The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 110 (4k5) Black smoke, black smoke, or black smoke? !

"A miracle! This is the coming of the spirit!"

"The spirit actually appeared?"


When they saw the idol in the sky, the goddess and believers also became excited and worshiped the empty idol more sincerely.

Soon, the policeman ran to Yu Liang. He first glanced at the believers led by the goddess, frowned slightly, and then looked at Yu Liang: "You're back."

"Yeah." Yu Liang nodded. He suddenly thought of something, so he asked, "Don't you notice anything different about me?"

"What's different?" The policeman was stunned.

Yu Liang touched his eyes. He should still be in a state of slits, but no one mentioned this along the way.

Could it be that others cannot see the superficial characteristics of this eye-slit punishment?

They couldn't see that he was blind, but he was blind, but he had eyes for the chess pieces, so he wasn't completely blind.

A bit roundabout.

"It's nothing." Yu Liang shook his head, his eyes fell on the statue, "Were you summoned by that thing?"

"Yes, I always felt that something was going to happen here, so I couldn't help but rush here." The policeman said, looking at the white statue above, "But I don't know what it is, there is always something bad. a feeling of."

"You are not the only one who came here because of the statue." Yu Liang pointed at the three furious brothers on the horizon. He was thinking about how to deal with the three of them.

Sea of ​​flesh, female body wall, lazy mud.

They all have that weird black smoke, which is very lethal to living bodies and is not easy to deal with.

"What is that?!" The policeman looked in the direction of Yu Liang's finger. He seemed to have noticed the monsters in the distance just now. His expression suddenly changed, and he immediately shouted a warning to the believers, "You guys Let’s go! Don’t stay here, a monster is coming.”

The rumble of footsteps echoed across the ground, bringing with them billows of mud and dust. This depressing and horrifying sight made the believers present widen their eyes.

Obviously, this is not a monster that human beings can fight against.

"What are you afraid of? We are protected by spirits!" The goddess was also very disdainful of the police's admonishment. She raised her arms and shouted, "The spirits will protect us."

She stared at the policeman with vicious eyes: "And you, you devil, will be cut to pieces by a thousand swords!"

Yu Liang glanced at Grandma, then released the mantis cub, and said to the cub, "Go and eat her."

The mantis girl nodded, and after confirming that Yu Liang was talking about the old woman, she quickly jumped into the crowd.




The sudden appearance of the mantis caused the believers to scatter like birds and beasts, running away in an instant, leaving only the goddess standing motionless in the crowd.

But the goddess's refusal to run was definitely not because she was brave. The shadow under her feet was tightly locked by the shadow servant released by Yu Liang, so she could not move her steps to escape.

The bastard didn't mean anything nonsense. He opened his big mouth and bit off the whole head of the goddess. The headless body fell to the ground, and the blood flowed out and pooled on the ground to form a pool of blood.

"You!" The policeman frowned again. He still had an absolute sense of the rule of law in his heart and could not accept this method of punishment that bypasses the law and kills people directly.

"Didn't she say she was blessed by gods? It doesn't seem like she is." Yu Liang just laughed. He glanced at Mantis who was devouring the corpse of the goddess, then walked to Mantis, patted her head, and It's like encouraging your own pet.

Naturally, a goddess couldn't let him waste any character, and he didn't want to do it himself. At this time, the Mantis was very useful. She could use her words much more swiftly than the paper man, and could kill an ordinary person with just one move.

He turned his eyes to the believers. All of them suddenly fell silent and said nothing.

Looking at Zhang Yingfa again, big drops of sweat were already falling on his forehead. He didn't expect that Yu Liang was so scary and was raising such a monster, and he didn't even see where the monster came from just now.

Yu Liang didn't wait for the police to continue speaking, and said directly to Zhang Ying: "Come on, tell the police what this goddess did."

So Zhang Yingfa nodded, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, turned it on, and showed the photos he had taken before to the police, "After you left, this madman poisoned the water and poisoned more than a dozen survivors, and then said It’s all prophecy.”


"Did she poison her?"

"How could she do such a thing?"

"What the hell?"

The police haven't responded yet. The survivors have already exploded, and the crowd is a little angry. However, they can no longer find the goddess. Her body is already in the belly of the mantis, so they can only search for the enemy in vain and pour out their anger. Take it out on a non-existent enemy.

"So do you understand? Your spirits will not protect you at all. When those monsters come, it will become very dangerous here. You should leave first." Yu Liang said to these believers.

