The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 142 Tell me, what did you do when I fell asleep?

An animal trainer who comes from the people and returns to the people is bound to be supported by the people.

At this moment, Li Huachao truly realized what it means to be in the spotlight.

According to this momentum, it should be able to attract many players to come and visit after it opens in two days. However, there are only a few dozen grass babies in Yuliang Universe, which may not be enough.

"Okay, that's all I have to say." Li Huachao jumped off the platform and thought about countermeasures while responding to the flattery of the players around him.

It would be great if I could find some props from the masked man to promote the reproduction of grass babies.

But if you think about it carefully, the masked man shouldn't be selling aphrodisiacs, right?

Li Huachao felt a little regretful sincerely. The masked man had obviously missed another business opportunity.

At this moment, Li Huachao had another thing to consider. A player had reminded him before that if he wanted to sell things, the underground shopping mall that would open in two days would obviously be a good choice.

It is said that a businessman should be a businessman, but Li Huachao preferred to be a businessman, as this would give him a sense of accomplishment in starting his own business.

On second thought, Li Huachao hoped that this underground shopping mall would be better opened for players. If on the day of opening, there would be too many monsters and monsters in the underground shopping mall to scare away his customers——

Then Uncle Li is going to be angry.

Li Huachao walked all the way back to the prison door, and then asked the mantis cub and the money-keeper: "How is it? Am I strong? Am I handsome?"

The Zaizi and the Scrooge immediately nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice. Both of them were always cheering, and Li Huachao was always very helpful.

The judge suddenly understood that these two strange creatures were indeed tamed by Li Huachao, but they were definitely not combat units, they were just pets used to show off their cuteness.

Also, Li Huachao's taming process was all about subduing the beasts with fists, probably by beating them. In this case, would Li Huachao still need these strange creatures to help him fight?

Obviously not.

At this moment, the judge suddenly understood the nature of Li Huachao's profession as an animal trainer, but at the same time he also had another doubt.

If that's the case, why is Li Huachao so strong?

Li Huachao also said just now that players can become stronger only through characters, stamps, props and professional abilities.

But which one did Li Huachao occupy?

It doesn't look like anything, so why is he so strong?

"Are you really an animal trainer?" The judge became suspicious of Li Huachao's profession, so he stepped forward and asked again.

"Of course." Li Huachao answered without thinking. He shook off the human-headed spider in his hand. "Otherwise, do you think there is any other profession that can cure the strange creatures?"

The judge had nothing to say at this time, because he could not confirm that Li Huachao was lying.

Three people walked down the stairs on the second floor quickly. The leader of them was the architect. He had a clear goal and said directly to Li Huachao: "They are coming."


"The people of the Rabbit God, a lot of rabbit dummies have arrived." The architect continued, "They will be back here in about three minutes. What are you going to do now?"

He looked at Li Huachao and the judge, and a rabbit-headed player on the other side also came over. The battle just now resulted in the death of a rabbit-headed player, so now the six of them are the only six rabbit-headed players present.

"They won't come to kill us, right?" One of the rabbit-headed players frowned, with worry in his words.

Li Huachao glanced at him and rolled his eyes.

Really, he, the murderer who destroyed the dream, is not anxious yet. Why should he be anxious about an ordinary player?

The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is.

"Let's see what they are planning to do first." Li Huachao said directly, "Our existence is still very useful to them. They don't need to kill us."

The notebook also made it clear that the rabbit-shaped god's dream needs to be maintained by human fear and death. The "human beings" here refer to players like them.

Li Huachao carefully thought about the whole process of destroying the dream. He should not have left any obvious traces.

At that time, the rabbit-shaped god and his rabbits were still dreaming, and they probably wouldn't see a hundred-meter-tall giant beating up the princess.

Thinking of this, Li Huachao gained some inexplicable courage and leaned against the prison door quietly waiting for the arrival of the rabbit dummy.

Other players also heard about the arrival of the rabbit dummies one after another, so they also gathered together, with hundreds of pairs of eyes looking towards the direction of the maze corridor. If those rabbit dummies were to come, they would definitely appear there.

However, they did not wait for the rabbit dummy, but only waited for a cloud in the sky, leaning on the edge of the moon, its whole body illuminated by the moon.

Li Huachang looked carefully and found that the cloud looked very similar to the rabbit hood he had seen before.

Rabbit-shaped god...

