The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 102 Yu Liang’s lightning strike

Top floor.

Black-robed attendants came up the stairs carrying a stretcher.

There was a nervous-looking man sitting on the stretcher. He seemed to have a lot to say, but the atmosphere around him was so depressing that he didn't know who to ask.

And when he reached the top floor, he finally saw the "altar" that had been shrouded in mystery since he joined the religion.

On the ground of the rooftop, a huge six-pointed star is drawn with dark ink, and in the center of the six-pointed star is a wide-open eye. This eye is extremely agile, as if it will blink in the next second, focusing its sight on On him.

There was a group of people gathered around the six-pointed star. They were also wearing black robes and were chanting something with the black leather notebooks in their hands.

“The Spirit said in the palace, Go and pour out the seven vials of God’s wrath on the earth.”

"Then the first messenger went and poured his bowl on the ground, and evil and poisonous sores appeared on his body, covering the earth with the smoke of death and silence."

“The second angel poured out his bowl on the sun so that the sun would give it fire, and there would be fire to roast those who had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image.”

“The third angel of God poured out his bowl on the seat of the beast, and there was darkness in the kingdom of the beast, and men bit out their tongues because of the pain.”



There was a heavy sound in the fog, and the uneasiness about the unknown intensified the fear in the man's heart.

Seeing the attendants carrying a stretcher coming up, the men in black robes also stopped chanting and dispersed, revealing what they were covering.


In just a moment, a exclamation came out of his mouth, but his mouth was immediately covered by his own hand.

Surrounded among those people were the legendary angels.

It looked like a puddle of flesh-colored mire. The eyes, nose, ears and other organs were arranged on the mire. It could be vaguely seen that they were all in the correct position, but the distance was a bit wide.

At this time, the angel's eyes were squinting lazily, and the people in black robes around him were all serving him respectfully.

"Give me the sacrifice." One of the angel's eyes opened, and a lazy voice came from him.

"Yes." The black-robed attendants carried the stretcher and placed the man on the stretcher in the center of the six-pointed star, above the eyes.

"Sacrifice? What kind of sacrifice? Didn't you bring me to see the envoy of God? I paid so much money and materials..." The man sat in the center of the six-pointed star. He gradually felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere and quickly wanted to stand up. .

The black-robed attendants on the side swarmed over and fixed him to the ground with handcuffs and leg irons.

"Didn't you see the envoy of God now?" One of the black-robed attendants sneered, "And you will be able to see the 'spirit' soon, and he will wash away all your sins."

"May the spirit be in peace." Another attendant prayed with her hands folded on her chest, with a crazy smile on her face, "He has forgiven the world by sending divine punishment, and now you can even see the envoy of God, What else are you dissatisfied with?"

"Spirit?" A panicked expression appeared on the man's face. He froze in place for a while, and the expression on his face gradually became distorted.

The cruel reality destroyed all his hopes. He knew that he could not escape from here, so he simply began to curse: "Is this the disaster caused by your damn spirit? What qualifications does He have to judge mankind? He is not a god at all. He is a devil and will go back to hell sooner or later."

The men in black robes ignored his shouts and just gathered around him step by step, performing some necessary mysterious rituals around him.

A man in black robe blocked the man's mouth with a cloth, then brought a basin of blood and poured it on the man's body from head to toe. The blood gradually soaked into the six-pointed star. The people in black robes around him lowered their heads and continued to chant, but this time they What he said didn't sound like Chinese, and the syllables were extremely weird.

"Have you found any other divine messengers?" the fleshy divine messenger asked in a low voice.

A man in black robes beside him half-bowed and said, "Two of them have been found. We are in contact with the church members in the shelter, and their whereabouts will be known soon."

"Yes." The surface of the divine messenger fluctuated, and he seemed to be nodding. He murmured something, "When we gain the authority, we can summon the 'spirit' into this world and achieve the origin of the ghost story."

"The root..." The man in black robe was startled. This was a term he had never heard before.

"Huh?" The envoy moved his eyes so that he could look directly at the man in black robes beside him.

Then a small piece of fleshy mud shot out from his body, stuck to the black-robed man's body, and pulled him into the lump of fleshy mud.

The fleshy mud wrapped the black-robed man, and a trace of panic flashed across the black-robed man's face, but he was immediately restrained by force, his face returned to calm, and he closed his eyes.

