The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 141 Lower the price!

Li Huachao stopped spinning.

Everywhere in the corridor was stained with the blood and minced meat of various monsters.

He is like a human meat grinder, crushing any strange creature that dares to step into this place into pulp.

All the players stopped and looked at Li Huachao who was slaughtering monsters wantonly in the corridor.

Since there is no need for them to take action, there is no need for them to waste characters.

Players are naturally happy to have someone help them clean up these monsters.

"No more?" Li Huachao stood on the spot and stretched his muscles, then inserted two blood-stained knives into the earthen wall of the corridor and wiped them.

He felt the increase in his physical fitness.

In the defender state, every time he kills a monster, his attribute value will increase. Judging from the content of the previous prompt box, the attribute value that increases each time is not much, and it is a random single attribute value.

For example, strength, speed, explosiveness, etc., the miscellaneous attributes added up can be regarded as some increase.

Killing monsters of different levels also increases attribute values ​​differently. Li Huachao killed nearly a hundred of them in just ten minutes, which is basically equivalent to an increase in all physical attributes.

Thanks to the other players in this prison, the smell of flesh and blood from their bodies helped him attract so many monsters.

Their luck was indeed good, and they did not attract monsters above the T2 level. If monsters of the princess's level came, neither the blood type nor the supernatural type could be dealt with by these players.

For the supernatural type, Li Huachao would have to run if he took the lead, but if it was the blood type T1, he would also have to run. After all, the Ring of Five-Fifth Opening is already in the cooling stage.

Li Huachao picked out the only surviving monster from the pile of monster corpses on the ground. This was a little monster that he spared mercifully.

It was a spider with a woman's head. It was a very common monster in horror games or movies.

The only characteristic is that this woman's face is quite delicate, and she is probably quite cute after washing her face. This is the reason why Li Huachao chose her from dozens of human-headed spiders.

Sure enough, if you have good looks, you will be well-served no matter where you go.


Human Head Spider

Name: Human Head Spider (cannot be synthesized)

Texture: None

Ability: Sting

[Poison Stinger]: Generates toxin, which can cause a certain paralysis effect when injected into the prey.

Note: A little spider who loves life~

"Well, the ability doesn't have any sense of design. It's just the simplest poison attribute attack." Li Huachao finished looking at the little spider and complained in his heart. It seems that the most troublesome thing is the note given to the little spider by the system. .

Such a weak little monster has the courage to follow a large army to hunt human players. It is indeed a little spider that loves life.

Li Huachao picked up the little spider and flicked her forehead several times. Now the little spider stopped moving. He just closed his eyes and let Li Huachao grab her long hair and lift it in his hand.

Spiders are also animals, and if they are animals, they belong to the hunter. So after feeling the hunter's aura and Li Huachao's unique temperament, the human-headed spider decisively chose to give in, enter a dormant state on the spot, and do nothing.

And Li Huachao let this little spider go not just because she looked better, but mainly to be wary of other players.

There are still about fifteen minutes left for the defender, but now all the monsters have been killed. In other words, the effect of the defender's physical recovery can no longer be sustained. In the next time, his There will be a constant loss of physical strength.

If someone attacks him during this time, he can also directly kill the little spider to gain strength, which can be regarded as having the power to fight.

Li Huachao walked back to the group of players while shaking the heads in his hands. As he walked back along the corridor, he felt a kind of respect from the faces of these players.

Everyone has the mentality of worshiping the strong, and this world of ghost stories is no exception.

Regarding Li Huachao, almost everyone present had uncontrollable thoughts in their hearts.

There is no way, in the state of unlimited physical strength and unlimited recovery, the crazy Li Huachao is more terrifying than a mad dog.

For any player, facing this level of monsters would feel despair, but for Li Huachao, the more enemies there are, the more excited he becomes.

Although this is the result of multiple factors, judging from the impact of the visual effects, Li Huachao's flexing of muscles is obviously very successful.

This kind of melee combat ability that is arrogant and unreasonable and makes people unable to help but feel desperate is definitely something that no player wants to face.

