The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 126 The Dream of the Rabbit-shaped God

[You have selected the iron door. Please pay a total of 6 metal textures to restore it to metal texture. 】

Operation prompts came from the prompt box, and Yu Liang also delivered the six prepared metal spoons.

The raccoon seal released a faint light, and then completely enveloped the iron door in front of Yu Liang. When the light dissipated, the iron door had turned into a metal spoon on the ground.

Six metal spoons were instantly replaced by one?

The price difference earned by the middlemen is really cruel.

Such a big iron door, such a small metal spoon, sending beggars away.

Yu Liang complained in his mind, then picked up the metal spoon on the ground and put it in his pocket.

He walked out of the cell and into this corridor.

This corridor was about fifty meters long, with nearly thirty cells on each side. As he walked along, each cell was decorated in the same shabby style, but not every cell had people on the bed. There were only quilts on the beds, and some of the beds had rotting corpses infested with maggots.

All living people are in this state of sleep, without exception.

It can also be seen from some people with strange sleeping postures that most of them keep their human appearance, and only a small number of sleepers have rabbit heads.

Looks like this, is the rabbit head still a rare commodity?

Could it be that, as the newspaper said, only the winner of the bunny game is qualified to wear such a bunny hood?

But this is not a bunny hood, it just turns his head into a bunny head.

Yu Liang looked at the maggot-infested body on the bed and frowned slightly.

There seemed to be no obvious wounds on the body surface of the corpse. They should have died in their sleep.

These are the losers who didn't finish the bunny game?

Yu Liangliang was a little surprised. He walked slowly through the corridor and wrote down the number of corpses and living people.

The proportion of corpse cells wasn't high, and he didn't think it was because of the lower mortality rate in rabbit games.

Judging from the first rabbit game he participated in, the difficulty of these games should not be low, at least for normal players.

So there are not many corpses here, and there is only one reason, and that is that someone will come to clean up these corpses regularly.

Yu Liang felt the temperature here. This season should be spring and summer. Maggots usually appear on corpses within two or three days. Does that mean someone will come to clean these corpses about every four or five days?

He walked along the long corridor, keeping quiet the whole time, and at the same time using his ears and nose alertly to pick up the strange things nearby.

However, there seemed to be no management staff in this prison, and he didn't meet any other jailers until he came to the end of the corridor.


Yu Liang suddenly noticed that there was strange movement in the cell next to him.

Someone is awake under the quilt of the bed in this cell.

The man inside was pretending to sleep.

Yu Liang slowed down and turned to look at the cell.

It's similar to the other rooms, except that if you look closely, you can see that it is a little cleaner. It looks like someone has cleaned it.

Looking at it this way, the prisoner in this room was indeed awake, and he should have woken up earlier than he did.

If this prisoner is a player, you might be able to give him some information about what's going on here.

Yu Liang walked through the cell and came to the end of the long corridor. At the end was a spiral staircase.

At this time, his rabbit eyes could not see the stairs nearby, so he took out the chess piece and glanced at the stairs.

Due to the mutation into a rabbit man, the current chess piece also suffers from rabbit hyperopia and needs to be held far away to see clearly.

The steps are made of metal with obvious traces of rust. The surface is mesh-like and hollow. There are no guardrails on both sides, which is the ultimate in material saving.

It could be seen that the stairs were very old, but what made Yu Liang curious was that the stairs did not sink downwards.

Logically speaking, this kind of rough-made iron staircase is easy to sink downwards. A few heavy guys stepping on it for a long time can cause the stairs to sink naturally.

So the "people" going up and down the stairs weigh very little?

That's not right, rotting corpses need to be moved, they are not light at all.

However, his current rabbit eyes can only see flat objects and cannot generate three-dimensional images in his mind.

Yu Liang squatted down and touched the steps to confirm that there was indeed no concave surface on the steps and it was not a problem with his eyes.

He looked down and up through the gap in the middle of the stairs.

The whole prison was very quiet, as if everyone was immersed in sleep.

There are two flights of stairs going up and two flights of stairs going down. The prison has five floors in total.

Yu Liang made a judgment in his mind. He listened carefully to the movements on the upper and lower levels and made sure that no jailer or the like was moving around before he safely came to a stop in front of the cell where someone had woken up.

He glanced at the iron door in front of him. The lock of the iron door was integrated with the entire door, so he could only take out six metal spoons again.

wash away.

The iron door suddenly disappeared and turned into a metal spoon on the ground.

Yu Liang picked up the spoon and walked into the room, and said to the person in the quilt: "Come out, I know you are awake, and I will not hurt you."

