The gradient level of the Five-Five Ring is T1, and its effect can only be effective on monster creatures of T1 and below.

Li Huachao thought of the princess in the sky just now, and felt a little guilty in her heart.

The level of that thing shouldn't be higher than T1, right?

The gradient division of players in Kaitan World does not represent the difference in combat effectiveness. T1 is definitely stronger than T2 when the professions are the same, but if they are different professions, it needs to be determined according to the specific situation.

Specific professional skills, character slots, stamp slots, and the player's own combat IQ are all very important factors to measure.

For example, T2-level Lao Du would die from a simple "shatter" character after being tricked into taking the "eliminate" character and then stabbed in the back. At that time, Yu Liang didn't even have an alienated profession.

It is precisely because of this that Li Huachao remains absolutely cautious both in and out of battle. This is something Li Huachao has obvious confidence in himself.

He has always been the most cautious.

Most professions are at the T4 gradient level when they first become alienated. After upgrading with special rewards, they will acquire new abilities and increase their gradient level.

Yu Liang was promoted once and is now T3, while Lao Du was promoted twice, thus reaching T2. From Lao Du's memory, we can know that he went through life and death to achieve these two levels of improvement, spending a lot of time and The energy finally increased to this point.

As a result, they all made wedding dresses for the birth of Li Huachao.

The monsters in the Kaitan world are completely different from the players. They are only divided into simple categories. According to common rumors among players, they are basically divided into two types: bloody type and supernatural type.

The former are all physical monsters, with common characteristics similar to mantis cubs and dormitory guards. They are very common in European and American horror films that use blood as the main scare method. Their abilities tend to strengthen physical fitness, regeneration ability, and even breathe fire and control water, etc.

The latter can either have an entity or not, and often has strong supernatural properties, like the one in Room 225 and the Rabbit Dream. It even has some rule-level weird abilities, similar to East Asian horror. The ghosts in the film use various inexplicable means to attack or restrict players.

Therefore, the hierarchical system among monsters will be more obvious. They are both of the bloody type, and monsters with a T2 gradient level can crush monsters with a T3 level.

The same is true for supernatural monsters. When a T3-level monster faces a T2-level monster, its ability effect will be greatly reduced, because the T2-level monster is essentially a stronger creature than it.

As for the gradient relationship between players and Kaitan creatures, it is not very obvious. Players' professional abilities and characters can directly affect Kaitan creatures. With the blessing of these abilities, players also have the ability to compete with Kaitan creatures. .

Like Li Huachao, his animal trap can arbitrarily and unreasonably trap any creature that steps on it; and like Yu Liang, with just a few characters, he turns the origin of the ghost story into a human being...

The gradient levels are arranged in order from T5 to T1, and above T1 is the root ghost story.

The monster floating above the city does have unmatched power, but if it is said that it has reached the realm of root ghost stories, Li Huachao feels that it is not enough.

Counting the rabbit-shaped god this time, he has seen three origin ghost stories in total, the first of which was seen in Lao Du's personal experience movie, and the second one was the zoo ghost story.

Each source of ghost stories can have a large-scale impact on an entire area and spawn a large number of related ghost stories.

This is true in the zoo, and it is also true in the dream of the rabbit-shaped god.

Judging from this point of view, the thing on the head has not yet reached the stage of origin ghost talk, so it should be "50-50" by him.

The Five-Five-Open Ring can only be used once a day, so he can't try it out first and can only use it at critical times.

But when is the critical moment?

This trick cannot be used in the dream of the rabbit-shaped god, and the two guys Lu Xing and the wine master probably want to completely resolve their grudges in the dream. After all, the rabbit game is a daily roll call, and they are very likely to meet each other.

Forget it, let's go check out the tunnel first. It would be best if we could go down the rabbit hole and have a look. It would be great if we could find the rabbit-shaped god.

Li Huachao made a rough plan in his mind. He didn't have much planning in doing things. He basically took it one step at a time and thought of it as he thought.

The mantis cub sniffed all the way on the first floor of the prison, looking for the scent that humans had left behind, and finally found a loose floor tile behind the corner of the stairs.

He asked the money-keeper to move the floor tile, and a deep tunnel appeared in front of Li Huachao.

