The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 133 Does he know what a sinking market is?

"Haha, what a coincidence, you also opened this store." Li Huachao smiled at the shop owner not far away, and then looked at the pushed-away floor tiles, and the mantis cub had poked its head out of the hole.

He tapped the cub on the head with his heel and knocked her back into the hole.

The Mantis cub covered her head and wanted to get out. After being beaten several times by Li Huachao, she finally understood and stayed in the hole.

"You can ask her to follow." The masked man knew that he could not drive away Li Huachao, so he could only sigh and asked Li Huachao to bring up the monster in the hole. "If she damages my things, you will still have to pay compensation." .”

"Of course, of course, I know." Li Huachao smiled again, and then said to the brat and the money-keeper in the hole, "You guys, come out."

Zai Zi jumped out of the hole with the money-guru on his back, and Li Huachao kicked the floor to the right position, then got on Zai Zi's back again, transformed into a female knight and came to the counter of the masked man.

He suddenly thought of something, turned around and said to the money guard: "Come here, don't touch the things in this store."

Hearing this, the money-hungry ghost also withdrew his curious eyes from the shelves and ran to Li Huachao's side.

"What does this customer need to buy? Our store has everything you need, and you are a good person." The masked man put on the face of a businessman, stood up from his seat, and asked Li Huachao politely as before.

As a businessman who has been dealing in the world of ghost stories for many years, he also has his own code of conduct.

As long as the guests don't break his rules, he must treat them equally.

"I would like to ask, do you have any skills books or anything like that in this store?" Li Huachao asked straight to the point, "As you can see, I am committed to protecting wild strange creatures, and now I want to add some self-protection to them. means to prevent them from being persecuted by players."

"Skill book?" The masked man was stunned when he heard this, but he soon understood what Li Huachao was talking about. "Do you want enhancement coupons? You only need seven stamps to exchange for one, or other small props, which can also be used Cultivation of new weird characteristics in monster creatures can be cheaper, with three price tiers, three stamps, six stamps and nine stamps."

The enhancement coupon requires seven stamps?

There are only four prison mirrors...

Li Huachao was suddenly a little surprised, but then he figured it out.

No, the prison mirror bought with four stamps can only enter the mirror, but does not give you all the permissions in the mirror world. Yu Liang only obtained the permissions of the God in the Mirror after completing the dungeon, so he bought a broken mirror with four stamps. Not cheap at all.

"They are not worthy." Li Huachao shook his head, "Is there any cheaper device to cultivate weird characteristics? It's best to do it with one or two stamps or one or two characters."

"What do you need such a cheap thing for?" The masked man was still puzzled. He could see the levels of Li Huachao and the two strange creatures beside him.

Li Huachao himself is a T2, or a T2 who prefers fighting. Each professional skill comprehensively strengthens his combat ability.

According to the player's classification of monsters, the Cockroach Girl carrying him is a bloody type T3, which also has certain combat capabilities. For ordinary players, the Cockroach Girl's vitality and regeneration ability are the most disgusting abilities. .

As for the monster hiding in the overalls, it is a weird T2-level creature. Although its physical strength is very weak due to the hunger of not eating for a long time, its weird ability alone can affect the T2-level creatures. Weird creatures, this is pretty good.

And the power-ups for these two stamps...

There is no improvement at all for both of them, right?

So what is this guy going to do?

"I'll tell you if you give it to me." Li Huachao started smiling playfully.

"That's impossible." The masked man refused. The last "50-50 Ring" had already consumed all the preferential treatment he had given Li Huachao.

"Okay." Li Huachao sighed, looked up at the ceiling, and his eyes gradually became distracted, as if he was thinking about something.

The face of the masked man suddenly changed. He seemed to understand what Li Huachao was going to do, and he suddenly said seriously: "You don't want to try the original routine again, do you? The guy above is not comparable to the original fat guy. , and this time I brought new props to ensure that my products will not be destroyed by any monster going crazy."

"You have quite a lot of dramas. I'm too lazy to do the same thing a second time. It would be too boring." Li Huachao glanced at him and said, "I was just wondering how many of that princess could be sold by you. stamp?"

Masked man: "..."

"I don't accept this kind of thing." He replied with a dark face. He suddenly regretted giving the damn ring to Li Huachao, "But if you definitely need it, I can give you all the things I mentioned above. All you need to do is exchange the Five-Fifth Ring."

Li Huachao raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully: "Are you stupid or do you think I am stupid? You want to exchange my precious ring for a pile of rubbish?"

The veins on the masked man's forehead were twitching. Talking to Li Huachao required a lot of self-cultivation, and now he could just think of it as cultivating his own tolerance.

