The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 139 No need to look for it, I am the strongest here

The other rabbit-headed players present had only heard about the professional abilities of architects before, and it was only now that they truly saw how terrifying the abilities of architects were.

By simply using characters, a maze surrounding the prison can be created in an instant.

This kind of expressive power is completely different from that of alienated professional players, and it directly feels like the power of an immortal.

The rabbit-headed players present were not immersed in the shock of the architect's ability. They quickly went downstairs to the door of the prison.

Li Huachao turned around and glanced at the architect with a normal expression, adding another suspicion about the architect's ability.

Dam, wall, slope, these characters are strictly noun characters, but in the hands of architects, the usage of "name action" appears, and the effect of the characters directly becomes "build dam", "build wall" and "build". slope".

This should also be one of the professional abilities of architects.

Additionally, the character release range for Architects is horribly broad, but should be limited to these construction-type characters.

Otherwise, architects can simply use things like "thunder" characters to bombard targets instead of building buildings as they are now.

Of course, if that happens, this profession will no longer be an architect, but will probably become something like a Taoist priest.

God's perspective coupled with the infinite bombardment of thunder characters, there is even a person beside me who helps make cannonballs and deliver them...

This painting style gradually becomes fantasy.

At least Li Huachao has watched some horror movies, and he has never heard of any evil villain who is not afraid of lightning strikes.

Li Huachao saw several other rabbit-headed players going downstairs, deliberately lingering behind, waiting for others to go down first.

It's not because he wants to hide while others are lazy and don't work hard, but mainly because he wants to wait for the rabbit-headed players to gather all the players in this prison before going down.

In this way, he can more easily find Lu Xing and the wine master hiding in the player group, so that he will not be caught off guard.

After standing at the top of the stairs and waiting for a while, Li Huachao slowly walked down the stairs to the first floor.

The rest of the rabbit-headed players have told these players about the current situation facing this prison. Judging from the current situation, led by these top players in the prison, these players are still very willing to work together to resist outside the prison. of those monsters.

It's hard to say how many dark private thoughts are involved in this "very willing".

Li Huachao stood on the stairs on the first floor and looked towards the players below, his eyes quickly scanning these players.

There was no sign of Lu Xing or the bartender.

This kind of unknown made him feel a little uneasy, and he couldn't figure out what the two people were doing or where they were.

The only thing that was certain was that these two people were secretly planning something and were ready to give him a fatal blow at any time.

This situation of wanting to beat someone up but not being able to find one gave Li Huachao a headache.

Now he suddenly missed the time when Yu Liang was awake, at least he didn't have to worry about being tricked to death by other players.

It would be great if Uncle Yu Liang was in this prison.

Li Huachao sighed in his heart, but he did not try to wake up Yu Liang, because it was obvious that Yu Liang had cut off the reception of external signals.

Otherwise, he should have woken him up long ago.

So at this time, if it were Yu Liang, what would Yu Liang do?

Li Huachao began to try to "play" Yu Liang and think from Yu Liang's perspective.

If it were Yu Liang, what would Yu Liang do?

I will probably open the page and take a look at the character bar, item bar, stamp bar, etc. to see if there is anything I can use.

Li Huachao was also familiar with Yu Liang's acting style. When Yu Liang was in doubt, he would always look at what he had first, and then think about what he wanted.

So Li Huachao followed suit and took a rough look at his own three columns.

The characters in the character column are basically used in combat, which is not helpful to the current situation.

His eyes fell on the character "endurance", which seemed to be acquired through trading at the zoo, and had the effect of increasing endurance by 50%.

In terms of endurance, it seems that it can alleviate the problem of insufficient physical strength to a certain extent and slow down the consumption of his physical strength. However, it is a pity that his current physical strength level is still not enough to support a battle of the same level.

It might be okay to bully monsters or ordinary players, but dealing with players like Lu Xing...

He probably doesn't even have the ability to avoid the character's gaze now.

Looking at the stamp column, he originally only had two stamps. Leaving aside the "Midnight Wandering Spirit" that he had traded before, the only one left was the "Doll Killer".

This was used to deal with the doll monsters near the director's office in the zoo before. It can increase the damage to dolls, sculptures, and portrait monsters.

As for the inventory, except for Tuyou's legs, they are basically all rags collected from everywhere.

Fortunately, the legs placed in the inventory will not rot and stink over time, and they still have a flawless whiteness that is extremely artistic and beautiful.