Is this the rabbit-shaped god in the sky?

He blinked, the thought forming in his mind, and then yawned widely.

The yawn was passed through the player base, like a wave, from one end to the other.

The same goes for sleepiness.

The dream was erratic and came to the world with a light feeling. At this time, all the players near the prison gradually fell asleep and collapsed on the ground.

This kind of sleep makes no sense at all. It has no warning and no premise. All it has is the result itself.



After all the players fell asleep, the rabbit dummies finally appeared from the exit of the maze corridor. They mechanically picked up the players on the ground and put them on the bed in the cell.

The players who died in the monster wave just now were carried away by another batch of rabbit dummies and went to other places.

All this happens in pure silence, each rabbit dummy doing its job silently, without words or unnecessary movements.

Only the two people at the tunnel entrance were not asleep. They looked up at the floor above and listened to the footsteps outside the tunnel.

Lu Xing and the bartender still don't know what is going on outside, but they feel that they can't go out yet.

There were only footsteps and no words outside. This was obviously an abnormal scene.

Only fools go out.

So the two of them looked at each other and said nothing.

Just wait in the tunnel, at least until the footsteps outside disappear.

I don't know how long it took, but when the footsteps outside disappeared for nearly ten minutes, Lu Xing carefully pushed away the floor tiles and walked into the prison.

There was no sound in the prison, and there was no sign of human or strange creature activity.

Only the snoring coming from the prison bed reminded Lu Xing that the players in this prison were still alive.

"They have entered the dreamland again." The bartender whispered.

"Well, the collapse of the Rabbit Dream just now should have been just an accident, and now they have been sent back to the Rabbit Game." Lu Xing nodded, and when he came to the door, the first thing that caught his eye was the magnificent soil outside the prison. maze.

"This is..." The bartender's face was shocked. They had only been away for such a short time, and there was actually such a building rising outside.

"It's the architect." Lu Xing's expression didn't change, and he immediately thought of the builder of this earthen maze.

The wine master entered the Rabbit Game instance after Lu Xing, and had never seen the architect's ability, so he was still puzzled: "Architect? Can you actually create such a maze directly?"

"Yes." Lu Xing nodded, "I have cooperated with him before. He has the Eye of God and can look down on his surroundings from a high altitude perspective. Moreover, when using creative characters, the casting range is almost unlimited, and the effects will be affected. increase.”

Although he didn't ask specifically about it in person, he had figured out the profession of an architect in the few battles they had cooperated with before.

The upper limit is extremely high, and the lower limit is not low. As long as a suitable team can be found, the horror of this profession can be maximized.

It's a pity that the other party rejected his solicitation and only said that they would cooperate if there is a chance in the future.

Lu Xing looked at the blood stains on the open ground and the signs of the battle, with a rare expression of surprise on his face.

It seems that these players experienced a big battle after waking up. However, there are no corpses of players here, only the corpses of a large number of strange creatures.

Lu Xing had a guess in his mind, maybe it was the dummies made by the rabbit-shaped gods that cleaned up the entire scene.

However, Lu Xing was still a little curious. Judging from the traces of blood and destruction on the ground, there did not seem to be many casualties among the players, but the corpses of strange creatures were piled up, and the black blood was deeply immersed in the soil. Contaminated large areas of open space.

So many monsters died here, but only so many players died. This is unreasonable.

Is it because the bunny dummies came to the rescue in time?

There is no problem, after all, only death and fear in dreams can provide energy for the Rabbit God, so every player is an extremely valuable resource, and it is normal to get help from the Rabbit God.

Lu Xing glanced at the sky. At this time, the moon had been blocked by layers of gray clouds, not letting out any moonlight.

The entire Forgotten City was immersed in absolute darkness.

He was very close to the final answer. He was about to figure out what the rabbit god was.

That snake must be taken back.

The source ghost story must also be completed, otherwise his stay in this instance will be meaningless.


Li Huachao opened his eyes.

In front of you is the ceiling.

After seeing the rabbit-head-shaped clouds in the sky, he fell into a deep sleep and appeared in the bedroom of the apartment the next moment.

Apartment bedroom?

Li Huachao quickly stood up from the bed and looked around cautiously.

He still remembered that he was forced to go to the real world by "it" before, so now he is back in the dream...

So what about "it"?

But there was no movement in the room, and it looked like it had left the room.

