The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 104 (7k5) Score twice

"Li Huachao, what did you do again?"

Yu Liang was puzzled, why could this guy do so many things in such a short period of time?

He didn't want to know about it at first, because he thought what Li Huachao did might be a little perverted, so he simply refused to listen, but now this development seemed to remind him of something -

Have you watched one less season?

"I... didn't do much." Li Huachao said with a smile again, "I just had a small transaction with the store manager."

"Forget it, tell me everything that happened after I fell asleep." Yu Liang rubbed his temples. He decided to find out what Li Huachao did. Otherwise, he might not be able to solve the problem when it happens. Know the situation.

As he walked along the street to Yueqing Road, he listened to Li Huachao's review.

The female body wall, the art of corpse transformation, the Sea of ​​Flesh, Lu Jie, Ultraman vs. Monsters, Mist Giant, Living Sacrifice Ritual, Inert Mud...

In just a few hours, Li Huachao's experience was really quite rich.

"Warning you, I got this Lu Jie myself, and I will never give it to you." Li Huachao was very concerned about the income from his labor.

He is also looking forward to turning into Ultraman next time. Transforming into a giant is like being the only one in the world. As long as he doesn't meet a conceptual creature like his sister, Li Huachao feels that he can walk sideways.

Unfortunately, it will be another twenty-three hours and forty-five minutes before it can be used again.

"Okay, I don't want it." Yu Liang also had a dark look on his face. This thing is really childish sometimes.

But to be honest, after hearing about Lu Jie's role, he actually didn't really need this kind of thing.

This thing can only be used against powerful monsters, so this "50/50 split" only makes sense.

However, the existence of Li Huachao made this Lu Ring less useful.

If the monster is stronger than Yu Liang but weaker than Li Huachao, then just let Li Huachao deal with it; if the monster is stronger than Li Huachao, then Yu Liang may not be able to defeat the monster even if he has the same physical fitness. After all, Yu Liang does not have the fighting skills of Li Huachao.

Generally speaking, this thing is mostly a fighting prop, and Yu Liang doesn't like fighting.

It's better to continue to be Li Huachao's toy.

A dog finds a favorite bone. Do you think the owner will grab it?

It's obviously impossible.

From the grocery store to Yueqing Road, Yu Liang walked on this road, so he didn't have to worry about going the wrong way even if it was foggy. On the side of the road, he found an unlocked bicycle and naturally took it for himself. , put the Scrooge in the back seat and started riding.

Although he was riding a bicycle, the visual range in the fog was only two or three meters, so Yu Liang did not dare to ride too fast and could only move forward slowly and leisurely.

After a while, Yu Liang rode his bicycle to the vicinity of Yueqing Road. He called up his script and turned to Preparatory Act 1.

Room 201, Unit 2, Building 3, Yueqing Road.

This is the home of "Yu Liang".

Since he has never reached this place before, the script of Kaitan World has stopped at the fourth act.

Just like in some games, players who have not completed the main plot have been tinkering with side plots, so the main plot has been stuck in a certain place.

Yu Liang got off the bicycle, and the money-keeper also jumped out of the back seat. It seemed to understand that Yu Liang still had important things to do, so it didn't say anything about making money.

There are various shops on both sides of Yueqing Road, and behind the shops are two rows of residential buildings. Yu Liang walked from the alley next to a certain shop to the residential building area behind, and then began to look for "Yu Liang" "Good" home.

"There's something wrong here." Deep in his heart, Li Huachao's voice suddenly sounded, and now his voice was mixed with a little fatigue.

And Yu Liang also felt something was wrong.

There were faint footsteps in the mist, and some of them even appeared next to Yu Liang, but when he turned around warily, he couldn't see anything.

Quietly, this fog seemed to have become a ghost.

Yu Liang was secretly alert, but the footsteps did not attack him, so he chose to walk into the fog as planned.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't think I can let you pass."

A voice suddenly sounded in the alley.

Yu Liang looked in the direction of the sound, and a vague figure appeared in the fog.

Sure enough, it came.

"Yu Liang's" home is a key part of solving the mystery of the prison mirror, and it is impossible for the mirror spirit not to arrange people to stop it.

But this formation still makes Yu Liang a little strange.

Is there only one person?

He thought there would be many people and monsters.

Could it be that there are not many people who can be driven by the mirror spirit?

"Who are you?" Yu Liang asked aloud, trying to delay some time. At the same time, he also asked Li Huachao in his heart, "Can we still fight?"

"It should be possible." Li Huachao replied quickly, but immediately yawned, "I think my martial arts talent has improved again. I can try my newly developed Sleeping Arhat Fist."

Yu Liang: "..."

"Be serious, this thing is definitely not weak." He said angrily, "If you can't do it, just take my place. This thing should be able to be trapped by the 'trap' character."

The "trap" character can trap a creature in place for an hour. Its effect is similar to the "prison" character, but the effect is shorter.

Yu Liang has five more characters like this, which together can trap this guy in the fog for at least five hours. These five hours are enough for Yu Liang to search all of "Yu Liang's" homes.

"You can give it a try. If you can save the characters, just play them again depending on the situation." Li Huachao sighed. As Yu Liang's top thug, he naturally couldn't refuse his mission.