"Should we go down? It doesn't look safe inside." The Scrooge looked at the tunnel with only weak lights. The tunnel zigzagged in one direction until it was dark at the end of the field of vision.

"With me here, are you afraid of any danger?" Li Huachao glanced at it and said confidently.

The Scrooge Ghost looked at his appearance of sitting leisurely on Mantis's back and felt that he was not very convincing.

But seeing Li Huachao descending directly into the tunnel and driving his cub towards the darkness, it did not dare to stay in this prison and could only continue moving forward.

Fortunately, this time Li Huachao returned to the mirror world after setting up the animal trap, put on the prison mirror and went down to the tunnel.

For room 225...

Just let it stay here. It's the mirror world anyway, so it won't be in any danger.

This tunnel has the same style as the rabbit holes I have seen before. The entire tunnel is an earthen structure, with only a few areas using wooden boards, concrete and the like to build simple supports.

But this shouldn't be built by those rabbits, and the rabbits in charge wouldn't just dare to come to this prison at night.

Who could have dug it?

Li Huachao was not that stupid. He immediately thought of the rabbit-man sitting in the office, the rabbit-man transformed from a human.

That makes sense.

He opened the notebook left by Yu Liang and flipped through a few pages at random. There was a record of this tunnel in it, but there were only a few pages.

This tunnel was completed a long time ago, built by many human-turned-bunny people, and connects some important landmarks in this area.

According to the records in the notebook, these rabbit humans were the jailers of this prison a long time ago, but they had to be inspected by the rabbit-shaped god at night, and were trapped in the prison by the princess in the sky during the day, so they dug this tunnel .

They have become rabbit humans, so they are very good at digging tunnels, and finally completed this tunnel line that extends in all directions.

The bunny human in the office also carefully marked the location of the tunnel. Li Huachao looked at the map under the extremely dim fluorescent light, frowning from time to time.

He also has the head of a rabbit now. The words written before were quite large, but the specific words marked on the map are very small, so it is difficult to see clearly what is written on the tunnel map in this dark environment.

However, some of the tunnels leading to places had skulls painted on them, which he understood, so he randomly chose a route without skulls.

There are no strange creatures in the tunnel. This is the path that rabbit humans have prepared for themselves, so naturally they will not embarrass themselves.

Li Huachao headed in that direction with Mantis on her back, and at the same time flipped through the notebook.

He needs to find records about the little snake. It should be kept by the rabbit human in the office, so there should be relevant records.

【Snake-Eating Experiment Pilot】

I found a nest of snake-eating snakes. According to those in other areas, this kind of snake will choose to eat a substance around it after it hatches. Whether it is physical or virtual, it may be selected by it, and then it will eat a lot of it. Eat this substance without restraint.

It is necessary to control its appetite and try to only feed this substance during the growth period. The adult snake can control its appetite and only feed on this substance.

I plan to cultivate a snake-eating snake, and I will feed it "dreams".

I want it to eat the dreams of the rabbit god.

[Snake-Eating Experiment K-01]

The first snake-eater hatched successfully. It was very small and started looking for food as soon as it was born.

Fortunately, I had already prepared a colleague who had entered the dreamland of the rabbit-shaped god and placed it next to him.

My colleague and I signed a confidentiality agreement, and he could not tell any other colleagues about my experiments.

However, this snake seemed to be more interested in eating air. It sucked up the air in the laboratory and became inflated, like a pufferfish.

It exploded, like a balloon filling with air.

I don't understand.

The colleague was awakened by the sound of the Snake-Eating explosion. I don’t know if it was because of the impact of this incident that he never managed to fall asleep again.

[Snake-Eating Experiment K-02 times]

This is the second biting snake that hatched during this period. I found some glass cabinets and oxygen bottles from Wangcheng.

Before the incubation was completed, I put another colleague who had entered the dreamland into a small glass cabinet, and then put the small glass cabinet into a larger glass cabinet, and extracted the air from the large glass cabinet to prevent the glass cabinet from breaking. Reduce the air as much as possible under the premise of creating an environment with less air.

There is air in the small glass cabinet, so my colleague sleeps peacefully.

