The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 103 Yu Liang and monsters are not allowed to enter

Open screen lightning strike——

Yu Liang fell into a long silence.

He had guessed what would happen after he woke up and tried many scenarios, but this situation was beyond his expectation.

One cannot, at least one should not.

If a woman as good-looking as Tuyou were pole dancing here, Yu Liang wouldn't have any objections.

But now, he felt like he wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

At this time, Yu Liang wanted to take over control of his body, but thinking about it carefully, he didn't want to let himself bear such a humiliating moment.

It was better to let Li Huachao get rid of this thing quickly, find some clothes to put on, and then he would switch back.

"What on earth are you doing?" Yu Liang's words sounded faintly in Li Huachao's heart.

This sound shocked Li Huachao. He made a quick judgment, and then said seriously to Yu Liang in his heart: "Wait, don't switch back yet, this monster will find it soon."

"What did you find?" Yu Liang didn't understand.

"I found that I have become weaker." Li Huachao continued.

Not long after the pole dance started, he had already recovered from the transformed state, but Lai Ni definitely still didn't dare to act rashly.

Jie Ni looked at Li Huachao, who was about the size of a normal person, and felt that the aura on Li Huachao's body seemed to be much weaker than before.

No, the change in body shape may be this man's magical power. If this man can control it at will, it may cause death if it takes action rashly.

"It's..." Yu Liang realized something. The one who could make Li Huachao put on such a ready posture must be one of the seven deadly sins.

"Lazy, his name is Lazy." Li Huachao said. He felt the state of his body and continued, "Find an opportunity and prepare to run away."

Yu Liang was suddenly confused about the situation. If it was one of the seven deadly sins, how could he be willing to dance coquettishly in front of Li Huachao?

Could it be that laziness forced him to see it?

Li Huachao stood up suddenly, his body swayed unconsciously, his expression changed, and his breathing became rapid, but he immediately returned to his original state, and then he said to Jie Ni with a natural expression: "Okay, you can go. No, I’ll let you go.”

"Okay, okay." The surface of the lazy mud rippled again, but it did not choose to leave.

It had noticed all the strange things about Li Huachao just now, and then thought about how the man's aura had become much weaker after his body became smaller. It instantly realized that Li Huachao was now at the end of his strength.

The move Li Huachao used just now must have consumed too much energy!

After reacting, Lai Ni froze in place. It recalled the shame of pole dancing, and a flame suddenly rose in its heart.

It met this church when it was born, and they regarded it as a divine messenger, and it was worthy of its status as a divine messenger. It successfully contacted the spirit in the upper world, knew the spirit's plan, and took it as its own mission. .

And now, it is a divine messenger and can actually pole dance for an ordinary human being? !

Anger instantly overwhelmed his mind, and then turned into a raging flame of revenge.

"You actually dare to deceive me. If I want to kill you, I must kill you!" Black smoke billowed out from Jie Ni's body, sweeping toward Li Huachao.

[Current observation progress 4/7]

[New exploration rewards have been distributed, please switch back to the main body to check. 】

"It's done!" Li Huachao was overjoyed and ran away quickly.

The weakness he felt just now was just a common acting skill of the hunter, in order to completely arouse Lai Ni's anger.

When he is too powerful, Lai Ni will definitely only be afraid and not dare to be angry.

Lazy mud is lazy mud after all. Without the right to "run", it could not catch up with Li Huachao. In the blink of an eye, it lost Li Huachao's vision, making it howl in anger, but it was helpless.

Within a few minutes, Li Huachao ran to a men's clothing store. He knocked politely and got in when there was no response from the store.

Yu Liang switched back control of his body, picked out a loose T-shirt and put on a pair of sweatpants before opening his own page.

He also saw the prompt box just now, and he was surprised and felt the charm of those idle games.

It turns out that hanging up to get rewards is such a cool thing.

If you are unhappy, it is just because the rewards are not enough and the pleasure value is not high enough.

And now this is a reward from the Kaitan World, and at least it has to start with a stamp, which is already very good for Yu Liang.

Although there is no sense of participation, the idle game is really fun to play.

[Obtained basic observation mission reward: Atlas·Seven Deadly Sins]


Album·Seven Deadly Sins

Name: Atlas (special items cannot be used for character synthesis)

Texture: None

Note: Recorded the authority of the seven deadly sins in the mist.

