The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 143 The ranch plan has a long way to go

Without any precaution, Yu Liang woke up so suddenly.

At this moment, Li Huachao was extremely grateful for his decision. Fortunately, after entering the dreamland, he was too lazy to do anything else and was just digging the soil on the lawn of the community.

He also has his own considerations.

If Yu Liang sees this kind of myocardial infarction scene every time he wakes up, then he will definitely have no chance to take over his body next time.

He has to take a long-term view, so Li Huachao has been farming honestly during this period of time.


Do you think farming and "honesty" don't go together in horror games?

Then you can ask Yu Liang if he would like him to farm or do other things.

"This Rabbit game just suddenly got stuck, and then all our players were given a stamp and a randomly enhanced character." Faced with Yu Liang's question, Li Huachao just brushed it off in an understatement.

"Will this kind of game still freeze?" Yu Liang was still full of doubts and a little unbelievable.

It's not that he doesn't believe that this kind of game will not lag, but the main reason is that he doesn't believe that Li Huachao really did nothing and just farmed here.

Yu Liang suddenly felt that Li Huachao had a tendency to develop into a border shepherd.

Huskies can detect it at a glance, while Border Collies tend to cover up their crime scenes very well, and it may take a long time for the owner to discover what it has done.

However, Yu Liang glanced at the lawn that had been dug into a big hole. Not to mention the turf, it was basically full of loess.

Judging from the extent of the damage, Li Huachao's ranching business must have taken a lot of effort, and it would probably be like this within a few hours.

Besides, this body is still in a weak state, so Li Huachao probably doesn't have much free time to do bad things.

The only doubt is that when he left, he was still in the real Forgotten City, but when he came back, it became a rabbit game.

"Why did you appear here?" Yu Liang looked at the surrounding environment and confirmed that this was the dreamland of the rabbit-shaped god. "Have you seen it before?"

Li Huachao understood what he was talking about, so he shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it since I returned to the dreamland. It must have left my room temporarily."

"What is this? Is it a strange creature you have newly conquered?" Yu Liang asked casually when he saw the human-headed spider following him all the way.

"Yes, I caught it before." Li Huachao picked up the human-headed spider, put it in front of his eyes, and showed off to Yu Liang, "How is it? Pretty, isn't it? Although it looks a little dirty now, it looks pretty good. Just wash it and use it.”

"Get lost." Yu Liang's response was concise and concise. He switched the control of his body back to himself, and then directed the request to subdue the human-headed spider.

The human-headed spider did not hesitate at all and directly chose to submit. In this case, what else could it choose?

After subduing the human-headed spider, Yu Liang also opened his own page, scanned the creatures in the universe, and asked Li Huachao again: "What about room 225? And where is the snake?"



Li Huachao was suddenly stunned and was speechless for a long time.

Damn it, he had already forgotten all about Room 225 and Snake Eater.

Those two should still be in the mirror world in reality!

"I knew it." Yu Liang sighed, "What about the mirror? It's time to bring the mirror back, right?"

"Oh oh oh, the mirror is still there." Li Huachao was glad that he took the prison mirror with him when he left the mirror world.

But he then fell into even greater regret.

If I bring that little biting snake back, I might be able to eat the current rabbit game dream.

What a surprise Yu Liang will be when he wakes up!

Li Huachao sighed in his heart. He had no choice. He was still a newbie and not yet proficient. He would definitely not make such a stupid mistake next time.

No matter what Li Huachao was thinking in his heart at this time, Yu Liang switched his body again and took back the mirror that was still there.

"By the way, you haven't read the notebook yet, have you?" Li Huachao remembered something and guided Yu Liang to find some key information points in the notebook.

The most important thing is obviously the record about snake-eating.

Yu Liang also quickly read the "Diary of Colleague Persecution" and then started to think about it.

"So what to do with that snake? It can swallow dreams." Li Huachao's voice was a little excited, "Isn't our mission to destroy dreams? Can't we just use it?"

His thoughts were interrupted by Li Huachao, and Yu Liang also asked with some confusion: "Swallowing dreams? Yes, there is such a snake-eating snake, but why can't it be the one that eats farts?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Huachao was stunned again.