At the same time, he also aimed the characters on the page at the person on the bed, so he still needed to be on guard.

The person on the bed was motionless, as if he was still in a dream.

"I will kill you if you pretend to sleep again." So Yu Liang continued calmly.

The person on the bed also opened his eyes full of confusion. Didn't he say in the previous sentence that this won't hurt me?

Why is the next sentence such a threat?

But he no longer pretended to be asleep. He honestly raised his hands and got up from the bed, saying at the same time: "No, no, no, I'll get up."

A young man about fifteen or sixteen years old climbed up on the bed. He stretched his feet into the darkness under the bed, hooked up two shoes with his toes and put them on. At the same time, he said helplessly: "So, dear Mr. Rabbit Man, do you want me to do it?" what?"

"Are you a player?" Yu Liang asked back. This boy looked too immature and even younger than Xu Cixi in the first dungeon, which made him a little confused.

Is such a person really a player?

He's a little too young.

"Player?" He nodded, "Yes, I am also a player, but I am not like you. I have never won a championship, so I don't have a rabbit head."

"How did you wake up?" Yu Liang asked next.

"Use characters." He answered matter-of-factly, "Just a wake-up character is enough. You should be the same, right?"

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded, "My name is Yu Liang, what is your name?"

"Zhao Mingzhe." The young man said, seemingly helpless, "I originally planned to wait until you left before going out, but you actually discovered me."

"In that case, it's okay to go out together and tell me what you know." Yu Liang continued, but he never took it lightly.

From the first moment they met, Zhao Mingzhe put himself at the bottom and Yu Liang at the top, which obviously made people subconsciously underestimate his strength.

However, neither Yu Liang nor himself had shown any strength, and there was no defensible reason for this inexplicable inferior attitude.

Is it because I saw a rabbit head?

This reason did not convince Yu Liang himself.

The accessory "star" for the awakening character is very difficult to obtain. Apart from finding the star-shaped decoration, the only thing left to do is to extract it from the character "Xing".

The former requires a large-scale search of other rooms in the Peace Community Apartment to find it, while the latter is a package reward for the winner of the Rabbit Game. No matter which method of obtaining it, ordinary players cannot do it.

In addition, Zhao Mingzhe also emphasized that he did not win the rabbit game, which undoubtedly induced Yu Liang to despise his existence even more.

So this Zhao Mingzhe is probably showing weakness to the enemy.

"Okay, then I'll call you Brother Liang. In fact, I only discovered the method and materials for synthesizing awakening characters some time ago, so I haven't had time to go out and explore a few times." Zhao Mingzhe said, "What I know now is that this The prison is for players like us, while everyone else is asleep and participating in rabbit games in their dreams."

He continued: "Also, every few days a plastic dummy wearing a bunny hood comes here to clean up players who die in the dream."

"Move?" Yu Liang asked.

Zhao Mingzhe shook his head: "No, it's eating. They will eat these corpses directly and then leave here."

He thought for a while and then continued: "But if the bunny player dies, they will not eat the body, but will assimilate it into the same bunny dummy, and then leave here with the new bunny dummy. Each bunny dummy repeats a phrase over and over again."

"What words?"

"The words repeated by each rabbit dummy are different. Some are 'help', some are 'die', and some are 'f*ck'." Zhao Mingzhe dug out the memories in his mind, "But the voices they repeated these words were It’s the same, it’s the kind of electronic sound, the sound of children.”

Help, die, what the hell?

Do these words have any meaning?

Yu Liang couldn't think of any connection, and at this time Zhao Mingzhe said again: "By the way, there is another sentence, and there is another sentence: Long live the rabbit-shaped god,"

"Rabbit-shaped god?" Yu Liang wrote down the name. If he guessed correctly, this rabbit-shaped god was the giant rabbit-shaped statue excavated from the construction site before, and it was also the origin of this dungeon.

[You have triggered the source of ghost stories: the dream of the rabbit-shaped god]

[Ghost Story Mission: Destroy the Dreamland]

[Note: He built a beautiful dream for you, for me, and for eternity. 】

[Remarks: If you can, please play the game honestly, please get the title of game master, and then please leave here forever, or... you are willing to face your real fear. 】

"Very good, now you are also triggered." A smile appeared on Zhao Mingzhe's face, and he seemed to know what Yu Liang was looking at.

As long as they wake up in this real world and hear the words "rabbit-shaped god" again, players like them will trigger the strange story about the origin of this dungeon.

"Yes." Yu Liang's expression remained unchanged. Triggering the source of the ghost story was what he had expected.