Yu Liang opened the picture album. There were only four pages in the picture album. The pictures on it were in the same style as the pictures in the girl's picture album. They were all figures of characters or monsters formed by black coils.

On the first page, there was a man holding a gun. Yu Liang could recognize that this was a policeman. The policeman pointed his pistol into the fog, and puffs of linear smoke came out of the muzzle.

In the center of the picture album, directly above, there are four words [Rage·睚禦] written, with a line of small characters attached below: Rage, avoid anger, and black smoke as punishment.

"Sure enough, he quoted a sentence from the Divine Comedy." Yu Liang nodded, which was almost as he guessed.

The authority of the police is this black smoke.

Then he turned to the second page.

The painting on the second page uses a vanishing point composition. The main perspective of the picture is at the entrance of an alley, and the alley extends to the end of the field of view until it becomes a point.

There are countless human organs on the walls on both sides of the alley, including hands, feet, eyes, mouth, etc.

A little further away, on the ground on both sides of the wall, there were some inexplicable black things painted on the ground. Yu Liang couldn't recognize what they were.

【Astringent desire·Female body wall】

Astringent desire, abstain from anger, black smoke punishes it.

The accompanying sentence made Yu Liang stunned. Looking at the picture carefully, he also noticed that what was rising near the wall of the woman's body was not flames, but black smoke like the policeman.


He slowly typed a question mark.

From here on out, the situation was completely different from what he had imagined.

Yu Liang quickly turned to the next page.

On the third page, there is a picture of a fat monster as tall as a building, walking among the buildings in the fog.

There are hundreds of black holes on its belly, and circles of black things are lingering near these holes.

【Gluttony·Sea of ​​Meat】

Gluttony should be avoided in anger, and black smoke should be punished.

? ?

Yu Liang couldn't help being stunned. He felt like question marks were growing on his head.

Why is there black smoke again?

Isn’t the authority of gluttony not hunger?

He also wanted to see how the hunger authority was operated.

Yu Liang frowned and continued to scroll down. The main part of the picture on the fourth page was the lump of meat that he had just seen, and the background was the telephone poles and the buildings on the street.

The eyes on the meat paste were round and big, the mouth was open wide, and he looked very angry, and black smoke was billowing from his body.

【Sloth·Lazy Mud】

Sloth, stop it in anger, punish it with black smoke.

Yes, there is anger and black smoke.

Why are the guys in these seven deadly sins so weird?

Do you like to be angry?


Yu Liang suddenly realized something, and immediately arrested Li Huachao and asked, "Why are the powers of these monsters filled with black smoke? What have you done?"

"Haha." Li Huachao's voice came from the bottom of his heart, and he chuckled twice, "It's just... I accidentally made them angry. Really, what a monster, with such a small spirit, and he is as smart as a child."

Yu Liang: "..."

He probably understood what was happening.

The three monsters were driven into a rage, so they all gained the same right to rage, and Li Huachao also took this opportunity to successfully complete the observation.

I have to say you are really good at playing.

In just a few hours, it was really efficient to be able to infuriate the three sins like this.

But what is the use of these seven deadly sins albums?

Just show him?

Yu Liang looked over the album over and over, but did not find anything magical about it.

Forget it, Kaitan World probably won't give out completely useless things. This may be a quest item that needs to trigger some plot before it can be used.

He opened the next prompt box.

This atlas is only a reward for completing basic observations. After more than three observations, there will be additional rewards for each new observation.

[Obtained additional observation reward: Sloth Stamp]

[Sign of Sloth: Transform into lazy mud form, lasting five minutes. Number of uses remaining: 3]

"Transform into the form of lazy mud?" Yu Liang murmured, remembering the appearance of the ball of mud just now, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in his heart.

"Booming lazy mud?" Li Huachao was startled in his heart, and he suddenly thought of something.

If you can first use the Five-Five-Open Ring to obtain the body shape of the Sea of ​​Flesh, and then transform into lazy mud...

A meaty piece of meat more than ten meters high can't be killed or destroyed. Isn't this so interesting?

It's a pity that the Sloth Seal is on Yu Liang. This seal can only be used when Yu Liang controls his body.

