The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 125 Wake up, it’s behind you!


Yu Liang jumped off the bed, taking advantage of the fact that it hadn't been able to break into the room yet, so he still had a chance to sneak away.

After releasing Room 225 from the universe, Yu Liang got directly in, then placed the mirror in the room, entered the mirror world, and finally put away Room 225.

A set of movements flowed smoothly, and in just ten seconds, Yu Liang had arrived in the mirror world.

He looked at the room in the mirror world and breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, the mirror world is his territory, and it is safer than the real world just now.

Yu Liang took out the prison mirror and his mind sank into the prison mirror.

On this page, you can see what kind of consumption the Mirror's [Modify] power will have.

If you want to modify the time flow rate, every second of use will consume its lifespan in minutes. If you modify it to twice or half, it will consume two minutes of lifespan per second, three times or one-third. One is a life span of three minutes.

The burden is not that big for him, but the underlying logic still needs to be worried about.

Consuming life span actually refers to consuming vitality, accelerating his aging process. If he uses it frequently, he can have a healthy body of more than 50 years old in his twenties.

It's just like being a programmer, it's a bit scary.

Therefore, Yu Liang only planned to use it at critical moments.

Such as now.


The crisp sound of fiddling with the door handle sounded in the room again. Yu Liang looked towards the door. The door handle was in the same condition as he imagined, bending downwards.

What's outside should be it in the mirror world, synchronizing with it in the real world, trying to destroy the door lock.

If there was still time, he could slow down the flow of time, then open the door and run outside, first avoiding the mirror monster, and then run to several other rooms on this floor to find some clues.

For example, room 4310.

Yu Liang originally decided to look for clues and opportunities to eliminate it during the day the next day, but its sudden attack in the middle of the night also disrupted his plan.

Fortunately, things were not out of his control yet.

Yu Liang slowly walked to the cat's eye and tried to look into it.

He didn't see the corridor.


What he saw was a room, a room with lights on, and this perspective was facing the door of the room, so he could see a man in front of the door looking out through the peephole.

That man looked exactly like him in terms of clothes and body shape.

Yu Liang raised his left hand, and the man he saw in the cat's eye also raised his left hand, so now he was sure.

What he saw was himself.

But why do you see yourself?

There is something wrong with this cat eye.

Yu Liang thought for a while, then looked at the peephole.


Door mirror (cat eye)

Name: Mirror

Texture: metal

Quantifier: one

Note: The mirror image of the special cat's eye can help you observe its traces.

"Observed traces of it?" Yu Liang was stunned for a moment. He didn't realize what this meant.

He did realize that the cat's eye was special. He actually saw himself through the cat's eye...


How could he be it?

No, no!

It has no body, that's why he can't see it!

And doesn’t this mean to say again...

It's not outside the door!

Right behind you? !

Yu Liangliang was startled. When he realized that it was behind him, he felt the hair on his back stand up, and a surging sense of crisis exploded in his mind.

What will be behind you?

Isn't it outside the room?

However, before his brain could make a specific judgment, he slowed down the flow of time without hesitation, ten times in one breath, and at the same time reached out to pull the door.

The Yin Qi behind him was still as fast as the wind, following Yu Liang.

However, this door is opened inward, which undoubtedly affects the speed more than a push-open door. However, it is affected by the flow of time in the mirror behind it, and its speed is reduced by ten times, so it should not be difficult to get rid of it.

At most, it consumes some lifespan, which is nothing compared to dying here directly.

Yu Liang was just about to open the door when he felt it coming behind him, and a cool breath hit his neck.

How could it be so fast?

Isn't it slowed down tenfold?

Why is it unaffected?

Now Yu Liang finally felt something bad in his heart.

In order to maintain the slowed down time flow just now, he did not choose to play Li Huachao. Now it is definitely too late to summon Li Huachao to violently score a goal.

But why?

Unaffected by the rules of the mirror world? !

In just a moment, Yu Liang realized the correct answer.

Because it is not a mirror image, it is the one in the real world!

That's why it appears directly behind him, it follows from the real world!

The content on the sticky note also mentioned that it would follow people into the room, and now it followed Yu Liang into the mirror world.

Yu Liang opened the page. Now that he had reached this point, he had no good choice.