The person in the mist also smiled and replied to Yu Liang: "You can call me Cain."

His figure was revealed, that of a tall man in a suit, with golden eyes and a Western face.

"Cain?" Yu Liang repeated this guy's name, vaguely guessing which crime this guy was guilty of.

If he is indeed one of the Seven Deadly Sins, then it must be jealousy.

Cain is the son of Adam in Western legends, committed the first murder, and is the ancestor of the evil people in the West.

The Bible mentions that Cain killed Abel because he was jealous that his brother Abel was more favored by God, and was later exiled by God.

The name Cain also has a strong religious connotation, basically indicating his identity.

Judging from the appearance and intelligence level, the guy in front of him is most likely the same as the police. He has never eaten anyone and is an "alien" among monsters.

Wait, the authority of jealousy should normally be "slit eyes", right?


Although he was reluctant, Yu Liang silently took out his "eye" chess piece.

"Yes, this is the name given to me by the spirit." There seemed to be a sense of pride in Cain's voice, because the spirit only gave him a name.

Even most of the others of the same kind have not been found.


Cain suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a child behind the man in front of him, a child wearing a paper hood and a large blue overalls.

He couldn't see the child's face, but he could feel the child's aura.

An aura that is somewhat familiar but also slightly disgusting.

Cain reacted quickly, and then his expression turned strange.

This child is also one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and like him, he is a spiritual messenger!

"Which envoy of the spirit are you?" He asked aloud, his calm state of mind gone. "As an envoy of the spirit, how can you stay with the enemy of the spirit?!"

If the divine messenger also had authority and stood on the opposite side, he would be in trouble.

The money-keeper glanced at Yu Liang but said nothing.

Yu Liang understood that this was because he and the money-hungry man had told him not to speak when outsiders were around.

"You were created by the spirit, and the spirit is your master, how can you go to the other side of hell." Cain continued, "You and I are both divine envoys, and you should be able to feel that you and I are of the same blood. "

The Scrooge tilted its head in confusion, and it indeed felt the same aura.

"Come here, you and I are brothers, we are real relatives." Cain stretched out his hand to the miser.

The Scrooge just shook his head resolutely and didn't move.

How much is a brother worth?

Is it important that I have a benefactor to help me make money?

Obviously not.

"The name Cain was spread by killing his younger brother. What do you think it is?" Yu Liang protected the money-sucking ghost behind him. He was a little worried that the money-sucking ghost would run to the other side, but fortunately Money-sucking ghosts still have a bottom line.

Then he whispered to the money-keeping ghost: "When I have the opportunity later, I will take you to the bank to have a look."

Yu Liang felt that he could still open the vault door easily. The previous experience of Li Huachao also taught him that texture can still be used to do some things in this world.

Then you just need to find some metal texture, and then disassemble the door of the vault.

The cleansing ability of the raccoon stamp has not been used yet.

"Forget it, if that's the case, then I don't have to hold anything back. I just need to bring you alive to the spirit." Cain snorted coldly, then took out a long knife, pointing directly at Yu Liang: " As for you, the bewitching angel, you deserve to die."

He dodged and rushed forward. His footsteps were illusory, making it difficult for people to figure out his identity. At the same time, he whispered in his mouth: "The punishment of slitting the eyes is to punish those who disobey."

In just a moment, Yu Liang felt that his eyes were obscured by something, and the familiar darkness once again enveloped his world.

Yu Liang: "..."

I know it, I know it, I know it!

here we go again!

Blind again!

"Hmph." Cain also snorted coldly. Under the punishment of slit eyes, everyone will lose their light. It is impossible for humans in this state to beat him. He only needs to disrupt the enemy's sense of direction, and then use the long knife to Just stab the enemy in the chest.

But this time, Yu Liang didn't panic at all. He opened his hand and quickly found Cain's position with the "eye" in his hand. Then he hit the "broken" character with two rounds, and summoned the paper man and the shadow server at the same time. Swarmed up.

"What?" Cain only felt that his legs were hit hard respectively, and his body fell forward uncontrollably to the ground. Then when he wanted to get up from the ground, something was holding his body tightly. , and finally a crowd of paper people.

They might be holding rocks picked up from anywhere, or holding up pieces of broken glass, and while shouting "Waikila Waikila" they jumped on Cain's back and aimed at Cain's vital points.

Li Huachao: "I think you should stand on the side now, holding a cigarette in your mouth, but not lighting it, and then sneered and said, are you good at fighting? You need to have power and background to hang out, you little bastard. "

Yu Liang: "..."

Forget it, as long as he completes this strange story, his eyes will recover like last time. If there are chess pieces in sight, it won't be too troublesome.

He's used to it.

But speaking of it, is Cain so weak?

Yu Liang turned his gaze to Cain who was lying on the ground.

This kind of fighting ability, apart from the ineffective power of slit eyes, is not much better than that of a money-sucking ghost, right?

Jingling actually only sent this thing to guard the house?

He vaguely felt something was wrong, so he held the new characters in his hands and prepared to go.

It seems that there was a recommendation today, but I couldn't find it. I always feel that this book has a bad relationship with me...

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