The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 124 How did she die? !

Soon, the forty pebbles and half of the sweater in Yu Liang's hand turned into 40 "smash" characters.

It seems that I still haven't taken enough stones. I can take more next time I go downstairs.

Yu Liangliang thought, and then looked at the two rabbit-eared paper figures playing on the side.

"Smash it." He threw a character at one of the rabbit paper figurines.

I saw the paper rabbit figure being knocked over by the characters and then sitting on the same spot with little stars on its head, looking as if it had been knocked unconscious.

After about two seconds, it shook its head and sat up from the ground, jumped up and down in front of Yu Liang, and danced to show that it wanted to do it again.

Yu Liang knocked it away with a snap of his fingers and ignored the rabbit paper man.

After the first upgrade, the paper rabbit's physical fitness is now similar to that of ordinary people.

So this smashing character should be able to cause short-term dizziness for about two seconds for ordinary tourists, and the process of releasing the characters only takes about half a second to a second. To a certain extent, it can indeed cause unlimited dizziness.

However, the damage is a bit low, and it takes about ten to cause significant damage.

And the most important thing is that if he keeps using this character to stun the same person, Yu Liang needs to keep releasing characters...

He didn't know who was controlling whom.

Fortunately, he is a summoner. Even if he cannot move, he can still let the paper man or the cub attack.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that this character-smashing character is quite useful. He does not have much combat power, but the character's casting range is relatively far. It is also good for controlling the enemy's high-level combat power. It can barely be regarded as a low-level horse. Wait for the horse...

Wait, that sounds weird.

Yu Liang shook his head and gave up this idea. If he really wanted to fight, it would be easier to play Li Huachao.

It seems that Li Huachao is more suitable to use this thing. In close combat, even being stunned for a second or two can make the difference between life and death.

"I'll give you fifteen characters. You should be able to use them easily." Yu Liang then gave the fifteen smashing characters to Li Huachao.

"That thunder character of yours is of no use. Why don't you give it to me and I'll use it myself." Li Huachao smiled and started to hold out his hands.

"What are you going to do?" Yu Liang was very alert. Naturally, he did not dare to hand over this kind of thunder to Li Huachao who could hurt the enemy a thousand times and hurt himself a thousand times. God knows what Li Huachao would do.

"Don't worry, of course I won't blow myself up with this thing. I'm not that stupid." Li Huachao promised again and again. Seeing him like this, Yu Liang handed over the thunder symbol to Li Huachao with suspicion.

After doing all this, Yu Liang synthesized another wake-up character for later use, and then looked at the remaining bottles of wine and fresh meat.

Supplies can be selected every day, so there is no need for him to be too frugal. There are two wake-up characters, which is enough for the time being.

After such a night, he was also a little hungry and needed to eat properly to replenish his body's energy.

Yu Liang had never drank much wine before, so he didn't plan to touch the wine and just put it aside. As for the fresh meat, he obviously couldn't eat it raw. It was best to roast it a little.

Along with the fresh meat, there is a small amount of salt for seasoning.

So now, should we use the flame of the synthetic candle to grill meat?

"Do you need barbecue?" Li Huachao saw Yu Liang's plan and said generously that it would be right to leave it to him. "Don't worry, I have special characters for barbecue here. This is what I prepared for the white legs of the rabbit." nice one."

Yu Liang: "..."

God is so big but the rabbit has white legs, just be a human being.

Although it seems possible, it is not small.

Li Huachao skillfully took out the lighter from the inventory, and then the string of metal spoons. He combined the words "fire" and "spoon" to form the character "火".


burn characters

Name: Zhuo

Texture: Fire


Note: It will have a continuous burning effect on the target, causing burns, but it will be offset when it encounters characters with water texture.

"Burn?" Yu Liang also saw the effect of this character. He had never noticed this relatively simple and easy-to-use character before.

Probably because he hasn't fought many other players using characters. The difficulty of obtaining this burning character should be much lower than that of broken characters, because it will be chosen by many players to use.

Although the effect is not very good, it is just a burning state and will be restrained by characters with water texture.

As for the water-textured characters, Yu Liang himself can synthesize the "wave" character and the "mu" character, which can probably relieve this burning state.

However, he had already discarded the "wave" character a long time ago, because it was not difficult to synthesize, and the capacity of the character column was limited, so there was no need to store such characters with mediocre effects.

There was no way, he was past the time of collecting characters, now he had to consider the specific effects of the characters, after all, the character field was limited.

Now he is in a healthy state, so the character column has ten spaces.

There are 178 breaking characters, 3 curse characters, 4 trapped characters, 2 dazzling characters, 1 galloping character, 1 extracting character, 24 smashing characters, 2 awakening characters, 1 mu character, and strengthening series characters. 1 set (including strength, speed, defense, and endurance).

In terms of the specific effects of characters, Yu Liang's character column includes attack, control and enhancement, which can be regarded as a very luxurious lineup.

In other words, he is now in a state where characters will explode if he is slashed with a knife. If he is unlucky, the "breaking" characters will be randomly exploded, and 178 characters will be exploded in one breath.

The person who chopped him must have felt that it was a Chinese New Year, right?