If three or two players with special abilities and certain combat effectiveness were to besiege Li Huachao, they might be able to capture Li Huachao on the spot. However, after the battle just now, no player dared to go up and touch Li Huachao's troubles.

Although this rabbit-headed player seems to be a bit mentally ill and has an indescribable temperament, there is no doubt that the same sentence comes to everyone's mind -

This boy is so terrifying.

The rabbit-headed players among them were also constantly guessing in their hearts. Judging from Li Huachao's combat performance, he has far surpassed ordinary T2 players. Perhaps he has reached the T1 level?

The more I thought about it, the more terrifying this rabbit head became.

"Hey, are there any more monsters?" Li Huachao asked the architect on the second floor of the prison from a distance.

"No more. The nearby monster colonies were all attracted and died here." The architect replied from a distance.

"Oh." Li Huachao nodded, shook the head in his hand and came to the center of the player group. He coughed at the architect on the second floor, and then pointed to his feet, showing off.

The architect was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Li Huachao meant. He immediately smiled and used a character to build an earthen platform under Li Huachao's feet.

When Li Huachao stood on the earth platform where he was superior to others, applause erupted inexplicably among the players.

Many of the players expressed their gratitude to Li Huachao for turning the tide just now, so they were very supportive at this time. Most people also followed the crowd, and the atmosphere at the scene was like star-chasing.

Li Huachao, who was standing on the stage, also had a calm smile on his face and turned around so that all the players present could see his bunny face.

Li Huachao looks very peaceful, with a kind of indifference to fame and fortune, but if you look closely, you can find that his rabbit ears were originally hanging on his shoulders, but now they stand straight on his head. superior.

Lift high——

Obviously, this state of erecting his ears allows him to receive the most applause and praise from the players.

Li Huachao pressed his hands against the players surrounding him and waited until they quieted down before continuing to speak.

"Our dream defense battle has achieved initial victory. We have resisted the invasion of monsters. This is a good signal." Li Huachao said loudly, "I believe that we can survive."

There were a few nonsense words at first, and then Li Huachao quickly mentioned the real purpose of this speech: "Perhaps many people don't know, but I am actually an animal trainer and an ordinary player like you."




Ordinary player?

Do you want to hear what the hell you're talking about?

After hearing Li Huachao's words, every player at the scene had such doubts in their hearts.

"Animal tamer? You...are an animal tamer?" Some players began to doubt themselves.

The guy who just killed everyone in the monster group is actually a beast tamer?

It would make sense if you were a soldier or a martial arts instructor, and even the legendary swordsman, sword fairy, and sword demon would be able to understand it. But if you tell me that you are a beast tamer, then we cannot understand it.

"That's right, I'm an animal tamer." Li Huachao nodded affirmatively, then picked up the human-headed spider in his hand, "Look, wasn't she tamed by me?"

Players: "..."

Not to mention monsters, after seeing what you looked like just now, even players will be obedient to you, really.

"In short, when I was a weak and helpless ordinary player, my channels for becoming stronger were extremely limited." Li Huachao's tone was full of nostalgia, as if he had really experienced all this.

In fact, he just substituted himself into Lao Du's experience. After all, Li Huachao himself had never been weak and helpless since his birth, but monsters often felt weak and helpless in front of him.

"Characters, characters need to collect a lot of materials, and those materials must be obtained in the world in the Kaitan dungeon. Obtaining every resource requires taking risks, and every synthesized character is precious." Li Huachao listed the players. "The second is the stamp. After completing the side quest or killing the powerful monster creature, we players may get the stamp reward. The abilities rewarded by the stamp are also all kinds of strange, but for a person who has no background For new players, getting even one stamp requires both wisdom, luck and strength."

The other players in the audience still didn't understand what Li Huachao wanted to express, but they completely agreed with what Li Huachao said. This is the current situation of "low-level players" like them.

Even Yu Liang only completed the counterattack against Lao Du with the blessing of a certain amount of luck, skipping the "early stage" directly.

