very well. He encouraged The other two people said, "Quick, let's bet on the toys you two found in Building 5 last time."

"I'm optimistic about that beast tamer. His combat power is so strong that he's probably better than you." The seal carver looked at the strong man, and the strong man just grunted and didn't refute.

Judging from the combat prowess displayed by the beast tamer, the opponent's fighting ability is indeed superior to his.

Then the seal engraver continued his analysis, "He has not used tame monsters yet. Moreover, he plans to sell monsters, which means that he still has a large number of monsters that he can control..."

Finally he shook his head: "So I don't think Lu Xing can win."

"What about you?" The strong man turned to look at the architect.

The architect shook his head, walked towards the bunker he had built with earth blocks, covered it entirely with his hands, and pressed hard.

He said: "If you don't gamble, you won't lose. I hate losing."

Although when they were with Lu Xing, they had never lost.

So, what kind of interests drive Lu Xing to have a fight to the death with that beast tamer?

The architect raised his head, looked at the strong man and said, "Go find the judge and protect him. His ability is very important. I don't want to see him killed by Lu Xing."

"Okay." The strong man smashed his fist on his palm, making a dull "bang" sound, and responded with a smile, showing his white teeth, "I may not be good at killing monsters, but when it comes to protecting people, that guy is far inferior to me."


Yu Liang glanced at the signboard of Building 3 again.

His address was the apartment building between 3 and 4 from the beginning. It's no wonder that there were only monster creatures in the apartment building he was in, and no other human players.

It's just that as soon as he entered this dungeon, he appeared in the apartment building between 34 and 34, which seemed to be a deliberate trap.

Its terror is obviously not something that normal players can contend with, and Yu Liang has not yet found a suitable way to deal with its invasion.

There seemed to be only escape.

Forget it, let’s take those grass babies back first.

"This is your balance, thank you for answering my question." Yu Liang gave another broken character to the female player, then turned and walked in the direction of the grass babies.

The female player looked at his retreating figure and was puzzled by the strange question raised by this guy. However, the character reward was real, so she didn't think much about it and walked into the apartment and returned to her room.

Yu Liang came to the edge of the lawn. His own grass babies had already completed the encirclement and suppression of the grass babies in the lawn. More than a dozen grass babies were tied tightly with hemp ropes and dumped on the road next to the lawn.

He switched to Li Huachao. Li Huachao first distributed the metal spoon rewards to his grass babies in front of the captive grass babies, and then threatened and lured the captives. It didn't take long for Yu Liang to harvest this batch of grass babies.

Here are seventeen grass babies.

Yu Liang has numbered them in the universe, but he has not yet poured the magic blood on these grass babies. He plans to sell these grass babies as "blind boxes".

A grass baby plus an eight milliliter tube of magic blood, this is a simple blind box set. What skills you draw are all up to the buyer.

Yu Liang looked at the other lawns under the early morning sun. He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he always felt that those lawns seemed to be trembling.

It is already daytime in the dream world, so it is better not to continue to catch grass babies. There are many people and it is easy to attract other players to covet you.

Now that his physical strength has not fully recovered, he still has to wait.

After putting away the character cards of these grass babies, Yu Liang returned to his apartment, and then released the grass babies again, placed them on the ground in the corridor on the third floor, and divided the grass babies of the two factions in the center. Boundaries, telling them not to fight.

Then he stood in front of the only three open rooms in this corridor, examining and thinking.


When he first arrived at this apartment, it broke into this room. At that time, he thought that the victim in this room was abducted by it, but now it seems that he has never seen this victim. I don’t know if this victim even exists.

He briefly checked this room before and found nothing.

4306, this is also his own room. The previous tenant had left some warnings, but unfortunately, some of them were of no use and instead misled him to some extent.

431X, this is the mathematician's room. There must be some connection between him and it, maybe he is it.

It seems reasonable to say that it is actually a four-dimensional creature in this state. Mathematicians have completed the study of 0, found integers between 34, and turned themselves into "it".

It's just that Yu Liang can't understand at all why 0 exists and why integers between 34 exist...

If he does not exist, he does exist in the building between 3 and 4 at this time.

He was not good at math and was at a loss to solve the problem.

Li Huachao seemed to see that Yu Liang was thinking at this time, so he said hehey: "How about you think about it first and give me the control of your body. Before, you only played in reality, and I have never shown off my skills in this dream."

"Huh?" Yu Liang was startled and considered Li Huachao's words carefully.

To be precise, I was thinking about the word "dream" in Li Huachao's words.

Yes, this is a dream, so anything can happen.

Zero exists, as do integers between three and four.

Four-dimensional creatures exist, and four-dimensional channels also exist.

Because this is a dream, and there is everything in dreams.

So what we should do now is...

Find it and wake it up!

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