The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 140 Do all of you animal trainers fight like this? !

The judge was silent for a moment. He didn't smell any lies.

This shows that Li Huachao does not feel that he is lying.

In other words, there are two possibilities.

First, Li Huachao is indeed the strongest here.

The second is that Li Huachao firmly believes that he is the strongest here.

The judge looked at him and was unable to determine which category he belonged to in a short time.

However, the defender's enhancement is comprehensive, and even the beast tamer's summons should be able to enjoy the bonus.

In addition, this is a rabbit-headed player after all, so he should not be too weak. The judge originally planned to find a suitable person among the rabbit-headed players to be set as a "defender". Now the situation is quite critical, and there is no time to carefully consider the selection. .

So the next moment, Li Huachao saw a pop-up prompt box on the page.

[You have been selected to be a defender. Every time you punish evil, you will recover 50% of your full status and gain permanent physical growth. Please do more good deeds and defend the right path in your heart. 】

[Duration 30 minutes, current remaining time 29:59...]

"You really gave it to me?" Li Huachao was a little surprised, but then he was ecstatic.

Can you restore 50% of your full status every time you punish evil?

Then if he casually killed two T4-level monsters, wouldn't he be resurrected at full status?

And such a good thing!

So he took out the two familiar table knives from his inventory and rushed forward with a roar, leaving the judge far behind.

"Huh?!" The judge looked at his indomitable back and was shocked.

His career in real life allowed him to stay calm most of the time, but looking at Li Huachao, he still felt extremely confused.

Looking back at the mantis cub and the skinny humanoid creature in large overalls who were left at the door of the prison, they seemed to have no intention of moving at all.

Is there such a summon?

Your masters all rushed forward, why didn't you make any movement?

As if sensing the judge's doubts, Zai Zi reached out and lifted his disheveled hair, revealing two sinister eyes and a big mouth that was split to the base of his ears.

She tilted her head and gave a kind and kind smile to the judge who had been staring at her.

After hanging out with humans like Li Huachao for such a long time, she also established an initial favorable impression of humans similar to Li Huachao.

This is also related to the nature of Mantis. It was like this when we first met in the dormitory. As long as the players do not take the initiative to provoke them, Mantis will not attack them.

The judge looked at the smile of the mantis cub, and his heart was full of weirdness. Then he looked at the blue overalls next to him, and he saw that it had even sat down, supported its head with both hands, and watched Li Huachao's figure gradually go away.

I always feel...

They seem to have gotten used to it.

This idea came to the judge's mind for no reason.

"Aren't you going to help him?" The judge couldn't restrain his doubts, so he asked directly.

In any case, as an animal tamer, even if you have to go into battle in person, you have to bring these tamed summons with you, right?

At this time, Li Huachao suddenly turned around and shouted at Zai Zi and Money Skull: "Don't come over, you guys stay there and wait, don't hurt you!"

His ears are far more sensitive than human ears, so the judge's words reached his ears smoothly.


At this time, the judge really didn't know who was the trainer and who was the master.

But after a while, he no longer had the heart to pay attention to such things.

Because Li Huachao directly bypassed the three minotaurs and went straight to the maze corridor in the other direction.

At this moment, the Minotaur was still slaughtering the players wantonly, and the players near the earth wall had collapsed and fled madly in other directions.

The players in front of the maze corridor also paid attention to the situation on the Minotaur side. It was chaotic for a while, and many players also had the idea of ​​​​escape.

"Hold on, we can't lose here. If we lose here, everyone will die here!" The leading rabbit raised his machete high and shouted at the three people on the second floor, "Architect! Stop those three cows. !”

The architect had also been paying attention to the minotaur. At this time, he finally found an opportunity, raised his palms upward, and typed out the characters.

Four walls of earth rose from the ground, instantly surrounding the three Minotaurs, along with a few unlucky players.

This is also a helpless move. The architect's operation accuracy is not that high. This is definitely not the time to slowly show off his operation. If he can trap the minotaur first, it is normal for a few ordinary players to die.

Screams and the roar of the minotaur came from the earth-walled cage, constantly tearing at the psychological defenses of other players on the field.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Li Huachao had already passed those players and came to the corridor in front of the maze.

