The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 128 Believe in humans! Trust humans!

Yu Liang tried to turn the doorknob, but found that it seemed to be locked.

But for him now, it is not difficult to violently unlock the door. Li Huachao kicked a hole in the poor wooden door with all his strength, and the entire lock and the surrounding wooden boards were kicked into the room.

He pushed open the broken wooden door and walked into the room, and then he looked at the room that looked like an office.

The biggest feeling of this office is that it is disorganized. Papers are piled randomly on the desk, blocking the view behind it. Toilet paper stained with some kind of mucus is thrown everywhere. It is even difficult to find a place to stay on the ground.

Yu Liang swept away a piece of ground in front of him with his feet, opened a path, and then walked to the desk and looked at the documents on the table.

There were only two words on the cover of the document, but he didn't recognize any of them.

This seems to be a type of writing that is different from all types of writing so far by humans, because it is not written, but stacked with something.

A black substance similar to the raw material used by 3D printers to print items.

It is precisely because of this that these texts are not 2D, but 3D.

Yu Liang frowned slightly.

Every word in English is written from front to back and is a one-way text.

Chinese characters can be divided into up, down, and left. For example, the cursive character has an upper and lower structure, while the road character has a left and right structure. In terms of character design, both are flat characters.

Now, the writing of this rabbit man is not a simple flat writing. It is made of a strange kind of material, which makes it different from near and far.

Yu Liang has seen two almost identical characters, but the structure of one character is different from the other, and their meanings are also different.

In terms of the amount of information contained in a single text, the 3D text used by the Rabbit Man definitely contains far more information than Chinese characters or English, but this does not seem to mean that they are more sophisticated.

The stacked text also makes every document here very thick and heavy, and looking from the side of the paper documents, there are various holes in the middle.

Including the folders piled high on the table as soon as you enter the door, this is all due to the disadvantages of this kind of 3D text.

Moreover, the structure of text is divided into far and near, and the front part will block the back part. If you read it normally, you will easily misread it.

This one word contains so much information. If you misunderstand one word, the meaning of the entire sentence may become weird and unclear.

Therefore, in terms of practicality of writing, these rabbit characters are far inferior to Chinese characters.

So why did they develop such writing?

Yu Liang also had some doubts in his heart, and he understood that there must be a reason for this.


He suddenly noticed something, so he sat on the chair in front of the desk, abandoned the chess pieces, and looked at the documents on the table with rabbit eyes in a normal human posture.


Sure enough, these words cannot be seen.

These words are in the visual blind spot of the rabbit man.

If you barely want to identify it, you have to lower the rabbit's head to a special angle. This does not take into account that the rabbit is born with farsightedness.

If you want to read these words clearly, sitting in a normal posture is completely impossible.

Therefore, they are not a visual text, but a tactile text, similar to Braille, which uses touch to feel the meaning of the text.

If you don't read it with your eyes, the disadvantages of this kind of writing will be reduced.

At least the distance of the text structure is not easy to see, but it is easy to feel.

And these rabbit people should also have a special way of writing.

Yu Liang grabbed a pen on the table. There was a switch on the pen. When pressed, a viscous liquid leaked from the tip of the pen.

After the liquid is exposed to air, it takes only a short time to solidify.

Much like what he thought, this pen has the ability to be similar to 3D printing. It can complete the shaping of fonts by stacking "raw materials".

But this kind of writing has absolutely nothing to do with being easy to understand.

It has such a high learning threshold that both recognition and writing require more effort.

From this clue alone, Yu Liang could detect many key points.

The civilization of this rabbit man must have been passed down from ancient times, and writing was also formed at that time.

Think about it, in this modern technological environment, do you think it is more difficult to cure myopia or to create text suitable for rabbit eyes?

Secondly, this kind of writing will lead to serious class divisions in the rabbit people's civilization, and the difficulty of literacy and writing will hinder the top-down spread of civilized knowledge.

Simply put, the knowledge of this civilization would only be in the hands of the high-ranking bunnymen.

Without equality of knowledge, there will be no equality of status. Restricting access to advanced knowledge is cutting off the possibility of class circulation. If things go on like this, classes will inevitably be completely solidified.

It can be seen from the title "rabbit-shaped god" that the supreme ruler of this ethnic group is still called "god". Overall, this kind of civilization is obviously ignorant.

Of course, it may also be because the power of ghost stories possessed by this "rabbit-shaped god" is really similar to that of a "god"...

Looking at it this way, the intention of this rabbit-shaped god to construct a dream to play the rabbit game is not that simple.

It's not just because of the desire to create fear and killing, there should be a deeper reason.

As for the solidification of classes, if he can find more rabbit people to understand the situation, he may be able to use this to destroy the rabbit-shaped god's dream.

Putting aside the text, the living environment of these rabbit people is not obviously different from that of normal humans. Yu Liang did not see any special instruments or anything like that.

Just like what was said in the newspaper, they entered the human world after being woken up in a rabbit hole, so they directly used items left by humans in their daily lives.

But now, the exploration of this prison is in trouble again.

He didn't know the writing of these bunny people, so he had no direct channel to obtain information.

The complexity of this kind of writing far exceeds the English or Chinese that he knows, and it doesn't even have anything to do with it. And he is not a master of language deciphering. It is impossible to decipher the meaning and connotation of this kind of writing in such a short time. logic.

I could only ignore the files on the table and search other things in the office.

There is a bookcase in the corner of the office, and there are some books in the bookcase.

Yu Liang stepped forward and opened the bookcase. Most of the books in the bookcase had Chinese titles. They were random books such as "Journey of the Soul", "Successful Experiences of Management Masters" and "Dreams Interpreted by Zhou Gong". Take a look. It looks like a book left behind from that prison long ago.

