The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 106 (4k7) The girl always knew

On the other side, Yu Liang finally approached his destination. He switched back the control of his body, and then vigorously patted the dust on his clothes.

Forget it, let’s find the building first.

Speculations about the authority of the money-grubber and Cain arose in his mind.

Slit eyes, nothing to say, forced black screen, the effect is similar to the "blind" characters that Lao Du once used.

Speaking of which, Yu Liang also thought about synthesizing "blind" characters for use.

Using the "awn" of the mango to extract the grass texture, and then taking an "eye" to synthesize the "blind" character.

If you are hit, the blind state will continue to take effect during the entire Kaidan copy. If there is no such thing as a "cancel" character to offset the effect, this is a very scary thing for normal players.

Not to mention the harm from other players, the endless number of strange creatures can make a blind player miserable.

The effect of Arrogant's Heavy Punishment is to apply gravity to the target, but it seems that it can only be used on a single target. The previous Cain did not apply gravity to the Money Saver and Li Huachao at the same time.

It is a very powerful ability, but it is unclear whether it is because of the limitations of the ability. The method of using Cain is extremely primitive, and is only used to crush and damage the enemy.

If advanced gameplay can be developed, Cain may be as powerful as the Moon Demon Curse Blue in Jackie Chan's Adventures.

It's a pity that Lord God Envoy will not fall into the devil's path to gain power after all.

Yu Liang complained in his mind. He thought about the ability of the Scrooge. On the surface, it seemed that it was just an ability that forced the target to pick up the gold sand. But judging from the effect exerted on Cain, the "lying" power was still Including the hidden rule of forced interruption ability.

This is very interesting. If used well, it can be said to be a control-type magical skill, which has the meaning of "100% being caught with bare hands".

There is little hope for the other sins, but it is possible for the money-keeping ghost to be taken away into the [Universe] and taken away together. It can also be regarded as a good help.

Yu Liang opened his page. During the period just now, he observed three authorities at once, and the branch line of ghost stories was completed, much faster than he imagined.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that it was indeed the Paw Patrol Team that made the greatest contribution.

[Current observation progress: 7/7]

[All observation tasks have been completed, rewards will be distributed in separate items, please check carefully]

[Additional permissions have been obtained: After the next time review, you can keep the items, characters, stamps and related ability improvements you have obtained in this life]

"What's the gain from keeping this life?" Yu Liang took a look and had an idea.

This is the final reward after completing seven observations. It seems that nothing is revealed, but in fact everything is revealed.

If we can't keep these seals, Lu Jie, etc., and if we die without being able to complete the main line of ghost stories, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

Do we want him and Li Huachao to do it again?

This reward can be said to be a reassurance for him. He can be more confident and bold in future explorations without worrying about serious losses after death.

[Obtain the "Crime Inspector" stamp]

[Crime Detector: When you detect criminal activities being carried out by other players in the Kaitan dungeon, you can use the corresponding authority to punish them. The controllable intensity of punishment is related to the degree of their crimes. Limit one per crime per day. 】

"Inspector?" Yu Liang read the introduction of this stamp and realized that this stamp looked very good. .

Are other players punished based on their sins?

This is similar to the image of a superhero such as a vigilante. The only drawback is that it can only be used on other players.

So this means...

No matter what the monsters do, it's not a crime, right?

It seems to make sense. After all, human laws do not apply to these strange creatures.


Is this thing very compatible with Li Huachao?

First provoke the other party, make them angry, and then use the power of the sin of wrath to punish the other party...

Tsk tsk, fishing law enforcement, right?


He suddenly felt like he was playing a development game. The character created by Li Huachao was the character he wanted to develop. Correspondingly, he also had to consider inexplicable things such as Li Huachao's moves, personality, and bonds. .

Could it be that Li Huachao really got it right?

Is this actually a training game?

Can you raise some pretty girls?

Doesn’t the development game rely on girls to make money?

Yu Liang sighed, and then checked other rewards.

In addition to the final reward of this branch line ghost story, there was also a small reward after completing the fifth and sixth observations before, and Yu Liang also accepted them all.

[Received "Range Improvement Ticket"*2]

Range Improvement Ticket: One of the "Character Use" series of tickets, which can increase the user's character use range by 1 meter.

Yu Liang didn't think twice and used two of them on himself in succession. The more of these strengthening coupons were definitely better, and there was no need to think about whether he should use them or not.

One inch is longer and one inch is stronger. The effective range of seven meters of characters is definitely much stronger than five meters. The distance of two meters means that he can type the characters earlier than normal players.

