The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 134 Let the dream explode!

At this moment, the masked man, who still didn't know that his store was about to be acquired by capital, was squatting in front of a marble floor and studying the floor tiles carefully.

What method should be used to fix this floor tile?

He wanted to seal the tunnel so that he wouldn't have to see that disgusting face again.

Soon, he sealed the floor completely, and then placed an iron cabinet on it. He confirmed that the floor tile would not be pushed away again before nodding with satisfaction.

It should be fine now.

He doesn't have to worry about customer sources at all, because the store he runs is not very profitable.

The store is hidden in reality, and no waking players can find it. Even if players can find it, it is useless. After all, the price of items starting with four stamps is not something that normal players can afford.

Of course, he has not completely given up on the player market. The underground mall in the Rabbit game will open in two days, and there will be his new store there.

There is more foot traffic and the store is more spacious.

The masked man sat back at the counter, picked up the teacup on the table again, and took a sip.

The tea has gone cold.

Today I sold a lot of garbage that weighed down the warehouse. It was still open and something was gained.

But when he thought of Li Huachao's excited but cautious face, he still felt a little guilty.

It's just trash, why is that guy such a treasure?


Li Huachao put away the props and continued forward.

It's still early, and the matter of selling Cao Ying will have to wait until Yu Liang wakes up at least before we can proceed further.

The plan for the Grass Infant Blind Box was also an impromptu idea he came up with. To say that he had already planned it would be an overestimation.

It's quite interesting to think about it this way. In actual practice, we will probably encounter many difficulties. These difficulties will be left to the CEO Yu Liang. He, the group's think tank, is a little tired.

Thinking of this, Li Huachao also happily patted Zai Zi's head and drove him forward.

The masked man's words just now also revealed something.

When Li Huachao said that he would catch the princess in the sky to sell stamps, the masked man said that the grocery store did not accept such things, instead of questioning whether Li Huachao could do such a thing.

In a normal fight, ten thousand Li Huachao may not be able to deal with the princess in the sky. The only possible way is to use the 50-50 Ring.

Only by bringing the opponent to the same level as him can he use his rich hunter experience to defeat the opponent, capture the opponent alive, and get the grocery store to sell stamps.

Thinking about it this way, he should be the best in a head-on battle with the princess.

Li Huachao nodded with satisfaction and continued to move forward, but was soon blocked by an earth wall.

"Can't we move on?" Li Huachao was a little confused. He now realized that something was wrong.

The owner of the note reminded him that he could go to the rabbit hole in the southeast, so why not tell him about this tunnel?

But there is a map of this tunnel in the notes. What is going on?

So, should this human rabbit go through the tunnel or not?

Why is there still a dead end now?

It's obviously not on the map, so this road is blocked...

Li Huachao looked at the thick earth wall in front of him and fell into deep thought for a while.

His limited little brain seemed unable to figure out such a convoluted problem, so he rolled off Zai Zi’s back and sat on the mound of dirt nearby, “Zi Zi, see if you can dig a hole in the earth wall. "

Li Huachao thought for a while and threw the two table knives to Zai Zi: "If you don't have any handy tools, just use this."

Zaizi shrunk the slender sharp nails on her claws into a small section, and her claws degenerated into human hands. Then she picked up the table knife on the ground and cast her doubtful eyes back to Li Huachao.

Is this really a tool that can dig holes?

"You don't think it's useful? You're really ignorant." Li Huachao curled his lips and looked for tools related to digging holes in his inventory.

After searching for a long time, he found that Tuyou's big white legs were more suitable. After all, weren't rabbit legs born to dig holes?

Unfortunately, Zai Zi still felt that it was useless, so she dug out a big stone from the mound of soil beside the tunnel and used it to dig through the earth wall in front of her.

This set of actions also surprised Li Huachao.

Zaizi's intelligence didn't seem to be that high in the past, but now he actually has the ability to make judgments.

In other words, the bastard has become smarter?

Could it be that those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black?

Li Huachao looked at himself for a while and felt that his idea made sense.

The boy on the side was digging a hole, and Li Huachao was not idle either. Now that he had recovered some of his mobility, there should be no problem in walking slowly.

So he opened the notebook he brought out from the office again and searched carefully.

He remembered that the letter at the beginning said that this human rabbit would go to the rabbit hole to explore, and if he could come back, he would write down his experience in the rabbit hole in this notebook.

Moreover, the experiment log he had read also made him a little curious. This rabbit human had eleven colleagues, so there were twelve people in total.

But judging from the size of the office just now, it can only accommodate one person to work, so where do the other rabbit humans stay on weekdays?

One is in the office, and the other eleven are jailers?