In front of him were several monsters running towards him, including T3 and T4. They were pure black humanoid creatures that walked upright. They were extremely slender and had long hands that were dragged on the ground as they ran. And swinging backwards is similar to Naruto's running posture.

"What are you doing?! Don't block our gaze!" The rabbit-headed player holding a scimitar and giving orders also noticed Li Huachao's figure, and his expression suddenly changed.

Blocking the player team at this time is as stupid as blocking the musketeers.

"Shh--" Li Huachao also turned around slowly, put his index finger in front of his lips, and made a "silence" gesture towards the man holding a machete.

At the same time, the first black human figure in the lead also ran behind Li Huachao, raised his right hand high, and smashed it angrily at his back.

Li Huachao turned his body slightly, twisted to avoid it, and at the same time threw a "hunting mark" on the black humanoid.

No matter how weak your physical strength is, it is more than enough to deal with a T4 level mob.

It was very easy to dodge the attack of this kind of monster, and it consumed almost no physical energy. His body movements were even a bit like a drunken fist, and he cleverly avoided the monster's wave attack.

The only thing that requires stamina is drawing the sword.

While turning around, the table knife in Li Huachao's hand also rotated with the swing of his body. The knife flashed and plunged into the black humanoid's neck. The force was so fierce that it almost cut off the black humanoid's head. When he came down, there was only a little bit of black flesh still attached to his neck.

Li Huachao slapped the monster's head away, white light flashed on his body, and a kind of vitality was instantly injected into his body.

[The sanction has been completed, 50% of the full status has been restored, and the strength attribute has been permanently increased]

[Hunting completed, all physical attributes increased by 1 point, duration 15 minutes]

"Huh——" Li Huachao smiled easily as he felt the vitality restored to his body.

Can killing a Kaitan creature restore 50% of its status?

So killing one more person can restore his physical strength to full status, and continuous killing can keep his physical strength at full status.

Therefore, without any extra thought, Li Huachao drove Alpha Strike directly into the monster group, followed by a Blade Storm to clear the area.

The corridor was suddenly filled with sword light, and in less than ten seconds the mobs that poured into the corridor were cleared away.

The players outside the corridor were all dumbfounded by this swift and swift battle. They had never thought that someone could rush into a group of monsters like this and perform unparalleled battles.

What was even more shocking was the judge who witnessed Li Hua rushing out.

You told me this thing is an animal tamer? !


Do you trainers fight like this? !

He turned to look at the Mantis Cub and the Scrooge sitting upright on the steps in front of the prison. The two strange creatures looked extremely calm. The Cub even waved at the judge after thinking briefly. He waved, then moved his butt to reserve a spot for him on the steps.

Why are you two so skilled?

Does your trainer do this kind of thing often?

So what's the point of him training you?

Looking back at Li Huachao, his face was already red at this time, and he was grinning with a big mouth. He stretched out his hand and pinched the neck of a black humanoid, threw it directly against the wall and smashed it hard, which made the monster fascinated. After getting confused, he threw it to the ground and then kicked the monster in the head.


After a crisp sound, the entire head of the black humanoid was trampled to pieces.

Li Huachao rubbed the soles of his shoes on the ground, as if he wanted to remove the black dirt from the soles, with a look of disgust on his face.


The judge watched helplessly as his chosen defender slaughtered all the monsters in the entire corridor, leaving no one alive.

Although it was meant to punish evil, judging from Li Huachao's excitement, it looked like the devil was born.

The judge also didn't understand. Li Huachao was obviously very sick when he first met Li Huachao. He seemed to have no energy and his steps were particularly sluggish, as if he had been hungover for three days and nights.

Why did it become like this as soon as it was set as a defender?

What on earth did he release?

"This judge's ability seems to match mine very well." Li Huachao touched his chin, feeling the physical strength that was constantly recovering and disappearing.

The Defender and Drunken states were applied to him at the same time, so now he will lose a lot of physical strength every second, but every time he kills a monster, he will regain 50% of his physical strength.

To put it simply, as long as he keeps fighting and killing, his physical strength will not be exhausted.