Li Huachao was willing to lend Lu Jie (five-five-open ring) to Yu Liang for use, and then turn it into the lazy mud form. Unfortunately, Yu Liang had the burden of an idol, so he probably wouldn't be willing to become like this.

Of course, at a critical moment of life and death, Yu Liang had no choice.

"By the way, I just found a stronghold of some kind of church and got a few black notebooks like those of the goddess, but I haven't had time to read them yet," Li Huachao said.

And Yu Liang also saw a few black notebooks beside him. These were things that Li Huachao didn't forget to take with him when he escaped.

"Let me take a look." He picked up the black notebook on the ground and opened one of them.

There are some inexplicable words written on it in a special cursive script, most of which are things that the goddess has said.

In other words, the words the Goddess said before were not hindsight, but a true prophecy?

No, the contents in these notebooks are all the same. This is not a prophecy made by a goddess. It should be due to someone high-ranking in the church.

"Oh, by the way, I also heard them say that there is a 'spirit' controlling all of this. It is the spirit that the goddess mentioned before, and this spirit also wants to take this opportunity to become the source of ghost stories." Li Huachao continued.

From this point of view, he is still very useful, and he actually got such crucial information, although it is just good luck.

"The source of the ghost story?" Yu Liang was also surprised when he heard this word.

If the original spirit might have been just a figment of the church, it was different now. This spirit definitely existed, and it was most likely the mirror spirit in the real world.

The root of the mystery...

Is it an existence of "her" level?

"What are the conditions for becoming a source of ghost talk? Did you hear it?" Yu Liang asked.

"When all seven monsters gain power, the mirror spirit will come to this world and have the opportunity to become the source of ghost talk." Li Huachao told Yu Liang what he heard on the attic.

"Wait until they all gain authority?" Yu Liang thought.

Now just what he observed, four of them had obtained the authority, and the remaining ones were the Scrooge and the jealous and arrogant ones who had not shown up yet.

If you say that, the mirror spirit will appear soon?

Yu Liang didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

At best, if the mirror spirit appears in the mirror world, the ghost story copy will usher in a new stage, and her appearance means that she can be attacked.

Maybe we can take this opportunity to return to reality.

But at worst, this is actually helping Jing Ling speed up the process of becoming the root ghost story, which makes Yu Liang a little worried.

If the mirror spirit really becomes a being like her, things may get out of control in an instant.

"Forget it, let's go to Yu Liang's house on Yueqing Road first." Yu Liang said, walking out of the clothing store.

"The grocery store should be nearby. Let's take a detour first. The Scrooge may be waiting for us there." Li Huachao reminded him. He was tired from playing and finally thought of the Scrooge.

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded. He didn't notice that the Scrooge was no longer around. He was just thinking about pole dancing...

He walked along the street for a while, and soon found a bus stop. He figured out the direction from the map on the stop, and then walked to the grocery store.

As Li Huachao said, the grocery store is not far from here, and Yu Liang arrived not long after walking.

He paid attention to the conditions of various shops on the road, but he did not see any gold and silver jewelry stores.

"Sure enough, it's here." Yu Liang walked through the fog and walked to the door of the "Meet" grocery store, and saw a weak and helpless figure squatting on the steps in front of the grocery store.

The grocery store had closed its door tightly at some point, and the cold rolling shutter seemed to tell every passerby that customers were not welcome here.

"Grudge, let's go." He walked up to Scrooge and patted him on the shoulder.

"Hey! My benefactor, you are finally back!" The Scrooge's paper hood suddenly moved, and then it quickly adjusted the position of the hood over its eyes, looked at Yu Liang, and found that this was the only acquaintance it had in this fog. , "Have you taken care of that big monster?"

"Absolutely." Yu Liang nodded. He didn't know who this big monster was, but thinking about it, it was probably the sea of ​​flesh.

He turned to look at the grocery store. The closure of this store was a bit unexpected. Logically speaking, a store like this officially opened by Kaitan World should not be closed, right?

It's not open 24 hours?

On the rolling shutter door of the grocery store, there is a piece of white paper with several large characters written in large fonts.

"Yu Liang and monsters are not allowed to enter."

Yu Liang: "..."

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