"If you are lucky enough to have passed through the early stages of the Kaitan World, you will know that there is one thing that all players are flocking to." Li Huachao said slowly, "With the Alienation Career Application Form, you can truly gain a foothold in the Kaitan World. , alienated profession, but I think you also know how difficult it is to obtain an alienated profession."

Li Huachao pointed his finger in the direction of the "Meet" grocery store, and said sadly: "If you have lived long enough in the world of Kaitan, you should know that there is a grocery store. Maybe its name is different in each copy of Kaitan, but The degree of blackness is the same. There are indeed props in it that can enhance the player's strength, but do you know how much it costs?"

"Buy it with money?"


"Or a seal?"

Since the mission mechanisms of different dungeons are different, many players below have never heard of the existence of grocery stores, so they can only guess. However, Li Huachao just shook his head repeatedly, and finally a rabbit-headed player said: "I'll go However, the props there require at least four stamps to redeem, and these are props of little use."

"Four stamps?"

"There are so many?"

"How long will it take to save?!"

Li Huachao pressed his hand again, signaling the players to calm down, and then continued: "And such a store is actually the official store of the World of Monsters. It can be imagined that these props are not prepared for ordinary players like us. , In other words, in the eyes of official personnel, we are not treated as customers... No, we are not even treated as people, we are just consumables!"

As soon as this statement came out, the player group was filled with indignation, and the reason for the anger was very simple, because they were told right by Li Huachao, and they understood that this was the fact.

"But I am a beast tamer." Li Huachao glanced at everyone present, "I have the ability to tame strange creatures. As long as you raise them according to the method I gave, you can ensure their loyalty. These strange creatures Creatures may only be at T5 level or T4 level. Compared with those props in the official store, they may not be that useful. They may only be able to remind players before encountering strange creatures, or they may only be able to let them know in their own way. Powerful monsters can reduce their desire to attack their masters, and may have some trivial abilities, but to you, such domesticated monsters are already precious, aren't they?"

Li Huachao didn't wait for anyone to ask, and immediately shouted loudly: "And they only need a few characters, yes, that's right, it only takes a few characters to take them away from me. Compared with four stamps, this is It’s a price you can totally afford, isn’t it?”

The players below were also persuaded by Li Huachao's words. Indeed, it was impossible for them to come up with four stamps. Players who could come up with four stamps to exchange for props were almost all alienated professional players, and they Not at the same level at all.

At the cost of a few characters, you can get a T5 or T4 monster. If these monsters can really provide early warning or reduce the desire of other monsters to attack, it will be completely worth it.

So the players nodded and began to agree in unison.

Compared with the official stores of high-end luxury stores, it is easier to impress them with the strange pets that Li Huachao said.

Cheap and practical, this is what ordinary players like them need.

"So when can we buy your tamed Kaitan pet?"

"Yeah, we need them now."

The players in the audience also responded one after another.

"In a while, about a day or two, you will see a large number of strange pets for sale." In fact, Li Huachao didn't know how long it would take, after all, those grass babies were not in his hands.

"Two more days? Are you referring to the opening of the underground mall the day after tomorrow?" Some players thought of the underground mall.

"Yes, that's right, it's just opening." Li Huachao was stunned for a moment, and then followed the player's words, regardless of whether he had purchased a store in the underground mall.

When the time comes, I can just grab it head-on. What should I be afraid of?

"Also, I know that you will find some props with supernatural properties in your daily searches, but they may not match your abilities. These props can also be used to exchange for monster pets or trade characters with me." Li Huachao continued. He said, "Similarly, I will open the trade of these props. You can use the characters in your hands to trade with me. You may be able to find props that match your abilities."

He promised the players: "I will maximize my benefits to all players, so that you can better survive in the world of ghost stories. Faced with high-priced and low-end props, as consumers, we have reason to say no. .”

Immediately afterwards, Li Huachao raised his arms and shouted: "Let us lower the price!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience immediately gathered in support.

At the same time, the masked man thousands of meters away sneezed inexplicably.

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