The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 144 Tell me, do I exist?

Yu Liang took out the hell blood bottle that Li Huachao had stolen from the masked man. After this period of time, some bright red blood had accumulated in the bottle.

Although it is not much, it is definitely enough to allocate more than twenty grass babies.

The hell blood bottle can produce 2 liters of blood every day, but each grass baby only needs to consume 5 to 10 ml of magic blood, which is enough for hundreds of grass babies to mutate in one day.

Anyway, a grass baby can only use magic blood once, so use it on them all first.

According to the grocery store owner, the probability of acquiring supernatural properties is 50%, and the probability of acquiring somewhat useful supernatural properties is 20%.

The probability is neither high nor low,

But to be honest, Yu Liang couldn't understand why this hell blood bottle was a two-liter Nongfu Spring mineral water bottle, but this was the world of ghost stories, and anything could happen, so he didn't bother to think deeply.

The cap of a mineral water bottle is about seven or eight milliliters, so a straw baby would be enough to give him a cap of demon blood.

Yu Liang began the process of watering the grass babies. He pulled out the grass babies one by one from the soil, and then poured a capful of magic blood on the grass babies.

The scarlet blood soaked the grass blades on Cao Ying's head, and stained Cao Ying's ghostly and terrifying face, making its face even more terrifying.

Cao Ying quickly absorbed the demonic blood, and at the same time, little red lights appeared on his body.

After a few seconds, the red light completely dissipated. Yu Liang looked at the grass baby and noticed that there seemed to be some changes in its eyes.

Ordinary grass babies have full black eyes with no whites, which looks a bit weird, but this grass baby's eyes have turned into oval compound eyes with countless small black eyes. If you look closely, Yu Liang can even see the reflection of the world in each little eye.

He used "Check" on this grass baby.


Cao Ying

Gradient: T5

Attributes: Kaitan derivatives

Personality: Simple

Abilities: Lingren, compound eyes

【Ling Ren】:……

[Compound Eyes]: Multiple visual locks, which can detect surrounding enemies faster and have a higher hit rate when using other abilities.

Detect enemies faster and have other abilities with higher hit rates?

Yu Liang nodded silently. He didn't expect that his luck was quite good. The first time he used the Hell Blood Bottle, he randomly got a pretty good ability.

The compound-eyed Cao Ying can more easily detect enemies around him, and can also improve the hit rate of Ling Ren's skills. For a T5 level monster, this is already a top-notch ability.

It's just that for Yu Liang, such an ability doesn't mean much, it's just about being able to buy it at a good price.

For those players who lack the ability to protect themselves, this grass baby can indeed help them survive better in this dungeon.

Yu Liang marked the grass baby's character card in the universe as "Compound Eyes" and listed it as one of the items for sale.

Next, he mutated the remaining twenty-four grass babies one by one. Fourteen of them successfully produced supernatural properties, but only five of them were useful.

[Alertness]: The awareness of the surrounding environment increases, making it easier to detect hostile targets.

[Curse]: Apply a certain amount of curse power to the target, making it unfortunate.

[Reason]: It is difficult to be confused by supernatural things.

[Mucus]: Spray mucus to reduce the target's mobility.

[Loud insults]: After appearing on the stage, insult the enemy, reducing the target's defense and increasing the target's attack power. The degree of change depends on the degree of insult.

Including the compound eye just now, there are about six useful supernatural properties, accounting for 24% of the twenty-five, which is similar to the data given by the masked man.

As for other useless abilities...

[Injustice]: When attacking an enemy in a negative state, the attack power increases by 20%.

【Gluttony】: Easily hungry and need to eat more frequently and in larger amounts.

【Heat Resistant】: Can withstand hotter climates and grow normally.

[Saline-alkali tolerance]: Can withstand saline-alkali soil and grow normally.

These useless supernatural characteristics are probably like this. The slightly better ones are to increase individual attribute values, but Cao Ying's combat power is already weak, and even increasing the combat power is of no use; the worse ones are gluttony and heat resistance. These are completely meaningless features.