Wow, the explosion rate is really high.

Maybe a new monster will be born in future dungeons. There is an elite monster that can drop nearly two hundred characters with just one slash...

Yu Liang thought about that scene and expressed his rejection in his heart.

As for the burning characters, a method of using them also appeared in Yu Liang's mind. He would first use the burning characters to burn a large number of enemies, lure the enemies to use water texture characters on him to offset the burning, and finally use the thunder characters to bombard the vicinity of the enemies, causing them to be attracted. The effect of thunder and damage.

Not bad.

Now the casting range of his character is seven steps. When it is longer, maybe he won't be affected by the lightning strike of the thunder character.

However, Yu Liang was still a little helpless. Li Huachao had never thought of using this burning character to fight before. He only planned to use it to grill rabbit legs?

Yu Liang asked Li Huachao to make 10 burning characters for him to carry as spares to replace the useless "mu" characters.

Of course, this does not mean that he should throw away this character directly, use this character on himself and change his clothes, so that he can save time in bathing, which can be said to be good news for lazy people.

In this dangerous dungeon of ghost stories, Yu Liang didn't want to waste time taking a bath.

Think about it, how many horror movie plots take place in the bathroom?

When washing your hair, the foamy water washes down from the top of your head, and you close your eyes tightly, and you can only hear the sound of water rushing in your ears. This is undoubtedly the easiest time to relax your vigilance.

If a strange creature breaks in at this time, it will undoubtedly be a very scary thing.

Next, he grilled the fresh meat with a charcoal, and then ate it with a little salt. The meat was of high quality, so Yu Liang felt quite comfortable eating it.

He walked into the bathroom with the clean clothes issued by the system and finished using the "Mu" character on himself.

Yu Liang felt that the sweat on his body had disappeared, and the sticky feeling had also completely disappeared, as if he had just taken a shower.

He put on clean clothes and prepared to rest for a while.

Although being entrusted to Li Huachao can give you a mental rest, the physical fatigue will not be eliminated, so you still need to lie down for a while and relax your muscles.

He switched to Li Huachao's state. The body in Li Huachao's state also enjoyed superhuman recovery capabilities, so it only took an hour or two to become energetic again.

"Stay in bed for two hours first, and then you can go out to play if you want, but don't risk your life." Yu Liang told Li Huachao. He knew that Li Huachao would definitely be unable to restrain himself from going out to have fun, so he didn't bother to stop him.

He needs to rest and recover as soon as possible, and then try using the "wake up" character to see what he can see when he wakes up.

"Okay, of course I won't seek death." Li Huachao said cheerfully. He knew that it was time for "the master is asleep" that must pass through each round of dungeons.

But he also had a request: "Can those grass babies be released?"

"What are you going to do?" Yu Liang was confused.

"Didn't I say it before? I want to open a pasture here, and these grass babies are the pasture." Li Huachao's eyes were bright, "These grass babies will not be affected by the rabbit virus. If the secret can be found out, other The weird creatures in the universe can also be released."

"Those bunny people eat the babies below, not the grass above." Yu Liang knew that all the reasons were just excuses for Li Huachao, who simply thought that one thing was what happened.

"Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as there are people who are willing." Li Huachao gave an affirmative answer again. He thought for a while and found another reason, "Do you think that if the grass babies are planted all over the third floor, they will be grassed as soon as they get close? The babies noticed that those grass babies screamed so loudly, and you will definitely notice it, so won’t it mean that you are absolutely safe living in this room?”

"Uh." Yu Liang thought along Li Huachao's words.

Damn it, he was actually a little moved.

To some extent, this can also directly block its invasion.


Suddenly, a crisp sound rang out in the quiet room. This sound interrupted Yu Liang's thinking. His heart was agitated, and he instantly switched back. He climbed to the end of the bed and looked at the door of the room through the dim light.

I saw the door handle moving downward slowly, as if someone was trying to open the door from the outside.

A flyer passed through the crack of the door and lightly touched the anti-theft door chain that bolted the door. The door chain immediately broke and hung down with gravity, making a knocking sound on the door.

Is the anti-hotlink protection simply destroyed?

As the anti-theft chain was cut off, there was a brief silence near the door. After a while, the door handle twisted downward again.

Yu Liang looked at the position of the cat's eye. There was no sign of damage to the cat's eye.


It's coming!

The sirens rang in Yu Liang's heart, and he was also full of confusion.

The post-it mentioned that it might break the door lock through the peephole, but that's not the case now.

Before entering the room, Yu Liang checked the peephole on the door. There was no sign of damage.

He remembered the choice he had made in front of the door.

Why would he become like this even if he was right?

Logically speaking, if you choose the right one, it won't come to your door so quickly.

Which of the two suggestions is problematic?

Yu Liang's brain was running rapidly, and at this moment, he suddenly realized that he had made a very stupid mistake.

He was confused by the system’s options!

Both of those options are wrong!

No matter which choice you make, it’s wrong!

The logic was obviously simple, but he hadn't noticed it until now.

If the advice left by the original owner of the room was really useful, how did she die? !

When you find it exists, you shouldn't enter the room, you should just run!

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