The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 123 New Character Synthesis

After saying this, Li Huachao reacted quickly and returned to where he came from. He jumped back slightly and returned to the window, squatting on the window sill like Spider-Man.

He could advance, attack, retreat or defend. With his back to the outdoors, he felt full of strength again.

Li Huachao cast his alert eyes on the corridor on the fourth floor, but he saw nothing except those red shoes.

Was there something waiting for him in the shadows?

Is it "it" that was in the neighbor's house before or is it something else?

He observed for a while that the corridor was still calm, as if both parties were patient.

Li Huachao was waiting for it to run out of patience and jump out, and it was waiting for Li Huachao to enter the prepared trap.

"Think I'm stupid." He waited for a while, curled his lips in disdain, and quickly climbed down the water pipe to the third floor.

He has a strong curiosity, but this looks like some kind of monster trap, so is it necessary for him to foolishly get up close and observe it?

Li Huachao kicked the glass of the third floor window to pieces. This glass could not stop him in the first place. He didn't just kick the glass to break the glass and break into the corridor just because he didn't want to.

I really thought this was some kind of barrier, could it still stop him?

As Li Huachao left, the windows in the corridor on the fourth floor were slowly closed, and the curtains that swayed in the wind suddenly stopped.

The wind squeezed through the cracks in the windows and entered the corridor, making a low chirping sound, like the leisurely sigh of some kind of creature.


third floor.

"Pay attention to your surroundings and see if it is there." Yu Liang said.

"Oh." Li Huachao agreed, and then took the trouble to check in the corridor.

It's never wrong to be careful.

The corridor on the third floor was pretty much the same as when he left it, and there didn't seem to be anything surprising about it.

"There's nothing going on in the corridor." He quickly replied, and then asked Yu Liangdao, "So are you entering the room now?"

When Li Huachao stood at the door of the room, a prompt box suddenly popped up on the page.

[You stand at the door of room 4306. You are vaguely aware of its aura, but you are not sure whether it exists or whether it is following you or hiding in the room. 】

[According to the suggestions on the sticky note, you have the following two choices. Please make your choice within 3 minutes. 】

[Option 1: Open the door and close it quickly. Don’t give it the chance to follow you into the room. It will become extremely dangerous by then. 】

[Option 2: After opening the door, stand and wait at the door, looking for unusual signs in the room. If it in the room understands that you notice it, it will leave voluntarily. 】

[Choose the answer you think is right. The right choice can save your life. If you choose the wrong answer, you will be responsible for the consequences. 】

"Huh?" Yu Liang also saw this multiple-choice question and was immediately stunned. Then he reminded Li Huachao, "Don't open the door yet, wait for me to think about it."

When this multiple-choice question came up, several suggestions about "it" that he had seen in the room before came to Yu Liang's mind.

"7. If you can't close the door in time when you go home, don't open the door."

This is to remind him to go home as quickly as possible to prevent him from getting into the room.

However, there is another thing behind it——

"9. The first thing you do when you get home is to check the room, but don't walk directly into the room, stand at the door and wait and see."

Now facing the multiple-choice question, Yu Liang discovered that these two suggestions were very contradictory.

It makes sense to look at them individually. They are all trying to prevent "it" from invading. However, when put together, something is wrong.

On the one hand, he has to quickly enter the room and close the door. On the other hand, he is asked to stand at the door of the room and wait to see if it has sneaked into the home.

If it is in the room now, if you enter the room and close the door quickly, you will be caught in a trap; if it is hiding in a corner of the corridor, if you open the door and wait, it will take the opportunity to sneak into the room.

Determining the way it invades is also the actual meaning of this multiple-choice question.

If you choose the right one, nothing will happen. If you choose the wrong one, you may be in trouble tonight.

"So, one of these two suggestions must be false. It was probably modified and added by it." Yu Liang thought, but then he became suspicious.

If it modified the sticky note, wouldn't it be more appropriate to simply tear it off?

If you don't give him any hints, he won't be able to defend himself. Maybe there won't be multiple-choice questions in the prompt box now, and it will be easier for it to invade the apartment.

Yu Liang has no habit of treating others as fools, even though they are not human beings.



Only if he is aware of its existence and setting, can it appear and harm him?