It seemed like he really hadn't considered this situation.

Now that Yu Liang mentioned it, he felt that it was really possible. After all, the experiment log said that the fart-eating snake was in the office, and Lu Xing also found the snake in the office.

If it were a dream-eating snake, it would appear in a prison cell eating dreams.

The Snake Eater who is able to support himself in the office...

It seems that there is only one butt-eating snake, right?

So what he fought so hard to get back at that time was actually a fart-eating snake?

Are you working so hard just for this broken snake?

And he still treats it as a treasure and asks Yu Liang for credit?

Li Huachao suddenly felt his heart stop and felt the pain of being unable to breathe, but then he thought about it, and it seemed that there were other creatures in more pain than him.

Because he seemed to have thrown the farting snake into room 225 and locked it up.

With such an item, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

"Are you going to bring it over now?" Li Huachao looked at the character column, "You should still have a few 'wake' characters and 'sleep' characters, so it doesn't matter if you go and get it back now."

"Now?" Yu Liang thought for a while and shook his head.

There were not many awakening characters, so it was better to use them sparingly first. In comparison, there was another thing that made him even more worried.

That snake was obtained by Lu Xing after he activated his professional ability, and it has the blessing of luck.

Lu Xing said at the time that he spent a lot of money in order to obtain this snake.

If it were just a fart-eating snake, would the consumption really be that exaggerated?

According to the routine of general novels, the more important things are, the greater the consumption will be.

From this point of view, this snake-eating snake might also be the snake-eating snake that devours dreams, so he would not dare to bring back the rabbit game.

We still don’t know what the consequences will be if Snake eats the dream, so it’s better to be careful.

He still has some time, so he is not in a hurry.

Moreover, the opening of the above-ground mall the day after tomorrow is obviously a big event in the process of copying the Rabbit game. He still wants to see what will happen in the early morning two days later.

At this time, Yu Liang suddenly noticed a player running out of the door of the apartment building next to the lawn. The player walked slowly with a little doubt at first, but when he got closer, he seemed to recognize Yu Liang, and his face immediately lit up with joy. He ran towards Yu Liang.


Yu Liang frowned slightly. He didn't recognize this guy at all. He immediately became alert, picked up the characters in his hand, and quietly retreated behind Zai Zi.

When the player walked five steps away, Yu Liang also called out to him: "Stop, don't go any further. Who are you and what do you want from me?"

The player was stunned for a moment, and then immediately smiled with a smile on his face: "I'm sorry, boss, I was rude. I didn't know they were yours until I saw these two weird creatures next to you. I'm a little excited to see you here."

"...Hmm." Yu Liang thought for a while, and could only nod lightly for a long time. Then he realized that this player must have seen Li Huachao in his state before, so he coughed twice and started to talk, "What do you want from me?"

"No, no, no, it's nothing. My name is Ling Hong, and I admire you very much. I just saw the huge hundred-eyed monster in the sky in the dream of the rabbit game, and was immediately kicked offline and sent to that strange prison. Here, I thought I was definitely going to die, but then I saw you fighting hundreds of monsters and winning easily. Your appearance is so handsome, you are like a living superhero! And... I want to ask Where will your store be when it opens the day after tomorrow? I have saved some characters and want to join in as soon as possible." Player Ling Hong looks very young, with a childish face, like a high school student.

He scratched his head in embarrassment, then looked around and said softly, "If it's not enough, I wonder if you can give me a little discount. I'm sorry, I really need a pet that can give me early warning."

"...Hmm." Yu Liang was silent for a long time, and still simply said "Hmm".

A giant hundred-eyed monster appears in the sky in the Rabbit game?

She's a princess, right?

It must be a princess, right?

Still fighting hundreds of monsters?

Opening the day after tomorrow?

Where is the store?

A pet that can give early warning?

What is this and what?

Is this what you, Li Huachao, said about being doing farm work? !

"...Hmm." At this moment, Li Huachao in the universe also had the same reaction as Yu Liang. He did not expect that the player in front of him mentioned everything he had done in reality in just a few words, and also With flattery and a little request...

If this player saw a 100-meter giant fighting a princess, he would definitely say something about it.

I really thank you.

