The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 107 The release of the final act

The girl Xiao Ran has always known the setting of Jing Ling, but she still exchanged bodies with Jing Ling.

So it wasn't that she was unprepared, but that she did it deliberately.

Yu Liang frowned, feeling as if he was gradually touching more secrets.

The girl is not a fool. Since she knows the purpose of Jing Ling and still allows Jing Ling to do this, the girl must have her own purpose.

Is she escaping reality?


In reality, she is a heinous murderer, and there is a family of three filled with resentment inside the wall. Under such a premise, the girl may indeed want to escape reality.

If she stays in that home any longer, I'm afraid she will be in danger every day. Even if the monster family won't harm her, she may be discovered by the police at any time, and then she will either be imprisoned or exiled. That kind of life will definitely be far worse than The world in the mirror is at ease.

As for whether the person she imprisoned was the real Yu Liang, she didn't care at all. This was probably the reason why she didn't hesitate to kill Yu Liang when he showed disobedience.

She only needs a puppet who can instill her love unscrupulously, rather than a partner to communicate emotions.

Yu Liang smiled. Such a girl suddenly reminded him of some parents.

Maybe the girl also grew up in such an environment, so she became such a person?

Yu Liang was thoughtful, but he didn't dare to think too much. Too much thought would easily disappear.

In addition, the girl also left a big gift to the real world. Yu Liang didn't know what would happen if the wall of reality was broken, but it wouldn't be a good thing to think about it.

Maybe, like the mirror world, the fog will expand to the entire town, or even the wider world?

This is the girl's idea, and Jing Ling's idea is to use the replacement position to come to reality and possess the boy in reality. For this purpose, she not only prepared Yu Liang, the man in the mirror, but also turned almost an entire town's mirror people into She became "normal people", but among these normal people were some church members, that is, the church she led.

For this mirror world, the Mirror Spirit can indeed be regarded as their God, but this God has the most evil obsession from the beginning.

As a "spirit", she guides the mist disaster to occur in the mirror world, and the mirror spirit also seems to master some mysterious rituals, trying to achieve the realm of root ghost stories through certain secrets related to the powers of the seven deadly sins.

If the mirror spirit is really allowed to become the source of ghost talk, then the real world where she lives will probably be in chaos.

And all of this...

Maybe the root cause is half of the novel written by this real-life "Yu Liang"?

It’s a bit ridiculous, but it’s completely possible in this world of weird stories.

Now he understood why he gave up medicine and followed literature. In this world, the power of words is so terrifying.

Finally, Yu Liang cast his eyes on "Yu Liang" in the glass, turned around and left.

I thought that this "Yu Liang" didn't know anything and was easy to deceive, but now I found that this guy knew more than him.

From this point of view, Yu Liang has only the last way left.

Kill the mirror spirit, the ruler of the advanced world, and then go to the real world.

"Wait, if it's you, you should be able to do me a favor. In fact, I'm completely willing to change places with you." The real "Yu Liang" called out to Yu Liang.

"What?" Yu Liang turned around and asked.

"If you are willing to help me imprison her in the mirror, then I am completely willing to change her position with you." A happy expression appeared on the face of the real "Yu Liang" with a sick smile on his face, "I Always... I have always wanted to be able to raise a small canary in a cage that belongs only to me, completely mine. If this canary happens to be the one I love deeply, then again It couldn't be better."

Yu Liang looked at the face on the glass surface in silence. He had never thought that his face could show such a perverted expression.

But in reality, "Yu Liang" continued: "Just do what she did. I want to enter the mirror world, and she is in the double mirror world. I can write in the mirror with peace of mind, without any life. There is no pressure on me, no restrictions imposed on me, and the person I love most is by my side..."

He looked at Yu Liang outside the glass, and his expression returned to calm in an instant, but the fire-like desire in his eyes was still burning strong: "This kind of life is the life I dream of, so I will exchange it with you without hesitation. .”

People outside want to come in, and people inside want to get out.

This sentence really will never go out of style no matter when it is placed.

Yu Liang did not answer him, but sighed in his heart.

Is dating a yandere so popular in today’s society?

