The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 145 The apartment building between 3 and 4


Here you go again?

After Yu Liang read the words on the manuscript paper, he quickly turned around and looked behind him. But there was nothing behind him.

Not just visual "nothing", but all sensory "nothing".


Yu Liang also breathed a sigh of relief.

In this case, it means that he does not exist.

If you push it back again...

It does not exist, that is to say, 0 does not exist, and the integers between 3 and 4 also do not exist.

0 does not exist?

It should refer to the concept of 0 as "empty", and the concept of "empty" does not exist, right?

These statements are a bit confusing, so Yu Liang doesn't know whether what he thinks is right or not.

But this integer between 3 and 4...

You mean bleem?

Yu Liang has seen that movie. Bleem is a fictional concept in the movie. It refers to an integer between 3 and 4. It is also considered to be a passage into the fourth dimensional space.

The mathematician in the movie successfully proved the existence of bleem and traveled back in time, but he died in a car accident because he got too close to bleem.

So is the owner of this room also conducting similar research?

Yu Liang shrugged. He didn't quite understand the ideas of these mathematical geniuses.

This is obviously a question that a three-year-old child can answer, but these mathematical geniuses will find something wrong, try to find bugs in the real world, and try to break some shackles.

But if you think about it carefully, in this world, even a simple Chinese character can turn into a terrifying thing like the root ghost talk, and a special number can become a passage into the four-dimensional space...

It doesn't seem to be anything particularly strange.

At this time, Yu Liang also realized that the post-it note left by the tenant was not missing the "10" item, but was missing a "0".

In other words, the original tenant was affected by "it" and there was no "0" in her world, so she could not write the number "10".

But Yu Liang himself could still see the number "0". The house numbers of those rooms before had the number "0" on them.

I haven't been affected by "it" yet, which is the only good news.

Yu Liang thought, quickly scanning the manuscript papers again, and he suddenly found that the contents on these manuscript papers seemed a bit familiar.

Looking up at the formulas on the wall, he found that the formulas on the wall did not seem to be a continuation of the formulas on the manuscript paper, but an exact copy.

Yu Liang turned to the last page and found the final calculation result on the manuscript paper, and then found the same result on the wall he had just observed when he came in.

After comparing the two, Yu Liang could notice that the formula on the wall was just a copy of the content on the manuscript paper.


Did you get the answer on the wall and then copy it onto the manuscript paper, or did you get the answer on the manuscript paper and then copy it onto the wall like crazy?

No matter which result it is, it seems to prove that the mathematician should have obtained the calculation result.

Otherwise, there is no need for him to copy and calculate it again.

So he succeeded?

Yu Liang didn't know the answer. He only knew that the mathematician had indeed disappeared.

He put these manuscript papers away. These things seemed a bit mysterious, so it was better to take them away.

Anyway, it’s just a few pieces of paper, so don’t worry about taking up space.

What is certain now is that this mathematician must be related to "it" on this floor.

If someone brings these calculation formulas into reality and shows these calculation results to another mathematician, will that mathematician also become a weird creature like "it"?

Looking at it this way, can the mathematical formula on this manuscript be regarded as a Noble Phantasm that causes people to mutate into strange creatures?

Yu Liang glanced at the manuscript papers again and couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't take math classes seriously in the past, and spent all his math classes wandering around to conceive the plot of the novel, which saved him from turning into a weird creature.

Opening the drawer, Yu Liang saw an entire drawer filled with scratch paper, which was also filled with meaningless nonsense and a large number of calculation formulas.

Sure enough, this result cannot be deduced from just the stack of scratch paper in hand. The owner of the room must have put in unimaginable efforts.

He just doesn't know what these formulas have to do with "it", and how he can destroy "it".

Next, Yu Liang continued to search in this room, but he didn't find much.

How simple can a math geek's life be?

This room will give you the answer.

There are only a few simple pieces of clothing in the wardrobe, and the rest are some inscrutable books on mathematics, psychology, philosophy and some cutting-edge sciences. Only a small part of them are in Chinese, and most of the books are in Chinese. English as title.

Yu Liang tried to translate it with his poor English, but he only got some nonsense meaning.

This also made him a little wary.

Damn it, a lot of English appears in the Kaidan world with Chinese characters as the core of the world view. Will there be a synthesis of English characters in the future?

