The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 105 (Thanks to the leader of the world’s ghost in boss) Li Huachao finished squatting with C

"How dare you treat a divine envoy like this."

A low roaring voice came from Cain's throat. He got up from the ground, and the little paper people on his body were instantly blown away.

When the paper figures saw that something was not going well, they left the stones and glass behind and ran away without any hesitation. They quickly disappeared into the mist and disappeared without a trace.

Yu Liang had been observing the paper figures before, and was relieved when he saw that there were no scars on them.

According to legend, God gave Cain a mark. If anyone killed Cain, he would be punished seven times.

This is why Yu Liang only asked the paper man to rush forward and attack, but now the paper man has not been punished.

Yu Liang didn't know whether this would apply to Cain. Of course, it was possible that it would only work if he was "killed", similar to Cain carrying a deathrattle.

The best way is to trap this guy without killing him.

If Cain really carries the strange story of sevenfold repayment, then Yu Liang will lose more than he gains.

"Benefactor...are you blind?" The fortune-teller noticed something strange on Yu Liang's face, and the expression in his hood suddenly changed.

Don’t let anything happen to your benefactor!

"Probably, but it doesn't matter." Yu Liang nodded and took out his blind stick.

Just like last time, this eye-stitching is considered a state, and his eyes are not sewn shut with real threads, so there is no pain. It is just that he can no longer "see" with his eyes, but he still has eyesight. So it's no big deal.

"Blind stick?" The money-keeper was a little surprised when he saw Yu Liang's movements.

Did the benefactor even take this step?

In other words, the benefactor knew that he would meet this guy?

Sure enough, the benefactor is a prophet, right?

On the other side, Cain dusted off the dust on his body and said with a gloomy face: "I originally just wanted to give you a neat way to die, but now, I want you to die under darkness and pressure!"

Cain's aura suddenly increased. He looked directly at Yu Liang and chanted: "Arrogant people will be punished heavily!"

His finger pointed directly at Yu Liang, and then moved downwards.

There seemed to be an invisible weight pressing down in the air, falling on Yu Liang's shoulders. This terrifying pressure made him unable to bear it, and he sat down on the ground. With him as the center, a round dusty atmosphere vibrated on the ground. Wave.

Yu Liang was already trying his best to resist the pressure on his body. He could feel his muscles trembling with exertion, his body temperature gradually rising, and sweat falling from his forehead and dripping to the ground.

Punishment with a heavy burden...

This Cain had more than one kind of authority. He was the embodiment of two sins: jealousy and arrogance.

Yu Liang understood this, and the doubts in his heart were dispelled.

If the seam eye only had authority, this Cain would be too weak, and it would obviously be inappropriate to use Cain to guard the house.

However, Cain, who now has two authorities, is very difficult to deal with, especially this heavy punishment, which looks like manipulating gravity.

Even simply manipulating gravity to squeeze, this has already overwhelmed Yu Liang's body and made it difficult to move.

The same is true for those paper figures, and they are also of no use now.

It seems that now we can only rely on Shadow Warrior and characters.

"I should be able to compete with this level of pressure, but the speed will become sluggish." Li Huachao also realized that the current situation was not good, so he became more serious, "But I am not sure where the limit of this ability is. He is very It may also increase the burden, so it’s best to find an opportunity to switch to the hunter and kill him in one go.”

"I understand." Yu Liang's brain was also running rapidly. He gritted his teeth and looked at Cain with his chess pieces.

It was best to find someone who seemed to suppress this guy and kill him if he could. Yu Liang didn't want to use his own resurrection opportunity to test Cain to see if he had the seven-fold return ghost effect.

"Benefactor!" The money-keeper saw that Yu Liang was about to lie down on the ground, his face had turned purple from suppressed pain, his whole body was trembling, and he looked very uncomfortable.

It tried to pull Yu Liang up from the ground, but to no avail. It could only murmur something anxiously in a low voice.

"What if a mere mortal masters the devil's magic?" Cain snorted briefly, with a look of arrogance on his face.

This was far from reaching the limit of his abilities, and he decided to increase the pressure little by little, letting this guy die in the dark and under pressure.

