The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 122 The stars are in the sky

You are dreaming now, and the rabbit is dreaming too, and you are in the rabbit's dream.

The content of the entire letter is not long, but in fact only this sentence is more meaningful.

He was dreaming, the rabbit was dreaming, and he was in the rabbit's dream.

So the underground mall he's in now is actually Rabbit's dream?

Judging from the information in the newspaper, this underground shopping mall has never been built at all. The engineering team just finished digging the big hole and attracted rabbit people, so the current underground shopping mall should be fake.

Yu Liang pinched his hand, feeling obvious pain, and then hammered the wall next to him. The wall was also made of hard material.

Is this really a dream?

Such a real dream?

Is he dreaming in a rabbit's dream?

How come it looks like Inception?

Looking at a few other sentences, it may be the same person who wrote this letter, but the two letters gave him completely different feelings.

There was an obvious sense of madness in the words of the first letter, but the second letter became much more rational.

This guy wrote these two letters to him in ██ City a few years ago. Did he already foresee what was happening now?

And these two letters could finally reach his hands across time and space. Yu Liang suddenly felt that the person who wrote this letter was a little unpredictable.

He put the envelope away and then tried to open other letter boxes. He saw that there were newspapers and letters like this in the box next to him, but they were not exposed from the delivery port.

If anyone else comes here, they should be able to find the contents of the other mailboxes.

Yu Liang took out the letters from other mailboxes one by one and looked at them. He found that their contents were exactly the same, even the handwriting was exactly the same, as if they were photocopies. There were many copies of such letters and newspapers.

So this letter is not just for him?

Thinking about it more carefully, the letter that dragged him into this copy of the strange story should be more than the same one, right?

Well, it’s not that this guy is unpredictable, it’s just that he casts a wide net and catches more fish.

Yu Liang curled his lips and looked at the last few sentences in the letter again.


wake up!

The premise of everything is to wake up!

So the question becomes, when did he enter the dream?

When you participated in the "One, Two, Three Rabbit People"?

Or has he been in a dream since entering this copy?

He remembered that he went to the Mirror World to investigate after noticing that it was next door. At that time, rabbit holes and rabbits had not yet appeared in the Mirror World.

The conclusion that can be drawn at present is very simple, the underground shopping mall must be fake, and the apartment where he is located may be real.

Just maybe.

Yu Liang knew that he could not solve this problem at present, so he turned his attention to another problem.

If he was really in a dream now, what would he do to wake up?

This dream was so real that he couldn't wake up using ordinary means.

Do you have to rely on death to wake yourself up?

In ordinary dreams, if you dream of encountering a life-or-death crisis, the brain's self-protection mechanism will often control the body to wake up suddenly just before death.

But in this rabbit's dream...

Will death really mean death?

Yu Liang thought for a while and decided not to commit suicide.

Let’s try first to see if we can go back the way we came.

He took a look at his map. Judging from the map, the previous escalator was not far from here. Perhaps he could leave this underground mall directly from the escalator.

Yu Liang's footsteps echoed in the empty shopping mall. Apart from his footsteps, there was no sound in this place. Only a strangely quiet atmosphere followed him.

When passing by the previous store area, he also picked up two flyers on the ground and took them away. He was not sure if they would be useful, but he still took them with him first.

Not long after, Yu Liang saw the escalator in the distance. The moonlight shone in from the outside, making the steps of the elevator look extremely sacred, as if they were the steps leading to heaven.

There was nothing weird happening. The rabbits didn't seem to want to stop him from leaving the underground mall.

Yu Liang frowned slightly.

This is basically making it clear.

Leaving the underground mall does not mean waking up from a dream. The scope of the dream may not be limited to this underground mall.

So are apartments, so are peaceful communities.

Otherwise, he would never be allowed to leave the underground mall so easily.

Is it possible that these rabbits still respect his "rabbit head"?

"Leave here first?" Li Huachao saw Yu Liang's plan.

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded, "On that trip just now, I basically walked around this underground shopping mall."

He came down the escalator in Area C, passed through many shops, and then chased him all the way to the clothing area B and the office area. He didn't encounter any particularly powerful monsters along the way.

Make sure you can get out safely first, then think about other things.

If I miss the opportunity to leave the underground shopping mall, I won’t be able to cry at all.

His condition is not good now, his body has become tired from the game just now, and the only summons he can use are Li Huachao and two paper rabbits.

With this level of preparation, he still felt that it was too risky to explore the underground mall in depth.