He was not thinking about the safety of these people. He was mainly worried about the real fight later. He finally suppressed the blood line of the flesh sea, but the flesh sea would turn around and eat a few survivors, and the blood volume would plummet again. Going back up, it was a nightmare experience.

These survivors nodded after hearing this, and then quickly ran back to the departure warehouse. Some people just hid in, while others took some supplies and fled further away through the back door.

"And you, give me your mobile phone." Yu Liang stopped Zhang Yingfa and took his mobile phone over. Zhang Yingfa didn't hesitate at all, put down his mobile phone and ran to the Linhang warehouse.

The sea of ​​flesh is still moving forward, and the heavy footsteps seem to beat in everyone's hearts, constantly increasing the tense atmosphere.

"Money Shou, do you believe me?" Yu Liang also squatted down and asked Shou Gui.

"Huh?" The Scrooge just tilted his head and silently put his piggy jar behind his back.

Yu Liang: "..."

Well, he was overthinking it, and there was no need to do this when dealing with the money-grubber.

"Come, as long as you keep following me, I promise you that I will take you to search for more treasures." Yu Liang directly painted a pie for the money-sucking ghost. This method was much faster than playing the emotional card with the money-sucking ghost.

"Okay!" The money-keeper agreed without any hesitation.

Yu Liang also received the prompt box [can return it to the universe], and immediately chose to store it and then release it.

He has already completed the side story of this life, so even if he dies later, he can take back all the gains from this life.

Stamps, items, and of course Scrooge’s character cards.


Character card: Scrooge

Gradient: T3

Attributes: Kaitan derivatives

Personality: Greedy, timid

Ability: receiving wealth, punishment of lying down

Note: Making money——

【Collecting Wealth】: You can store "wealth" in a jar and use it when needed.

[The punishment of lying down]: Actively spill the "wealth" in the jar, forcing the target to pick up the wealth on the ground.

"Okay, this trip is basically complete." Yu Liang also breathed a sigh of relief. As for the police on the other side...

He asked directly: "Will you go with me? Leave this town."

"Leave?" The policeman was stunned after hearing this, and then slowly shook his head, "No, I have to stay here."

"Okay." Yu Liang didn't force it. In fact, he knew it after thinking about it.

The policeman also has his own persistence. The policeman was driven out of the Linhang Warehouse before, but he can still help clean up the monsters around him...

Obviously, the police's ideological level is very high.

Yu Liang knew that he could not be so noble, but he would never slander this kind of character.

As the three Furious brothers approached, a figure slowly descended from the white aurora in the sky. She appeared between the three Furious brothers and Yu Liang, revealing her true appearance.

That's Xiaoran's face.

"You finally appeared." Yu Liang knew that she was the mirror spirit, and now the mirror spirit finally came here from the real world.

He took out Zhang Yingfa's cell phone and looked at the phone with a black screen.

There was only black on the screen, and there was still no reflection of him, which meant that the small town in the mirror was still not connected to reality.

Yu Liang tried to press his thumb in, but failed.

Obviously, this "mirror" cannot be used as a medium to travel to the real world.

"Yes, I'm here." Jing Ling smiled lightly. She looked at Yu Liang with some doubts in her eyes, "And you also surprised me. You are not dead yet."

She turned her head and looked at Cain's charred corpse: "You didn't kill him."

"Yes." Yu Liang also nodded, "I just caught him, but your church insisted on saying that Cain was a devil, and then burned him to death."

"..." Jing Ling choked on her words for a moment. This development was indeed beyond her expectation, but it was not critical, so she soon became unwilling to talk more about it.

"As for you, you are also my envoys and should be on my side." Her eyes fell on the money-grubbers and policemen beside Yu Liang.

"Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about, but if you are the instigator of all this, then I obviously can't let you go." The policeman's answer was neither humble nor condescending, but the money-grubber simply did not answer and hid directly in Yuliang behind.

"Okay, in that case, that's fine." Jing Ling only felt regretful and didn't say anything else. He looked like he was sure of victory.

Yu Liang also recorded her reaction and had some guesses in his mind.

From this point of view, it seems that Mirror Spirit doesn't know what happened in the mirror world. She just knows that all seven authorities in the mirror world have awakened.

Afterwards, Jing Ling looked at Yu Liang with a scrutinizing gaze, "I didn't expect that you could actually do this."

In the final analysis, Yu Liang is just a person in the mirror. She helped shape all his ideas, and the meaning of his existence seems to be just to confuse Xiaoran.