In the struggle using characters, these two meters in advance basically represent the distance between life and death.

If he runs fast enough, he can also fly a kite within a certain distance, which can be said to be a rogue.

But is this "Range Enhancement Lottery" a series?

So what kind of coupons will there be in this series?

Extend the character validity time?

Strengthen the power?

Comes with a guidance effect?

Yu Liang continued to walk forward while thinking about it, slowly looking for it along the serial number on the building.

"Building one, two, three, this is it." He soon found the third building, then walked in through the door of the second unit and climbed the stairs.

"Yu Liang's" home is in Unit 2, 201, so it didn't take long for Yu Liang to arrive at the door of this house. He looked at the open space in front of the door, and then at the door of the neighbor's house, thoughtfully.

The neighbor's house has not been cleaned at all, dust and fine garbage have fallen to the floor, but the door of "Yu Liang's" house has been cleaned cleanly.

Someone is helping "Yu Liang" clean his house?

Questions arose in his mind.

At the same time, he tried to turn the handle of the door, but it was obviously impossible to open the door without the key.

However, when Yu Liang touched the door, no prompt box appeared in his mind, so it did not require the master key to open it.

"It's only the second floor, let me climb in through the window." So Li Huachao suggested, and Yu Liang happily accepted it.

A few minutes later, Li Huachao climbed onto the water pipe and came to the window sill on the second floor. There was a security window outside the glass window. Li Huachao used brute force to directly remove it, then broke the locked glass window and got into the room.

This room should be the room of "Yu Liang"'s parents. A wedding photo of the couple hangs above the bed.

Yu Liang observed the wedding photo for a while and was relieved to find that it was not his parents. He glanced at the mirror in the room, but there was still no reflection of him in the mirror.

He walked out of the room and walked into the living room.

The layout of this home is very ordinary, there is nothing special about it. It is a simple two bedrooms and one living room, entrance corridor, toilet and kitchen. The area is not large, but it has everything it should have.

"August 12th." Yu Liang noticed the calendar hanging in the living room. The time on it showed that today was "August 12th."

He hesitated and walked to the other bedroom.

That is "Yu Liang's" room, and certain clues should be found in that room.

If there was nothing, the Mirror Spirit would not send Cain to stop him.

As he approached, the door to the room suddenly opened, and a man with a face exactly like Yu Liang came out.

With a stiff look on his face, he walked to the refrigerator solemnly, then opened the refrigerator and took out a can of Coke, and then walked towards his bedroom.

This is? !

Yu Liang frowned, thoughts flowing in his mind.

Judging from the appearance, he is indeed "Yu Liang", but his movements and expression are very stiff, which reminds him of the kind of wooden man from the world of double mirrors.

And those wooden people will not act autonomously, they will only imitate the actions of the high-level world, that is to say...

The real "Yu Liang" at this moment is in this room in the real world!

Yu Liang reacted instantly, so he rushed forward, strangled "Yu Liang's" neck from behind, put him down on the ground, and then ordered: "Lie here and don't move."

"Yu Liang" on the ground was as obedient as the wooden man before, lying obediently on the ground without moving.

Yu Liang picked up the Coke in his hand and walked into the bedroom.

This wooden man "Yu Liang" should come from the second-layer mirror world, and he is the Yu Liang of the first-layer mirror world. Even if he has to play the real body, he should be allowed to do it, right?

Walking into the bedroom, this bedroom is not big, with only a small bed and a row of cabinets. Next to the bed is a writing desk and a small bookshelf.

It's just that there is no mirror in this room. If not, Yu Liang would like to see in the mirror whether "Yu Liang" in the real world is also in this room.

Except for the girl's parents' room, the entire mirror world is divorced from reality. Now it seems that the only thing that is not divorced is the home of "Yu Liang".

The mirror world here is still a reflection of reality. This may be the reason why the door of this house is clean, because it is connected to reality, and there are people cleaning this house in reality.

Suddenly, Yu Liang was stunned because he saw a figure reflected on the window glass of this small room.

The man had the same face as him, but his clothes were different. At this time, the man in the glass surface was looking at Yu Liang blankly.

Their eyes intertwined through the mirror.

"伱..." "Yu Liang" in the glass was frozen in place, with a look of shock in his eyes.

"Me?" Yu Liang laughed. He suddenly thought of the situation in the trailer, so he responded in a familiar manner, "I am you, but you can also call me Jingling."

Yes, he suddenly realized what he should do.