There is only one last way left.

He selected the "wake" character and used it on himself.

If this is all a dream, then just wake up.

Although the reality after waking up...

Maybe scarier than a nightmare.



Yu Liang opened his eyes and gasped continuously. He felt as if he had just emerged from the deep sea, and every cell in his body was endlessly hungry for oxygen.

here it is……

The first moment he saw this world, he noticed something was wrong.

He was in a prison, a prison that was in a semi-abandoned state. Everything around him was rusty, and colorless liquid was stained on the walls and floors everywhere.

The dim light shone on the corridor outside the room, and Yu Liang suddenly found that he could see things in the distance clearly.

In a dim environment, he could see so clearly. Not only that, he could even see the wall behind him.

The wall behind you?

He noticed that his field of vision became 360 ​​degrees, including even behind him, but he could not see the small area in front of him.

And the whole world is a cold color.

Depressing blue glass.

Dark green moss on the wall.

There are more and more vast areas of black, white and gray.

There are no warm colors in the world at this time.

After observing carefully for a while, Yu Liang also found that everything he saw were flat figures, and the three-dimensional sense in his mind in the past disappeared without a trace.

This completely flat vision made him very uncomfortable, but he was still more confused.

How could he become like this?

Yu Liang got up from the bed. In addition to his vision, he could also feel many differences in his body.


He can easily pick out the scent of everything around him and can separate them one by one.

The smell of walls, the smell of rust, the smell of moss, the smell of water...

There is also the smell of blood that has dried into solid form further away.


He looked carefully at the blood stains on the ground outside, and then realized that the colorless liquid he just saw was actually blood.

The whole corridor outside was covered in blood, but unfortunately he couldn't see it.

It seems that blood is also a warm thing, but his world can only have coldness.

Such a world smells a little pungent, exuding a rotten smell that is about to perish.

Also enhanced is hearing.

He could now hear all the tiniest sounds around him.

Water drops from the ceiling fell into puddles.

An unknown insect in the corner rubbed its tentacles with its front paws.

There was even the sound of rust on the prison railings. Something slowly formed. It pushed against other rust and made a very slight creaking sound.

This is a very strange feeling. The world in his eyes is obviously very quiet, but the world he hears is very noisy.

There were traces of mold all over the bedding. Yu Liang got up from the bed and stood on the ground.

For some reason, he felt that his legs had almost no strength. They felt weak as soon as he stood on the ground, and he couldn't help but sit back on the edge of the bed.

He opened the page and checked his character column, inventory column and stamp column.

Fortunately, this is just "waking up" and not traveling to another world, so he still has everything he got from the Kaitan world.

The weird creatures in the universe still exist, which gives Yu Liang a sense of peace of mind in this strange environment.

He was now in a cell in the prison, with only a small bed and tattered mattresses, and a cold breeze constantly filtering through the small square iron bars.

Yu Liang could see the cell opposite through the railings. The layout of that cell was the same as his, and there was a person lying on the bed. This person was covered with a quilt, and his feet were facing Yu Liang, so he could only The outline of a person can be seen, but nothing else can be seen.

After resting for a while, he felt that his legs and feet seemed to have regained some strength, so he stood up, walked to the puddle in the corner of the room, and looked at his reflection through the reflection of the water.

He wanted to see his current mental state, but saw nothing.

Yu Liang slapped his head and forgot that he was no longer a mirror image.

But this slap on the head made him feel a strange feeling.


He has hair on his head.

"What?" Yu Liang murmured, and quickly touched his head with his hand, judging his head by the touch of his hand.

Short, thick hair, and long ears hanging down on both sides of the head.

The bridge of the head and nose is raised, giving the appearance of a "convex head", and the eyes are located on both sides of the protruding head.

Yu Liang suddenly understood why the world in his eyes, noses, and ears had become so strange.

Because now he has a rabbit head.

The rabbit's eyes can see behind but not in front of it. It has only two color-sensing cells.

So there is no red in his world, only cold blue and weird green.

In the same way, he also gained the rabbit's super sense of smell and super hearing.

This is why Yu Liang finds the world pungent and noisy.

He thought for a while and decided not to curl up his ears and block his nose.

