The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 127 Living Character! resurrection!

The tentacles are about one meter thick and towering like ancient trees.

To Yu Liang, this was obviously an extremely thick tentacle, but when he looked up at the behemoth princess standing ten thousand meters above the ground, he felt that the tentacle was just a piece of insignificant hair on the princess's body.

This tentacle was constantly sucking the corpses and blood on the ground with its mouthparts. Yu Liang also took this opportunity to throw a look at it.



Name: Princess (not available for character synthesis)

Texture: None

Note: Make eye contact with her and she will see you; leave the building and she will capture you.

"Sure enough." Yu Liangliang understood.

As he thought, this thing was high in the sky, and normal people would not know its name, but Zhao Mingzhe knew it, so it was most likely that he had "inspected" it at a close range.

And Zhao Mingzhe kept inducing him to go out to see the princess, but he kept hiding in the shadow of the building, which made people doubt his intentions.

This shows that the princess in the sky has the ability to "come down" to the ground and can get close to people.

If Yu Liang had foolishly gone out to see the princess just now, and Zhao Mingzhe had added fuel to the flames, Yu Liang might really have been killed by the princess in the open space outside.

It's a pity that you weren't careful enough, so you died.

Yu Liang looked at the tentacles a few meters away. It had absorbed all the colorless debris on the ground, and then grew soft floc like a broom to clean up all the traces in the open space, not even leaving any bloody soil.

After doing all this, the tentacles quickly retracted, like a taut rubber band being retracted, and instantly bounced back to the princess, transporting this insignificant but precious nourishment back to the main body.

The items exploded from Zhao Mingzhe were stained with blood, so they were taken away by the tentacles, but the characters he left behind were incorporeal, so they were left in the open space outside the door.

Yu Liang waved to them, and the characters scattered on the ground came to Yu Liang's hands in clusters.

There are five voiced characters, three burning characters, two breaking characters, three awakening characters, one blind character, one curse character, one power character, two speed characters, and one living character.

Put the useful ones into your own character column, and pass the useless ones directly to Li Huachao.

None of the previous characters surprised Yu Liang. The only thing that shocked him was the last living character.


live characters

Name: live

Texture: water


Note: Resurrection.

"Resurrection?!" When Yu Liangzhen saw this extremely simple description of the effect, he was inevitably shocked.

The synthesis method of the character "live" is as simple as visible to the naked eye. It only requires water and tongue. There is no need to extract texture and no additional operations. It is just a combination of the two simplest things.

He had never noticed the synthesis and use of this character before...

No, it shouldn't be that simple. Even if he didn't think of it at the moment, other players in this weird world should also think of it.

Yu Liang thought about it while walking back to the prison to gain true knowledge through practice, so now he needs to find a corpse to verify whether this living character is useful.

When he passed by the first floor before, he vaguely remembered that there was a player's body in a cell on the left...

Forget it, let’s not do experiments on player corpses.

Yu Liang was suddenly worried that he would resurrect monsters similar to zombies, so he did not plan to use the player's corpse.

It's better to experiment with smaller bugs that are easier to control.

Yu Liang searched for a while in the prison and soon found a dead bug. He pointed the living characters at the dead bug and then used the characters.

[Resurrection failed]

The simple four big characters are as simple as the previous effect remarks of the living characters.

"Can't it succeed?" Yu Liang murmured, and then looked at the cell next to him. There was a corpse in the cell, which was rotting and infested with maggots, giving off an unpleasant smell.

Yu Liang observed the distance and found that he and the corpse were within seven steps of the character's casting range, so he used the living character directly at the player's corpse.

[Resurrection failed]

There are still four simple words in the prompt box.

Or failed?

Is this character a fake?

Yu Liangliang was confused, so he released the character in his hand and looked at it carefully for a while, then put it away again.

It doesn't look like anything special?

Why does it keep failing?

"Isn't this resurrection a probability resurrection? For example, every time you use this character, there is only a 10% chance of being resurrected successfully?" Li Huachao guessed.