The snake-eating snake hatched successfully in the large glass cabinet.

I saw it wandering around in the large glass cabinet, and then looked at the light above its head.

It eats up the light in the room and the light in the room no longer shines brightly.

Instead of itself, it transformed into a glowing snake.

The light on it became brighter and brighter, and I was dazzled.

Then it took this opportunity to break the glass cabinet and went outside through the iron window.

It was daytime outside, so I caught up and saw another new sun.

Five minutes later, the new sun went out.

It absorbed so much light and heat that it overheated and scorched itself.

When it smashed into the glass cabinet, his colleague woke up. He saw the biting snake emitting strong light at a very close distance.

The good news is that farsightedness, which is unique to rabbits and humans, has improved.

The bad news is, he became nearsighted.

Even worse news is that the human rabbit's field of vision is greatly obstructed when looking at close objects, so he now needs to squint to read normally.


Supplement 1: How on earth does this damn stupid creature survive in nature? Can they really grow to adulthood? ! ——

Supplement 2: My colleague has actually become squinting now.


Supplement 3: Signing confidentiality agreements with my colleagues is the best thing I have ever done in my life, so other colleagues don’t know what exactly I need their help for.

[Snake-eating experiment K-03 times]

It worked, we managed to raise a biting snake into adulthood.

This time I turned off the lights and another colleague conducted the experiment.

Fortunately, darkness refers to the absence of light, and the third hatching snake cannot eat darkness.

It can't eat glass either, because the glass cabinet is a whole. If it doesn't break, it can't eat the glass with its mouth.

After a while, I found that Snake Eater had already eaten for the first time and was not exhausted to death.

I started looking for what it had eaten.

It took me a while to discover the reason. The small glass cabinet inside had problems in the last experiment. The colleague who was doing the experiment this time was too obese and his butt broke the small glass cabinet.

Although it was only a small gap, it still released other substances into the large glass cabinet where the Snake was.


It grew up eating farts.

And loving my coworker’s farts.

My colleague ate sweet potatoes for three months in a row before he was able to grow them up, and now he vomits when he sees sweet potatoes.

The good news is that this colleague was very good at farting and it smelled very bad.

Now this biting snake has become our air freshener.

The bad news is that my co-worker farted less frequently after not eating sweet potatoes, and Snake Eater was often hungry.


Supplement 1: This snake-eating snake has started eating sweet potatoes, and it has learned to fart! Self-produced and sold!


Supplement 2: It clearly can’t finish eating but still farts. It really stinks.

[Snake-eating experiment K-11 times]

This is the last colleague.

No matter how hard it is, I will succeed! ——

Supplement 1: Maybe... it was successful?

"Uh." Li Huachao read all the experimental logs and felt that the experimental logs should be renamed.

"Diary of Colleague Persecution".

It really lives up to the old saying, peers are enemies.

His colleagues could resist beating him to death, which really made a huge contribution to human scientific research.

But this last diary is about the last colleague, not the last snake egg.

In other words, maybe there will be extra snake-eating eggs in the office?

Li Huachao suddenly wanted to go back and rummage carefully to find those snake eggs. He felt that hatching the snake eggs was like drawing a card.

Although you won’t get anything good most of the time, what if you get a snake-eating snake with good eating habits?

Wouldn't that be interesting.

He carefully wrote this down in his memo.

"Hey." The mantis woman stopped, raised her head and looked at a marble slab above the tunnel, and called out again.

"Are there? Okay." Li Huachao reached out and gently pushed open the marble slab. This simple thing consumed a lot of his energy.

Fortunately, he still reached the ground. He was pushed out of the tunnel by Mantis, rolled twice on the ground, and then collapsed to the ground.

He was still a little weak now, so he raised his head and looked around.

Now he is inside the building.

Looking at the surrounding scene, this seems to be a store, with all kinds of weird gadgets on the shelves.

Looking at the store door again, it is tightly closed. It seems that the store is not open for business yet.

No, then why are the lights on in the store?

Wait, that's...

At this moment, the masked man sitting behind the counter drinking tea and Li Huachao lying on the ground looked at each other.

A long silence, a glance for thousands of years.

He remembered locking the shop door.

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