"Ling said that your magic seems to have a casting range. I won't give you such a chance. I just need to stand far away and impose heavy punishment on you." He continued to smile, looking like a winner. Appearance in hand.

Li Huachao relied on Yu Liang's vision to calculate the distance between the two, which was about ten meters, so he quickly gave a plan: "At this distance, I can give it a try and try to kill with one hit."

The physical fitness bonus of hunters is much higher than that of writers, so this kind of burden only slows down Li Huachao's pace.

He only needs to rush up and rush within five meters, and he can use characters to attack Cain, which should be able to cause some interference to Cain. If he enters the range of about three steps, that is his world of Li Huachao.

From the current point of view, although Cain looks like he can use a long sword, compared with him, he is just a showman. He can bully ordinary people, but the real trouble is Cain's two powers.

To put it simply, this guy is a mage, so as a standard berserker, Li Huachao can easily get close to him.

"Then it's your turn." Yu Liang nodded and chose to "play" Li Huachao.

Let’s get over the current difficulty first.

"Okay, I'll do it." Li Huachao lay on the ground, his eyes had been tightly sewn shut by the thread-like thing, and he could only rely on the chess piece in his hand to observe Cain on the opposite side.

A distance of ten meters should be fine.

Suddenly, the Scrooge on the side grabbed the piggy jar in his hand, took out a handful of gold and silver from the jar, and threw it towards Cain. Then he shouted loudly: "I will never allow you to hurt my benefactor."

Gold and silver were thrown into the air and turned into gold and silver sand scattered on the ground.

From the moment these gold and silver appeared, Cain noticed something was wrong. His attention was involuntarily focused on these gold and silver gravels, and he couldn't take his eyes away at all.

"Lie down!" The money-keeping ghost uttered monotonous syllables from its mouth, and following its words, Cain involuntarily lay down on the ground and picked up a grain of gold sand on the ground, treating it like a treasure.

"You can move now." Li Huachao felt the pressure on his body disappear immediately, and he instantly realized that this was the money-keeping ghost using his authority.

The authority for the sin of greed lies down and punishes it.

Is it actually done in this way?

And Yu Liang thought about what the money-keeper said just now, and he had a guess in his mind.

Is this the money-grubbing ghost who awakened his authority in order to save him?


Although this sounds touching, the reason deep in Yu Liang's heart tells him otherwise.

As a "beneficiary", he was harmed by his enemy. Shouldn't the Scrooge get the right to rage because of his anger?

But no, the Scrooge still uses its own power of greed, which probably means...

My benefactor can help me make money. If you hurt my benefactor, you are having trouble with my money.

The so-called greed is inherent.


Yu Liang, who wanted to understand the meaning, was helpless, but to be honest, he was not surprised. As the embodiment of greed, it was already good that the Scrooge was willing to throw away the gold and silver collected in the piggy jar to save him. It is very rare for a "money-keeping ghost" to be able to do this.

This at least proves that if someone wants to harm Yu Liang, the money-grubber will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it.

Cain quickly picked up the gold sand on the ground, and then stood up. When he saw Li Huachao also standing up, he suddenly panicked. The "lying down" just now interrupted his ability in an instant.

"Bear weight!" So he stretched out his finger towards Li Huachao again, then swiped down, using gravity to press Li Huachao to the ground.

"You!" The money-keeping ghost was also furious, so he activated his authority again, "Lie down!"

So Cain, who had just stood up, was forced to lie down on the ground to pick up the gold sand. While picking up the gold sand, he was forced to lose control of his authority, so Li Huachao stood up again.

"Carry weight!"

"Lie down!"

"Carry weight!"

"Lie down!"

In this way, Li Huachao and Cain kept lying down and standing up, lying down and standing up again, and the battle situation fell into a strange cycle.

Li Huachao began to ask Yu Liang for help: "Think of a solution quickly. They are all taught by the same master. They can't be broken!"

"Let me think about it..." Yu Liang was also thinking, and then asked Li Huachao, "Do you feel that you guys are playing 'carrot squat' like this? It's that Li Huachao lies down, Cain lies down, and after Cain lies down, Li Huachao lies down. That kind of game.”

Li Huachao: "..."

Is now the time to say this?

I keep getting down and up, very tired, okay?

