The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 111 (5k) I create myself

"It seems that you don't have five authorities." Yu Liang chuckled and pointed at Jing Ling's back and counted, "One, two, three, it seems that you only have three authorities, and I have two, so there is no Such a big gap.”

Mirror Spirit's face instantly turned livid. After the group of strong men in the mirror died, she had no way to pay attention to what was happening in the mirror world. However, she immediately looked for an opportunity after discovering that the seven authorities had gathered together. When I came in, I didn't expect this to happen.

No wonder, no wonder it happened so quickly.

According to Jing Ling's estimation, the awakening speed of the authority of these seven deadly sins can be fast or slow. The fast one is like the power of rage, which can be obtained by just irritating it with something, while the slow one is like laziness, gluttony, etc., which requires Only when you slowly accumulate to a certain level will you be able to do so.

It's a pity that when the mirror spirit discovered that all seven authorities had awakened, they only thought it was an opportunity and didn't think much about it.

"So what?" Jing Ling snorted, "Even if it's all black smoke, I still have five authorities here."

At this time, the policeman also quietly said to Yu Liang: "After you left, I fought with those monsters again. Now I am more proficient in using black smoke. Their black smoke... If there are no accidents, it should be fine." Absorbed by my pistols, they have only the power of rage, but no agency of rage."

"Huh?" Yu Liang felt happy when he heard this. If this was the case, he would have to explain it carefully.

When the police are around, the powers equivalent to the Sea of ​​Flesh, Female Body Wall, and Inert Mud cannot be used. Once used, they may endanger the enemy. After all, using powers by the police is similar to accumulating energy, and the black smoke needs to be stored in the pistol first.

If they release black smoke crazily in the sea of ​​meat, they may give the police enough black smoke to make a big fuss.

And the female body wall and lazy mud...

The fighting power of these two can only be described as unsightly.

The only fighting power is the sea of ​​flesh. The sea of ​​flesh is so bloated that it can't be dealt with even if the police come.

Then there is Cain. Although he has two authorities, he is also not afraid.

Just leave it to the Scrooge and let the two of them continue the push-up battle.

So the final result is actually...

He had a hand-to-hand fight with the Mirror Spirit?

No, he also has Paper Man, Shadow Attendant, and Zai Zi. He might even be able to use Room 225 in special circumstances.

So after all this calculation, doesn’t it mean that I have the advantage?

There was nothing left to say between Yu Liang and Jing Ling, so the battle was about to break out.

However, unlike what Yu Liang imagined, the five deadly sins on the opposite side did not adhere to the combat theory of dividing the battlefield. They came to Yu Liang together and could not stop him.

Yu Liang also quickly called out Li Huachao, who was sleeping, to deal with it. After all, the four angry brothers were not here to find him at all.

He fully accepted the result of dying here, but he didn't want to accept the process of dying here.

It's better to let Li Huachao suffer.

The money-keeper wanted to help Yu Liang, but he found that the amount of wealth consumed by his prone punishment was directly proportional to the size of the target. The larger the size of the target, the more it consumed.

If it chose Flesh Sea, the little gold and silver it collected might not be enough to squander, so it chose the smallest Cain without hesitation.

"Lie down!"

"Carry weight!"

Finally, a pair fought according to Yu Liang's previous arrangement, which also made Yu Liang feel a little comforted.

Li Huachao suddenly saw the sea of ​​flesh rushing towards him with the female body wall and lazy mud in his sleepy eyes, and his heart stopped immediately.

"F*ck!" He couldn't help shouting. Before his brain could wake up, it was forced to turn on and he fled forward quickly.


The sea of ​​meat roared from behind, and the female body wall and lazy mud on its shoulders also shouted together——

"Shit, I'm going to turn you into shit too!"

"Pole dancing after turning into shit!"

These two words full of resentment also made the policeman stunned for a moment. He looked at Li Huachao beside him, and he was a little confused about what outrageous things Li Huachao had done to them.