The man in black robe sank slowly in the mud. He didn't have any resentment. Instead, he bowed at the last moment of his life and whispered softly: "Thank God for purifying my body..."

The black-robed waiters in the distance also saw this scene, but they all turned a blind eye. One of the black-robed waiters walked out of the team and consciously walked to the side of the angel to replace the person who had just been eaten.

The envoy slowly moved to the cart next to him and continued lazily: "Take me there, I'm not full yet."

"Yes." The black-robed waiter nodded slightly, and then pushed the divine envoy to the center of the six-pointed star, hoping to let the divine envoy devour the man.

And suddenly, two huge eyes slowly emerged from the mist, staring directly at the believers and divine envoys on the rooftop.

The huge head swayed down with a large shadow, covering the hearts of everyone on the rooftop.

The head alone is two meters long, and there is an extremely weird and stiff smile on the head, which is completely unlike an expression that a living person can make.

Even though these men in black robes had been accompanied by strangeness for a long time, their hearts still skipped a beat at this moment, and they stepped back again and again, looking at that big face in horror.

The man in the middle of the six-pointed star had tears in his eyes and runny nose. He didn't know what happened today to make things turn into what they are now.

"Are you the envoy of God?" The head looked at the meat on the rooftop from head to toe and raised his eyebrows.

"What kind of monster are you?" Roumu didn't feel the unique aura of the fog monster from this huge head. The origin of this monster was completely incomprehensible to him, so when he spoke, he felt a bit lustful and angry.

"Me? I can't change my name, but I can't change my surname. That's the case with Tiga." The head replied. There was a mist swirling in the conversation, and the situation was changing, and he really looked like a monster.

Naturally, this monster was Li Huachao. When he just passed by, he noticed the sound of chanting on the rooftop, which reminded him of the goddess in the warehouse before leaving, so he quietly crouched down to peek and eavesdrop.

This really made him discover some big secrets.

The Goddess is indeed well-organized and well-planned, and this church seems to have an unusual connection with the Seven Deadly Sins of Monsters.

The most obvious thing is the "god envoy" they enshrine. The meat on the ground is probably laziness, one of the seven deadly sins.

As for the words chanted by the men in black robes before, he also heard them.

The seven bowls of the Spirit.

The first was black smoke, the second was flame, and the third was darkness.

Isn’t this an allusion to the seven authorities of the seven deadly sins?

The black smoke of rage, the flames of lust, and the slit eyes of jealousy.

All of this was recorded in that notebook, and this was not what surprised Li Huachao the most.

"Spirit" seems to be the boss of the God Envoy. He wants to collect all the monsters of the seven deadly sins, and then they can become the root ghosts.

Strange tales of origin.

These four words were the most unexpected for Li Huachao.

This proves that this "spirit" does exist, and that it is aware of the existence of the world of ghost stories, just like the "her" source of ghost stories that Yu Liang included in the first copy.

Without even thinking deeply, Li Huachao understood that their spirits were mirror spirits.

And it must be a mirror spirit.

Combined with some things he had discovered before, Li Huachao began to suspect that the fog in this town was actually arranged by the mirror spirit. She might be conducting a living sacrifice ceremony to use the entire town to achieve herself and make her Become the source of strange stories.

But what makes Li Huachao curious is that the source of the fog is Yin Qi, and the Yin Qi comes from the three members of the family in that wall...

In other words, is the root of everything still that girl?

So how did the girl do all this?

Li Huachao couldn't understand these questions, so he could only throw them back to Yu Liang. What he could do was to collect as much information as possible so that Yu Liang could analyze something from it.

Of course, the most important thing is to escape from this mirror world. If the mirror spirit can come to the mirror world, it might not be a bad thing.

At least he can attack the mirror spirit, and by killing the mirror spirit, he can successfully leave the dungeon.

Well, what should I do if I can’t kill him?

Then there is only one more chance.

Now, Li Huachao estimated that he had about one minute left to transform, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense to these people.

Taking advantage of the disaster, they performed a living sacrifice ceremony here and used the survivors to feed the monsters. After figuring out what these black-robed men were, Li Huachao also bent down and picked up a telephone pole on the ground, like a whack-a-mole. Knocking these men in black robes to death one by one, blood splattered everywhere on the rooftop and screams continued.