This was also the first time that Li Huachao was speechless.

He suddenly realized that Yu Liang must have expected this and chose to play the role of a hunter. This was to make him suffer on purpose!

"Really, I found that you have turned bad." Li Huachao sighed. He felt that he needed to help Yu Liang create another character. In the future, the new guy should do such painful work.

But now Li Huachao started to show off. He just lay on the ground and stopped moving, letting the gravity on his body fall on his back.

As time went by, it actually didn't feel too painful, but rather like a rhythmic massage, so he gave up resistance.

When Cain saw this, he followed suit and also lay on the ground, slowly picking up the gold sand on the ground.

The battle situation reached a stalemate again.

His physical strength was not as good as Li Huachao's, and after a few rounds, he couldn't hold on any longer.

Cain knew that he couldn't waste his energy in such a place, so he had to at least have enough energy to continue using his authority, right?

Otherwise, wouldn’t he become a lamb to be slaughtered?

It's just that at this time, he has begun to regret his care.

I didn't expect that this demon who controlled sorcery would be so difficult to deal with. I didn't expect that Greed, who was also one of the angels, had awakened his authority and would willingly help this demon.

"Hey, you're lying on the ground like a dog, don't you feel embarrassed?" Li Huachao even had the time to tease Cain, because he knew that Cain was guilty of arrogance, but now he was forced to lie on the ground. , I must feel uncomfortable.

"You!" Cain suddenly became furious and tried to stand up irrationally. However, as soon as he stood up, he was forced to lie down by the power of the money-hungry ghost.

"Hahahaha." This move immediately made Li Huachao laugh, and these laughter seemed to hit the soft place in Cain's heart, constantly stimulating him.

But then he calmed down. He knew very well that the guy opposite was very cunning, and he must not fall into the trap and waste his energy in vain.

So Cain snorted again: "So, aren't you lying on the ground like a dog?"

"Oh, so what?" Li Huachao curled her lips, "Woof woof woof, what's wrong?"

Cain: "..."

Suddenly he was at his wits end.

Yu Liang reminded Li Huachao: "Why don't you try crawling over? We don't have time to play games with him here, so it would be better to go to 'Yu Liang''s house first."

"What about this guy?" Li Huachao asked, "Do you want to go up and kill him?"

"Forget it, let's wait until the exploration is completed." Yu Liang refused. He didn't want to waste more time on Cain, and he was also afraid that this guy would really carry a deathrattle. Killing Cain might actually will suffer backlash.

This Cain's weight-bearing authority should also have a certain casting range. If he goes too far, he should not be able to be forcibly controlled.

"Okay." Li Huachao didn't have any objections to this, and immediately followed Yu Liang's instructions to crawl forward rhythmically. Every second the weight on his body would disappear for a moment. As long as he grasped the rhythm, the speed of his advance would be Not slow at all.

At the same time, Li Huachao said to the money-keeping ghost: "You continue to control him, I'm going in."

"Okay!" Naturally, the Scrooge had no objection at all. After all, it wasn't it that had been lying on the ground until now, and the gold and silver it consumed using its authority was far from enough to make it feel distressed.

Anyway, the benefactor will definitely take the money back with him.

So the money-keeper threw out a large amount of gold sand again, and then shouted: "Lie down!"

"I will never let you in!" Cain hurriedly stopped him, but his crawling speed on the ground was far slower than that of Li Huachao, and there was a money-keeping ghost on the side to help him, so he could only watch as Li Huachao entered the depths of the mist. , and then completely lost the direction of Li Huachao.

And at this time, he also felt that something was wrong, this guy...

Why doesn't it look like he was tortured by a slit in the eye? !

At the same time, he also set his sights on the Scrooge not far away.

Money Keeper: "Lie down!"

"Bear the weight!" So Cain fired back unceremoniously.

The Scrooge immediately fell to the ground, and it began to realize that something was wrong.

However, once this battle begins, it is impossible to stop.

In the fog, a tall man and a child were lying on the ground. They kept chanting single words loudly, which could be heard far away in the fog that was so dense that it could not be broken.

"Lie down!"

"Carry weight!"


Thank you for being the leader, I will update it in two days~

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