The female body wall and lazy mud can't run as fast as the flesh sea, so if they want revenge, they can only let the flesh sea take them with them.

Black smoke emerged from the three of them together and swept toward Li Huachao. Li Huachao also looked around, found the savior in an instant, and hurriedly hid behind the police.

"I'll come." The policeman had already been mentally prepared, but now he was helpless when Li Huachao used him as a shield. He raised his gun high, and countless black smoke was absorbed by the gun.

It's just that there is a way to deal with the black smoke, but there is still no way to deal with the terrifying combat power of the sea of ​​meat. The current Five-Five Ring is still cooling down, otherwise Li Huachao would not let them run rampant in the sea of ​​meat.


After absorbing the black smoke, the policeman decisively fired at the monsters. In fact, he still didn't know why they started fighting like this, but the two parties fighting were monsters and his friends, so he did not hesitate to raise his gun. He raised his gun and pointed it at the sea of ​​flesh.

A bullet flew out and shot straight towards Rouhai's head. Compared with Rouhai's huge body, this bullet was really insignificant, so Rouhai didn't have any desire to dodge and just let the bullet go. Drilled into his own head and made a small hole in his skull.

Black smoke that was so thick that it could not be dissipated came out of the hole, but their attack target was Rouhai, and they began to slowly erode Rouhai's body.

"It hurts! It hurts so much!" Rouhai covered his head. Its scalp was being devoured continuously, but then it seemed to have discovered something. It put down its hand again and showed a ferocious smile, "But it seems to be of no use. ."

The erosion speed of the black smoke is not fast, it can only be equal to the regeneration speed of the flesh sea, so it cannot cause obvious damage to the flesh sea.

"Its body is too big. My gun can't do anything with it." The policeman turned to look at Li Huachao, "What can you do?"

"Okay, let me think about it." Li Huachao took out his two knives and stood ready for the sea of ​​meat.

Then there was some hope in the policeman's eyes. If he remembered correctly, these two table knives were ancestral artifacts from the Li Hua Dynasty, and they might be able to play a role at this critical moment.

But when he looked closer, the policeman suddenly saw clearly what was engraved on the knife.

"Special offer at Changhong Zoo Restaurant?" He slowly read out the words on the knife, and then looked at Li Huachao in shock, "Isn't this passed down from your ancestors?"

"Well, my ancestors ran a zoo." Li Huachao scratched his head and explained to the police.


Do you think I will still believe it?

The next two people also fell into a hard fight. Compared to Rouhai, the policeman and Li Huachao were both agile players, but their attacks were difficult to cause any real damage to Rouhai.

Li Huachao had inserted six or seven road signs into Rou Hai's body, but this seemed to only make Rou Hai howl in anger, but could not really defeat it.

As for the police, he had already changed the targets of his gun to lazy mud and the female body wall, but those two strange creatures also had tenacious vitality.

In the hand-to-hand fight between the three monsters without releasing black smoke, the police consumed their own energy every time they used the black smoke power. After firing a few shots, they gave up this ineffective output.

So their battle became extremely primitive. The four sins in this small battlefield were all black smoke powers, and they all gave up using the black smoke power. But one of them was thick-skinned and the other had full agility attributes. They spent most of their time doing it. Useless effort.


There was still one person who was not involved. Li Huachao looked at Jing Ling. The woman had been standing by the side watching from the beginning, so he moved in the direction of Jing Ling. It seemed unintentional, but in fact he had a clear goal.

Finally, after being chased to the extreme distance by the sea of ​​meat, Li Huachao swooped and came within five meters of Jingling, and played a "break" character with his flicker.

If it is determined that the "broken" character is effective against Jingling, the next step is to switch back to Yu Liang and let Yu Liang use the "broken" character to directly kill.

"Huh?" The mirror spirit smiled and watched the character sink into her body without any movement.