If he wants to trigger the writer's third ability, Ruins Creation, he must complete the source ghost story of this copy, so within the scope of his ability, he will definitely trigger and complete the source ghost story without hesitation.

But what he didn't expect was that this source of ghost story actually gave such a "remark".

If you can, please play the game honestly, please get the title of game master, and then please leave here forever.

There are two ways to get out of the zoo, one is to find the key, and the other is to crack the root of the ghost story "it"; and this rabbit game also has two ways to complete the copy, one is to obtain a "game expert" who is distributed once a week Players who have obtained the title of Game Master can leave the dungeon directly, which also eliminates the source of the strange story.

Comparatively speaking, the first way to leave the rabbit game is much simpler than that of the zoo. Among other things, at least one player can be sent out every week, while the zoo has not been able to get a player for such a long time. to the key.

But now regarding the origin of this strange story, even the system is reminding him to just get the title of a game master and leave the dungeon...

So how terrifying is the dream of this rabbit-shaped god?

Is she scarier than being able to lose an entire city?

Yu Liang thought.

But speaking of it, this is also because she doesn't want to kill him at all, she just wants to guide him to turn him into a human being. This must have reduced the difficulty of a lot of root ghost stories.

"Go downstairs, you are in front." Yu Liang continued.

Zhao Mingzhe nodded and led the way.

Judging from Zhao Mingzhe's relaxed state, today should not be the time for the bunny jailer to come and clean up the corpses, so Zhao Mingzhe walked confidently and went all the way down to the prison gate.

Yu Liang followed him, looking around and looking at the prison curiously.

The corridor on the first floor is no different from the one upstairs. There are also symmetrical cells and prisoners lying on the bed.

Zhao Mingzhe pushed open the door, which was not even locked. The two of them left the prison so easily and saw the world outside the prison.

The buildings tightly hugged by green moss stood quietly and neatly in the sunset.

There are gaps between desolation and dilapidation.

Outside the prison is an open space, and outside the open space is a street. There are cars that have rusted to the point of shelling everywhere on the street, and telephone poles are lying on the ground.


What appeared in front of Yu Liang was a "dead" city.

"Look at what's in the sky." Zhao Mingzhe pursed his lips and motioned Yu Liang to look at the sky.

Yu Liang looked up, and he vaguely saw a huge shadow in the light of the setting sun. The shadow was directly above the prison, so he had to step out of the roof of the prison door to see it.

"It's okay. She has a very docile personality and won't care about us on the ground." Seeing Yu Liang's hesitation, Zhao Mingzhe continued, "Those who have never faced her directly will have a hard time walking in this abandoned city."

Yu Liang saw that Zhao Mingzhe had no intention of leaving the prison, so he became wary. He walked to the end of the shadow on the ceiling. One more step would have brought him into the sunlight, but he stretched out his hand and looked at the prison with his eyes. above.

There is a huge monster in the sky.

It has an approximately oval-shaped colorless body, covered with eyes of different sizes, always observing the world.

It is slowly swimming forward in the sky, just like clouds passing by on a sunny day. It takes a long time to move from one part of the sky to the other.

"What is it?" Yu Liang turned to look at Zhao Mingzhe.

"Princess, her name is Princess." Zhao Mingzhe smiled, "In a way, she is beautiful, isn't she?"

"Princess?" Yu Liang frowned slightly. He instinctively felt something was wrong.

This name doesn't look like it was made up by Zhao Mingzhe, it looks like it actually exists.

No one else woke up in this prison, so how did Zhao Mingzhe know its name?

Check it out?

But you need to be close to see it...

Can the princess get closer to "check"?

Something's wrong, Zhao Mingzhe has been trying to lure me out.

Yu Liang was full of suspicion. He took out the crossbow without hesitation and shot it at Zhao Mingzhe's calf. It penetrated his leg with just one shot, and then switched to Li Huachao.

"What?!" Zhao Mingzhe saw a look of fear on his face when he saw Yu Liang's decisive move. He pinched the characters in his hand and was about to hit "Yu Liang".

However, the one controlling the body now is Li Huachao. Of course he will not be attacked at this range.

Li Huachao grabbed Zhao Mingzhe's neck and threw him into the open space outside with a flick of his hand.

"No, no!" Zhao Mingzhe fell to the open ground and was even more frightened. He wanted to crawl back to the prison, but his calf was shot by Yu Liang. Now he moves slowly and cannot return to the prison at all.


A tentacle full of mouthparts and sharp teeth fell from the sky and landed on Zhao Mingzhe's position, crushing him into flesh and blood.

"Three seconds." Yu Liang counted silently.

If you appear outside for three seconds, you will be eaten by the princess.

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