Soon, only the lazy one and the previous sacrifices were left here. Li Huachao first collected the black notebooks scattered by the men in black robes, then opened the lid of the water tank on the rooftop and poured water on the man in the six-pointed star. Go up and clean the blood off his body and the ground at the same time.

Finally, he gently pinched off the handcuffs on his hands. After finishing all this, Li Huachao turned his attention to the meaty laziness beside him, directly picked it up and threw it from the air to the ground.


The minced meat fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and the entire monster collapsed on the ground in a pancake shape, but it quickly recovered.

At this moment, Li Huachao realized that he could not kill this piece of flesh by relying solely on violent means.

This thing has no bones or organs at all, and it has no fatal weakness. You may need to use something like gasoline to completely burn it to death.

One minute was still too tight, and the most he could do was try to inspire the authority of the pulp.

Kill this piece of meat...

There is no need to rush to do this kind of thing, it is better to do the branch line ghost story observation first.

"Tell me, Lord Divine Envoy, how do you want to die?" So Li Huachao squatted down and looked at the meat paste, and used "View" on it.


lazy mud

Name: Lazy Mud (cannot be used for character synthesis)

Texture: None

Note: A strange creature created when Yin energy enters the body, with laziness as its nature.

Well, we found the right monster, it was this guy.

"Who are you?! Why do you have such powerful power? You obviously..." The lazy mud is still shocked by Li Huachao's fifteen-meter tall body. It has not yet gained power, and it is far from Li Huachao's. opponent.

"Pole dance for me." Li Huachao said suddenly.

This is not a bad taste. He knows that he will recover soon, so he has to force Jie Ni to do something he doesn't want to do in the state of Gigantamax. In this case, Jie Ni will definitely vent his anger when he finds out that he has become weak.

Being forced into this state by a "weak" human being, the God Envoy would definitely become hysterical.

Maybe the fourth authority observation task will be completed just like this.


But then again, he really wanted to see this thing pole dancing.

"What?" Jie Ni felt that he had heard it wrong. He couldn't understand the brain circuit of the giant in front of him.

"I said, pole dance for me." Li Huachao inserted the telephone pole in his hand back into the ground, right next to the mud. "Otherwise, you know, I can slowly study how to kill you."

He gave examples one by one: "First try pouring gasoline on it and burn it for three days and three nights, or try giving you poison or something like that. If that doesn't work, put you in a safe and throw it into the river." Go and see how long it takes for others to discover you exist.”

Listing this item made Lai Ni feel his scalp numb. It was not sure whether the first two methods could kill it, but it was sure that it would not be able to bear the last method.

It is indeed lazy by nature, but this does not mean that it is willing to be locked up in a dark place to spend the rest of its life, which is more terrifying than death.

So under this fear, it looked at the telephone pole next to it with grief and anger, and then climbed up on Li Huachao's second urging.


Yu Liang had a dream.

Darkness and light intertwine.

A woman's voice echoed in it.

"You are Yu Liang."

"Your name is Yu Liang."

"You deeply love a woman named Xiaoran."

"She is everything to you, and you will not resist or disobey any of her orders."


Yu Liang realized in his dream that this should be the mirror spirit instilling concepts into the man in the mirror, Yu Liang, so that he would be more like the real Yu Liang.

Only in this way can the girl not discover that Yu Liang here is actually Yu Liang in the mirror when she enters the mirror world.

In other words, his previous guess was correct.

The next second he regained consciousness and realized it was time to get up.

After falling asleep, he unilaterally shut down his sensory reception, so the light and sound from outside could not reach Yu Liang.

Otherwise he wouldn't sleep so soundly.

This kind of deep sleep is extremely efficient in restoring energy. He estimated that he didn't sleep for too long and was already full of energy.

I only slept for maybe two or three hours, so little time...

Li Huachao shouldn't be able to make any noise, right?

With this thought in mind, Yu Liang began to accept sensory information from the outside world again.

He saw a telephone pole.

Next to the telephone pole is a mass of flesh-like species, with scattered facial features scattered on the surface of the flesh. Because the facial features are too realistic, this thing looks much more disgusting than the stinky mud in Pokémon.

Ordinary people would definitely go crazy after watching it.

And now, such a piece of meat is dancing on a pole while leaning on a telephone pole.

The enchanting dance posture and artificial look were all a blow to Yu Liang's inner conscience.

Also, he also noticed that he seemed to have no clothes on now.

Yu Liang: "..."

What is this Li Huachao doing?

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