She continued: "I am still in 'reality', and the me who appears here is just 'illusion'. I am not Xiaoran, so your tricks can't hurt me."

Jing Ling looked at Li Huachao with deep eyes: "There is only one ghost story in this mirror town, and I am the only protagonist 'Ling' in the ghost story. I have 'faith'. Even if the ghost story has not completely spread, you will There’s no way you can beat me here.”

Now it seemed that she was finally tired of waiting, so she walked slowly to Rouhai's side and stretched out her hand towards Rouhai's big feet.

It was like there was a black hole in her hand, and in just a few seconds, the sea of ​​flesh was completely sucked into her body.

Next is the female body wall and lazy mud.

"She's absorbing those powers!" Li Huachao reacted instantly and broke off the road sign in his hand, leaving only a metal pole, and fired at the mirror spirit like a javelin.

Jing Ling reached forward, grabbed the metal pole, and threw it to the ground.

"It's just useless work." Jing Ling sneered and slowly walked towards the other side of the duel between Scrooge and Cain.

"Switch back." Yu Liang reacted very quickly. He immediately realized what the mirror spirit was going to do, so he switched back to his own body, then took the money-shou ghost into the universe, and then looked at the "Changhong" in his hand. "Special to the Zoo Restaurant" table knife.

Hell, the first thing he did after his resurrection was to sharpen the damn table knife!

With this thought in mind, Yu Liang suddenly pierced his own throat with the knife.

By now in the battle, it was obvious that he could not destroy the mirror spirit here.

Once the mist and strange stories in the mirror town unfold, the victory of the mirror spirit is inevitable. As long as all the powers of the seven deadly sins are awakened and come again, she will be invincible in this mirror town.

Indeed, before the power of the Seven Deadly Sins is awakened, if she is caught by Yu Liang in the mirror, she may still be killed by the "broken" character, but she has innate initiative, as long as she hides and does not appear before then, it will be fine. .

She is the only "god" in the only church in the town. Due to time issues, this church has not spread widely, but she is still the "god" in the core ghost stories.

If you want to change this initiative, you must overturn everything.

He needs to go back to the point where he killed Xiao Ran and entered the first-layer mirror world, and must not break the wall to create a mist disaster.

Jing Ling's original plan was to drag it out for more than ten years or even decades until the town was completely disordered. At this time, the church's spread was wide enough. It didn't need to convince most people, it only needed to convince everyone. Most people just know the church.

And if Yu Liang wants to take this path, he will have decades to change the town and change it subtly.

Replace the "spirit" in the church with himself, make him the protagonist of the ghost story, and graft the results of the mirror spirit onto his body.

The mirror spirit will definitely fail, and he may become a new "root ghost story" as a result.

It's just that Yu Liang doesn't want to waste decades here. It's too worthless for an unknown opportunity to become a "root ghost story".

So now he only has one way to return to reality.

Meet the requirements of the real "Yu Liang", then replace him with him and go to the real world.

Then he needs to start all over again. He must commit suicide here. Before the mirror spirit absorbs the money-shou ghost, he must take away the money-shou ghost quickly.

Severe pain came from his throat. Yu Liang felt as if wind was leaking from his throat. Waves of coolness rushed into his body, and things kept leaving his body. He touched his throat. , looking at his bright red palms, he knelt down weakly on the ground.

The table knife fell next to him, and this incident also shocked everyone else present.

What the police did not expect was that Yu Liang would commit suicide at such a time, and he was stunned on the spot.

He used to think that this guy was a bit psychotic, but he committed suicide in the middle of the fight...

This can't be explained by mental quality, right?

Mirror Spirit was also shocked, but what shocked her was that the Scrooge was gone.

Completely gone.

She could no longer sense the existence of the Scrooge.

Each of the seven deadly sins is special and unique. She needs these strange creatures to complete her own perfection.

Not only are the seven deadly sins stunted, but there is also one missing sin? !