Taking the path of Jing Ling, Jing Ling relied on this path to replace her body with the girl in reality, and now Yu Liang only needs to do the same things again.

As long as he can deceive the "Yu Liang" in front of him and let "Yu Liang" perform a ritual with him similar to the bloody recognition of the master, he may be able to complete the replacement position and return to reality.

"Yu Liang" repeated his words: "Mirror spirit? The spirit in the mirror? Then why did you appear?"

"Because I understand your thoughts and I know you need me, so I showed up." Yu Liang continued to fool around. He didn't know what he meant, but as long as he could make Yu Liang listen in reality, Just understand.

"Then tell me, what do I want?" The real "Yu Liang" asked with interest. He didn't seem to be afraid of things like mirror spirits, but was actually very interested in them.

" want her." A smile appeared on Yu Liang's face again, "She is all the beauty in your life, right?"

"That's right, that's right." The real "Yu Liang" kept nodding. He looked at Yu Liang intently, as if looking at some artwork, and then looked away for a long time, "Then how can you help me? "

"I can help you do whatever you want to do." So Yu Liang began to seduce him, and then made up, "Everyone has a mirror image in the mirror world, and what happens in reality It can affect the mirror, and what happens in the mirror can in turn affect reality. In the mirror world, most of the mirror people are 'wooden people', and only a few mirror images can move freely, such as me, so I am called 'Mirror Spirit'."

He continued: "I can look for more clues and information in the mirror world. These key details can help the ontology easily obtain wealth and power in real life. I can also help you think and work, which is equivalent to your Attached to the brain and body. In reality, those who succeed easily may have the help of mirror spirits."

Yu Liang paused and looked directly at "Yu Liang" inside the glass: "And now, this opportunity is in front of you."

"Sounds very good." Reality "Yu Liang" nodded, "So what do you need me to do?"

"No, no, no, I don't need you to do anything. When you gain power and wealth in real life, my power in the mirror world will be stronger. I can control more things, so it's a win-win situation. ." Yu Liang replied immediately.

"So... can you help me now?" Reality "Yu Liang" continued, "How do you want to help me?"

"We need to sign a contract first..." Yu Liang suddenly realized something.

If you want to complete the replacement, maybe you need the special mirror in the girl's room.

"Very good." The real "Yu Liang" suddenly clapped his hands and praised Yu Liang, "This idea of ​​yours is very good. I will try to explore it in depth."

"Huh?" Yu Liang looked at the smile on the other person's face and gradually felt something was wrong.

Is there any mistake again?

Is it because not enough information has been collected, and there are key flaws?

"I know you are confused, but don't be confused yet. Open the drawer in front of you. There is my manuscript inside. You will understand after reading it." The reality "Yu Liang" continued.

Yu Liang quickly opened the drawer. Inside the drawer was a pile of handwritten manuscripts, which seemed to be a novel, and the title of the novel was "Prison Mirror".

What? !

He was shocked and immediately started reading the story.

The beginning of the story is exactly the same as the trailer. The mirror spirit seduces the girl into the mirror world and prepares a tailor-made mirror boy for the girl.

However, the boy in the mirror in the story did not quickly complete the counterattack like Yu Liang, but sank into the mirror world, and was boundlessly imprisoned to erase all thoughts of resistance.

Until one day, the boy in the mirror fainted, and the girl hurriedly entered the world of the second mirror, and was killed by the boy in the mirror. The boy in the mirror also successfully returned to the world of the first mirror.

However, the story ends abruptly here, and it can be seen that it has not been finished.

This story is also like the blueprint for the ghost story dungeon that Yu Liang is experiencing at the moment. This ghost story dungeon seems to be based on this unfinished story. As for what happened to Yu Liang...

It's like a fanfic of this story.

In other words, the "Yu Liang" in reality is the writer who writes everything, and he knows all the settings.

So the path of the mirror spirit...

Doesn't seem to work.


No, no.

Yu Liang suddenly saw the word "read" at the end of the manuscript, and behind "read" was a small signature——

Xiao Ran 8.5.

"Xiao Ran" is the girl's name, and that "8.5" must be the time when Xiao Ran finished reading this half-finished novel.

Today is August 12th, so August 5th was a week ago. There was no Jingling a week ago, so the person who read this manuscript must be Xiaoran himself, which means...

Girl, Xiaoran!

I already knew the setting of Mirror Spirit a week ago!

Then why hasn't she become wary of the mirror spirit yet?

No, it’s not that I’m unprepared, the girl did it on purpose!

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