Yu Liang labeled them one by one in the universe and named them according to their supernatural properties. This would make it easier to sell them.

At the same time, he also graded these grass babies.

Grass babies that have been poured with magic blood and have not acquired any supernatural properties are grade F, those that have acquired eggless properties are grade E, and those with good supernatural properties are grade D.

Classification of goods is also very important. A complete hierarchical system is definitely conducive to the healthy development of the market.

The three grades of FED are all benchmarked against the same gradient grade - T5, grade C is T4, grade B is T3, and so on until grade S is benchmarked against T1.

As for SS level...

Maybe it's the level of the root ghost talk?

Even if he dares to sell such a level of strange creature, others wouldn't dare to buy it, right?

Just like "Zhi" who is now in the character column, does anyone dare to ask for it?

Does anyone really dare to ask for it?

In a matter of minutes you will disappear from this world forever.

T5 is divided into three levels of FED, but the subsequent gradient levels are one level per point. This division may seem unreasonable, but in fact it is normal.

At present, the abilities of T5 level monsters are clearly differentiated between strong and weak. If it goes higher, such as T3 level, it is actually difficult to classify specific levels, because the monsters at this level do not have useless abilities.

Comparing Room 225 and Zaizi, who have not been promoted, they are both T3, but have different abilities and tendencies, so they are obviously on the same level in terms of pricing.

Of course, this kind of thing is easy to say. In the future, it can be divided and priced according to realms such as half-step C level, C level intermediate level, C level peak, and C level perfection.

Not bad either.

"Don't sell that grass baby." Li Huachao suddenly said, "I think it will be very useful."

"Which one?" Yu Liang asked.

"It's the one that shouted insults." Li Huachao said, "Let me take care of this one. It should be very good."

So Yu Liang read the introduction of this grass baby's abilities again and understood immediately.

Do you make money by insulting your opponents?

The higher the level of abuse, the greater the benefits?

This ability is purely for making a living. No wonder Li Huachao likes it so much.

It’s just a grass baby, so just leave it.

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded, found the grass baby from the grass, and looked at it from head to toe.

This grass baby is thinner and smaller than the normal individual, but it does look wretched, and it really matches Li Huachao.

Cao Ying was very sensible and restrained his abilities and did not activate them as soon as he appeared on the stage. Yu Liang was very satisfied with this vision.

"Come here, come here." Yu Liang called to the more than twenty grass babies. He looked at them with a smile, and then asked, "Can you tell me what you like to eat?"

Three or two grass babies emerged from the ground. They heard Yu Liang's words, so they turned around and dug up the ground in the corridor. One of the grass babies quickly found what he was looking for.

It was a metal button buried in the soil.

The grass baby held up the metal button high and waved it in front of Yu Liang's face, then stuffed it into his mouth and bit off half of it with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"You guys like to eat metal?" Yu Liang was a little surprised. He thought these grass babies would like to eat meat.

The grass baby nodded when he heard this.

Yu Liang stood in front of the land in the corridor and said loudly: "Now I have a task for you."

More than twenty grass babies stood in a row, with similar puzzled expressions on their faces.

"There are many, many of your kind in this community." Yu Liang pointed out the window behind him, "Now I need you to be the vanguard to bring them back."

The grass babies still looked stupid, staring straight at Yu Liang.

"Every time I bring one back, I will reward it with a metal spoon." Yu Liang took out a brand new spoon that shone with metallic luster.

The grass babies standing on the ground looked at each other and cheered suddenly. They were as excited as if they were celebrating the New Year. They all couldn't wait to set off immediately to arrest their own kind.

Yu Liang did not expect that the interest of these grass babies would be so high. After one of the grass babies was gesticulating for a long time, he finally realized that the grass babies in this community were also divided into factions, and different lawns were different grass babies. Factions usually fight each other.

Now that they can get rewarded by arresting the other party, they naturally want this kind of good thing.

Moreover, after they were watered with demonic blood, even if they did not obtain the supernatural properties of the ten grass babies, their physical fitness has still improved. It is no longer a problem to bully the normal grass babies outside.

