The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 109 The mirror spirit appears!

Fortunately, Cain never woke up.

Yu Liang didn't know whether this was Cain's luck or the luck of these black-robed believers.

All in all, this review lasted for five minutes, and the believers had the opportunity to delve into the differences between ghostly creatures and humans.

It wasn't until the goddess spoke that all the survivors stopped.

"The spirits will like the gifts we present." The goddess stretched out her hand and looked up at the sky in front of the bonfire, as if to attract the attention and care of the spirits in the sky.

She looked at the ground beside her. There was a basin of blood there, a basin of blood that had been prepared before the sacrificial ceremony began.

"Use the blood of the lamb to wash the clothes white." The goddess' gloomy eyes swept over everyone present, "This is the blood of all of us. It can wash away the evil stains on the devil, and then let the flames purify the devil! "



The surrounding black-robed believers also shouted, but this was the first time they used living animals to sacrifice, so their expressions were more or less unclear.

It's like anticipation, a little nervous, and mixed with a little bit of human compassion.

But no one stopped him.

And Yu Liang also inadvertently retreated behind everyone. He didn't know what would happen next. He felt that there were many possibilities, so this unknown also made him full of expectations for what would happen next.

He felt that he was a little more cruel and insensitive after all, just like those people who used to watch beheadings at Caishikou.

After two loud shouts, the basin of blood was thrown at Cain, covering his body with blood. Then Cain was thrown into the flames as everyone prayed for "peace be upon him."

The divine messenger was regarded as a demon by the believers and purified with fire.

Gee, a simple summary made Yu Liang feel that the plot was very interesting.

Perhaps Cain's fundamental attribute is oil...well, yes, oil, so he is indeed flammable.

The moment he came into contact with the flames, his body burst into flames, and the flames instantly engulfed his whole body.

However, Cain still didn't wake up. He seemed to have slept to death.

"Isn't he already dead?"

"Perhaps this is no longer a living sacrifice? Can it still protect us?"

There were some doubtful voices in the crowd.

After about a minute or so, Cain finally woke up in the flames, and the demonic roar came out from the flames. The cruel and angry screams made all the believers present feel uneasy.

"Devil! Demon!" The goddess also screamed out. She kept waving her hands, as if she was trying to drive away evil spirits, "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

And a hoarse and angry questioning voice sounded in the flames: "Who is it? Who is it?!"

At the same time, a powerful air pressure dispersed the bonfire, and with the body in the flames as the center, the burning corpses exploded in all directions.

The believers fled one after another, but Yu Liangben was outside the crowd, so this small explosion did not hurt him at all.

Looking at some unlucky believers, the burning corpse fragments flew to their bodies. If it was on their clothes, it would be okay, they just need to be quickly patted off. If it was on their faces...

The black scorched flesh seemed to be stuck to their faces and could not be removed no matter what, as if they had completely grown together with their faces.

So Yu Liang saw some people with black hands on their faces, and some with black tumors on their faces. They were holding their faces and shouting in pain, but to no avail.

Looking at Cain in the flames again, he was also helpless against the flames, and could only let out bursts of wailing, and finally fell down.

"Whoever kills me will pay back seven times!"

These were the last words Cain roared out.

The two strong men who had just thrown Cain into the flames also ignited flames out of thin air. They ran around looking for water, but the water could not extinguish the flames on them at all, but instead fueled the fire.

Two living people ran on the ground and fell down after a moment without making any sound again.

Chaos struck again, and everyone didn't know what to do. They could only watch the two strong men being burned to death.

The face of the goddess was also filled with surprise and confusion. On the one hand, she was glad that she was not the target of revenge, but on the other hand, she was shocked by this strange phenomenon.

Unexpectedly, this guy is really a demon, and those who kill the demon will be retaliated against.

She immediately flipped through the black leather notebook in her hand, but this content was not recorded in the notebook.

Only the corpses in the center of the field were left burning quietly. The others could not help but hold their breath and did not dare to say anything. They all looked at the goddess, hoping that the goddess could give an explanation.

Science cannot explain this phenomenon, so they can only place their hope in theology.