By the way, I entered a dream, but where are the mantis cubs and the money-keeping ghost?

Li Huachao looked back and saw that the two guys and the two little paper figures were sleeping peacefully on his bed, and there was something unexpected under the quilt.

Human-headed spider.

Was this thing also pulled into the dreamland by the rabbit-shaped god?


Li Huachao looked around the room, tested several times, and confirmed that "it" did not exist in the room, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

These weird supernatural creatures were disgusting, and there was really nothing he could do about them.

[Server downtime maintenance and compensation announcement]

Due to unknown reasons, a new type of monster "Princess" appeared in the game one hour ago. This monster does not match the strength of the current players, so all players are forced to go offline. We have shut down the "Rabbit Game" server for maintenance and have basically completed the maintenance. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

[The following are the rewards issued during this shutdown maintenance]

The stamp "Until death do us part", strengthens the series ① character at random.

Till Death Do Us Part: Add one to your overall constitution; when you are in an unrealistic environment (such as a dream), strong willpower will make it more difficult for you to die.

Random strengthening series ① character: "speed" character.

"There are actually service suspension maintenance rewards?" Li Huachao said in surprise. He tried to receive it, and then saw another prompt box.

[Your account has already received the downtime reward, please do not receive it again]


So the bonus characters were sent to Yu Liang’s pocket, right?

Li Huachao understood instantly and was speechless.

I obviously got it!

He looked at the reward icon and felt a little itchy for a moment.

This reward actually has a stamp and a character. This is not a mosquito leg reward.

It made Li Huachao want to play a few more times, forcing the rabbit game to stop repeatedly. Wouldn't it mean that there would be more stamps and more characters?

Li Hua smiled sadly, feeling that her method was completely feasible.

Just like real-life hackers repeatedly attack the game server in order to get rewards for stopping the server for maintenance. Although ordinary people can't do this kind of thing, Li Huachao can do it.

Wait, it looks like someone has done this before.

Li Huachao suddenly remembered that several people had pretended to be a hot sauce to sign an advertising contract with a game company in order to get game gift pack codes. He was shocked to realize that he was no longer the first person to do such a thing. He felt a little bored and only wished that he had not been born a few years earlier. .

It's better to wait until there is a chance before dragging the princess into the dreamland.

Li Huachao called out to the two rabbit-eared paper figures of the bastard Scrooge, and then called out to the human-headed spider.

The human-headed spider used its extremely simple brain to judge the situation, and instantly decided to follow Li Huachao.

"Yes, you can teach me." Li Huachao put away his raised palm, turned around and walked out of the room.

Now that he has returned to the dreamland, he has to take the next step.

Ranch plans.

That's right, he's going to move the entire lawn downstairs to the third floor and bring the pasture into the apartment.

If the corridor was full of grass babies, Li Huachao still didn't believe that they could get close to him. After all, grass babies are a relatively sensitive creature.

Just do it, Li Huachao carefully climbed down the water pipe and went downstairs. Now he was no longer the frightening Li Huachao who was as fast as flying. The effects of heavy drunkenness were showing up on him again, so his physical strength was still in a state of depletion.

Fortunately, some time has passed and he is in good condition now, but he is a little tired easily.

Of course, it is the same if these hard work is left to the bastards. T3 level bloody monsters are more like beasts than working animals.

So in the next period of time, Li Huachao and his son repeated the process of digging, transporting and spreading soil.

It took a full two or three hours before they completed the initial renovation of the Corridor Ranch.

What was somewhat beyond Li Huachao's expectation was that they did not encounter any obstacles from strange creatures during the process.

Maybe it’s because the server has just been launched?

Li Huachao was working hard with his face facing the loess and his back to the sky, and then he heard Yu Liang's doubtful voice coming from the bottom of his heart.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh my god, you're awake." Li Huachao chuckled, "I'm moving soil, and I want to build a pasture in the apartment."

"Well, what did you do after I fell asleep?" Yu Liang remembered that Li Huachao had said this before, and it was not surprising that he took action.

"Me? Of course I didn't do anything." Li Huachao blinked, his voice revealing innocence, "I've been doing farm work here."

"Oh." Yu Liang also expressed his trust, and then asked in a calm tone, "Then what does this suspension reward mean?"

That's right, he had complete trust in Li Huachao, so he was convinced that this matter had something to do with Li Huachao.

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