But it didn't matter. If Yu Liang wasn't stupid, he could obviously guess what happened.

Oh, pull the switch——

So now "Yu Liang"'s inner and outer souls fell into a strange silence at the same time.

"Idol, why don't you speak?" Ling Hong was a little stunned. He looked at "Yu Liang" five steps away, and then said, "I don't know your name yet, idol. If you can, can you tell me?" ?"

"My name is Li Huachao." Yu Liang answered very quickly this time. After all, this is what Li Huachao did. If those strange creatures have spirits underground and want to curse and take revenge, it would be better to go to the soul of Li Huachao.

He continued: "The store location will be decided the day after tomorrow, so don't worry. As for what you said, as long as you come to support me when I open it, I will definitely give you a discount."

"Okay." After receiving Yu Liang's affirmative answer, Ling Hong also showed a happy face. He looked at the soil in the sack behind Yu Liang and asked, "Idol, do you need help? I can help you move your things. One person has more strength."

"No, no, no, no need." Yu Liang shook his head, "I still have very important things to do, and I will encounter very dangerous monsters. You'd better go back to a safe place by yourself."

"Okay." Seeing Yu Liang say this, Ling Hong didn't say anything more and turned around and walked back to his apartment.

Yu Liang looked at his back and asked Li Huachao calmly in his heart: "Tell me, how are you doing farm work?"

"Haha." Li Huachao also laughed, and then saw that Yu Liang did not respond to his laughter, so he had to explain it honestly.

It all starts with that sinister tunnel that leads to the rabbit hole.

After a while, Yu Liang, who had listened to the whole process, had to admire that a brain like Li Huachao could actually come up with a grand plan to "keep the price down".

It has to be said that in the field of troublemaking, Li Huachao has an IQ far beyond the ordinary state.

It is also a very good idea, and it will be of great benefit to him if it succeeds.

As long as the transaction volume increases, he will basically not have to worry about the consumption of characters in the future, not to mention that he can also get some special characters, such as characters that can be obtained through unique synthesis methods.

"After putting enough pressure on the grocery store owner, we'd better seek cooperation with him." Yu Liang thought for a while and added a link to Li Huachao's plan, "After all, we will travel in the world of thousands of strange stories, as long as we He can be regarded as a businessman, and he has a shop in all the dungeons of kaidan, so he is considered a businessman. As long as we can get him to purchase goods from us, we can sell Cao Ying to all dungeons of kaidan."

"It makes sense." Li Huachao agreed, "But this puts a lot of to put it?"

"Please ask the navy army to ask a few ordinary players to go to the grocery store to pick and choose, but they didn't buy anything. In the end, they said that the price-performance ratio of their products was too low and not as good as ours." Yu Liang was also familiar with the navy army's routine. Very well, "If we do a few hard things to get traffic and drive word-of-mouth, the masked man will soon feel the pressure."

He smiled and said, "In the past, there was only one official grocery store in the weird world. He has monopolized the market for too long and no longer knows how to compete."

"It makes sense." Li Huachao agreed again, and he suddenly realized that Yu Liang was really evil.

You guys really have a dirty mind when it comes to tactics.

Li Huachao, who was still a child, expressed fear.

Yu Liang switched his body to Li Huachao, who carried the soil on his back to the third floor. The scene on the third floor exceeded his expectations.

The entire corridor was covered with soil. Li Huachao even removed all the turf from downstairs and laid it all on the surface of the corridor. The entire corridor looked full of green.

Of course, Li Huachao still thoughtfully left a path on the left side of the corridor for walking. As for why there is not a path on the left and right sides, Li Huachao said that he knocked on the door and he was the only one on the entire third floor. Naturally, he could do whatever he wanted. alley.

"Hey!" More than twenty grass babies got into the grass and screamed happily. They hummed in the soil like fish entering the water.

Yu Liang stood at this end of the corridor, thinking about another key issue.

Now the things to consider are a little more complicated.

Although there are many lawns and grass babies in this community, business cannot only rely on these grass babies. In the long run, they still need to be promoted to reproduce.

Output is sales volume, and sales volume is characters.

Yu Liang looked at the few twenty-odd grass babies in the pasture and suddenly felt that there was a long way to go.

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