"Something's wrong. This Cain is considered one of the seven deadly sins. The flames shouldn't burn him to death so easily." Yu Liang was also full of doubts, but Cain's last words also verified Yu Liang's guess.

Fortunately, he had some idea of ​​the biblical story and did not directly kill Cain. It would be a shame if he was killed by this inexplicable death revenge.

This Cain's health and defense were so low, but he brought such death revenge, which had to make Yu Liang suspect that the purpose of his appearance was to trick him before his death.

But having said that, if it weren't for Cain's name, I'm afraid Yu Liang wouldn't have noticed this hint, so why did Jingling still have such a name?

Could it be that a name like this is necessary to trigger ghost stories about death?

Yu Liang thought thoughtfully, is this religious color probably the source of the power of ghost stories?

Now he is also a little curious, since one of the seven deadly sins has died...

No, there should be two dead. In this case, can the mirror spirit still achieve the root ghost story?

Just when everyone was hesitating, boundless white light suddenly fell from the sky. It was shaped like an aurora, but its entire body was flawless white.

"A miracle! It's a miracle! The spirit is very satisfied with our sacrifice, He is very satisfied with us!" The goddess also became excited all of a sudden, as if all this was her fault.

She began to prostrate herself, reciting incomprehensible words to praise the spirit, and the rest of the people began to prostrate themselves with her.

Yu Liang also squatted on the ground in the same way. He thought this scene was quite interesting, as if he had joined some pyramid scheme organization.

At this time, a person also poked Yu Liang with his elbow, and he quickly asked: "Can you still get the police back?"

Yu Liang looked at that person. That face was familiar to him. It was Mr. Zhang who was on the bus before. So Yu Liang was also a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

"May the spirit be in peace." Zhang Yingfa also prayed, and then he was relieved when he saw that Yu Liang was unmoved, "Fortunately, you are also a normal person."

But his brows immediately wrinkled again, "But why did you just say that he was a devil?"

Zhang Yingfa was still a little wary. The man in front of him betrayed others faster than him, which made him a little worried.

"Because he is really an angel. It took me a lot of effort to catch him." Yu Liang said truthfully, then shrugged, "You saw it too, and she doesn't believe it, so just think of him as a devil. .”

"Uh." Zhang Yingfa was speechless for a moment. He was suddenly not sure whether he could believe the guy in front of him. Why did he feel that this guy was also involved in the drama?

"Just tell me what you want to say. It's okay." Yu Liang continued.

"I can't stand it anymore, they have gone crazy." Zhang Yingfa didn't care, because he had no choice. "They have formulated a sequence of sacrifices, and they will use human sacrifices every day. Today it would be me, But luckily you showed up, so it was me the day after tomorrow.”

"Huh?" Yu Liang was stunned when he heard it, and he understood it after thinking about it in his heart.

I was originally Mr. Zhang today, but today I became Cain, and Mr. Zhang became the day after tomorrow...

Does that mean it will be me tomorrow?

Okay, the arrangements are clear.

"Get the police back quickly and let him kill this old witch. She is completely crazy!" Zhang Yingfa whispered, speaking very fast, "I saw it. She was the one who put the poison in the water source. It was her He poisoned so many people to death, and then claimed that his prophecy had come true!"

"Sure enough." Yu Liang nodded. This was not beyond his expectation. After all, the water source in the warehouse was mineral water, not sea water from rivers and lakes. How could it suddenly poison so many people.

The only explanation is that the goddess is doing something secretly.

It's no wonder that she was able to control the situation here in just a few hours. This goddess is still very capable, and she doesn't know who ordered her.

If the spirit told her to do this, then why didn’t the goddess know about Cain’s existence?

A little strange.

"My benefactor, I feel... a little uneasy." The money-sucking ghost suddenly grabbed Yu Liang's clothes and whispered.

"What's wrong?" Yu Liang looked at the money-shou ghost. The money-shou ghost didn't speak in front of outsiders. It was obvious that something was critical now.

"That light, it seems to be attracting something. I can feel that several others like me... are on their way here." The Scrooge continued, "They are all here, and the police are also here. seems that the spirit they are talking about is coming too."