"Are the factions different?" Yu Liang murmured to himself. The grass babies in this community are all divided into factions, and the relationship between the strange creatures is more complicated than he imagined.

The Rabbit God collects the death and fear of players through the peaceful community, mainly relying on the ghost games and some ghost creatures in this community.

This is a dream, so Yu Liang previously suspected that all the strange creatures in this dream were conceived by the rabbit-shaped god. Those humans in the dream in heaven may also help provide inspiration.

But now he feels something is wrong.

Conceiving a scary monster should be unlikely to involve factional struggles between such monsters, not to mention that this is just a T5-level grass baby.

Logically speaking, this kind of grass baby is so weak, its only function should be to feed the rabbit man, and at the same time bring out the weirdness and terror of the rabbit dummy.

There shouldn't be so many detailed settings.

Yu Liang thought of what he had tried before. The items in this dream were "real" and could be used to synthesize characters.

So the strange creatures in this dream are also real?

Was it captured from the real world by the rabbit-shaped god?

But why would He do this? Doesn’t He have the ability to create dreams?

Yu Liang frowned slightly. He felt a little confused, but he couldn't think of anything else along this line of thinking, so he had to give up.

Looking at these grass babies, they have already gone downstairs through the water pipe from the window on the third floor. When they get downstairs, they go straight to a large lawn nearby. They all look like they are in a hurry.

Yu Liang looked at the corridor that had fallen into silence again, then turned and walked towards his room.

There is no need to worry about Cao Ying's situation for the time being.

Taking advantage of this period of time, let’s first resolve the strange rumors about “it” in this building.

This is a real strange creature that threatens him. If he is not eliminated, he will not be able to rest at ease.

Opening the door, Yu Liang walked into his room and walked around. There was nothing strange here, so he looked around and left.

He noticed before that there was no item "10" on the sticky note, so he felt that he needed to go to room 4310 to take a look.

Zero six, zero seven, zero eight, zero nine, one.

Yu Liang stopped in front of the tenth room in the corridor.

There is only one "1" written on the door number of this room. The place where "0" should be is completely scratched by something, and it is no longer possible to see what number is underneath.

Yu Liang tried to open the door. To his surprise, the door handle opened as soon as he turned it.

Well, it opened as soon as it was turned. The "open" he meant was not that the door opened, but that the door handle was completely opened and scattered into parts on the floor.

But judging from the results, the door did open as well.

Opening the door, Yu Liang walked into the room, and his eyes were filled with blood.

The entire room was filled with a red paint, densely covered with formulas used to prove certain mathematical principles.

It could be seen that the owner of this room had calculated this many, many times, but judging from the calculation formulas all over the wall, Yu Liang felt that this was not something that a sane person could do.

Obviously all he needs is some manuscript paper, but this guy insists on writing all over the wall. Is this proving something?

Or is it just to give someone a surprise when they come in in the future?

Yu Liang carefully observed the formulas on the wall. The numbers were all scrawled and unfathomable like a high school mathematics class. After looking at them for a while, he gave up completely.

The layout of the room is also very simple, with a desk, a bed, a wardrobe, and nothing else extra.

There was a pile of manuscript paper on the desk, which was also filled with numbers that Yu Liang couldn't understand.

Yu Liang quickly flipped through the manuscript papers, and finally saw some recognizable words on several of them.


What does 0 represent?

Represents empty?

Represents none?

No, no, no, no, that's not it, no.

It exists, I know it must exist.

The concept of "0" exists in all ancient civilizations. India is the black spot, Babylon is the vacancy, the Maya is the shell, Egypt is the symbol, and China is the void.

So how do I prove the existence of 0?

0 exists, and integers between 3 and 4 also exist. They all exist. If they exist, we will exist. Otherwise, I will not exist.

I don't know if I will succeed, maybe I will, maybe I won't.

Anyone who comes into this room, please tell me.


Turn around.

tell me.

Do I exist?

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