Li Huachao looked at this leg for a long time, and something really came to his mind.

It seems that Tuyou said that this leg contains the energy she has accumulated, right?

Tuyou is a bloody creature, so her energy should be biased towards flesh and blood energy.

In other words, if he eats this leg, his physical strength may be restored and he can directly break free from the restrictions of the "heavy drunkenness" state.

But thinking about it carefully, I still feel reluctant to part with it.

Li Huachao decided to use it as his backup hidden energy source, so that if he met Lu Xing and the two of them, it would not be too late to eat.

Transformed into the ghoul Jin Muchao, directly transformed into black and exploded to kill the opponent, broke off Lu Xing's finger, and then asked him what 1000-7 equals...

Of course, there is one thing you must not forget after completing the copy, and that is to ask Tuyou for another leg to collect.


Li Huachao stopped his racing thoughts. It was quite interesting to "play" Yu Liang. He could actually come up with a way to break the situation by imitating Yu Liang's thinking process...

Well, it seems that Yu Liang doesn't have such a strong taste, so he probably won't want to eat this stuff.

Looking outside the prison, the architect built a simple maze outside the prison to attract all the monsters in the dark to the same road, and finally reach the inner prison from the only exit.

This is an extremely smart approach. In the face of these ferocious monsters, earthen buildings obviously cannot stop them, so it is better to block them.

The current exit of the maze is just a small pass. All monsters will come out from this exit instead of attacking from all directions. This undoubtedly reduces the risk of players facing monsters.

Players only need to organize a defense line under the leadership of senior players to clean up the strange creatures.

T4-level bloody monsters can be killed by firearms. Although the player does not have a firearm in his hand, the power of a volley of multiple characters is no worse than that of a firearm.

The only flaw is that the casting range is too close, so the architect made a small design at the entrance. After the monster rushes out, it still needs to pass through a long corridor of about ten meters.

When the monsters appear at the end of the corridor, the players at the other end of the earthen corridor can begin to warm up for the use of characters.

Players' flashlights were collected, bundled into a bundle, and hung on the windowsill on the second floor for use as searchlights. The light beam pointed directly at the earthen corridor at the exit of the maze.

Heavy and messy footsteps came from the maze, as if a heavy hammer hit the hearts of the players, exacerbating the tension in their hearts again and again.

This is definitely not the first time they have faced strange creatures, but to face such a large number of monsters...

This is obviously not something that normal players can experience.

The first monster appears at the end of the corridor.

This is a woman with a skinny face standing on all fours, but she is not like a normal beast standing on all fours.

Her back was facing the ground, and she grabbed the ground with her hands and feet in a twisted reverse posture. The head that was half bitten off by the wild beast was raised high and turned upside down. The only eye left on her head stared at the players across the corridor.

The next second, her limbs moved forward quickly like a spider, climbing up the walls on both sides from time to time.

But her body is obviously more bloated than the spider, so she will fall down every time she climbs a certain height on the wall. This is why she did not directly climb over the wall and pass through the maze.

"Team, destroying characters, prepare -" The rabbit-headed player standing at the front pulled out a scimitar from the inventory, pointing the tip of the knife directly at the monster in the corridor.

In fact, with his strength, he can kill this monster with one blow, but in order to quickly break into the tacit understanding between these players, the monsters in front of him can only be tempered by the players.

The moment the monster entered the five-meter range of the player, a team of players in the player group all typed the characters they prepared at the monster.

Basically, they are simple destructive characters, such as "breaking" characters and "burning" characters. The synthesis is simple, but they still have good effects.

In an instant, nearly ten characters fell on the monster. The spiritual energy of the characters continued to show up on the half-faced monster woman. The shattering power and the burning of the flames destroyed the monster woman's life in just one second. Cut off all.

Li Hua looked at the direction of the battlefield where he was standing at the prison door. He did not move, and the mantis cub and the money-keeper beside him also did not move.

He had indeed recovered some strength, but he didn't want to waste it on such a meaningless battle.

As for Mantis and Scrooge, he didn't dare to let them enter the battlefield. The queue was in good order now. If the players were scattered by monsters and the scene became chaotic, Zai Zi and Scrooge might also become those. The target of the player's attack.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the players are still organized and working together to defend against the enemy.

This defensive mode is not too difficult, but it is extremely effective. It feels like Napoleon's musketeers beating Ottoman knights.

Li Huachao looked back at the trio of architects standing on the second floor. They had basically completed their tasks and were now acting as warlords. It was precisely because of this that the players below could only suppress their evil thoughts.