From the information in the experiment log, it is not difficult to conclude that the relationship between the twelve human rabbits is very good, and they are probably brothers who fight each other on weekdays. However, the meaning of the letter seems to be that the rabbit human in the office was writing the last sentence. 's last words.

So what happened in this prison? Did the other eleven rabbits and humans die due to some accident?

Soon, Li Huachao found the part about the rabbit hole in his notes.


I'm back.

It's hard to put into words what I saw during this trip.

I started to feel lucky that they died before me.

But now, all the truth and all the choices need to be borne by the only living person among us.

I know the truth.

We are abandoned, abandoned by the world.

Forget City is an unfortunate city that was suddenly haunted by strange stories for a certain period of time, and then was abandoned by the world without hesitation.

If I were an outsider, I would be grateful that someone made this choice, because such a choice protects everyone outside the City of Forgetfulness.

But I am a Forget, the outcast in the trolley problem.

There are strange stories and monsters everywhere. It was the appearance of the rabbit-shaped god that saved everything.

He put all the dead and those between life and death into dreams, and created a dream paradise for them to breathe for the dying humans.

The rabbit-shaped god has always had two dreams. One is heaven, which contains the dead people in the Forgotten City in this area; the other is the rabbit game, which is his testing ground.

The Rabbit-shaped God needs these "dead people" to contribute their imagination in dreams, and together they can construct new strange stories, creating death and terror in the rabbit game.

He needs to become stronger and Heaven needs to expand its territory so that it can accommodate more unfortunates.

I don't know if this is right or wrong.

There is nothing wrong with those who participate in the bunny game, but need to be trapped in the horror and endless game every day.

There is nothing wrong with the Forgotten City people in paradise. They just want to live, even if they are just living in endless illusion.

I have made a snake-eating snake that can swallow the rabbit-shaped god's dream, but at this time I don't know what to do.

Those rabbit humans discovered me, and those rabbit humans were chasing me. They were full of sweet words of love, and as long as they killed me, they would take me to heaven with them, and be happy.

They said that the capacity of heaven is no longer enough. It can only accommodate fifty people or a hundred rabbits. It is difficult to expand the scope of dreams again.

Maybe I should have died long ago.

If you go to heaven as soon as possible, you can still have a few more days of fun.

When you see this diary, maybe I am already in heaven, or maybe I am already indulged in the happy and carefree life in heaven.

But I still choose to keep this note.

So now the choice is yours, my friend I've never met.


"The choice is mine?" Li Huachao felt a little flattered for a moment.

But think about it carefully, the snake is still in room 225, and now his body is in a weak state, so it is difficult to really do anything.


At this time, the mantis cub also successfully dug through the earth wall in front of it, revealing the passage behind it.

Li Huachao put away his notes, still wondering in his heart.

This still doesn’t mention what the hell is going on.

These are not human rabbits, nor are they the subordinates of the rabbit-shaped god. Could it be that the tunnel was dug by Lu Xing and the wine master?

Li Huachao passed through the earth wall and continued forward. It was completely different from the tunnel just now. After passing through the earth wall, the tunnel became obviously much brighter.

And the soil quality is different.

Li Huachao twitched his nose and smelled some sweet smell in the air.

Looking at this tunnel map, he is only about fifty meters away from the rabbit hole.

In other words, you can probably find the so-called rabbit hole by going through this tunnel.

Li Huachao got on Mantis's back again, and she continued to move forward in the tunnel.

A kind of unknown light was lit along the road inside the cave. Under this light, Li Huachao could see everything more clearly.

He knew that after that earth wall was the territory of these rabbit-shaped gods.

You can see it from the lights along the road.

Rabbit people don't like bright or dark eyes. The brightness at dusk is the most suitable for Rabbit people to see things.

Soon, he came to a huge underground cavity. He stood at the entrance and looked into the cavity.

A feeling of vastness arises spontaneously.

In the center of the hollow is a huge sphere, surrounded by thousands of rabbits that have been hung up to "dry".

They were immersed in dreams and remained motionless.

And around the periphery of the huge sphere are some bodies, with a tube connected to their heads, and the other end of the tube is the huge ball.

It seems that these rabbits only need to be hung up to successfully enter the dreamland, but those humans need to use the tube to enter the dreamland of heaven.

Wait, did the note just say that the capacity of heaven is not enough?

It can only accommodate fifty people and a hundred rabbits, right?

Doesn’t this mean that humans and rabbits occupy different volumes of heaven?

What if you knock down the princess in the sky, insert a tube and send it into the dreamland...

Will the dream just explode?

That bunny man just said that the choice is mine, right?

Then I have to choose~

I'm in a hurry today. The manuscript is on the computer and I haven't set a timer to send it... I won't send it until after class.

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