"Probably not. Even if the resurrection fails, the character does not disappear, so it should not be resurrected according to chance." Yu Liang denied Li Huachao's guess.

Even if it's negative, he still can't figure out why.

However, Yu Liang couldn't help but keep thinking deeply. After all, this was a character with resurrection effect. Since it existed, it must be able to be resurrected to some extent.

If you can have the ability to resurrect in this ghost story world, that would be a beautiful thing.

But Yu Liang has never seen anyone resurrected so far, so he is not very sure whether this living character can be used.

There must be some unknown restriction.

Yu Liang carefully compared the differences in notes between the living characters and other characters, and he really found an obvious difference.

The other characters all have their own goals, while the living characters only have the simple word "resurrection".

So the purpose of using this living character was not randomly selected?

He thought along this line of thought and soon came up with an idea.

Does it mean that each living character has its own exclusive use object?

Life is made of water and tongue, so whose tongue can be used to make living characters and who can be resurrected?

This is quite possible.

Yu Liang was quite satisfied with his guess. This restriction was more reasonable.

True knowledge comes from practice. Yu Liang's eyes fell on a mouse in the cell. This mouse had no mutation and was just like an ordinary mouse.

Yu Liang glanced at the corridor of the prison and determined to understand the inner principle of this living character first.

Things are prioritized. In this situation, the second life is obviously more important than exploring this prison.

He looked at a mouse hole next to the mouse and did not act rashly.

It was not easy to find a live animal with a tongue in this prison, so he was determined to get the rat.

First use six metal spoons to dismantle the iron door, and then switch to Li Huachao.

Li Huachao made a animal trap and threw it towards the mouse using a lasso technique.

With just a "bang", the mouse was hit by the animal trap and was trapped in place, unable to move.

This bear trap has no damage ability, so even if it is hit, it will not cause harm to the mouse.

Li Huachao stepped forward and grabbed the mouse. He pinched the mouse's mouth with one hand and pulled out its tongue and cut off it.

Add a little water to create a living character.

"Kill this mouse now and try to see the living characters again." Yu Liang calmly ordered. Now he and Li Huachao are like doctors and assistants executing scientific research projects, conducting experiments to control variables.

Li Huachao nodded, gently killed the little mouse that had appeared for scientific research, and then used the newly synthesized living characters on the mouse's corpse.

[Resurrection successful]

"Hiss, hiss." The mouse corpse lying in Li Huachao's hands came to life again. Hesitation had no tongue. It could only make a hissing sound. It rubbed its head with its two front paws, as if it didn't help. Understand what just happened.

"Sure enough, living characters can only resurrect the owner of the corresponding tongue." Yu Liang nodded, and then said to Li Huachao, "Find a corpse of a player, preferably one that has just died."

Li Huachao agreed, and then started searching in the prison on this floor, and soon found a suitable player's body. Judging from the physical characteristics, it seemed that he had not been dead for a long time.

He probably died in yesterday's bunny game.

This time, Yu Liang didn't need to say anything, Li Huachao also knew what he was going to do.

Take the player's tongue and make it into a living character, then use it on his corpse.

[Resurrection failed]

"It failed." Li Huachao said to Yu Liang, "Is it forbidden for humans to be resurrected?"

"Not necessarily, it could also be because this is a tongue taken from a corpse. Maybe a living tongue will work. In this way, you can catch two more mice and I will do two control experiments." Yu Liang conducted an orderly exploration with a scientific attitude, "Also, this resurrected one"

"Okay." Li Huachao also knew the meaning of this character and immediately continued to look for mice on this floor.

Not long after, he found two other mice and conducted experiments on them respectively.

The characters synthesized by removing tongues from dead rat corpses also failed to be resurrected.

Another mouse removed its tongue while it was still alive, and then cut its body into three pieces. Such a mouse could not be resurrected either.

However, he did not want to use living people for the final verification experiment, after all, it was too unethical.

As a human being, he couldn't do such a thing.