Yu Liang did not dare to leave home for too long. After all, there was another "it" in that building. He still needed to resolve the strange stories related to "it" first.

The apartment is where he wants to rest and sleep. Although he can be entrusted to Li Huachao when he sleeps, it is always right to deal with the monster in the apartment first.

Yu Liang walked onto the elevator, stepped all the way up, and soon reached the ground.

The air on the ground smelled much fresher than the turbid dead air in the shopping mall. He looked around and quickly found his apartment building.

Looking back, I saw that the underground shopping mall behind me had disappeared, replaced by a large pit under construction.

The moonlight shines down from high in the sky, covering the earth with a silver-white glow, traveling through the countless passages in the pits.

The diameter of this pit is nearly a kilometer, and there are many large construction equipment, such as excavators and dump trucks, dozens of them. They reveal a cold industrial beauty in the moonlight, and it seems that there is still residual heat. freed.

However, with Yu Liang's eyesight, these machines were already covered in rust.

Sure enough, the underground shopping mall just now was just an illusion.

This did not surprise Yu Liang, but what surprised him was something else.

Judging from the rust spots on the bodies of these construction facilities, they should have experienced a long time, but why can't there be any plants in this pit?

Logically speaking, even if no towering trees can grow from this big pit, weeds should still grow in clusters, right?

But no.

Was it eaten by a rabbit?

Yu Liang didn't know, he just stared blankly at the center of the pothole.

The front page picture of the first newspaper was also a pothole, and in the center of the pothole was a statue of a rabbit man.

Now the statue has also disappeared.

He shook his head and looked down at the flyer in his hand, feeling a very strange feeling in his heart.

It seems that these two flyers are the only ones that can prove that this underground shopping mall, which symbolizes illusion, existed, and that his experience this night is not empty talk.

"Underground shopping mall in peacetime——"

"Grand opening the day after tomorrow, gifts to the whole city!"

The words on the flyer caught Yu Liang's attention. He was sure that the words "the day after tomorrow" had not been on the previous flyer.

the day after tomorrow?

So tonight he just visited the underground mall on the eve of its opening?

He doesn't know how this mall can gather enough merchants in two days. After all, he didn't see a single store tonight.

Yu Liang turned around and walked towards his apartment building, still thinking in his mind.

It will open the day after tomorrow, and there will definitely be big news the day after tomorrow.

It is now certain that he still has not woken up from his dream.

Then think differently.

Try synthetic characters, "wake" characters.

If you can make a "wake up" character, you may be able to wake up directly from the rabbit's dream.

"You" and "Star".

First of all, it is necessary to confirm that the things that appear in this dream can be used to synthesize characters. If it is all illusory like the mirror world, then it will be a problem.

Yu Liang chose to "check" the map he brought with him, which was something he found in this underground shopping mall.



Name: Figure

Texture: Mouth

Notes: A map from an underground shopping mall.

The map is real, the notes do not indicate falsehood, and the things here can be combined into characters.

This dream is fake, but the things in the dream are real?

At this time, Yu Liang also noticed that on the "View" page, there was a small asterisk next to the map. After he clicked it out, he saw the content inside the asterisk.

[Quantifier: width]


This is a reward previously obtained when completing the first copy, a new synthesis route.

Yu Liang remembered it, but when he was in the mirror world before, he could not "see" this synthesis path.

Previous items did not have this asterisk behind them.

Including when looking at the prison mirror, there are also no asterisks.

Does this mean that there are no quantifiers for this mirror and the things in the mirror?

Probably because this mirror actually has many faces, and this can only be regarded as one of the clones.

Yu Liang remembered another mirror in the masked man's grocery store, which was exactly the same as the prison mirror in his hand.

That mirror requires four stamps to redeem, but normal players cannot advance to use it even if they obtain the prison mirror.

He unlocked all the permissions of the Prison Mirror only after solving the Kaidan copy.

This synthesis route had never appeared in the entire copy before, which made Yu Liang almost forget about it.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the quantifier itself is not suitable for character synthesis.

For example, the current "frame" must be directly used for synthesis, and the texture cannot be extracted for secondary transformation.

Then, common quantifiers such as "ge, zhi" are still useful and can serve as the voice parts of characters. As for overly complex characters such as "啰, 片, Zhang", they can basically be used in direct character synthesis.

But it can come in handy at this time. Yu Liang thought for a while and came up with a more useful synthesis method. He could just find some more pebbles to take with him on the way back.