Unexpectedly, this person actually killed Xiao Ran, escaped from the double mirror world, and advanced her plan so much.

This town is far from being the source of ghost stories, but now that she has launched this plan, she can only make mistakes and carry it out.

"So, have you already won?" Yu Liang asked, and then smiled the same way, "In that case, you might as well tell me your plan so that I can die with a clearer mind."

When he said this, he said it very sincerely, because it was not wrong. What Yu Liang wanted to do most now was to die with some understanding.

This life has already done everything that can be done. It would be best if he could kill the mirror spirit here and return to reality. If not, he could also try another method to return to reality.

He visually measured the distance between him and the mirror spirit, which was about ten meters, and his character range was seven steps. The distance of these seven steps was not a big stride like a triple jump, but an ordinary one-meter step. , so he still needs to get closer.

"Okay." Jing Ling also laughed, and she looked like she had a chance to win.

No one has ever been able to understand her plan, so she can't help but feel bored as if she were walking at night in brocade clothes. Now that Yu Liang in the mirror is willing to listen, she is naturally willing to speak out.

"It's very simple. You should have already thought of it." She narrowed her eyes. "This is the mirror world, and I am the God here. I sent the first beam of light into this place and made it evolve into a small town. My own little town.”

"So this will help you become the source of ghost talk?" Yu Liang asked, what the mirror spirit said was exactly what he learned.

"You actually know this." The mirror spirit was a little surprised. At this time, the sea of ​​flesh, the female body wall, and the lazy mud also came behind her, but they did not say any words or actions, and just stayed quietly in the mirror spirit's body. Behind them, they looked like her three little followers.

As for the police and the money geek, they did not interrupt the conversation between Jing Ling and Yu Liang. Although they could not understand, they felt that it was not the time to ask questions.

So Jing Ling smiled and said: "Everyone here, everything was created by me alone. Although I just copied their personalities in reality, it still took me a lot of time. Fortunately, God is building the world. There was no time to choose to create flow on day one.”


Yu Liang was confused, but then he understood Jing Ling's last words.

This mirror world only includes the scope of the town, and this world was also "created" by the mirror spirit. She, the god, did not create time on the first day, which also allows her to make every person in the mirror in the town. acquire their own personalities.

The policeman on the side also understood and was suddenly horrified.

So Yu Liang is talking to God now?

Is God unfair?

For a moment, he felt that his world view had collapsed.

"But this is not enough." Jing Ling shook his head, "This world is completely orderly, everyone is a copy of reality, everything has been stipulated, everything is restricted, so even if there is a trial in the fog, It’s hard to breed true root ghost stories.”

She said faintly: "The source of the ghost story... what we need is Discord."

"So what did you originally plan to do?" Yu Liang seemed to understand, but he just wrote down all these words. After leaving this dungeon, he could try to ask "zhi" in the character column.

"Wait." Jing Ling said, "The birth of life is disordered. The people in the town are exactly the same as reality, so they will do the same things. This is 'order', but life originates from accidents and is inherently disordered. Therefore, we only need to wait for the people in the town to give birth to life, and in a few years, this town will be completely separated from reality, and it will become the best place to give birth to the origin of ghost stories."

She looked at Yu Liang with a smile: "Now you have destroyed everything, but it doesn't matter. The seven sins of authority that have appeared now are enough to make me half of the root ghost story. As for the remaining half, I can do it in the real world." Search slowly."

"As for Cain...these seven deadly sins are immortal in the mirror world." The mirror spirit raised his hand, and Cain's corpse on the ground stood up. He quickly returned to his "alive" appearance and stood. Behind the mirror spirit, "They who have authority are the most terrifying fighting force in the mirror world. The strange stories of this world have been formed, and they have natural blessings."

"And I have five authorities, but you only have two. Who wins and who loses can be known at a glance."

With the mirror in mind, he slowly read out the names of the five authorities behind him:

"The power of gluttony is hunger; the power of sloth is running; the power of lust is fire; the power of envy is blindness; the power of pride is weight."

Following her words, the five sins behind her also showed their authority.

Cain stepped forward, with a black thread in one hand and a black chaotic object in the other, which seemed to indicate his authority, slit eyes and weight.

However, the three Kaitan creatures other than him are a bit strange.

Black smoke billows from Rouhai's belly.

Black smoke came out of the organs on the female body wall.

Jie Ni opened his mouth and spit out black smoke.

Black smoke?

Black smoke?

Or black smoke?

Jingling: "???"

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