In this case, he can continuously release "Blade Storm", and pay a little attention not to hurt his wrist. Basically, it is a state of unlimited amplification.

Li Huachao turned around and crossed the group of players, running towards the three minotaurs.

After killing two mobs and sucking blood to restore their health, it was time for him to focus the battle on the three elite monsters.

When he found the three minotaurs, there were already three rabbit-headed players gathered together, working together to resist the minotaurs that had broken out of the earth wall.

Various characters were constantly thrown at the Minotaur. The three players rolled around beside the Minotaur, constantly dodging their attacks.

It's just that no player dares to step forward and face the Minotaur with the weapons in their hands. This is probably because their alienated professions do not directly enhance physical fitness and combat effectiveness.

In modern professions, those who focus on physical training or individual combat strength may only be military police or martial arts instructors. Most people's professions do not require them to be good at fighting.

And Li Huachao rushed into the center of the Minotaur herd without hesitation. He used Alpha Strike and stabbed the knife in his hand directly into the Minotaur's eye, stabbing it several times in succession.

"You like making trouble, have you had enough trouble?" Li Huachao grabbed the horn growing on the person's head with one hand, and waved it down without hesitation with the other hand, making several big moves in succession.

When the slap fell, Li Huachao also secretly selected the "smash" character and released it, and then continued to hit the smash character with the cover of his palm, so every slap was accompanied by the power of dizziness, and the palm had a critical hit.

When Newton was born, he was so dizzy from the series of slaps that his eyes were filled with stars and his tongue was stretched out.

To the outside players, Li Huachao looked like a ruthless man who grabbed the Minotaur by its horns and slapped it wildly. Not only that, he actually slapped the Minotaur and knocked it out.

The judge also fell into a long silence.

He really didn't expect that a guy like him paddling in front of the prison would be so violent.

Can you compete with bloody T2 monsters with just your physical body?

Still suppressing Minotaur?

In this case, what is the significance of the existence of the profession of animal trainer?

Li Huachang glanced back. Seeing that their companions were being beaten violently, the other two minotaurs didn't care about the other players who were besieging them. Instead, they sprinted towards Li Huachang.

Li Huachao also turned around and ran, continuing to rush towards the maze corridor.

"Roar!" The Minotaur finally recovered from its dizzy state. It shook its head for a while and then let out a roar. With its only remaining eye, it stared at Li Huachao and drove its body to follow.

Li Huachao fled in front, followed by three minotaurs chasing after him. The players on the side gave way to this strange combination.

Soon, Li Huachao ran into the maze corridor. He looked at the little monsters that kept pouring into the maze corridor from the other end, and showed a relaxed and relieved smile.

Sure enough, he still needs these little monsters to maximize his strength.

And this smile seems to have another meaning to the players outside the corridor.

Surrounded by powerful enemies, he could still show such a smile at this time...

They suddenly felt that this rabbit-headed player was not playing the same game as them.

Shouldn’t normal people play horror survival puzzle games?

Why is this guy playing a fighting game?

And it’s not a soul game, it’s an unparalleled grass-cutting game!

The next moment, Li Huachao started a new round of sword storm. The blade of the table knife kept hitting the Minotaur's body, splashing sparks.

Not long after, Li Huachao's rotation speed reached its peak. With the blessing of the extreme speed, the blade could break through the Minotaur's defense. The maze corridor was filled with black blood, mixed with thinly sliced ​​black blood. beef.

Li Huachao stopped spinning. He gradually felt a little exhausted and his head was a little dizzy, so he pulled over a monster and killed it casually.

A burst of white light flashed across his body, and Li Huachao's state suddenly returned to full strength, his physical strength recovered, and his mind became clear.

"Continue!" Li Huachao laughed wildly and activated Blade Storm again, and the corridor was filled with sword light again.

After a while, he even understood the next level of swordsmanship.

Blade Storm combines with Alpha Strike to become a large top capable of teleportation.

The players also fell silent.

First he was an earth magician who moved mountains and reclaimed seas, and now he is a swordsman who keeps turning around.

The scene became fantasy for a while.

But only the judge knew that the person walking in the corridor was not the sword fairy.

It's an animal tamer.

Do you trainers all fight like this? !

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