This is no longer the team of Asasi and the yandere, these two innocent yanderes are torturing each other.

Now he finally understood why these two people came together and developed their unique styles.

"She is already dead." Yu Liang shook his head, saying that he could not do this.

In reality, "Yu Liang" also shook his head, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the flames seemed to choose someone to devour him in the next second: "No, she is not dead, she will not die, she cannot die."

"She really..." Yu Liang just wanted to retort, but suddenly he figured it out.

Indeed, Xiao Ran will not die.

In other words, for the real "Yu Liang", Xiaoran is the one who survives.

Those who don't survive are just substitutes. Self-deception is the fundamental attribute of yandere, and this is no exception for the real "Yu Liang".

Yu Liang figured this out, turned around and left here. He knew exactly what he was going to do.

【Final act】

You see yourself in reality and know all the secrets you have always had.

No one among Xiao Ran, Jing Ling and "Yu Liang" who are at the center of the secret is innocent.

And among them...

That includes you.


Yu Liang glanced at the prompt box on the page and was not surprised at all.

So this is the final step.

"Prison Mirror" is both the starting point and the end point.

Yu Liang took out two sets of clothes from the closet in the room and took them away, then walked out of the room, walked out of the house, came downstairs, stood at the door and looked into the mist.

Now he has another chance.

If the mirror spirit comes here, does this mean that there will be no ruler in the advanced world?

Then can he leave the mirror world directly and go to the real world?

Mirror Spirit must be the only ruler in the real world, and she will not share the authority of the ruler with others.

If she wants to become a root monster, she must enter this mirror world. After entering the mirror world, if there is still a ruler in the real world, then even if she is a mirror spirit, she will not be able to go back.

In reality, there is no longer a girl's body for the mirror spirit to replace.

That is to say...

If the mirror spirit comes to the mirror world, this is an opportunity.

Li Huachao had heard from the church before that when all seven deadly sins gained authority, the "spirit" would come and fulfill the root ghost story.

Now that the seven deadly sins have gained full authority, the mirror spirit should be coming soon, right?

Yu Liang returned along the original road, and he decided to find Cain first, and it would be best to catch Cain.

Although he had already read through the black book in the church, it did not mention much specific information about the "spirit". Most of it contained some effusive words of praise for the "spirit".

But if it were a divine messenger like Cain, he would probably know more.

Moreover, the strange story about the origin of the Mirror Spirit's achievement is related to the Seven Deadly Sins. Yu Liang just needs to stay with as many of the Seven Deadly Sins as possible, and the Mirror Spirit will appear sooner or later.

Scrooge, policeman, Cain, here are four of the seven deadly sins, accounting for most of them.

Yu Liang walked into the fog again and quietly walked in the direction of Cain and the Scrooge outside. He was going to sneak attack Cain and kidnap Cain away.

"Li Huachao, are you sure you can knock him out with a sneak attack?" Yu Liang asked in his mind.

"Of course, I just put a hunting mark on Cain. I know where he is." Li Huachao responded immediately, and then smiled, "I have wanted to do this for a long time."

So Yu Liang chose to "play" a hunter on the page, and then watched Li Huachao sneaking towards Cain.

Li Huachao first stood at the entrance of the alley and felt the wind direction, and then crept forward from the downwind outlet.

While walking on the road, he bent down and picked up a brick, intending to use it to knock Cain unconscious.

I don’t know what Cain is thinking. Anyway, he has never eaten meat, so his body has not undergone many abnormal changes. He still maintains the basic appearance of a human being, but his physical fitness is not the same. How tall he is, only slightly stronger than Yu Liang, but far inferior to Li Huachao.

"Bearing weight..."

"Lie down..."

There was a faint sound coming from deep in the mist.

Are they still continuing?

Yu Liang was surprised, but not too surprised. After all, this was like an arms race, and the one who stopped first would definitely be unlucky.

It's just that this voice sounds weak. These two guys have spent a lot of energy here.

And Li Huachao also felt the fatigue of the prey, and immediately plunged into the thick fog, shouting loudly and leaping high: "Cain!"