After four experiments, Yu Liang also came to the following conclusions about this living character.

1. Both mice and humans should be able to be resurrected with living characters.

2. If you want to resurrect with living characters, you must remove the tongue and synthesize it while the individual is still alive.

3. The corpse must remain intact. Fragmented corpses cannot be resurrected by living characters.

4. The resurrected corpse has no tongue, so this living character can only be used once.

As for the fifth point, Yu Liang still needs to continue to observe the resurrected little mouse. He is not sure whether there will be other changes in the little mouse, so it remains to be seen.

Judging from the rules discovered so far, there are quite a few restrictions on this live character, so he can understand why he hasn't seen other players using it.

First of all, you should think of using your own tongue to make it. This first point should be able to confuse many people. Normal people will give up when they find that the living characters randomly synthesized cannot be truly resurrected anyway, thinking that this living character is just a puppet. A bug banned in the strange world.

With overly simple synthesis methods and overly powerful effects, it is easy for people to feel "it must not be that simple" and then give up naturally.

Secondly, the tongue must be cut off to create a living character while the target is still alive. This is probably the only way that the living character can truly have the power of life.

This article once again increases the difficulty of using live characters, and fundamentally cuts off the abuse of live characters to resurrect players in batches.

Only live characters that have been prepared will take effect.

Then, the body must be intact. If the body is destroyed, it cannot be resurrected.

At least Yu Liang has secretly made up his mind that in the future, the corpses of murderers must be chopped into pieces, and the bones must be crushed and ashes scattered.

From the looks of it, his broken characters are a great helper for one-click killing and stealing, killing people completely without leaving any way for them to survive.

Therefore, this living character will be of little use if it encounters a player who also understands the internal rules. It only needs to be killed and the body destroyed at the same time to be unable to be resurrected.

This is quite a restriction on live characters, but it also makes sense.

If a corpse can be resurrected after being shattered into thousands of pieces, then this is not a simple resurrection but a rewind in time.

The last and most critical point is that this living character must be handed over to others for use. After all, it is impossible to use a corpse to produce a living character.

So in this world of ghost stories, how many people are willing to gamble?

Do you believe in your teammates so much?

After death comes, your teammates look at your corpse and the items and characters exploded from the corpse. Are you really sure that he will not become greedy because of this?

At least Yu Liang feels that there shouldn't be too many players who can trust each other so much. After all, the longer you live in this weird world, the easier it is to give up your bottom line as a human being.

He has seen many such people in the zoo.

"What a pity." Yu Liang sighed. He had no partner worthy of delivering living characters, so even cutting off his own tongue to make living characters would be of no use.

If you can find a partner you can absolutely trust, this living character might be able to truly unleash its value.

Two figures appeared in Yu Liang's mind.

The first is Xiao Zhize. Xiao Zhize has a relatively kind personality and should be trustworthy after getting along with him for a long time.

Too bad he died.

The second is Xu Cixi, who is similar to Xiao Zhize. He is also kind-hearted and has the simplicity of a little girl.

It's a pity it's gone.

Suddenly I felt so lonely. There was no one around me, only some strange creatures and dogs.


Yu Liang sighed in his heart.

Li Huachao asked alertly: "What are you doing? Why did I detect impoliteness in your sigh?"

"Nothing." Yu Liang shook his head.

The living characters were found from the players of this dungeon, which shows that there may be other players who have also discovered the use of living characters.

In the future, you should pay more attention to those players who have no tongues. When killing them, you must pay attention to the rhythm of whipping the corpse, and be sure to break the corpse into thousands of pieces.

Yu Liang secretly made up his mind, and then began to search the prison.

After completing his study of living characters, it was time for him to focus on the prison itself.

Generally speaking, in addition to cells, prisons should also have rooms such as offices, right?

Yu Liang walked to the end of the first floor and stood at the door of a room.

There was a small window on the wooden door, but the window was covered with newspapers from the inside, and a cute rabbit head logo was also pasted on it.

Go in and take a look.

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