"They're all here?" Yu Liang was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

The Seven Deadly Sins have all gained authority and basically completed the prerequisites for the source ghost story, so it doesn't seem strange that the mirror spirit comes here.

Now that Cain, the incarnation of the sins of pride and jealousy, is dead, I don't know if this will have any impact on the mirror spirit's plan.

Yu Liang was very curious about how these strange creatures became the source of strange stories and what conditions they had to meet.

Take this mirror spirit as an example. Is it enough that the seven deadly sins are given authority respectively?

Isn’t it a matter of time before these seven deadly sins gain authority?

If it were just like this, it would be too simple, right?

Looking back at "her", "her" existence has directly wiped out a city on the map, and "her" ability has made the entire zoo exciting...

In comparison, this mirror spirit is a bit worth mentioning. All events only happen in this mirror world, and neither the influence nor the extent of the impact is as terrible as "her".

Is it possible that this source of ghost stories also has levels?

Half-step source ghost talk, elementary source ghost talk, advanced source ghost talk, half-step perfection of the source ghost talk, great perfection of the source ghost talk...

A series of realm divisions similar to fantasy flashed through Yu Liang's mind, and then he suddenly shuddered.

This is too dramatic.

But then again, is it possible for a human like him to become a root monster?

Yu Liang thought for a moment, and if he only looked at it from the perspective of kaitan, it was not impossible. After all, he alone was a kaitan universe.

If he could gain stronger power and survive better in these copies of Kaidan, he would not be very resistant to becoming the Kaitan, but he was afraid that this Kaidan world would impose restrictions on all Kaitan.

If nothing else, how did "she" end up in the zoo?

After finally leaving the zoo, he had to turn into a character and live in his character column. From this look, the world of ghost stories seems to have complete control over these source ghost stories.

[Naxu]: Only one copy per round. After completing the source story of the current dungeon, you can bind the dungeon to the universe.

He reviewed his professional abilities again.

Only after completing the source ghost story of this dungeon can he wrap up the dungeon scene in the universe. However, the source ghost story of this dungeon has not yet been generated at all.

Could it be that he was asked to help the mirror spirit and then get rid of the mirror spirit?

However, Yu Liang refused deep down in his heart. Now that he had found a way to leave the mirror world smoothly, he still didn't want to cause more trouble.

Although he has two lives, what if the mirror spirit can ignore the cause and effect of the timeline after becoming the root ghost story?

For example, he chose to commit suicide and go back to the timeline, but the mirror spirit is still the source of ghost talk...

It's not like Yu Liang has never seen strange creatures that disrupt time or space. If he loses a sure win...

That would be too uncomfortable.

The white light was still floating down above the bonfire, and Yu Liang also noticed that the fog in the town gradually dissipated, like a veil being slowly lifted, revealing its original appearance. .

In just one day, the town had become dilapidated, with bloodstains and stains decorating the streets everywhere, and the whole town was immersed in a sense of death.

The first person to appear on the street to the west was the policeman. His face was heavy and there was some doubt in his eyes. He gradually walked towards the bonfire. After seeing the familiar face of Yu Liang, he stepped forward firmly. Come here quickly.

"Devil, devil! The devil is back!" The goddess immediately screamed in horror when she saw this, and other black-robed believers present also gathered together and cast wary and nervous eyes on the police.

In the past, they used a "democratic and free" method to drive away the police, but now they are invariably afraid of them, because the police do have power far beyond ordinary people.

At this time, the image of a holy woman also appeared in the white aurora in the sky. She was bathed in white light, and she seemed to have only an outline.

"She's coming, she's coming!"

The fortune-keeper stared at the statue in the sky with wide eyes, and nervously grabbed Yu Liang's sleeve.

Farther away, a fat monster of nearly thirty meters was slowly walking towards this side. On its left shoulder was a ball of meat spread out, while on its right shoulder was...

A straight alley.

For some reason, Yu Liang's heart tightened when he saw their team.

I always feel like I’m here to collect debt.

This volume was so painful to write...

The subject matter is sensitive and many things cannot be written in depth.

Alas, even writing about a girl's body wall will get blocked, I'm really convinced.

The next volume should not rely on this trace, and write about other ghost topics, it should be much better QAQ

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