"Bear a weight...huh?" Cain, who was lying on the ground, was just about to continue to impose a weight on the money man in front of him, when he heard a familiar shout coming from behind, and immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw that figure leaping into the air with all its strength, its arms spread out like a roc spreading its wings, its feet retracted like an eagle's claws, its body posture like a crow, and it fell straight in his direction.

Cain was startled, and he couldn't control it. He had just finished accumulating the "weight-bearing" punishment and threw it at the guy who was attacking in the air.

In the air, Li Huachao only felt an extra weight on his body, which made him fall quickly and hit Cain in an instant. At the same time, he subconsciously used this force on the brick in his hand. Go up and hit Cain straight on the head.


This blow directly caused Cain to faint on the spot, with his body as the center, and the road beneath him cracked inch by inch.

"Hiss—" Li Huachao felt his flesh hurt just by looking at it, and he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. He looked at the bricks in his hands that had been broken into six or seven pieces, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

He really didn't intend to take such a heavy blow, but Cain exerted gravity on his body, and the intensity of the confrontation suddenly increased, and the power was beyond Li Huachao's control.

Li Huachao reached out and touched Cain's breath, and then felt relieved.

Fortunately, he didn't die.

Wait a minute, it seems that dying is not a big problem, right?

So he sat down with peace of mind, and then called to the misty ghost in the distance, "Come here, come here."

He couldn't see clearly what state the Scrooge was in, but Cain had been looking in that direction, so the Scrooge must be there.

"Okay!" The Scrooge Ghost heard Li Huachao's voice, so he ran over quickly with the piggy jar in his arms, and his long trouser legs were dragged on the ground, so he changed to running in small steps.

Unlike Cain, the authority it uses consumes almost no energy and only consumes some property, so its condition is very good.

"Come and look at it, I'll find a cart or something." Li Huachao ordered, then walked to the shop on the street, and soon found a small cart and two bundles of hemp rope from the supermarket.

He tied Cain tightly, threw it on the cart and pushed it towards the departure warehouse.

"It's up to you, I'm a little sleepy, let me sleep for a while." Li Huachao yawned, and then changed shifts with Yu Liang.

Yu Liang agreed and switched back to himself.

Li Huachao had also been busy all morning. It was time to rest for a while, and then he would go back to the departure warehouse to make plans.

There will be four sins appearing in the departure warehouse, and it is obvious that there will be a decisive battle point.

"Corpse?" Yu Liang noticed that there were many badly damaged corpses on the street.

These corpses were broken in the middle, but they did not look like they were bitten by monsters, because there were marks of knife cuts and burns on the corpses.

This is a human body.

In addition, there are many corpses of monsters here. They seem to be chasing something, but they are killed in place.

Obviously, after Yu Liang left, a battle broke out on Yueqing Road. Judging from the number of corpses, the scale of the battle affected at least dozens of people.

What happened at the Linhang warehouse?

Something was wrong with Yu Liang, so he quickly summoned the Paper Man and Shadow Attendant from the universe and walked slowly towards the departure warehouse.

He smelled a burning smell in the air. Except for the place just now, he had never encountered a corpse along the way, neither a human corpse nor a monster corpse.

Soon, when approaching the Linhang warehouse, a bonfire appeared in front of Yu Liang.

It was probably because the airflow disturbance caused by the flames dispersed the fog, or maybe the gray gas was something flammable. In short, before leaving the warehouse, the fog here was not so thick that nothing could be seen.

There, the bodies formed a mound and flames burned within.

Everyone was wearing black clothes and looking at the blazing bonfire with solemn expressions, but they were only black clothes, not black robes, and their dressing up was also different.

"Fire! Dispel the fog and bring the gods to the world!"

The goddess standing in the crowd chanted in a strange tone. She grabbed a torch in the bonfire, threw the flame into the sky, then pointed in the direction where the flame fell and shouted: "The messenger of the god will appear in the west!"

Following her pointing, all the believers in black clothes looked to the west.


Yu Liang looked at the torch pointing at him and the hopeful eyes of the believers, and then at Cain who was tied to the cart, and fell silent for a moment.

So does this goddess have anything?

Needless to say, this divine envoy actually appeared, but he was kidnapped.

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