This is a reasonable conjecture, so let’s think about it first.

So which piece of advice is fake?

This kind of monster has no entity and its abilities tend to be idealistic. Once it falls into its rules, it will probably only make the situation more dangerous.

And he had no way of restraining it.

Scavenger stamp?

Yu Liang thought of this stamp, which was the reward for completing the player game for the second time in the Zoo dungeon.

[Scavenger: Kill a strange creature whose gradient level is no greater than yours, and the highest level is T2. Current remaining number of uses: 1 time]

A seal with a killing ability has an unreasonable effect, just killing one animal.

However, the gradient level of the target cannot be greater than the gradient level of his own profession, and Yu Liang is now at level T3 and can only destroy one level T3 monster.

The monsters in T3 are at the level of the mantis cub. It might be faster to leave the monsters of this level to Li Huachao to deal with.

As for the current "it", it should not be at the T3 level.

Yu Liang guessed that it was T2 or above, but it was definitely not at the level of the root ghost talk.

Li Huachao could directly destroy a T2 level monster, but the stamp was not like a character and could not be transferred as a gift.

The previous gift to Xie Yunmeng was the dormitory suit, not the seal.

"Take out the sticky note from your pocket and take a look." Yu Liang couldn't make a judgment for a while, so he had to ask Li Huachao to take out the sticky note from his pocket.





Wait, is this the number 11?

Yu Liang suddenly noticed something. He looked carefully and found that there were only items 9 and 11 on the sticky note, but not item 10.

The number "11" was written extremely poorly, which is why Yu Liang subconsciously ignored it when he first read it.

No 10?

Is "10" special?

Is it the edits it made or is there something wrong with the woman who wrote those words?

Is it because she does not have the number "10" in her consciousness?

Yu Liang thought of the diary in the security room. The increasingly outrageous date on April 30th showed that the security guard had lost the concept of dates.

This may indeed happen if you are influenced by ghost stories.

"10" is special, is it hinting at the room No. 4310 next to it?

Unfortunately, he had to make a choice now, and there was no time to go to that room to look for clues.

"Option 1, open the door and close it quickly, don't let it follow." Yu Liang still made his choice.

In chronological order, the monster modified the post-it note, then targeted the neighbor next door and made it disappear.

It looks like it should be in the hallway rather than in its own room.

Li Huachao opened the door and quickly closed it. At the same time, he looked at the scene in the room. Everything was the same as when Yu Liang left.

"Da da da."

Li Huachao heard footsteps outside the door. The footsteps sounded like some kind of creature with claws stepping on the hard ground, making a crisp sound.

Is it outside?

And it has an entity?

Li Huachao did not hesitate to put his eyes to the peephole and look out, but there was nothing in the corridor, only the sound of footsteps gradually disappearing.

Also, this thing has no entity.

He waited quietly at the door for a few minutes. Nothing strange happened in the room, and then he felt completely relieved.

"You made the right choice." Li Hua said as he walked into the room.

"Well, fortunately." Yu Liang also breathed a sigh of relief.

[We have returned to room 4306. Based on your game score, you are classified as an "advanced player". Please choose your supporting materials. 】

A new prompt box appears, and this page is only divided into two sections, food and clothing.

After clicking into the two modules, there are multiple choices.

Clothes include clothing of various seasons, which you can choose by yourself, and food also covers several categories. Whether it is meals, noodles or barbecue, there is basically a range of daily food.

However, after a while of observation, Li Huachao discovered that only high-level players could enjoy food such as barbecue for free, while low-level players could only eat extremely simple food such as bread and water for free.

It's okay that the time is short, but if you stay in this dungeon of ghost stories for a long time, this kind of diet will definitely cause damage to your body.

Well, it seems that low-level players don’t live long, so that’s okay.

He scrolled all the way down and soon noticed a strange meal package.

[Several types of fresh meat*]

There was a small asterisk following it, and he clicked on the note.

【Prepared for players with special dietary habits. 】

"Special eating habits?" Yu Liang thought, do any players like to eat raw meat?

Is there a special ghost story that can turn players into beasts that drink blood and raw hair?

"That's it for this set meal. I'll give it a try with a few bottles of the fruit wine I just saw and a bucket of drinking water." Yu Liang continued.