When the player team is neatly lined up, it is often clear who is up to the trick. However, foreign enemies are currently targeting their comrades around them for profit. Such behavior will undoubtedly be attacked by groups.

As for the architect, his eyes are still blue, and he is probably still maintaining a God's perspective.

"Aren't you going to let them in?" Besides Li Huachao, there was another person at the door of the prison.


"They are not needed yet." Li Huachao replied, "They are all melee units and are easily injured by the player's characters."

There was nothing wrong with this explanation, so the judge nodded and continued to stand at the prison door and watch.

"What about you? Why are you standing here like me?" Li Huachao asked rhetorically.

"My abilities are basically aimed at players." The judge said with a natural expression, "It has no effect on these inhuman monsters."

"Okay." Li Huachao didn't ask any more questions, just followed him and stood at the prison door to watch.

There are gradually more monsters appearing in the corridor, but before the players attack with large-scale characters, these T4 or T3 monsters are not enough.

"I have the ability to detect lies." Suddenly, the judge said this, "But I can't see what your occupation is. After you said that you were an 'animal tamer,' I smelled it at the same time. The smell of truth and lies, this has never happened before."

He continued: "In other words, you may sincerely think that you are an animal tamer, or your abilities have been developed to look like an animal tamer."

"Absolutely." Li Huachao blinked and spoke vaguely.

"It seems that I relied too much on my abilities. It turns out there are some lies that I can't see through." The judge smiled, then felt relieved, and silently noted it in his mind.

Indeed, you cannot rely too much on professional skills.

"There are three T2-level monsters in the northwest! They are coming in this direction. They destroyed the wall and came directly here!"

Suddenly, the architect shouted downstairs: "I can't stop them, I can only fix the maze behind them."

For a moment, the atmosphere on the field became chilly. The players quickly cleared away the monsters in the corridor, and then sent half of their manpower to wait for the three small bosses in front of the northwest wall.

T2-level bloody monster creatures already possess unstoppable physical fitness and unparalleled regeneration speed. It is difficult for ordinary characters to cause any real damage to them.

So three or four rabbit-headed players followed, preparing to focus their fire to capture the T2 monster the moment it appeared.


The earthen wall in the northwest was instantly broken, and three monsters with human heads and cow bodies rushed out and plunged into the group of players without any hesitation.

Dozens of characters poured onto the three minotaurs. Although they caused damage, it only aroused their ferocity and made them rush into the player group faster.

Their heads also have sharp horns. With just one lift, a player is lifted into the air. When he falls, he is facing the open mouth of the bull.

The architect quickly repaired the wall damaged by the Minotaur and did not let other monsters follow the three Minotaurs in.

However, with just one encounter, the group of players who were blocking the Minotaur were dispersed. Six or seven people died on the spot, and more than ten people were knocked into the open space, and their lives were unknown.

More importantly, there was also a rabbit-headed player who died on the spot. He didn't even have time to use his professional abilities.

Rabbit-headed players are just stronger than ordinary players. They are still vulnerable to the monsters in T2. ​​As long as they are hit, their bodies cannot withstand the damage.

The judge frowned deeply and walked forward quickly.

"What are you going to do?" Li Huachao was a little curious. He could naturally see that the judge's ability did not improve his physical fitness at all.

His abilities are not geared toward fighting strange creatures, so this judge enters the battlefield with the intention of giving away his life.

"I want to find the strongest player among the players." The judge seemed to have no time to explain to Li Huachao and left quickly. "I have the ability to set another player as a defender in a short period of time. The defender is performing good deeds or attacking others. When punished for sin, the state will be restored and the constitution will be permanently increased.”

"With this ability...don't you have a partner?" Li Huachao was even more curious.

The ability to permanently increase physical fitness, paired with a long-term companion, is simply invincible.

"He was a game master last week," the judge said.

"Okay." Li Huachao also understood. No wonder this judge could also become a rabbit-headed player. He probably did it with the help of his companions. However, his companions became game masters, so they left this copy of Strange Tales directly.

"In this case, you don't have to look for it anymore. I am the strongest here." Li Huachao said loudly behind him. Can his physique be permanently increased every time he succeeds in defending the Dao?

How could you not bring such a good thing with you?

The judge looked back at him.

Li Huachao was smiling brightly, showing six white teeth.

And the most important thing is.

The judge didn't smell a lie.

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