Although an overly strong sense of hearing and smell will bring uncomfortable life experiences, it may help him survive better here.

Yu Liang knew that he had to accept this change. He had no time to be sentimental about this change.

But what made him a little strange was that it took humans a long time to gradually adapt to this kind of vision blocked by the bridge of the nose. At this time, a large part of the lower corner of his vision was blocked by the protruding nose, but he started by opening his eyes. I know I didn't notice this change just now.

If he hadn't accidentally touched his head with his hand, he didn't know when he would have discovered it.

He immediately adapted to the sudden change in his vision, as if he had always been a rabbit.

At this time, Li Huachao also sighed and said: "I finally discovered that from the monkey Yu Liang to the mirror Yu Liang, and now the rabbit Yu Liang, can't you really be a human again?"

Yu Liang: "..."

He was too lazy to pay attention to Li Huachao and started searching in this room.

The world after waking up felt extremely strange to him, so he urgently needed something that could make him feel safe.

In the face of its invasion, the "awakening" character is such a way out that can provide a sense of security, otherwise Yu Liang would not even choose to live in that house...

So now, the thing that can give him a sense of security is...

Yu Liang searched the room for a while, and soon found the insect that had been buzzing in the corner.

He cut off the lower body of the unknown bug and carefully removed the eyes from the bug's head.

Then pull out a piece of thread from the quilt and wrap it around your finger to form a circle.

After spitting, Yu Liang began the short synthesis process.

Taking out the "mouth" texture of "spit" and the quantifier "Zha" of line, a useless "卒" is formed.


smack character

Name: 咂

Texture: Mouth


Note: Make the target feel like being sucked by the lips.

"Huh?" Yu Liang looked at the effect of this character, which was beyond his expectation.

The word "咂" means "smacking the lips" and "sucking with the lips", but does this weird world choose the latter as the character effect?

Of course, this is also because Yu Liang himself knows the second meaning. If someone else synthesizes it, it may only have the first effect.

Make the target smack their lips?

This is so stupid.

At this time, Li Huachao's excited voice came from the bottom of Yu Liang's heart: "Quick, quick, quick, don't throw this character away, please give it to me!"

He thought for a moment and realized that only Yu Liang could synthesize the character "咂", and he immediately begged: "Spit a few more mouths of saliva, and synthesize a few more. Give them all to me. Brother, please, brother."

Yu Liang: "..."

This was the first time Li Huachao had such a humble tone.

So when he thought about the effects of the characters, he suddenly understood what Li Huachao was going to do with these characters.

Makes the target feel like being sucked by the lips.

Normal body parts are naturally fine, but if it is used for one center of gravity and two basic points, or if it is used for the mainstay...

Just thinking about it is very obscene.

"I will never use this character except in combat situations!" Li Huachao saw Yu Liang's hesitation and immediately added, swearing.

So under Li Huachao's repeated requests and repeated downgrades, Yu Liang reluctantly donated ten "咒" characters to him.

He is a practical fighter, and this character will indeed be very useful in battle.

Not to mention anything else, anyone would be weak in the legs if a sudden attack like this occurred after a good fight, right?

Moreover, this is Yu Liang's unique synthesis method, and most people would never think of taking precautions against it...

Although this character is indeed very weird.

Yu Liang has already considered preparing a mask for himself.

Next, Yu Liang combined "eyes" and "hang" which lost texture to form the character "sleep".


sleeping character

Name: sleep

Texture: mesh


Note: Put the target into a sleepy state. The sleepiness will continue to deepen and reach the peak within one minute, but the state will be broken when emotional.

"Almost." Yu Liang nodded. The effect of this character was similar to what he thought. It was a character that could make him re-enter the "sleep state".

However, it has no effect when used on other targets. When fighting, the spirit is high, and it is easy to break out of this sleepy state.

Yu Liang also transferred the "Chi" character to Li Huachao, otherwise his character column would not be able to accommodate the "Sleep" character.

"You can go out and take a look now." Yu Liang selected the raccoon seal's cleaning skill, and then looked at the rusty iron door.

With just some metal texture, he could restore the iron door to its scrap metal state.

"Let's go!" Li Huachao was also very happy. After getting the new character, he was like a husky seeing a new sofa. He urgently needed a man's battle to prove himself.

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