What if he is teleported to a copy of Kaidan on the foreign server...

Wouldn't that be fatal?

With his ignorance of English, if he was thrown into a copy of Kaidan on a foreign server, wouldn't he not be able to survive for an episode or two?

"It seems that there are no extra clues." Li Huachao saw that this side story had reached a bottleneck in exploration, so he asked Yu Liangdao, "Do you think he has really proved successful?"

He thought: "Zero is just a nickname given to 'nothing' by humans. How to prove that zero is not nothing? And prove that there is an integer between 3 and 4?"

Li Huachao clicked his tongue and said, "I really don't know what these people are thinking about."

"I don't know either." Yu Liang also agreed. He didn't think that the result of this calculation had any connection with the passage into the four-dimensional space.

"Okay, with your level of mathematics, it's really hard to figure it out." Li Huachao also sighed.

Yu Liang rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Logically speaking, Li Huachao inherited Lao Du's level of knowledge, so he shouldn't expect to get so many flirty words and jokes, but the fact is that Li Huachao not only has a lot of flirty words, but also has a set of tricks.

Can Lao Du's character and life experience create a personality like Li Huachao?

Yu Liang couldn't help but think about the practical significance of creating this ability.


A series of attributes such as gender, personality, knowledge, and IQ of a character should have been set by Kaitan World at the beginning of its creation. After birth, watching movies about life experiences in "past lives" should only be an incidental part of personality shaping. In order to Establish the most basic connection and bond between the character and the "writer".

Li Huachao's out-of-the-box character cannot be changed by watching some movies with Lao Du as the protagonist.

Only in this way can it be explained.

However, if this is the case, Yu Liang cannot guarantee that the "female writer" he created in the second copy of Ghost Story will be on his side.

If the character of the female writer is evil and cruel, and she will not become as kind as him even after watching Yu Liang's version of the movie, then it is difficult to imagine what the scene will be like after gaining the root-level power of ghost stories. .

Yu Liang, who wanted to understand the principle of creating a built-in, couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

At that time, he just wanted to do the whole job properly. After all, it was in a single-player dungeon. It was difficult to create it once, so how could he not create it?

As a result, after the creation was completed, the entire Kaidan dungeon was coming to an end. He had no time to slowly search for the created characters and conquer them, and he just happened to have the opportunity to achieve the Origin Kaidan, so he simply left it to the new character he created. Everything depends on her. of creation.

Looking at it now, it does seem a bit abrupt.

Seeing that there were no more exploration results here, Yu Liang could only leave first. He had other things to do and there was no need to waste too much time.

Yu Liang walked out of the room, returned to the corridor, looked at the empty corridor, and walked back to the other side of the corridor.

There is also a window at the other end of the corridor. The window faces another apartment building. The apartment building opposite has the three characters "Building 4" on it.

It was already early morning, and the sunlight penetrated the mist and hit the windows of the residents on the east side of Building 4, reflecting sporadic brilliance.

In the dream it was early morning, but in reality it was just dark.

Day is night, and night is day.

Yu Liang still remembered the words written in the note, and he had not forgotten what time it was now.

His eyes rested on the open space at the door of Building 4. There was a body cut in half in the open space. Only the lower body was left. Internal organs such as intestines and blood were constantly leaking from the body, soaking a large area of ​​the ground.

It looked very bloody, but Yu Liang was completely immune to such bloody scenes, so he turned his attention to the stairwell of Building 4. He just saw a black figure passing by the stairwell.

In Building 4, the stairwells on each floor have glass windows. Through the glass windows, you can see what is happening there.

A man dressed in black and wearing a clown mask passed by on the stairs on the third floor. Yu Liang watched his back gradually climb up the stairs. The clown man held an ax in his left hand and a corpse with only the upper body in his right hand. Blood drew a crooked red line on the stairs.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the corpse downstairs is the work of this clown man.

If he listened carefully, Yu Liang could still hear the faint voice of a woman singing from Building 4. The melancholy singing surrounded the entire building, making people unconsciously feel sad.

A dark figure slowly appeared in front of the window of the stairwell on the sixth floor. The shadow's face was roughly marked with white holes. The shadow seemed to have seen Yu Liang, so it smiled strangely at Yu. Ryo waved hello.

Yu Liang also smiled and waved to the black figure to say hello.