Most likely it is just for show and has nothing to do with knowledge and literacy.

Yu Liang carefully observed the door handle of the bookcase. There was no dust on it, but there were many scratches on it, as if it had been scratched by some sharp object.

The rest of the bookcase has a shiny metal texture. Only the door handle of this cabinet is covered in scratches and looks like it has a special frosted texture.

In other words, the bunny person sitting in this office often opens this bookcase to look for books?

No, isn't there a jailer in this prison?

If there really were managers like jailers or wardens, would there be no one to take care of him if he had been making trouble here for so long?

Yu Liang instinctively sensed something was wrong, but after a brief search of the office, he confirmed that the bunny man in the office was not here.

It is not difficult to see from Zhao Mingzhe's previous state that he has never met the administrators of this prison, otherwise he would not behave so fearlessly in this prison.

There should be no obvious danger in prison.

Yu Liang came to the door of the office again, threw the two rabbit-eared paper figures on the ground, and asked them to help guard him. Then he returned to the bookcase and took out an untitled black book.

This book is placed in the corner of the bookcase, but it is not difficult to tell from the wear and tear on the cover that it is used significantly more frequently than other books.

Yu Liang opened the book, and the first page of the book was filled with words of love written in Chinese characters.


Dear human being, if you are lucky enough to wake up and come to this room to open this notebook, please read all the contents of this notebook carefully and then put it back to its original place, because there are more human beings who need it. help.


Don't worry that they will find this book, don't worry if they can't understand it.

Don’t worry, they don’t care about our words and they can’t learn Chinese characters.

No, they don't care about reality, so they don't spend even a little energy on anything about reality.

This is your chance too.

But there are only two points. You cannot harm the people in the dream. The people in the dream are protected by the rabbit-shaped god.

Secondly, please be sure to pay attention to the daily rabbit game, which is their way of naming.

If you don't participate, they will definitely come to the prison at night to search.

Don't let them catch you awake!

The night in the game is the day here, and the day in the game is the night here.

Don't forget, the moon is the sun and the sun is the moon!

You can leave this prison at night, but the cities outside are more dangerous. I only know that they are to the southeast of the prison, inside a huge pothole.

If you go there, please be extremely careful!

Pay attention to the monster above your head. Listen to them saying that it is called Princess and it will attack all creatures exposed to its sight during the day, so they will only come here at night.

This city is called the Forgotten City, but please remember, stay vigilant, and don’t forget!

Don't forget anything!

Whether it is dream or reality, whether it is light or dark, whether it is the moon or the sun.

There are many human beings like me in this city, and there are many human beings like me in this city.

Believe in humans, please believe in humans, no matter whether they have rabbit heads or not, no matter whether they eat hair and drink blood.

They are human and they will help you.

On the contrary, there are many demons or monsters among the humans you see. Be careful of them and see through their masks.

Just feel it with your heart, and you can discover their true face.

I've done a lot of things for the bunny people, but I want to be human again every moment.

I know I am human, I have always been human.

This book is my record of this city, but I only recorded the part near the Wangcheng Prison, because I couldn’t go in depth no matter how far away it was.

Today I decided to take a look at the rabbit hole, which I have never been in since I became a bunny.

If I make it back alive, there will be rabbit holes later in this book.

I have done too many wrong things because of my cowardice, and now I have to pay for everything I owe.

Finally, trust humans!

Trust humans!

Trust humans!


"So this office belongs to this human who turned into a bunny?" Li Huachao also asked after reading the letter through Yu Liang's eyes.

"It should be, and he also paid the price with his life for exploring this city." Yu Liang nodded, and he opened the content at the back of the notebook.

The whole book is roughly divided into three parts. The first part is the teaching of rabbit language; the second part is a hand-drawn map near the Forgotten City Prison. What is valuable is that this map marks relatively safe routes and forbidden areas that must not be entered. ; And the final third part is some hand-drawn monster images and a general introduction.

He put the notebook away, feeling respect for this human being in his heart.

This human should not be a player, he is an indigenous resident of this city, because he does not need to participate in the rabbit game, he only needs to stay in this reality.

If he is a player, the system should force him to enter the game every day.

Judging from the letter in this notebook, this Forgotten City was not decided by the rabbit-shaped god, because rabbit people will also be attacked by the princess in the sky and must travel through the city when night falls.

Yu Liang opened the monster description section of this notebook, and the first monster drawn was the princess above Wangcheng Prison.

Next to the hand-painted portrait of the princess are some words describing its habits.

The most useful piece of information is that this monster only preys on creatures on the ground during the day.

Secondly, the owner of the note also estimated the size of the princess, which is about the size of dozens of football fields combined. It is definitely not a size that can be matched by humans.

"It hates pungent and spicy smells. When you have items like paint, onions, dried chili peppers, etc. on your body, it will preferentially attack people who don't have this smell on their bodies."

"Attention! This does not mean that it will not attack you. If it is hungry, it will still prey on you!"

There are two accompanying messages on the notebook.

Yu Liang put the notebook away. It wasn't that he didn't want to return it, he just needed to study it for a while before returning it.

The content of this first part of rabbit language teaching is small but very concise, including grammar, pronunciation and other comprehensive contents.

Yu Liang took a rough look at it and found that it was indeed possible to learn this language.

It may be difficult to become proficient, but it shouldn’t be difficult to get started, and it should be enough to learn some everyday expressions and simple grammar.

However, this letter also made Yu Liang feel a little strange. It was clearly daytime now, and Zhao Mingzhe knew that he could not leave the prison, so when he woke up...

What on earth is going on?

Kill the players here?

But aren’t the players sleeping here protected?

Yu Liang was thinking about it when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the metal stairs next to him.

It's human!

Four people, should be four awakened players!

His sensitive rabbit ears instantly convey the message to his ears.

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