Let’s look at the character “awake” again, which is composed of “unit” and “star”.

Needless to say about the former, the optimal solution is of course to find a bottle of wine.

Even if he couldn't find ready-made wine, he would have no problem brewing it himself.

At worst, he just chewed the wine. Yu Liang didn't drink it anyway, and the fermented wine was only used to synthesize characters.

This is not difficult. After returning to the apartment, supplies will be distributed. Even if there is no wine, there should be rice, right?

The simplest brewing method only requires digestive enzymes and bacterial flora in rice and saliva. "You" is not difficult to find.

Next is "Xing". He has just been shopping in the mall and has roughly remembered the basic situation on the road.

There are no star-shaped decorations in this shopping mall. Only the basic construction has been completed and no further decoration has been carried out.

If you want to use "star" directly, the probability is a bit small.

Uh, the stars are in the sky.

It is more reliable to extract the word "star" from other things. There are not many common Chinese characters containing "star", probably only the words "xing, xing, ape, and 榦".

Under normal circumstances, orangutans should be the easiest to use. Find a chimpanzee to extract the texture and you can get a separate "star", but this is not a zoo.

How is it possible to find chimpanzees in a community with only apartments and shopping malls?

It's a pity, if there are foreigners who can participate in this game, maybe they can try this direction.

Yu Liang expressed deep regret, but he had no choice but to try other synthesis paths.

The other two words are not used as nouns, so the only word that can be found is "Xing".

The original meaning of "Xing" in Chinese is raw meat, but this is not a widely known usage, so Yu Liang is not sure whether it can be used to synthesize characters.

When he puts his eyes on a piece of raw meat for "examination," the name that more likely comes to mind is "meat" rather than "fishy."

But I can give it a try, but where can I find raw meat?

As for creatures that could have flesh on their bodies, he could only think of those rabbits in the potholes.

Go down that rabbit hole and cut raw meat?

Yu Liang frowned slightly. Everything in the mirror world is illusory and cannot be synthesized into "real" characters. So if you want rabbit meat, you can only find it in the hole just now...

forget it.

Having said that, there should be flesh on the body of the Scrooge, right?

An idea suddenly popped into Yu Liang's mind, but he gave up after thinking about it.

The Scrooge is a strange creature brought out of the mirror world, and the same principle is invalid.

And like the mantis, it is the result of the resurrection of dead people under the influence of ghost stories, and cannot be regarded as "raw flesh".

It would be great if Li Huachao was here.

He couldn't help but feel regret in his heart.

You can't cut off your own flesh for experiments, right?

Yu Liang instinctively felt pain in his body.

First check to see if there is any in the supplies. If it doesn't work, try using Tuyou's legs.

Just as he was thinking about it, he found that he had reached the door of his building.

Building three.

He looked from the bottom up and saw that the entire building was immersed in darkness, and not one of the hundreds of rooms had a light on.

Moreover, even the lights in the stairwells on the first and second floors also disappeared.

Yu Liang glanced at the door of the building. He still didn't plan to go through the main entrance and went directly to the side of the building.

This is the place where you jump out of the window during the game. Next to the window is a water pipe that rises from the first floor to the top floor.

Li Huachao is already an expert at climbing water pipes.

He looked up and suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The window I jumped out of before was closed.

Is there anyone else on the third floor?

"Let's go up and have a look." Yu Liang switched to Li Huachao and asked him to climb up.

Li Huachao nodded, sipped at his hands, and ran up the water pipe like a monkey. After a while, he came to the window on the third floor. He stood on the edge of the window sill and reached out to open the window, but found that the window was locked from the inside.

"The second floor seems to be locked as well." He said in his mind, and then climbed up to the fourth floor.

He had noticed just now that it seemed that the window on the fourth floor was open.

Yu Liang did not respond to Li Huachao, he always felt something was strange.

In two seconds, Li Huachao had climbed to the fourth floor and jumped into the fourth floor corridor with a graceful gesture. The fourth floor corridor was a place he had never been before, so he looked there curiously.

There are no lights in the corridor on the fourth floor. In the darkness, you can see that the doors of every house on the left and right are open. In front of each house is a pair of red shoes, including sports shoes, sneakers, and high heels.

Li Huachao felt that the scene was a bit breathtaking, and then he heard Yu Liang's reminder faintly coming from the bottom of his heart.

"If I were it, I would definitely wait for you on the fourth floor."

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