"So you still want to make a purchase?" The masked man had the intention of expelling the customer if he disagreed.

"Of course, I need a prop that can cultivate weird characteristics in strange creatures. It doesn't require specific characteristics, nor does it require a large increase. Just a little bit is fine." Li Huachao further requested, "The weaker the effect, the better. As long as it’s cheap enough.”

The masked man frowned slightly when he heard this. He did not expect that Li Huachao would make such a request.

The weaker, the better?

What kind of advanced version of understanding is this?

However, there were indeed products that met Li Huachao's requirements, so the masked man went to the warehouse of the grocery store and dug out a two-liter mineral water bottle from a pile of garbage that was usually too lazy to put on the shelves.

"This is the hell blood bottle." The masked man handed the mineral water bottle with the label "Nongfu Spring a little sweet" to Li Huachao, "It's what you need."

"This thing... a hell blood bottle?" Li Huachao questioned this. After all, the mineral water bottle in the masked man's hand looked like a mineral water bottle, so he threw one away to check and find out.


Hell blood bottle

Name: bottle

Texture: tile

Note: Two liters of Demon King's blood will be produced in the blood bottle every day. The Demon King's blood has a probability of giving the monster creature random supernatural attributes.

"You're not lying to me." Li Huachao was a little surprised, then he patted the masked man on the shoulder, "You are really a good person."

The masked man didn't want to pay attention to Li Huachao's words, but continued to explain in a stern manner: "By pouring the blood of the devil generated every day on the monsters, there is a probability that these monsters will obtain a random supernatural attribute, but this random attribute Often weak.”

He thought for a while and felt that he needed to make it clear, so he continued: "Any monster creature can only pour the devil's blood once, and it cannot be less than five milliliters, nor more than ten milliliters. If a high-level monster creature pours the devil's blood, , there will be a probability of weakening it, covering the original supernatural attributes."

"In other words, the attributes of this thing all depend on the face?" Li Huachao understood what the masked man meant, and it was the same as drawing cards.

"That's right." The masked man nodded.

This thing is really useless. First, it requires a large number of low-level monsters, and then it is necessary to ensure their loyalty. Finally, it is poured in batches. Only 50% of the monsters can obtain supernatural attributes, and only 100% Twenty of them can acquire supernatural attributes that are of little use.

If you want that kind of very special and balance-destroying attribute, there will only be one out of about 10,000 to 20,000 monster creatures.

Catch ten thousand monsters just for a potentially useful supernatural attribute?

If his brain wasn't broken, he obviously wouldn't do this.

Therefore, the value of this thing is not even as high as the previous prison mirror, and it is completely impractical.

"In that case, we only need three stamps." The masked man gave his offer.

"It's expensive, just a stamp." Li Huachao shook his head, "You know, this thing is of no use to me, I just use it for fun, and you took it out of the utility room, you can't sell it at all. Get out, right? I'm helping you clear the warehouse now, and you still have to pay such a high price to clear the warehouse?"

"Two stamps. I don't have any transaction records of less than four stamps here." The masked man continued to shake his head. The price of a stamp was too low.

"Bullshit, the last time you sold my manual, it was with a seal." Li Huachao reacted very quickly and found the flaw immediately.

"Uh..." The masked man was stunned.

"That's it, a stamp plus some rare characters that I made exclusively. Almost only I have these characters, how about it?" Li Huachao saw that the masked man's tone was loose, and he pursued the victory.

"Five 'smash' characters, five 'six' characters." Li Huachao took out his characters, "Smash the characters, causing a small amount of damage and dizziness. As for the smack character, it is amazing, it can make you feel like you are being lipped. The pleasure of sucking, you must be lonely in this shop alone, right? Use it more often when you have nothing to do, it is good for your physical and mental health, you can relax your body more, and you don’t have to wash your underwear when you get up in the morning. "

Masked man: "???"

In the end, the masked man reluctantly agreed to the deal, stuffed the hell blood bottle into Li Huachao, and then successfully sent Li Huachao into the tunnel.

"Hehe." Li Huachao couldn't help but laugh as he re-entered the tunnel.

A rubbish midnight wandering spirit seal and ten characters prostituted from Yu Liang, just to get such a hell blood bottle from the masked man.

He turned to look at the money-keeper and said sternly: "Have you seen it now? The real value in this world is seals and characters. Only they can be traded."

"Yeah, yeah." The Scrooge kept nodding.

"Then try and see if you can store the characters in the jar." Li Huachao continued, which was why he roped in the money-sucking ghost.

It would be great if Scrooge's jar could hold an unlimited number of characters.