She suddenly felt that she too had triggered the sin of rage.

At this moment, she just wanted to completely destroy the world.


Yu Liang opened his eyes.

Now that time has gone back, he has escaped the punishment of "slit eyes" and appears in that white space.

This is also his last chance to be resurrected.

And he didn't hesitate to choose the time node he needed to go to.

that night.

The night I killed Xiaoran.

This life can start from here.

Yu Liang walked into a white light and then appeared in the girl Xiaoran's room.

He checked his page and found that all the items obtained in the second life were saved, including the Scrooge.

But the lost things were restored, such as a "broken" character he used, such as the "key".

The previous key was used to open the door of the girl's parents' room, but now it needs to be used to open the door of the girl's brother's room.

Yu Liang turned on the light in the girl's room. The tranquility here made him feel like he was in another world.

In comparison, the town in the foggy disaster just now was simply hell.

"Are you awake?" The girl's voice came from the mirror.

Through the mirror, Yu Liang could see the girl in the mirror world getting up from the bed.

Their eyes met through the mirror.

Then Yu Liang slowly came to the mirror and sighed.

"Sorry," he said.

The "broken" character flew out, passed through the mirror and landed on the girl in another world.

The casting range of his character is further than before, so he can attack the girl on the bed in the mirror just by standing in front of the mirror.

Just like before, the girl had no ability to resist and turned directly into a puddle of minced meat under the influence of the "broken" character.

If you want to replace your body with the real "Yu Liang", you must enter a mirror world. It is precisely because of this that the girl's body must die.

As for the actual requirements of "Yu Liang"...

In reality, "Yu Liang" needs a "Xiao Ran" to accompany him, and this "Xiao Ran" does not need to be a girl.

The mirror spirit is in reality, so it is impossible; the main body died in the first-level mirror world, so it is also impossible.

Then there is only the last one left, and that is Xiao Ran in the second world.

Everyone in the world of Erzhongjing is a wooden person. They are the most natural "blank paper" on which Yu Liang can instill concepts.

All he needs to do is find "Xiao Ran" in this double mirror world, but there is a high probability that he doesn't have to look for it, he can guess where it is.

Jingling will not place "Xiao Ran" in the second mirror world in reality, which will cause panic; nor will she place "Xiao Ran" in the first mirror world, because she does not want Xiao Ran's body to see another identical self, which will cause panic. Ontology discovers the truth.

Then the only possibility is that the second generation mirror body is still in this world.

But the people in this world are all wooden people, and they can only imitate the actions of the corresponding individuals in the advanced world.

However, Yu Liang did not see Xiao Ran in the double mirror world in this room, and she was not imitating it, which meant that "Xiao Ran" was imprisoned.

Where can I be imprisoned?

Apparently, in another room that can't be opened.

Brother's room.

But what Yu Liang had to do now was not to directly open the door to his brother's room. He first opened his own page and took a look at his professional abilities.


Each round of ghost story copy is limited to one time. You can create a character and put it into a copy of Kaitan (identity, personality, etc. are random), obtain its approval or kill the character to bind it to the "universe". If you kill a player with a modified profession in this dungeon, you can specify the modified profession when creating a character.

There is a fundamental difference between "other players" and "players".

As a player who is well versed in chewing words, Yu Liang knows the difference very well.

The former does not include Yu Liang himself, while the latter includes Yu Liang himself.

So now he can create.

There is only one player in this dungeon, and only one player has the alienated profession.

That's who he is.

In the last life, he killed himself, which satisfied the latter creation rule.

He can create a character with the alienated profession "writer".

Yu Liang found paper and pen, and he wanted to bury a real back-up plan, one that in the long run seemed to be just a willful back-up plan.

This was also what Jing Ling said just now, which made the light flash in his mind.

A lot of things have happened recently, alas.

This volume is almost finished, and the ending is almost there. The next volume will be updated a lot, and the alliance leader will be greatly added.

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