"Raw meat? What do you want raw meat for?" Li Huachao was puzzled, but when Yu Liang didn't answer, he didn't say more and just chose this set meal.

Another set of clothes to change. Yu Liang thought about it and decided to change one of the coats into a sweater.

"Choose that sweater for your coat." He continued to give instructions, "Put the rocks I asked you to bring on the table. I will use them later."

When he was downstairs before, he asked Li Huachao to bring a few more stones, and Li Huachao also picked up dozens of pebbles and came back later to see if he could use the quantifier synthesis method to test out new characters.

"A sweater? It's not summer now?" Li Huachao continued to wonder. He didn't understand what Yu Liang was going to do, but after thinking about it carefully, it must be related to the composite characters, so he didn't ask any more questions.

[The selection of supplies has been completed. The supplies will be sent to your room in ten minutes. I wish you a pleasant meal and a good night. 】

"It's really rare that there is no strange curse." Li Huachao curled his lips and waited in this room.

Ten minutes passed quickly. Li Huachao also took the time to look inside the room. He saw light emerging from the desk. When the light dissipated, vacuum-packed fresh meat, fruit wine and clothes appeared.

"Check the meat." Yu Liang said, driving Li Huachao forward.

"Oh." Li Huachao nodded and looked at the raw meat.


raw meat

Name: Meat

Texture: None

Quantifier: block

"Okay, it won't be displayed as expected." Yu Liang was helpless, but this was not beyond his expectation. He looked at the stones and sweaters on the table and decided to make some characters as backup.

He switched back control of his body and looked at the things on the table again.



Name: Stone

Texture: None

Quantifier: block



Name: clothes

Texture: None

Quantifier: pieces


Raw meat*

Name: fishy

Texture: month

Quantifier: block

Note: Raw meat

"Huh?" Yu Liang noticed the last item. In his view page, the name of raw meat was not the meat Li Huachao saw, but "fishy".


Because Li Huachao didn't have this concept in his heart?

So to a certain extent, the results obtained are also idealistic?

Long before Yu Liang suddenly rang out, Lao Du seemed to have already touched on this rule when he demonstrated text synthesis to him.

When looking at the bug, the name of the bug is simply "bug", because they don't know what kind of bug it is. If Infinitesimal Liang looked at it, maybe the name would not be "bug", but the specific species.

However, it is obvious that this kind of idealism is based on the premise of "correctness", and the system will probably not recognize the way of viewing that refers to a deer as a horse.

This also made Yu Liang worry-free. He took a piece of wood from the back of the chair and combined it with the "氵" extracted from "wine" to create the character "Mu".


mu character

Name: Mu

Texture: 氵

Quantifier:…(Character has no quantifier)

Note: Select a target to clean it.

This character is useless, but Yu Liang doesn't care. He synthesized this character just to restore "wine" to "unitary".

The next step is to extract the "moon" in the "fishy", scrape out some soil from the fresh stone, and then extract the "moon" texture to synthesize it to get the "belly".

A piece of bloody "belly" appeared on the table. Yu Liang didn't know what kind of creature's belly it was, but he didn't care and just looked at the final product.



wake up character

Name: wake up

Texture: unitary


Note: Wake up!

"Successful." Yu Liang, who finally got the awakening symbol, was also happy, but he did not use it directly, but looked at the sweater aside.

He removed the thread from the sweater, then picked up a pen, circled it around the pen, and clicked to see.



Name: Mao

Texture: None

Quantifier: turn

"Sure enough, as long as I think it is a 'circle' and not a 'circle', what is shown in the view is 'za', although their meanings are the same." Yu Liang made a judgment, and then combined the stone next to it with it.


Smashing characters

Name: smash

Texture: Stone


Note: Hit the target with a heavy object, causing dizziness and damage.

"Includes dizziness?" Yu Liang nodded when he saw the effect prompt above.

This is more useful than you might think, and is different from "broken" characters, and its composition is even easier than "broken" characters.

This sweater can synthesize at least hundreds of such "smashing" characters.

Coupled with dizziness, isn't this controlling yourself to death?

Looking at it this way, this new synthesis method gave him a lot of help.

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