As "greed" itself, the Scrooge is not just greedy for money, but greedy for everything of value, so the characters should also be able to be stored.

Next, the two of them tried it. By the third time, the Scrooge had imprinted the concept of "characters are of great value" into his subconscious mind, so he was able to store the characters in the jar.

"Very good." Li Huachao nodded with satisfaction. He looked carefully at the transparent mineral water bottle, which was slowly producing a colorless liquid out of thin air.

No, it's not colorless, it should be blood red, but now Yu Liang has the head of a rabbit, so he can't see the red color.

Li Huachao understood instantly.

With such a hell blood bottle and Yu Liang joining his team, he can mass-produce grass babies with supernatural properties and then sell them to other players.

It only takes a few simple characters to harvest such a grass baby with supernatural properties, why not?

Although Cao Ying is very weak, it is also a strange creature. Its built-in Lingren skill can reduce the enemy's desire to attack. Coupled with a random supernatural characteristic, it is naturally useless for high-level players like Lu Xing. If it is an ordinary Players, Cao Ying can still provide some help.

Assume a scenario where a player with a grass baby suddenly encounters a monster while exploring with other players.

With the appearance of Cao Ying, the monster's desire to attack this player has decreased, and it will naturally turn to attack other players. Players with grass babies will be able to escape more easily.

The most important thing is to go deeper. When the effect of Grass Infant spreads, and half of the players in a team own this strange creature, can the remaining people not buy it?

Even advanced players might consider buying one like this, otherwise they might be tricked into death by other players' grass babies.

If you don't buy it, you will become the priority target when you encounter monsters; if you buy it, everyone will be on the same starting line, and there will be no increase.

At this time, Li Huachao launched a new generation of grass babies with supernatural properties. These cute little things were divided into three, six or nine grades, and different prices were marked according to the supernatural properties obtained.

Advanced players naturally cannot buy the most common type of Cao Ying. After all, there is nothing but a simple Ling Ren, which does not improve their strength. However, if there is a Cao Ying with a more useful supernatural attribute, it is still limited. If the money is enough, he will obviously buy it without hesitation.

This fits the psychology of advanced players.

Of course, it is not impossible for ordinary players to obtain such high-end grass babies.

They can directly buy an ordinary grass baby and the demon blood in the hell blood bottle, and risk their lives to pour it. The price of this package is obviously much lower than that of a high-end grass baby, and they may be able to get a good one. of grass babies.

No matter how bad the situation is, there is still an ordinary grass baby, and you won’t lose too much.

If a high-level grass baby comes out, it can be resold to him, Li Huachao, and he said he will recycle it at a high price for a long time.

It not only stabilizes the grass baby market, but also equally shares the losses.

If he had to pour each one by himself, he would lose only his own money.

Everyone has a gambling nature. In this world of ghost stories, people will encounter life and death crises every day, so people's gambling nature will become even greater.

Otherwise, people in the real world would not be obsessed with opening blind boxes and drawing cards.

However, all this needs to be based on the premise that Cao Ying's reproductive ability is not bad. If one child is born every year and one child is born, it will naturally be of no use.

It would be great if it were a small prop that promotes fertility and growth rate.

Li Huachao touched his chin and made plans.

But forget it this time. He doesn't have any extra stamps and doesn't have enough characters for his own use. I'm afraid it will be difficult to trick anything from the masked man again.

Judging from the number of grass babies contained in a meadow in the previous dream, the reproductive ability of grass babies should not be too bad.

As long as you can breed on a large scale, you should be able to make money.

"Why are you smiling so...happily?" Scrooge asked calmly as he looked at Li Huachao who was in deep thought.

"I'm thinking about how to make the first pot of gold." Li Huachao nodded with satisfaction.

With the Scrooge's jar, he can collect a wide range of players' characters without worrying about the character bar's restrictions on character types.

When you have enough characters, you can also recycle the weird props players harvested from the Kaitan World.

"Okay!" When it comes to making money, the money-grubber naturally gets excited, "Are we going to sell things like the man wearing the mask just now?"

"Him?" Li Hua breathed out into his nostrils, his words full of disdain, "Everything is sold so expensive, it's a shame if you can make money. Does he understand what a sinking market is?"

Li Huachao showed great confidence: "Give me one year, and my turnover will be five times that of his; give me two years, and I will leave him with nothing to do; give me three years, and I will destroy his business." The grocery store has been acquired, and I want him to call me boss.”

"Awesome." The money-keeper didn't know what he was talking about, but he was willing to pat the rainbow fart with bright eyes.

Sure enough, there is meat to eat by following the eldest brother.

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