The black shadow was stunned for a moment, with a surprised expression on its face. It seemed that no human being had ever responded to its greeting before, but Yu Liang ignored him and turned away.

With just a few casual glances in the early morning, he discovered three strange stories. It seemed that the situation in Building 4 was not much better than his place.

Obviously, this is the morning that belongs to the world of ghost stories, and every detail has a sense of secret story.

Yu Liang walked to the other end of the corridor and looked at another lawn not far away. The soil there had been completely renovated, and several soil bags were slightly raised. Cao Ying from the two camps was shuttled among them, and they were carrying out an underground encirclement and suppression campaign. war.

Looking at the edge of the lawn, there are already a number of grass babies tied up with hemp ropes, and three or two grass babies are "guarding" them, looking very orderly.

Yu Liang watched for a while, and out of the corner of his eye noticed a woman walking out of the door of his building. She was carrying a bag of garbage and carefully observed the surrounding situation. After seeing the huge pothole on the lawn in front of the building, she also She couldn't help but be stunned and showed a puzzled expression, but she didn't stay too long and walked towards the trash can near the apartment building.


Are there other residents in this building?

You can go find out the situation.

And there was something wrong with her. She didn't throw the trash further in front of the apartment building. She just threw the trash like this. She was still a woman and would definitely be targeted by "it".

Yu Liang quickly switched to Li Huachao, went downstairs from his water slide on the third floor, and then chased after the woman to stop her.

"Are you a player too?" Yu Liang asked straight to the point.

"Yes." The female player relaxed slightly when she saw that the person who stopped her was a human, but her vigilant look did not disappear. She kept a distance from Yu Liang, and then threw the garbage into the trash can, "What can I do? "

"Actually, not really. You are the first resident I have met in this apartment building. I want to find out about the situation from you." Yu Liang replied, "As a reward, I can give you two character."

"...Okay." The female player hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed under the temptation of the character.

Yu Liang also handed over the deposit of a "broken" character to the female player.

At this time, Yu Liang was not accompanied by a bastard or a mischievous ghost. In addition, he did not look like a rabbit in the dream, so the female player did not recognize that Yu Liang was the rabbit who showed off his power in the prison before. head.

"How long have you lived in this building? Apart from 'it', are there any weird stories about this building, or are there any taboos?" Yu Liang asked several questions in succession.

"I have lived in Building 3 for about two weeks. There are not many taboos about ghost stories in this building. Just be careful not to go to floors above the fourth floor after two o'clock in the evening." The female player said, she thought about it. Think, "Also, don't look in the mirror in the middle of the night, and don't talk to the person in the mirror."

She thought for a while and asked with some confusion: "But what exactly do you mean by 'it'? The mirror ghost? The ghost in the stairwell?"

"It's just one..." Yu Liang just wanted to describe the characteristics of "it", but stopped immediately.

Judging from the current state of this female player, she has not encountered any strange stories about "it".

She had lived here for two weeks, and the garbage was dumped in the trash can in front of Building 3. She seemed to be a single woman, so logically she should have been targeted by "it" a long time ago.

However, it didn't happen now. Yu Liang was worried that she would be discovered by "it" after telling her.

Many strange stories are spread based on "cognition". She didn't recognize the existence of "it", which should be a lucky thing.

While talking, Yu Liang's eyes also fell on the logo of his apartment building.

Building 3.

He knew before that he lived in Building 3.

"Just what?" The female player was puzzled. She looked at Yu Liang from head to toe. Yu Liang was wearing very common casual clothes. "I have never seen you before. I know all the players in this building. You Did you just come?"

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded. He realized that he seemed to have missed a clue, so he asked solemnly, "Can you tell me your house number?"

After asking, he immediately realized that such a question was inappropriate, so he changed his explanation: "If I live in the 10th room on the 4th floor of this apartment, what is my house number?"

"House number?" The female player became even more confused after hearing this question, but for the character's sake she still answered, "3410, what's wrong?"


Yu Liang looked at the "Building 3" sign again.

He lives in this building. For Building 3, the first digit of the house number should be "3". He lives in "4306", but the building next door is Building 4.

He had not met any player in this apartment, and there was no sign of anyone living here. He only saw the female player in front of him after she walked out of the apartment building.

In other words, he lives in neither Building 3 nor Building 4.

It's the building between 3 and 4.

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